When she was in school, she was the school belle with excellent grades and good looks. It would have been absolutely impossible for her to interact with ordinary girls like Jin Shu, who were unknown and could not be found in the crowd.

But now they are forced to enter the same horror game, and Jin Shu is an old player who is luckier than her. Taking advantage of her ignorance of the game, he unscrupulously tramples on her self-esteem in order to satisfy herself as a failure in reality. What a pitiful vanity!

Such people are the most hateful and hateful!

A tiger falls down and is bullied by a dog. At this moment, no one understands the meaning of this sentence better than Shen An'an.

Seeing the former goddess sitting next to her silently crying, Xiaopai sighed helplessly.

He had liked her. After all, most of the boys in the school had a crush on this school beauty, so Xiaopai was still somewhat tolerant and patient with her.

"Eat it. There are so many people watching it eagerly. If you don't eat it, give it back to me."

Such a small portion can be eaten by Jin Shu alone, let alone Xiaopai, who is a boy.

Shen Anan took half the box of lunch, gritted his teeth and said nothing, stood up and walked directly to the corner of the carriage.

At this moment Lexin also stood up and walked over.

Seeing this, Xiaopai quickly reminded Jin Shu.

"Then is Lexin harboring any bad intentions? Should we remind Shen An'an?"

Jin Shu glanced at it and said indifferently.

"On this bus, everyone is responsible for their own lives. You are struggling to survive and you still want to care about others?"

Hearing this, Xiaopai nodded, withdrew his gaze and sat back directly.

Jin Shu was right, it didn't matter what he had a crush on, he would do whatever he could to help, and if he interfered more, he would have to pay with his life for his dog-licking behavior.

Sober Licking Dog: Xiaopai cursed after seeing Shen Anan handing half of the box lunch to Lexin.


It's a shame that he had a crush on this kind of person for three whole years!

It must be Jin Shu's accurate judgment of people and the elimination of Shen An'an as a scourge early on!

The train continued to move, and at about eight o'clock in the evening, the door of the second-class carriage, which had been closed, opened again.

This time, there were two men and two women who came in. They looked like they were students, and Xiaopai had a sharp eye, so he recognized them at a glance.

"The uniforms of international schools are amazing. All the people coming in this time are rich ladies and young men!"

Jin Shu just raised her eyes for a glance, then lowered her eyes and continued to read the book she took out of her schoolbag.

The four people obviously had a narrow escape. Except for the boy who took the lead, who showed a relatively relaxed expression, the rest of them looked a little heavy.

Seeing someone in the carriage, the leading boy stepped forward directly.

"Who is your captain here?"

team leader?

The small platoon was about to say that they had no captain here, but Shen Anan, who was walking from the side, walked directly in front of them.

"You can tell me if you have anything."

"Are you the captain? Forget it, you are the ones who came in yesterday, right?"

Lexin nodded.

"What about those who came in the past few days? Logically speaking, there should be players who came in the past three days in this carriage. Which of you has stayed here the longest?"

Lexin pointed to the worker.

"He came in the day before yesterday, and the rest of us came in yesterday."

The boy frowned.

"What about the person from the day before?"

Lexin smiled and said calmly.

"It's time to die."

The boy looked at her with a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. This expression was not right. He could still show such an expression after knowing the danger of this carriage. He was more or less crazy.

“Oh, let me introduce myself, my name is William.

These are my classmates, Luke, Julian and Faye. "

Xiaopai complained next to him.

"As expected of those who want to study abroad in an international school in the future, they don't have a Chinese name."

Lexin nodded.

"My name is Lexin, a student from No. 1 Middle School in the city. The following few are my classmates."

When William heard this, he praised him without hesitation.

"They are all college masters, so that's great. Smart people are definitely better at these games!"

After several people sat down, the girl named Fei Yi was about to get up and move to another seat by the window, when Lexin quickly reminded her.

"Train regulations prohibit changing seats at will after taking a seat."

After this reminder, Fei Yi hurriedly sat back and then looked at her gratefully.

"Thank you, Lexin."

"You're welcome, it's not a problem."

After that, William, the leader, almost violated several rules and taboos, but he avoided them all with Lexin's reminder.

At this time, Xiao Pai, who was sitting next to him and had a panoramic view of everything, had his mouth tilted to the base of his ears.

"Has Lexin changed his gender? Suddenly so kind? Look, those students from the international school almost thought they had met a kind person!"

Jin Shu leisurely turned a page of the book and said casually while feeling the sunshine outside the window.

"It is good for people who have no conflict of interest with themselves to have more goodwill."

"There is no conflict of interest...what do you mean, do we have a conflict of interest with her?"

No matter what, they are still classmates in the same school. Lexin can show kindness to people from other schools, so why should he keep digging holes for classmates from his own school and wait for them to jump in?

"You have to remember that this is a survival game. Which game have you ever seen that doesn't have an MVP?

There is only one real winner. If it were you, what would be the easiest way to win the game? "

Xiaopai suddenly realized.

"So in the end, only one of us may survive?"

"Who knows, it could be two."

"Holy crap! No wonder she keeps trying to get us to die! Bad bitches!"

Such a mean-spirited person has now integrated directly into the circle of the rich second generation in the international school, chatting and laughing so leisurely.

Those who didn’t know better thought it was a spring outing for primary school students!

Soon it was time for dinner again.

Lexin asked them directly.

"How much money do you have left?"

William took the lead and took out all the money in his pocket.

Sure enough, it was only five yuan.

Everyone else is also five dollars.

"Then the flight attendant will deliberately embarrass us when delivering meals. If you trust me, you can just give me all the money and I will buy the lunch boxes."

At this time, several people who also felt the raging hunger hesitated. In the end, William took the lead in giving the money, and the remaining three also handed the money to Lexin.

At nearly nine o'clock, the flight attendant who delivered meals came over again pushing the dining cart.

The dining car passed Lexin's row of seats first. She thought for a moment and turned to look at the only remaining worker.

"Brother, you come first, you must be starving."

The worker hadn't eaten for almost three days, and when Lexin called him, he didn't respond at all.

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