Team QuickBae are in their base with Jessie Fast and they still cannot comprehend how Gypcess managed to escape from her cell. Jessie then took off her mask and introduced herself properly;
Jessie: My name is….
Aeres: (interrupting) Jessie Reedman! Jessie: Ah, I see you know my name Aeres: Well yeah, you are like my hero Kayleb: Really, how Aeres?!
Aeres: I have always looked up to her you know. Before I got interested in police work, I watched her on the news every day. She inspired me into realizing my talents and choosing to accept my father's offer when he told me to join the Police force
Jessie: I am glad I was able to get through to you, uhm….
Aeres: The name is Aeres, Aeres Joey East
Jessie: Well Aeres, it's a pŀėȧsurė meeting you
Aeres: Likewise Jessie
QuickBae and the rest of the team then changed out of their suits and introduced themselves to Jessie as well. After that, Kayleb asked Jessie a question;
Kayleb: Tell me Jessie, were you in Sterling city the night the mercury oven exploded?
Dr Smart: That energy you got hit by was released from Kayleb's body that night and it got fused into your system, just like I and TeeKay over here. That is how we all became speedsters
Jessie: I see! Is it just the three of us?
Presh: Well no. We faced a speedster approximately three years back who also got his speed from Kayleb. According to him, you guys were much more but he wiped them all out and took their speed except for three individuals
Jessie: How horrible....But you have taken care of that problem now, haven't you?
Ali: Yes, that was like a long time ago. Anyways, how are you as fast as you are? By my analyses, you are almost as fast as Kayleb!
Jessie: I don't really know. I have always wanted to be stronger than Gypcess for as long as I could remember because she was my rival. When we first met, her strength was nothing compared to mine. She was very strong. And being a citizen of Amazo city, I couldn't let an outsider terrorize a place I came from. So I had to become Amazo city's hero and train hard. I then decided that I wouldn't allow Gypcess leave me behind in the dust. That was the force that drove me into training as hard as I did and one day, I just improved in my speed and ability. I and Gypcess then became equally matched and I have been doing my possible best to prevent her from terrorizing my city ever since
Dr Smart: So you found the force within you that drove you to your goal huh?! That is, the fact that you didn't want to lose to your rival
Jessie: Yeah, something like that. Either way, I am just glad I improved in my speed though!
As they were talking, TeeKay couldn't help but notice how beautiful Jessie was. Her eyes were so innocent and her dark- black hair shimmered with every turn. Jessie then continued;
Aeres: Do you need any help with stopping her?
Jessie: Nah, I think I can handle her on my own. Besides, I doubt she will show up anytime soon now that she knows I have Team QuickBae on my side
Kayleb: You've got that right. You are now a member of Team QuickBae and whenever you need our help, don't hesitate to call us
Jessie: Thank you all, and likewise. I will always be at your beacon call. I have got to go now, see you all another time
As she said this, Jessie Fast wore her mask and dashed out of Team QuickBae's base, back to Amazo city. Kayleb then spoke to Dr Smart after she left;
Kayleb: Dr Smart, I am sorry for overreacting when Gypcess first showed up earlier. I was rude to you and you were right; I make decisions in haste
Dr Smart: Don't worry about that Kayleb. I am already used to you by now and I know you do things with your heart because you care a lot about others. So I understand
Kayleb: Thanks Dr Smart
Aeres then noticed that both TeeKay and Ali were lost in thought;
Both Ali and TeeKay then blushed and TeeKay left the room immediately to prevent further emotions from exhibiting. Aeres then continued the conversation with Ali;
Aeres: I think he is into Jessie if not; he wouldn't have left the room like that. I mean, did you see the way he was staring at her when she was still here?! It was totally obvious. What do you think though, Ali?
Ali didn't even answer Aeres because he was still disturbed about Neesha's betrayal. Aeres then spoke to Ali again;
Aeres: You are thinking about Neesha, aren't you?! Talk to me Ali!
