I couldn't help but sweat for her.

However, the next second, he realized that his worries were a bit unnecessary.

Jin Shu reacted quickly and bent back. As the monster swooped in, she took out the mop pole and stabbed it hard into the monster's throat!

This attack not only requires extremely high strength and speed, but also requires strong enough psychological endurance and ability to predict.

The mop stick was completely engulfed, and the light and shadow seemed to stand still at this moment. The long-haired girl was holding a long stick to kill the monster, and the image of this moment was instantly transformed into a god.

The throat was pierced, but the monster still struggled twice to survive. Later, Jin Shu slowly picked up the second stick and accurately pierced the center of the monster's head in the darkness.

This time, it was completely dead.

Sleepless night.

At around five o'clock in the morning, a ray of light shone in from the car window.

Now it was all green and gray. William and Xiaopai finally saw clearly what the monster that died last night looked like.

It was even more disgusting than imagined. The body seemed to have been soaked in water, and the flesh and skin all over the body was stretched out. It was fat inside, with black lines on the surface. Even the face was so swollen that it was completely indistinguishable.

Not to mention that after the violent impact of the head last night, a piece of the forehead has been sunken deeply, the scalp is red and white, and the eyeballs in the eye sockets are exactly the same as those of the zombie worker yesterday.

Even though there was only a disgusting pile of rotten meat in front of him, Xiaopai still recognized the other party's identity.


His voice was trembling a little, and his eyes were fixed on the school uniform on the body and the school badge on the chest of the uniform.

This monster is the monitor.

Although he and Gao Lin-kun usually have nothing to do with each other, after all, one is sitting at the end of the crane in the last row of the class, and the other is the first in the school. The reason why the two of them can stay in the same class is all because of the father who is the foreman of the small platoon. A lot of money, otherwise the two of them would never know each other.

But now that he saw that the high-spirited young man had now turned into such a desolate person, Xiaopai felt a deep sense of sadness and regret in his heart. His lips were dead and his teeth were cold. He and Lord Gao Lin were not enemies. The man in front of him seemed to be. Myself soon after.

After a long silence, Jin Shu spoke first.

She was still as calm as a bystander who didn't belong here. After wiping the stains on her hands, she said calmly.

"Throw him out of the window."

Xiaopai frowned.

"Isn't this too cruel?"

Jin Shu glanced at him.

"So you're going to keep him on this train for the rest of his life?"

Yes, when you think about it, this is really the only way to get Gao Lin-kun out of this hellish place.

The window was open, and the wind was gusting outside, and it was pitch black. The speed was so fast that even if you were standing in the car, you would be swept out by the strong wind.

The body was thrown out.

Although no one knows what is outside the window, they know that there is hell inside the window.

After throwing away the body, I looked at the time. It was already half past six.

It's just time to get up.

The three of them walked out of the door and happened to bump into several people walking out of another room.

When he saw several people standing in front of him safe and sound, Lexin's eyes clearly flashed with surprise and disappointment.

"Did you hear the banging on the door this morning?"

She took the initiative to speak, indicating that her room was also under attack.

Jin Shu said directly.

"Can't you hear such a loud noise?"

"I heard it, but you also know the situation at that time. All I can do is protect the people on our side. As for you, there is nothing I can do."

This echoes her previous principles.

Jin Shu smiled, her face calm and calm, as if she was not affected at all.

"It's not a powerful thing, just get rid of it casually."

Not something powerful?

What is the origin of Jin Shu? Is it possible that she is really an experienced player like herself?

Is there a bug in this game?

"Where's that monster? Have you seen what it is? Have you figured out its origins?"

"Pay attention to what that thing is doing? Before I kill a fish, I have to find out which river it was caught from?"

Jin Shu silenced Lexin with just a few words.

After another night, Jin Shu was in a good mood, leaving everyone behind and went to the aisle to do a set of punches.

When we returned to the box, everyone had left, and the door that had been smashed by Gao Linjun last night was wiped clean by Xiaopai.

Jin Shu lowered her eyes and saw a few drops of blood dripping from the crack of the door.

The color is bright red, but the zombie-turned-Jun Gao Lin only has black blood.

Since this blood does not belong to Lord Gao Lin, it was left by someone else.

Such a tricky position, let alone intentional, even if it was intentional, you still have to find the right angle to get in.

Now Jin Shu knew why the zombie-turned-Jun Gao Lin madly attacked their box last night.

A few drops of inconspicuous blood are difficult for humans to notice.

But it has a fatal attraction for hungry zombies.

After figuring out all the situation, Jin Shu came to the second-class carriage.

His eyes quickly locked on Shen Anan's hand and her index finger wrapped in gauze.

Sure enough, an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf is more hateful than a vicious wolf.


Not long after a few people sat down, the breakfast cart was pushed over again.

After experiencing the twists and turns of the previous two days, no one can figure out what kind of disaster awaits them if they buy a lunch box.

Although Lexin was cautious, she knew that if she didn't take the initiative, she might continue to be hungry today.

So she mustered up the courage, pulled Shen An'an along, and stopped the dining car.

The flight attendant didn't seem to have any trouble this time, and even asked her proactively with a smile.

"Want some lunch?"

Lexin pushed Shen Anan, and Shen Anan bit the bullet.

"Yes, I want to buy a lunch box."

"How many do you want?"

Lexin handed over all the money.

"Ten portions."

I have all the money I saved in the past few days and can't spend it at all. It just so happens that I have enough money to buy ten copies today. Now, no matter how the flight attendant sells it, the money is enough.

As a result, the flight attendant didn't say a word from the beginning to the end. He simply took out ten lunch boxes from the dining car and handed them over.

Looking at the warm lunch box in his hand, Lexin, who was about to starve to death, still looked wary.

What's going on today? So refreshing and neat?

"Today's ten box lunches have been sold out. Customers who want box lunches please wait until tonight."

Only ten box lunches are always prepared in the dining car.

Espressif understands this.

So she didn't care whether her people could eat so much, she had to buy all the lunch boxes anyway.

She wanted Jin Shu and the others to feel what it was like to be hungry.

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