Chapter 18 - BRAINSTORM
Team QuickBae was still in complete shock after learning of Aeres's engagement. Ali then spoke up;
Ali: You are engaged and you never told any of us?!
Presh: For how long, Aeres?
Aeres: About six months
Dr Smart: How did this even happen?
Joey: Well you see; I have a colleague whose son is the head of Central Command Core and Weapon Development unit in the SCPD. He goes by the name Lieutenant Emdee Coers
Dr Smart: Yeah, we've heard of him on the news. So is he Aeres's Fiancé?
Joey: Yes. As I was saying, my colleague brought it to my attention that his son was interested in Aeres. I spoke to Aeres about it afterwards and she gave her consent
Aeres: After that, I and Emdee have been seeing each other and before we knew it, we got engaged secretly
Ali: Exactly my point. Why did you get engaged and didn't bother to inform us?
Aeres: I am sorry but I had to keep it a secret for a while. You see, my Fiancé is a well-known Police Officer and a crucial member of the Police Force in Sterling city. If his enemies were to know that he was getting married, they might be able to use that to their advantage
Aeres: Exactly, that is why I kept it a secret from you all. I am even only telling you guys now because I trust you. I know y'all can keep a secret
Kayleb: Then why marry someone who has a lot of enemies?!
Aeres: Excuse me....but what's that all about Kayleb?!
Kayleb didn't even reply to Aeres and angrily left the base. Ali then continued talking to Aeres;
Ali: Congratulations Aeres! So does this mean that you have completely forgotten about your feelings for Kayleb?
TeeKay: (referring to Aeres) Wait, you have a thing for Kayleb?!
Aeres: When Alternate attacked us, approximately three years ago, I confessed my feelings to Kayleb before he vanished. After Kayleb came back, I thought he was finally going to give me the response I have been waiting for all that time he was gone; that he also have feelings for me. But he seemed to have forgotten that I even confessed my feelings towards him
Joey: I saw the anticipation in my daughter's eyes; she really wanted to know if Kayleb liked her back. But there was no way of finding out back then because Kayleb had vanished. That is the main reason why I convinced Aeres into accepting Emdee's proposal because that anticipation was killing her emotionally
Aeres: When I found out that Kayleb was coming back, I still wanted to be sure if the life decision I made for myself was the right one or not. That is why I asked Kayleb when he returned, if he remembered anything I said that night. But Kayleb seemed to have forgotten. That is when I decided to let my feelings for him die permanently, especially as I found out that he and Hafsat liked each other
Aeres: Yes, he is. He respects my decisions and he is very understanding
Ali: Still in all honesty, I don't think you will be happy in your marital life if you go through with marrying Emdee. The reason is because you haven't still forgotten Kayleb, Aeres. You still love him, don't you?
Aeres: It doesn't matter now whether I still have feelings for him or not. That is because I have decided to go through with marrying Emdee. The wedding is in a month and y'all are invited, including Kayleb
After saying this, Aeres and Joey then turned and left Smart's lab for the Police Department. They still had a lot of work to do there.
After they left, all of Team QuickBae members resumed their daily work activity except for Ali. That is because he went outside to look for an angry Kayleb. When he got outside, he located Kayleb at the back of Smart's lab, sitting on a bench;
Ali: There you are! Why did you just storm off from the base like that bro? (Sitting close to Kayleb on the bench)
Kayleb: I don't even know man! I guess I needed some air
Ali: Is that why you are angry?
Kayleb: I am angry because Aeres kept something like that from us. I mean, why would she do such a thing?!
Kayleb: What do you mean by that?
Ali: What I mean is, you are behaving envious
Kayleb: What, no way! I am with Hafsat you know!
Ali: That must be why you don't want to admit it; but you feel something for Aeres, don't you?
Kayleb: Stop talking so much rubbish Ali. I don't have feelings for Aeres at all. I am done talking about this. I am heading back to base!
Kayleb then stood up and went back to base. Ali then followed in shortly.
When they got back, they were shocked to see a helmet- shaped logo displaying on all the monitors in their base;
Kayleb: What's going on here?