Ali: I am just sad that she betrayed us like that. It hurts so much because…..
Aeres: (cutting in) because you love her, right?!
Ali: I guess I do. And I thought she liked me back, but I was so wrong
Aeres: I am so sorry Ali. But I think I know how to cheer you up
Ali: How?
Ali: (forcing a smile on his face) sure, why not!
Ali and Aeres then left the base for Lukman's famous coffee shop. But before they left, they invited the rest of team QuickBae to join them. Everyone accepted their invitation except for TeeKay and Kayleb. They both claimed that they had training to do and the rest left.
At the training ground, outside Smart's Lab, Kayleb and TeeKay are seen running around while generating sparks from their body. After a while, the two came to a halt;
TeeKay: So Kayleb, the sparks we speedsters generate from our body when running, do you think the colors have something to do with the level of our speed?
Kayleb: What makes you ask that?
TeeKay: Well you see, I noticed that we; the last four speedsters have different colors of sparks that emits from our body when we run. Yours is white, mine is red, Jessie Fast's is Yellow and Dr Smart's is indigo
Kayleb: Hmm, I never thought of it that way. But I doubt if it has anything to do with that though. Maybe it's simply because of our suits or clothing. You see, light can be reflected in many ways through certain mediums and one of those ways, include colors
TeeKay: Yeah, you are right
Kayleb: Okay now, I have taught you basically everything I know from the point I came back, till now. And you have been quite the fast learner, well done TeeKay. Keep it up and you might be as fast as me one day
Kayleb: (smiling) that is because I am QuickBae after all, the fastest man alive. Plus I am a scientist and Speed Energy is basically science itself. So putting those two together is what gives me my edge. Then again, the force within me that drives me to my goal is another factor. Currently, I have improved in my Mach from 19 to 26. That is because of the love I have for my friends. The more people I want to protect, the more determined I get, thus increasing my Mach. Last I checked, TeeKay; you are still in Mach 16. If you find that force within you that drives you to your goal, then I am sure you can catch up to me or even surpass me
TeeKay: I don't think that would be possible because I don't know if I have a particular goal in mind. You see, when Dr Smart recruited me to be a member of team QuickBae after you vanished, I wasn't the best kind of persons. I used to be a petite thief. I usually stole from provisional stores just to have something on the table for me to eat
Kayleb: Are you for real?
TeeKay: Yeah. That was my life back then, until one day Dr Smart and Ali showed up at my doorsteps and offered to make me a member of Team QuickBae as a profession in order for me to stop my petite stealing and earn a living. Dr Smart also inspired me to use my speed for the cause of good
Kayleb: I see. So are you also from Sterling City?
TeeKay: Yeah, I basically grew up here. But I never knew my parents. I have been alone all my life and I have had no one to cater for my needs. After realizing my abilities; the night the mercury oven exploded, I used it to steal quietly and layed low; making sure I left no traces of me behind. People hardly even
knew me before so it wasn't hard to stay hidden. I was practically invincible in this city, until Dr Smart found me
Kayleb: How did he even do that?
TeeKay: Ali was the one who actually found me with his abilities. He managed somehow to trace my Speed Energy. It looks like, I left a bit of my trace and Ali picked it up
TeeKay: I think I get what you are putting down Kayleb, thank you!
Kayleb: Anytime. Now let's continue training
As the two continued their training, Kayleb's phone rang shortly after. It was Hafsat. Kayleb rushed to answer the phone call and as he did, team QuickBae returned from Lukman's Coffee shop. Kayleb continued his conversation with Hafsat and after a while, he finished. All team QuickBae members then went into the base. As Kayleb walked in, he was feeling Infuriated;
Ali: Hey bro, what is it? Why do you seem pissed?! You know, we got you and TeeKay some coffee on our way back
Kayleb: Thanks, that was thoughtful of you guys but I am fine
Presh: Talk to us Kayleb, we are worried about you and clearly, you aren't fine
Kayleb: Well it's Hafsat!
