After Jin Shu felt the darkness, she also picked up her bag and stood up.

Shen Anan, who was still in shock, hadn't figured out the current situation, but when she saw Jin Shu getting up, she quickly followed him and asked in a low voice, following Jin Shu's footsteps.

"Why are you running? What's wrong? Where are we going now?"

The small platoon also followed immediately, no matter what, they caught up first.

Jin Shu strode forward, silently counting down in her heart.

"Don't you remember the rules when you get on the bus?"

Shen Anan was a little aggrieved and muttered pitifully.

"I was so scared..."

It was Xiaopai who reminded her.

"Ten o'clock in the evening is bedtime, and now it's nine fifty-seven..."

Jin Shu reminded from the side: "Nine fifty-eight."

The pace of the small platoon quickened.

"We must lie down and go to bed before ten o'clock, otherwise... the consequences will definitely be very tragic."

Upon hearing this, Shen Anan now wished he could rush forward with his hands and feet.

But the only way to get to the sleeper area is the first-class carriage. Fortunately, the paper puppet steward is no longer inside, but there is another thing that scares Shen Anan.

That is... she watched Wang Juanli die in the first-class carriage.

do you died?

she does not know.

At this moment, all she could think about was the two bloody ears on the white rice.

When she was in a trance, someone suddenly pushed her from behind.

Shen An'an pounced directly on Jin Shu's back like a frightened bird, and then when she looked back and saw Lexin, a surge of anger arose spontaneously.

"what are you doing!"

"Urge you to hurry up. The aisle is so narrow. Are you going so slow to hurt us?"

"I'm fast enough! If you want to leave, just fly over!"

Shen An'an was not without temper, so she fought back mercilessly.

Lexin laughed angrily, blaming Jin Shu for reacting too quickly and because the seat was slightly closer to the first-class carriage than hers, which was why she was blocked behind them.

Originally, she knew that she had to go to bed at ten o'clock in the evening, but there was no time reminder on the tram, her watch and mobile phone were all malfunctioning, and there were many things that went beyond her expectations that day, which made her forget to prepare for bed in advance. matter.

But it doesn’t matter if you’re at the back, Lexin asked doubtfully.

"These first-class guests are not moving at all."

Sure enough, Shen Anan subconsciously turned her face and took a look. There were seats on both sides of the aisle. When she turned her face, she could see the guests sitting on them.

Then, when she saw the faces of those guests, a terrified scream sounded.


Jin Shu turned her face and looked at her, frowning.

"You'd better keep your voice down."

Shen Anan covered her mouth, her voice was trembling and crying, and she grabbed Jin Shu's sleeve.

"These people, these are dead people!"

Jin Shu glanced sideways, and saw a woman in a floral skirt sitting on the seat next to her arm. Her body was sitting upright and stiff on the seat, and her exposed arms were covered in spots. It was a gray-black corpse stain. Even so, her eyes were still wide open and she was looking straight ahead. Her mouth was sewn up with dense cotton threads. The blood dried up and changed color. It looked horrifying.

It's no wonder that Shen An'an was scared out of his wits. Anyone who saw such rows of dead bodies sitting on seats would be frightened out of their minds.

Just after Shen Anan was panicked and frightened, Shen Anan finally came back to his senses. Then he looked up and found that Lexin and Gao Linjun who had just been standing behind him had appeared in front of him at some point.

"You! Do you know what first come, first served!!"

Lexin didn't care.

"The rules you mentioned have no effect on this car."

Shen Anan was so angry that she wanted to rush up and tear her face off, but now that the situation was urgent, there was no time to continue arguing with her.

There were only the last two minutes left, and she must return to the berth to rest before ten o'clock.

In the darkness, everyone no longer cared about being afraid of the grotesquely dead corpses around them, and focused on rushing forward.

The narrow corridor was full of messy and nervous footsteps.

Seeing that the sleeping area was right in front of him, Shen An'an suddenly heard a miserable cry coming from behind him. The sound seemed to be close to his ears. In an instant, the hairs on his back stood up, and he almost almost He was so frightened that he fell to the ground.

The cry was getting closer and closer, becoming more and more pitiful, and becoming more and more familiar.

At this moment, a terrible suspicion flashed through my mind.

Shen Anan's heart suddenly rose to her throat, and her steps that were still able to move forward suddenly froze in place due to huge panic.

"It hurts so much... Wuwuwuwu... I hurt so much..."

"My ears are gone, my ears are gone..."

"Has anyone seen my ears?"

"Please, please help me, wuwuwu...Jin Shu, Jin Shu, please save me..."

Jin Shu, who was walking forward in a dull manner, suddenly saw a pair of feet suddenly appearing in front of her.

She paused, then raised her head.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Juanli appeared in front of him with disheveled hair. Her face was covered with blood, and the hair on both sides of her cheeks was still dripping with blood. Wang Juanli looked at Jin with a face full of pleading and horror. Shu.

"Jin Shu, help me, help me."

"Fifty-five, fifty-four..."

The countdown in my heart continues.

Jin Shu glanced at Wang Juanli, then reached out and pushed her away without hesitation.

"you are dead."

Wang Juanli looked down at her hands, and then glanced at Jin Shu in disbelief.

what happened?

how so?

Of course she knew she was dead.

But why, why could Jin Shu push her away so easily?

Wang Juanli still remembers the thoughts that flashed through her mind before she died.

As long as she can support herself, she will have a chance to leave here.

Otherwise, like the other ghosts in this carriage, she would have to stay here from now on, never having the chance to leave.

Therefore, she chose Jin Shu.

Because Jin Shu has the best relationship with her, right?

Two people with such a good relationship suddenly saw their friend who died tragically appear in front of them again, so she would have the highest chance of succeeding, right?

But she didn't expect that Jin Shu's eyes looked at her without any trace of panic, and there wasn't even a trace of sadness and self-blame.

Jin Shu shook her bracelet. The bracelet that had been with her for tens of thousands of years was not a vegetarian. For someone of Wang Juanli's level, she could kill three people with one punch.

It's just that Jin Shu didn't waste time on her, so he pushed her away and continued walking forward without hesitation.

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