Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 405: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Scroll of the Male and Female Protagonist (End)

The guard said coldly.

"The division commander ordered that if you have anything to say, you can speak directly to the division commander.

Ling Xiao, are you going to leave with us, or are you going to let us handcuff you? "

Ling Xiao's heart was beating like thunder at this time, but she tried to remain calm on her face.

She must not show cowardice before knowing the specific situation.

"I'll go with you, but please don't disturb the mourning hall. If you have any questions, I will explain it to the teacher in person."

Ling Xiao took the initiative to hand over his hand and followed the guard to the division commander's command room.

In front of the conference table in the command room, the division commander sat expressionless, and sitting next to him was Jin Yao.

The moment she saw Jin Yao, Ling Xiao's breathing paused obviously.

She quickly gathered her emotions, bowed respectfully to her teacher, and then looked at him with as calm an expression as possible.

"Teacher, can you give me a reason? What mistake did I make?"

Seeing the calmness on Ling Xiao's face, the teacher almost thought she was innocent.

"I'll give you a chance to confess everything you did fifteen years ago."

"Teacher, I don't understand what you mean."

"Are you sure you don't want to surrender?"

Ling Xiao swallowed silently, and countless possibilities flashed crazily in his heart.

But she soon calmed down.

Fifteen years have passed, and Jin Yao is unlikely to find any evidence. Now these scenes are just to scare her.

"Teacher, I don't know. You have seen my performance over the years. I really don't know what big mistake I made that made you so angry."

The teacher finally understood why everyone had been deceived for so many years.

The woman in front of her was terrifyingly calm and calm. She could lie with a straight face when facing a teacher who was so much higher than her, and even showed a bit of grievance and unwillingness.

If he hadn't seen the contents of the black box with his own eyes, he would have really doubted whether he had really blamed her wrongly!

In this case, the teacher didn't bother to talk nonsense with her, and directly broadcast all the scenes of her entering and exiting the mecha.

Seeing this, Ling Xiao's originally calm mentality collapsed. Even so, she still tried her best to control her expression and try to squeeze out a trace of doubt.

"What's going on? Pre-match inspection, I'm doing the final inspection on the mecha. Commander, you don't think I tampered with the mecha, do you?

I already said at the time that I would also ride on this mecha. At that time, I had no way of knowing in advance that I would be stopped halfway. I was also very sad when this happened. Jin Shu and I were partners, and I wouldn’t do it. To frame her for something like this. "

She said it righteously.

The teacher frowned and sighed.

"Sure enough you would say that. Ling Xiao, I originally wanted to give you a chance to change your ways, but now it seems that you are cruel and selfish, and you are not worthy of the title of warrior at all!

Ling Xiao, you killed your comrades, which directly caused the secret of the mecha to be leaked. In addition to committing a serious crime, you also lied and deceived everyone.

I now sentence Ling Xiao to be deprived of his warrior status, separated from the legion, and sentenced to sixty years of imprisonment! "

Ling Xiao suddenly raised his head, stared at the teacher in disbelief, and shouted loudly.

"Why?! Just based on this piece of video that has no beginning and no end, do you think I was the one responsible for Jin Shu's death?

Teacher, I don’t accept it! Teacher, I don’t accept what I haven’t done! "

The teacher angrily slapped the table and scolded.

"I saw everything that happened back then clearly! What kind of mecha did it take you two full hours to repair?!

Ling Xiao, if you refuse to repent, then go to prison and reflect on what you have done!

I decided to extend the sentence to eighty years! "

Eighty years!

Isn't this equivalent to imprisoning Ling Xiao until he dies?

Ling Xiao, who had tried to pretend to be calm before, could no longer sit still. She directly pushed away the guards who came to arrest him. At this point, she was still struggling to death.

"Teacher! Commander! I don't admit the things I haven't done! I don't admit it!!"

The teacher no longer wanted to look at Ling Xiao's face. After sighing, he turned around and shouted at the curtain behind him.

"Jin Shu, come out. It's time for you to settle what happened back then."

Ling Xiao was suddenly stunned. She slowly raised her head and looked forward with wide eyes in disbelief.

The next second, a face that she had almost forgotten slowly appeared in front of her.

Ling Xiao was arrogant and thought that after getting rid of Jin Shu, he would never see her again in this life, so he had long since erased such a person from his heart, not to mention feeling guilty and uneasy, and even had no memory of it!

She really had almost forgotten everything that happened back then!

Only if you believe in something you haven't done can others believe it, right?

But the moment Jin Shu appeared, all pretense completely collapsed.

She's not dead.

After all these years, she is still not dead!

Jin Shu raised her eyes and looked at her, with a smile on her face.

"Do you still remember that when I was arrested, you couldn't wait to send me a voice message?"

This voice was not recorded in the black box, but it has been hidden in a corner of the Jiaolong.

Jin Shu found it from the insect mother, and today, in front of everyone, she played the recording.

"You have always treated me as your follower and assistant, and treated me as your dog. Today I am going to tell you something, even a dog can bite."

At this time, Ling Xiao, who had just been feeling lucky just now, completely collapsed.

The situation was irreversible. She pointed at Jin Shu's nose and roared loudly.

"Why! Why are you a warrior all your life, but I can only be your follower! Be your slave!

I don’t accept it, I don’t accept it! "

"Well, you are so tough. I hope you will continue to be so tough for the next eighty years.

Remember, don’t die too early. "

Finally, Ling Xiao disappeared at the end of the corridor with her screams and roars.

Punishing someone like her would always be more painful alive than letting her die directly.

As for Ling Su, his backing collapsed, and all the dirty things he had done with Ling Xiao over the years were revealed.

The two sisters went to the prison together to keep company, but they were not alone.

Finally, the real Jin Shu came back.

As for Frant Peja, it was a pity that he died in the insect eradication campaign.

Jin Yao, who could have resumed his position as regimental leader, rejected the division commander's kindness and chose to continue to be an unknown warehouse manager.

As for Jin Shu, she continued to do what a warrior should do, and won countless battles in the following decades, and finally became the first warrior to be ranked on the interstellar elite war god list.

When all the honors that are due have been won, when the most beautiful scenery in the entire interstellar has been seen, for Jin Shu, this period of life can come to an end. (End of chapter)

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