Aeres: What about her?
Kayleb: She has been giving me attitude lately. She is starting to get the impression that I no longer care about her even though that is clearly not true. I don't know, I feel as if this distance relationship stuff isn't just working for us
Aeres: Don't say that Kayleb. We all know that the both of you care about each other deeply. So don't go cutting up all ties with her over something petite as that
Dr Smart: And don't forget Kayleb, Hafsat is a Cabenaro. She may have been lovely and sweet all her life but when she understands fully the extent of her abilities and her people; she is going to change into a tough and decisive leader. That's just their nature as Cabenaros
Kayleb: That is what I fear, if our relationship will even progress?!
Joey: (cutting in) Never met Hafsat you know, but Aeres has told me a lot about her. Don't give up on her Kayleb!
Joey said this as he walked into Team QuickBae's base. Team QuickBae was delighted to see Joey who was back from his mission. Joey greeted them all and they responded. He then walked up to Kayleb and continued talking;
Joey: It's good to see you again, Kayleb (Hugging Kayleb)
Kayleb: Hey Joey, how have you been?
Joey: I have been good and you?
Kayleb: Never better!
Joey: Ever since Aeres told me that you were back, I couldn't wait to come back home from my mission and see you
Kayleb: That's really thoughtful of you Joey
Dr Smart: (Talking to Joey) Nice to see you again, Captain!
Joey: Likewise Dr Smart!
Aeres: Hi dad, how was your trip? (Hugging Joey)
Joey: It was okay I guess but hectic. Anyways dear, have you told the rest of the team yet?
Aeres: Not really dad
Presh: Told us what Aeres?
Joey: Are you serious? Don't tell me that Aeres never told y'all
Kayleb: Told us what exactly?!
Aeres: (now speaking up) you see guys, I am engaged!
All team QuickBae members were very shocked as they heard the words that just came out of Aeres's mouth.. But the person it seemed to affect the most, was Kayleb.
Jessie: My name is….
Aeres: (interrupting) Jessie Reedman! Jessie: Ah, I see you know my name Aeres: Well yeah, you are like my hero Kayleb: Really, how Aeres?!
Aeres: I have always looked up to her you know. Before I got interested in police work, I watched her on the news every day. She inspired me into realizing my talents and choosing to accept my father's offer when he told me to join the Police force
Jessie: I am glad I was able to get through to you, uhm….
Aeres: The name is Aeres, Aeres Joey East
Jessie: Well Aeres, it's a pŀėȧsurė meeting you
Aeres: Likewise Jessie
QuickBae and the rest of the team then changed out of their suits and introduced themselves to Jessie as well. After that, Kayleb asked Jessie a question;
Kayleb: Tell me Jessie, were you in Sterling city the night the mercury oven exploded?
Dr Smart: That energy you got hit by was released from Kayleb's body that night and it got fused into your system, just like I and TeeKay over here. That is how we all became speedsters
Jessie: I see! Is it just the three of us?
Presh: Well no. We faced a speedster approximately three years back who also got his speed from Kayleb. According to him, you guys were much more but he wiped them all out and took their speed except for three individuals
Jessie: How horrible....But you have taken care of that problem now, haven't you?
Ali: Yes, that was like a long time ago. Anyways, how are you as fast as you are? By my analyses, you are almost as fast as Kayleb!
Jessie: I don't really know. I have always wanted to be stronger than Gypcess for as long as I could remember because she was my rival. When we first met, her strength was nothing compared to mine. She was very strong. And being a citizen of Amazo city, I couldn't let an outsider terrorize a place I came from. So I had to become Amazo city's hero and train hard. I then decided that I wouldn't allow Gypcess leave me behind in the dust. That was the force that drove me into training as hard as I did and one day, I just improved in my speed and ability. I and Gypcess then became equally matched and I have been doing my possible best to prevent her from terrorizing my city ever since
Dr Smart: So you found the force within you that drove you to your goal huh?! That is, the fact that you didn't want to lose to your rival
Jessie: Yeah, something like that. Either way, I am just glad I improved in my speed though!
