"what sound?!"

He looked horrified and stared at the dark space in front of him with wide eyes. His heart was beating so fast that it was difficult to tell whether he was dreaming or not.

Suddenly, he realized that he had sat up!

What should I do? He seems to have broken the rules!

"Jin Shu, Jin Shu, are you awake?! Jin..."

"Stop shouting."

Jin Shu's voice came from the ground.

As soon as Xiaopai heard her voice, he felt a lot more at ease.

He grabbed the railing and lowered his head to search hard, and finally saw a group of dark figures.

"Why did you go down? What time is it now?"

"Four o'clock in the morning."

"It's only four o'clock and you're out of bed? What's wrong?"

At this time, another impatient voice came from the darkness.

"Are you so deaf? Can't you hear such loud noises?"

If it were someone else, Xiaopai would have to go down and argue with him and teach him what politeness is.

But the person speaking was William, so forget it. It is normal for rich people to have a temper.

"Brother, you are also down there, so I will come down too."

Xiaopai was startled awake by the sound of banging on the door. While talking, the door outside had been knocked three or four times.

The sound became heavier each time. In the darkness, the eyes could not see anything, and the ears became more sensitive. So the sound was like a heavy hammer hitting the heart again and again, and Xiaopai's heart almost stopped beating when he heard it.

"What is this? Where does it come from so much strength?"

Most people can definitely hear what is being used when they hit the door with a tool.

For example, the sound of metal hitting metal is different from the sound of wood hitting metal.

At the same time, the sounds belonging to the collision of human flesh and metal are easier to distinguish.

But Xiaopai was not sure. After all, who could use his body to hit the door with such force? Don’t want to live anymore?

So he became more and more frightened.

William stood aside, holding a chair against the door, and cursed.

"These are all messy things! If there are people or ghosts outside, please tell me!"

Just then the banging outside the door suddenly stopped.

In the darkness, William and Xiao Pai held their breath and concentrated.

Xiaopai: "No more collisions? They're not really human, are they?"


A more violent impact suddenly struck!

Compared with before, it was even more violent and the impact speed was faster, and it was even accompanied by bursts of roaring sounds coming from deep in the throat.

This voice sounded human but not human, more like a human voice deliberately imitating the roar of a wild animal.

But what kind of person can make such a sound?

Xiaopai suddenly remembered the frightening scene during the day.

"Are there zombies outside?"

"Holy crap, there must be zombies outside! That zombie is back again during the day!"

No wonder Jin Shu had to block the door before going to bed. If she hadn't blocked it, the broken door lock would have been knocked open in minutes!

"Holy shit, shit! I can't resist it anymore!!"

The three of them clung to the crumbling door in front of them, and everyone could clearly feel that the iron door had been knocked out one after another.

With such great strength, even the toughest brain will be broken, but the opponent continues to roar and attack tirelessly.

William was covered in sweat, and his body was constantly being shaken open by the violent impact. He seemed to be able to smell a strong putrid smell through a door. The fear that was beyond the scope of his cognition made his heart tighten. Tightly shrinking.

"What should I do? If this continues, sooner or later this door will be knocked open!"

"Step aside."

In the darkness, Jin Shu's voice was like a bright light, instantly attracting their attention.

Platoon, William: "Get out of the way?"

Jin Shu: "Yes, get out of the way."

William: “Why don’t you just get out of the way——”

Xiao Pai: "Get out of my way if I ask you to, whatever my sister says will happen!"

The sound of the skull hitting the iron door was like a reminder. Xiaopai no longer cared about money and power, and pulled William over, and the two of them fell beside him.

At this moment, Jin Shu let go of her hand and quickly took two or three steps back.

The next second, the iron door slammed against the wall next to it with the final impact, almost hitting the nose of Xiaopai who was hiding behind the door.

At this moment, the darkness instantly fell into dead silence. After a short period of silence, the dark roar sounded, as if echoing in the ears, making the hair on the body stand up.

Xiaopai subconsciously hugged William next to him.

This young man is tall and strong, and his arms are so spacious and warm. No wonder he is so popular with women. Xiaopai is almost falling in love with him now.

William was staring at the long black shadow outside through the crack in the door. The figure was stooped, with his hands hanging on the ground, and his body showed a strange fatness and uncoordinated limbs.

It looked like the corpse of a giant that had been soaked in water for a long time.

Realizing this, real fear began to creep into my heart.

To be honest, if there was really a way to die, he would rather die of alcohol poisoning than die in the mouth of this monster.

Where did that woman hide?

Behind the other door?

How could she be a girl hiding there alone?

It was at this moment that he realized that he was worrying too much, because the "Giant Watching Corpse" was slowly approaching behind the door where he was hiding.

The roar was very low, but it seemed to be stirring his brain. The blood all over his body froze in an instant as its head slowly stretched toward the back of the door!

Xiao Pai's whole body was shaking like a sieve, but he still covered his mouth tightly, and his other hand was still holding down William, who was ready to rush out and die with the monster at any time.

Slowly, slowly...

The terrifying growl is getting closer and closer.

The strong corpse odor filled the nasal cavity.

The small row of pupils trembled, waiting for the next frightening moment, but before he could see what the thing looked like, a ball broke into the silent box with a "pong" sound.

The approaching figure of the monster suddenly turned around and rushed towards the source of the sound.

Through the crack in the door and the flickering light and shadow, William and Xiaopai saw Jin Shu standing in the middle of the bed aisle.

And the direction that the monster rushed towards was also there.

When William saw this, he couldn't stand any longer and suddenly stood up, but was held tightly by Xiao Pai.

"What are you going to do?"

"Go help."

"Are you crazy? Can you beat that thing?"

"She's going to die."

"Don't worry, Sister Jin won't die even if we all die. If you go now, it will only cause trouble. Don't cause trouble for our sister, okay?"

After witnessing with his own eyes how Jin Shu was able to pull out the monster's tongue while lying on the bed with just her hands, and the scene where she was able to calmly eat her lunch after kicking a zombie with one foot, Xiaopai felt at peace at the moment. I even wanted to grab a bag of melon seeds and sit down to read them.

On the other side, the "giant corpse" had already rushed in the direction of Jin Shu. William's pupils shrank suddenly and his breathing stagnated.

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