Quick Wear: When the Male Supporting Character Awakens

Chapter 310 The Brother of the Female Partner Who Broke Off the Engagement 10

The magnificent banquet hall was bustling with men and women coming and going.

This banquet was for the 60th birthday of a big shot. It was very grand and many people were invited.

Qi Yao also came. Standing in the corner, he saw a few familiar faces among the people who came, and he felt mixed emotions.

In his previous life, he could sit and talk with them, and those people would flatter him. Now, he could only stay in an inconspicuous corner and watch them toasting each other.

"Qi Yao, why are you in a daze? Brother Qiang is calling you." A tall man walked up to Qi Yao and hit him on the head directly.

Qi Yao was slapped on the head heavily. He was angry, but he didn't dare to show it. He could only smile and said, "I know, I'll go over right away."

"Go over quickly, don't dawdle. Oh, by the way, watch the road carefully, don't fall here, and embarrass Brother Qiang."

"I know."

As soon as Qi Yao finished speaking, he fell down, and his face was extremely ugly.

Fortunately, the place where he was was in a corner, and not many people noticed him. Qi Yao stood up despite the pain and walked towards Zhou Qiang carefully.

"I told you to be careful, but you still acted like this. It's useless."

Listening to the mocking voice of the tall man, Qi Yao did not look back.

Qi Yao hated this tall man and Zhou Qiang to death.

Zhou Qiang didn't know what was going on. He took him away for no reason, valued him for no reason, and arranged a lot of things for him.

Later, he did something wrong and was beaten and scolded by Zhou Qiang. He thought that Zhou Qiang would not care about him again because he disappointed Zhou Qiang.

Unexpectedly, after his injury got better, Zhou Qiang sent him to do something again. He messed it up again and was beaten again...

This cycle lasted for more than a month. Now, he has wounds all over his body. Every time he sees Zhou Qiang, he is very nervous, for fear that he will say something like, "This matter is left to you to do."

He couldn't guess Zhou Qiang's thoughts, and there was no way. Knowing that he couldn't escape, Qi Yao could only deal with it.

As for the tall man, in Qi Yao's view, he was just a dog around Zhou Qiang. He relied on being the most obedient and trusted dog around Zhou Qiang to beat and scold him in various ways, looking like a villain who had succeeded, which was disgusting.

Qi Yao thought about these, but he had a flattering smile on his face. He walked to Zhou Qiang and asked, "Brother Qiang, do you have something to ask me?"

"Where did you go just now? I tell you, you stay well. Don't do anything to me in this kind of occasion today, do you hear?" Zhou Qiang looked at Qi Yao with disdain.

Qi Yao lowered his eyebrows and said, "I know, Brother Qiang."

"It's good to know, get out of the way."

"Okay, Brother Qiang."

Qi Yao's eyes flashed with bottomless hatred, but he quickly recovered to a humble look and carefully returned to the corner just now.

Standing in the corner, watching Zhou Qiang toasting with a few people over there, Qi Yao's eyes were filled with hatred that could not be hidden.

Just as he was thinking about the mess, he heard a loud voice.

"Police, don't move!"

This voice sounded, and soon, many uniformed policemen came in, and the people at the banquet were frightened and in chaos.

"Don't move, squat down with your heads in your hands."

When Qi Yao saw the police and looked at the chaotic scene, he was not afraid at all. Instead, he was very excited and squatted down with his head in his hands.

Many people in the field squatted down with their heads in their hands like Qi Yao, but some people tried to resist and struggle.

However, there were many policemen this time, and they quickly controlled the situation.

Qi Yao was very happy to see Brother Qiang and several familiar faces being arrested.

He was finally saved!

Qi Yao and a group of people squatting down with their heads in their hands were soon taken to the police station for questioning.

"When did you join?" asked the policeman who was taking notes.

"I didn't, police comrade, I didn't join them, I was forced by them."

Speaking of this, Qi Yao hated it. He didn't know who took him to that place. After being taken away by Zhou Qiang, he looked for opportunities to leave every day, but he couldn't find any opportunities. If it weren't for the police's action, he didn't know when he could escape from Zhou Qiang's clutches.

Seeing Qi Yao's face full of expression and excitement, the policeman who was taking notes said: "Don't get excited first, explain the matter clearly."

"I slept well at home, and I woke up and arrived..."

After Qi Yao finished speaking, the two policemen who were taking notes looked at each other and saw two words in each other's eyes: nonsense!

"We are not listening to your story, I hope you can think about it again."

Hearing the police say this, Qi Yao also noticed the distrust in their eyes, but what he said was the truth!

"What I said is the truth!" Qi Yao said excitedly.

The two policemen repeatedly asked Qi Yao and got the same answer, so they could only let him go and ask other people instead.

Although Qi Yao's words were ridiculous, after multiple investigations, it was determined that he had only joined Zhou Qiang's gang not long ago and had not done anything. To be precise, he also ruined several of Zhou Qiang's illegal and criminal businesses, which was also a good thing.

So, Qi Yao was detained for only a few days and was released.

When Qi Yao was released, Sun Xinyue came to pick him up.

Qi Yao disappeared more than a month ago. Sun Xinyue called the police after searching in vain. The police told Sun Xinyue after finding Qi Yao.

"Where have you been for more than a month? Do you know how worried I am? Woo woo woo..."

At the entrance of the police station, seeing Qi Yao who had lost a lot of weight, Sun Xinyue came forward and hugged him and burst into tears.


Qi Yao couldn't help shaking when Sun Xinyue hugged him. There were still many wounds on his body that had not healed. When Sun Xinyue hugged him, she touched those wounds and it hurt a lot. However, seeing Sun Xinyue's sad look, Qi Yao could only bear it and let her hug him.

"I..." Qi Yao didn't know what to say to Sun Xinyue's question, so he could only say: "It's hard to explain for a while. Something happened. Let's go back first. I'll tell you slowly after we go back."

Sun Xinyue said: "Okay."

After returning home, Qi Yao told Sun Xinyue about his experience over the past month.

Sun Xinyue burst into tears after hearing this, "How could this happen? Are you okay? Are you still in pain?"


"How did you appear in that place for no apparent reason?"

Speaking of this, Qi Yao was also puzzled, "I don't know either."

Qi Yao had been wondering how he appeared in that place for more than a month, but no matter how much he thought about it, just like his inexplicably unlucky physique, he couldn't find any reason.

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