As they were talking, TeeKay couldn't help but notice how beautiful Jessie was. Her eyes were so innocent and her dark- black hair shimmered with every turn. Jessie then continued;
Aeres: Do you need any help with stopping her?
Jessie: Nah, I think I can handle her on my own. Besides, I doubt she will show up anytime soon now that she knows I have Team QuickBae on my side
Kayleb: You've got that right. You are now a member of Team QuickBae and whenever you need our help, don't hesitate to call us
Jessie: Thank you all, and likewise. I will always be at your beacon call. I have got to go now, see you all another time
As she said this, Jessie Fast wore her mask and dashed out of Team QuickBae's base, back to Amazo city. Kayleb then spoke to Dr Smart after she left;
Kayleb: Dr Smart, I am sorry for overreacting when Gypcess first showed up earlier. I was rude to you and you were right; I make decisions in haste
Dr Smart: Don't worry about that Kayleb. I am already used to you by now and I know you do things with your heart because you care a lot about others. So I understand
Kayleb: Thanks Dr Smart
Aeres then noticed that both TeeKay and Ali were lost in thought;
Both Ali and TeeKay then blushed and TeeKay left the room immediately to prevent further emotions from exhibiting. Aeres then continued the conversation with Ali;
Aeres: I think he is into Jessie if not; he wouldn't have left the room like that. I mean, did you see the way he was staring at her when she was still here?! It was totally obvious. What do you think though, Ali?
Ali didn't even answer Aeres because he was still disturbed about Neesha's betrayal. Aeres then spoke to Ali again;
Aeres: You are thinking about Neesha, aren't you?! Talk to me Ali!
Ali: I am just sad that she betrayed us like that. It hurts so much because…..
Aeres: (cutting in) because you love her, right?!
Ali: I guess I do. And I thought she liked me back, but I was so wrong
Aeres: I am so sorry Ali. But I think I know how to cheer you up
Ali: How?
Ali: (forcing a smile on his face) sure, why not!
Ali and Aeres then left the base for Lukman's famous coffee shop. But before they left, they invited the rest of team QuickBae to join them. Everyone accepted their invitation except for TeeKay and Kayleb. They both claimed that they had training to do and the rest left.
At the training ground, outside Smart's Lab, Kayleb and TeeKay are seen running around while generating sparks from their body. After a while, the two came to a halt;
TeeKay: So Kayleb, the sparks we speedsters generate from our body when running, do you think the colors have something to do with the level of our speed?
Kayleb: What makes you ask that?
TeeKay: Well you see, I noticed that we; the last four speedsters have different colors of sparks that emits from our body when we run. Yours is white, mine is red, Jessie Fast's is Yellow and Dr Smart's is indigo
Kayleb: Hmm, I never thought of it that way. But I doubt if it has anything to do with that though. Maybe it's simply because of our suits or clothing. You see, light can be reflected in many ways through certain mediums and one of those ways, include colors
TeeKay: Yeah, you are right
Kayleb: Okay now, I have taught you basically everything I know from the point I came back, till now. And you have been quite the fast learner, well done TeeKay. Keep it up and you might be as fast as me one day
Kayleb: (smiling) that is because I am QuickBae after all, the fastest man alive. Plus I am a scientist and Speed Energy is basically science itself. So putting those two together is what gives me my edge. Then again, the force within me that drives me to my goal is another factor. Currently, I have improved in my Mach from 19 to 26. That is because of the love I have for my friends. The more people I want to protect, the more determined I get, thus increasing my Mach. Last I checked, TeeKay; you are still in Mach 16. If you find that force within you that drives you to your goal, then I am sure you can catch up to me or even surpass me
TeeKay: I don't think that would be possible because I don't know if I have a particular goal in mind. You see, when Dr Smart recruited me to be a member of team QuickBae after you vanished, I wasn't the best kind of persons. I used to be a petite thief. I usually stole from provisional stores just to have something on the table for me to eat
Kayleb: Are you for real?
