She placed the lunch box directly on Shen Anan's lap opposite her and said casually while wiping her mouth.

"You can't finish it, don't waste it."

Shen An'an first glanced at Jin Shu in disbelief. After getting a confirming look, she couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks, lowered her head and stuffed it into her mouth.

While stuffing it, he looked at her worriedly.

But even if she doesn't eat the food now, sooner or later it will fall into the bellies of those workers.

If the ending is death no matter what, then she would rather be a dead ghost.

The third worker was completely angered by this scene, and he struck Jin Shu's shoulder with the ax in his hand without hesitation!

Gao Linjun frowned and turned away.

Jin Shu caused this incident herself, and she deserves to bear the consequences.

Lexin took off his coat and put it in front of him. He also blocked Gao Linjun's face to prevent Jin Shu's blood from splattering on him.

Almost ten seconds passed, and the expected screams and blood splattering on the clothes did not happen.

Lexin looked at Gao Linjun doubtfully, then turned his head to take a look, and then the clothes he held in his hand fell to the ground due to the huge fluctuations that flashed through his heart.

At this time, Jin Shu did not fall in a pool of blood, but the fierce and strong worker sat on the ground and stared in disbelief at the ax in his hand and the little girl in school uniform in front of him.

What just happened?

Was he kicked away by a little girl?

The pain in his butt reminded him all the time that he had indeed been kicked to the ground by a girl who was less than half his weight.

He became angry, grabbed the ax, climbed up in embarrassment, and slashed at Jin Shu's face again.

This time he was even more powerful and his expression was ferocious and twisted, making it even more frightening than the paper puppet flight attendant.

Just when the ax was about to fall, Jin Shu, who was standing motionless on the spot, raised her foot and kicked her again. Before the opponent's ax could reach her, she kicked him so hard that he retreated repeatedly. Finally, he sat down uncontrollably.

This scene directly shocked the other two workers who were ready to move. They subconsciously put down their hands that were about to take out their weapons. They watched their brother grab the ax and get up angrily, swearing and swearing, and struggled to get up.

But before he could stand up, a pale hand suddenly appeared on his shoulder. That hand pressed his arm so hard that he didn't even have the strength to struggle.

"Who the hell..."

The third worker turned back angrily, completely unaware that the expressions of the people around him had turned frightened.

So when he turned his head and was caught off guard by a pair of papery smiling eyes, the man immediately sat there blankly.

He turned his head blankly and looked across the way, where he was sitting next to the other two workers.

What about where you are sitting now?

A cold voice came from above the head, and there seemed to be a hint of excitement and a strange smile.

"Just change your seat. You're really disobedient. In this case, just sit here forever."

The worker's eyes widened in horror and he subconsciously wanted to get up and run away, but at this moment he desperately found that his butt seemed to be stuck to the seat, and no matter how hard he tried, he could not move even an inch.

"Don't kill me...I didn't mean it, I didn't..."

Before he could finish his words, the paper puppet steward took out a steel nail that was longer than his forearm from somewhere, aimed it at the worker's thigh, and stabbed it in.

Then the other hand directly picked up the ax in the worker's hand, aimed it at the top of the steel nail, and smashed it down bit by bit.

Accompanied by the man's heart-rending screams, two steel nails were driven into his thighs.

When this was not enough, the flight attendant grabbed both of his arms and pressed them on the armrests on both sides of the seat. Steel nails of the same length were driven in.


The man screamed in agony. The paper puppet steward opened his mouth without haste, pressed his head directly on the back of the chair, and drove the last steel nail from his mouth into the chair. Back.

This time, he couldn't cry out at all, and he couldn't move at all. He was pinned to the spot, and his wide eyes were full of endless despair and pain.

After finishing all this, the paper puppet steward slowly turned around, returned to the first-class carriage, pushed the dining cart, and continued to distribute lunch boxes to the first-class guests.

The body of his companion was nailed and he was sitting next to him. The remaining two workers were obviously much more honest.

Shen An'an couldn't eat much because she had been on a diet all year round, and in the end there was a lot of food left that went into Xiaopai's stomach.

Although I wasn't full, at least I didn't have to endure the nagging feeling of hunger.

"Jin Shu, how come there are so many people in the first class? Are they all players like us?"

I didn't dare to go too far into the row, and before I could even look up, I was slapped out by the flight attendant. Now I can only vaguely remember that there seemed to be a lot of people sitting in front of the first-class seat.

Jin Shu shook her head.

"I don't know. You can go and see for yourself when the time comes."

At this time, Lexin's face was obviously very ugly. She couldn't help but cover her stomach. She almost bit her lips due to hunger.

She didn't understand why this time was different from last time.

She clearly remembered the last time. The paper puppet steward quickly distributed the first-class meals and then pushed the dining cart to the second-class seat.

So she endured it silently, confidently waiting for the flight attendant to take the initiative to push the dining car over.

But now, seeing that the time is getting later and later, the flight attendant is still busy in the first-class compartment and has no intention of coming out!

Gao Linjun's face turned pale with hunger, and everything looked like food now. Even when he turned his head to look at Lexin, a strong appetite flashed past, scaring him to quickly look away and whisper.

"Will we starve to death if this continues?"

"No, those two workers have been hungry all day, haven't they? They haven't died, and we won't be easily starved to death."

"How do you know I didn't eat anything yesterday?"

Lexin frowned with a sullen face, and was racking his brains to figure out how to get the lunch box, when suddenly the light above his head went out with a "pop"!

This immediately caused the hairs on the hairs of several people who had relaxed a little to stand on end, and they looked around in horror.

At this moment, the eerie and hoarse voice of the flight attendant came from the loudspeaker.

"Please note that the current time is 21:57."

As soon as these words were said, the two workers who were sitting obediently stood up suddenly and walked towards the sleeper car in front of them regardless. (End of chapter)

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