Without treatment, he will bleed to death sooner or later!

Seeing that the flight attendant was about to walk out of the second-class carriage, no one dared to call it again.

Although it’s hard to be hungry, no one wants to have their hands chopped off for refusing the flight attendant’s request!

We only have five yuan in our pockets, so we can only buy one lunch box. Where can we get the money to buy nine lunch boxes?

If you agree and don’t have the money to pay, the consequences may be even more tragic!

At this time, Lord Gao Lin was obviously a little irritable.

"This won't work! That won't work! Are we really going to starve to death here?!"

Lexin also thought with a serious expression on his face.

She didn't encounter this situation at all when she entered the game for the first time, and she didn't expect that some plots in the game would change!

What to do at this time?

I have been hungry for a day, and if I continue like this, I will be hungry for another day.

Even if I can bear not eating today, what about tomorrow?

Lexin's mind was confused, and the flight attendant had already passed by her.

This paper puppet flight attendant will never look back. If he misses it, he will have no choice but to continue to be hungry for the rest of the day!

Lexin gritted his teeth, his stomach contracted from hunger, but even so he could not speak anymore.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from in front of him.

"Hello, here, I want a lunch box."

Lexin raised his head suddenly and saw Jin Shu sitting opposite, stopping the flight attendant!

What does she mean? !

Lexin watched Jin Shu's every move closely. Judging from the messy events yesterday, she felt that Jin Shu was definitely not the kind of fool who would give away his life easily.

She called the flight attendant to stop at this time. Is there really a way to get the lunch box and escape unscathed?

She only had ten dollars!

"We are currently having a lunch event, buy nine and get one free, so buy nine."

Sure enough, the flight attendant told her the exact same thing.

It seems that it is not because Jin Shu is the chosen one, for example, the NPC has a crush on her or something.

When I was breaking through a level before, I met a person who ignored the rules and moved forward bravely. No matter how he broke the rules, he would not be punished by the NPC.

If there is another person like this, the rest of the team will be doomed.

Since he is not the chosen one, Lexin wants to see how long Jin Shu can keep dancing.

Not only the paper puppet steward, but everyone present was waiting for Jin Shu's next answer.

After all, the worker next to him was already dying from bleeding.

"Sorry, I don't have that much money. Can I just buy two copies?"

Jin Shu took out all the money in her pocket and placed ten coins neatly in front of the paper puppet steward.

When Lexin heard this, he couldn't help but curl his lips and sneer.

bargain? Did she think she was buying vegetables at the vegetable market?

At this time, Xiao Pai silently put his money into Jin Shu's hand, hoping to help her.

Jin Shu did not answer and continued.

"Perhaps I can pay on credit?"

The carriage was quiet as everyone was waiting for the paper puppet steward's next reaction.

Finally, it finally moved.

Different from before, it did not pick up the machete, but directly picked up two lunch boxes and handed them to Jin Shu.

"Train regulations do not allow forced buying or selling."

At this time, the worker next to him who had completely burped:? ? ?

Lexin's smile froze at the corner of her mouth. She watched helplessly as Jin Shu once again took the two boxes of lunches from the hands of the paper puppet steward.

Now Gao Linjun couldn't sit still, so he stood up and stopped him directly in front of the flight attendant.

"I want a lunch box too! But I only have five yuan. Could you please sell me a box lunch?"

The flight attendant said coldly.

"Sorry, the meal delivery time has ended. Passengers who need a meal are asked to wait patiently for the next meal delivery time."

"When is the next round?"

"Nine o'clock tonight."

"Nine o'clock?!"

It's only seven o'clock! There are still more than ten hours until nine o'clock in the evening! And now he was so hungry that he couldn't wait to pounce on it and grab it.

But reason controlled him.

Gao Linjun wanted to imitate Jin Shu and continue the discussion, but the flight attendant who was blocked by the paper puppet didn't give any face at all, and just threw a big-eared melon in the past. He was so shocked that his legs went weak and he stumbled. Fall directly to the ground.

Jin Shu took the lunch box and suddenly felt a better appetite when she saw this scene.

There were two lunch boxes in total, and she handed one of them directly to Xiaopai.

"Here, it's yours."

Xiaopai was flattered, but he didn't expect that Jin Shu would take the initiative to give him a share.

At this time, Shen Anan couldn't sit still.

"Jin Shu, he and I will share half the time."

Jin Shu opened the lunch box and looked up at her while eating.

"That's his lunch box. If you want to eat it, just discuss it with him. Why do you ask me?"

Shen Anan looked embarrassed, but confident.

"You gave him what he had too."

"I gave it to him, and it's his. If you want to eat it, go discuss it with him, don't come to me."

The food in the second-class carriage is incomparable to that in the first-class carriage. Not only are the dishes not as rich as those in the front, but the portions of the food are also much smaller.

So this time Jin Shu finished the lunch in a short while, and the people across from her just stared at her eagerly. They knew that they were no match for her, so even if they were hungry, they could only smell the fragrance of rice and endure it silently.

At this time, the only remaining worker among the three workers stared at Jin Shu with a pair of rat eyes. There seemed to be some scarlet light shining deep in the eyes, really like an unknown creature staring covetously in the dark swamp.

Jin Shu glanced at him, then looked away as if nothing had happened and continued to clean the last bit of rice left in the lunch box.

Here, a meal counts as a meal and cannot be wasted.

Shen An'an didn't expect that Jin Shu really didn't leave anything for her. Her originally pale and haggard face looked more lifeless at this moment.

Xiaopai, who had dyed yellow hair, was the person who looked least like a good person here, but he noticed Shen Anan's expression and sighed, and gave her half of the lunch box.

"I do not want!"

Shen Anan didn't know who she was angry with, so she pushed the lunch box back, but Xiaopai persuaded her.

"Being able to survive is the key. If you want to live and be strong, you can only rely on yourself.

If you can't rely on yourself, then look at the form clearly.

Jin Shu is not a bad person. Strictly speaking, she should be the only good person in this group. Since you choose to follow her, don't waver when she encounters danger.

Who can feel comfortable getting along with you like this? "

Xiaopai's words once again stung Shen Anan's fragile nerves.

She gritted her teeth and almost pinched her fingernails into her flesh, tears welling up in her eyes crazily.

In her opinion at this moment, who is Jin Shu a good person? Aren't they the ones who stepped on her when she was in trouble?

She is not even as good as Lexin!

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