TeeKay: Yeah. That was my life back then, until one day Dr Smart and Ali showed up at my doorsteps and offered to make me a member of Team QuickBae as a profession in order for me to stop my petite stealing and earn a living. Dr Smart also inspired me to use my speed for the cause of good
Kayleb: I see. So are you also from Sterling City?
TeeKay: Yeah, I basically grew up here. But I never knew my parents. I have been alone all my life and I have had no one to cater for my needs. After realizing my abilities; the night the mercury oven exploded, I used it to steal quietly and layed low; making sure I left no traces of me behind. People hardly even
knew me before so it wasn't hard to stay hidden. I was practically invincible in this city, until Dr Smart found me
Kayleb: How did he even do that?
TeeKay: Ali was the one who actually found me with his abilities. He managed somehow to trace my Speed Energy. It looks like, I left a bit of my trace and Ali picked it up
TeeKay: I think I get what you are putting down Kayleb, thank you!
Kayleb: Anytime. Now let's continue training
As the two continued their training, Kayleb's phone rang shortly after. It was Hafsat. Kayleb rushed to answer the phone call and as he did, team QuickBae returned from Lukman's Coffee shop. Kayleb continued his conversation with Hafsat and after a while, he finished. All team QuickBae members then went into the base. As Kayleb walked in, he was feeling Infuriated;
Ali: Hey bro, what is it? Why do you seem pissed?! You know, we got you and TeeKay some coffee on our way back
Kayleb: Thanks, that was thoughtful of you guys but I am fine
Presh: Talk to us Kayleb, we are worried about you and clearly, you aren't fine
Kayleb: Well it's Hafsat!
Aeres: What about her?
Kayleb: She has been giving me attitude lately. She is starting to get the impression that I no longer care about her even though that is clearly not true. I don't know, I feel as if this distance relationship stuff isn't just working for us
Aeres: Don't say that Kayleb. We all know that the both of you care about each other deeply. So don't go cutting up all ties with her over something petite as that
Dr Smart: And don't forget Kayleb, Hafsat is a Cabenaro. She may have been lovely and sweet all her life but when she understands fully the extent of her abilities and her people; she is going to change into a tough and decisive leader. That's just their nature as Cabenaros
Kayleb: That is what I fear, if our relationship will even progress?!
Joey: (cutting in) Never met Hafsat you know, but Aeres has told me a lot about her. Don't give up on her Kayleb!
Joey said this as he walked into Team QuickBae's base. Team QuickBae was delighted to see Joey who was back from his mission. Joey greeted them all and they responded. He then walked up to Kayleb and continued talking;
Joey: It's good to see you again, Kayleb (Hugging Kayleb)
Kayleb: Hey Joey, how have you been?
Joey: I have been good and you?
Kayleb: Never better!
Joey: Ever since Aeres told me that you were back, I couldn't wait to come back home from my mission and see you
Kayleb: That's really thoughtful of you Joey
Dr Smart: (Talking to Joey) Nice to see you again, Captain!
Joey: Likewise Dr Smart!
Aeres: Hi dad, how was your trip? (Hugging Joey)
Joey: It was okay I guess but hectic. Anyways dear, have you told the rest of the team yet?
Aeres: Not really dad
Presh: Told us what Aeres?
Joey: Are you serious? Don't tell me that Aeres never told y'all
Kayleb: Told us what exactly?!
Aeres: (now speaking up) you see guys, I am engaged!
All team QuickBae members were very shocked as they heard the words that just came out of Aeres's mouth.. But the person it seemed to affect the most, was Kayleb.
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