Dr Smart: It seems someone is trying to hack into our systems. I can't seem to override his code encryptions (typing fast on a keyboard to prevent the hacker from succeeding in hacking them)
Kayleb: What do you mean by that, Ali?
Ali: What I mean is; whoever it is that is trying to hack into our system, is a Human Dynamo with mental abilities
Kayleb: How can you tell?
Ali: I just recognized his energy source. You see, one of my abilities includes the recognition of a Human Dynamo's source of energy that makes up his/her ability. This one is very similar to mine
After saying this, the logo disappeared from the monitors and a man popped up on the screen. He looked like a pilot dressed in a grey and white suit. He also had on his head a pair of goggle and the aura he exhibited from his body, felt deadly. The man then spoke up;
Brain Storm: My name is Brain Storm; I am here to pass a message to QuickBae and his team. I suppose that's you all in this room
Kayleb: Who on earth are you? And how do you know our identities?!
Brain Storm: Let's just say, I know a lot of things
Ali: (talking to Brain Storm) you are also a Human Dynamo like me, am I right? I mean, the way you hacked into our systems, you used your mental ability?!
Dr Smart: What do you want Brain Storm?
Brain Storm: I just simply want to put your teamwork to the test, that's all
Presh: What do you mean by "put our teamwork to the test"?
Brain Storm: you see, I have abilities similar to what you will refer to as "out of this world". So if y'all refuse, I will be left
with no other option but to wipe-out the whole of sterling city instantly. But if you comply, I will test you guys and give
you clues on how to save your city. So you don't really have much say in the matter
Kayleb: You've got to be kidding, right?!
Brain Storm: If you all think I am lying, then you can find out in the next twenty minutes. Although I fear it would be too late by then!
Kayleb: What's happening in the next twenty minutes?
Kayleb: You maniac...why on earth will you put a bomb in the city? What are you trying to gain by doing this?!
Brain storm: Like I said, I want to test your teamwork; to see if you all are worthy enough to face the chaos I am about to unleash on this city
Kayleb: Why you...
Brain Storm: (Interrupting) I wouldn't be wasting my time here if I were you, remember you only have nineteen minutes left now. I will be observing everything you guys do. Good luck Team QuickBae!
The monitors then went back to normal and Brain Storm disconnected. Kayleb then spoke up;
Kayleb: Who is this guy and why is he doing all this?
Dr Smart: Who he is and why he is doing all this isn't relevant now. Clearly Brain Storm is a strong foe and we will figure out later how to deal with him. But right now, we need to find the bomb and defuse it A.S.A.P
Presh: I will alert Aeres and Joey about the situation so that they can help us from the Police Station
Dr Smart: Okay, do that. But tell them not to alert the citizens of Sterling city, at least not yet. That will only make them even more worried and we need them to be calm in a situation like this. It's now a fight for Sterling city
Kayleb: Ali, TeeKay and I will need your help in defusing this bomb since we do not know its exact location. Like Brain Storm said, it is a test of our team work. So we need to work together as a team
Ali: Sure Kayleb, you can count on me!
Dr Smart: The rest of us will stay behind and help you from the base. If you need any help, then we will step in. Good luck team QuickBae!
Kayleb, TeeKay, and Ali then suited up and headed straight to the heart of Sterling city. On getting there, Ali tried using his sensory ability to look for the bomb but he just couldn't figure out its exact location;
Ali: Guys, I can't find the bomb
Kayleb: Do you think Brain Storm was just messing with us?
Ali: No I doubt that. I can feel the bomb but I can't seem to pinpoint where it is exactly hidden. It's as if Brain Storm has masked it's energy flow somehow. So, locating the bomb is going to be much more difficult for me now!
Kayleb: What do we do then? We only have five more minutes to defuse the bomb
Dr Smart: (speaking to Ali through his ear communicator) Listen up Ali. The fact that Brain Storm is able to mask of the energy flow of the bomb is quite a hard and impressive technique, but it is something I feel you can figure out. Your kind of Dynamos are called breachers and although you are also a Human Dynamo like the rest of us, you are not completely bound to the limits of an ordinary Human Dynamo
Ali: I don't understand what you are trying to say Dr Smart
Dr Smart: What I am trying to say is you are stronger that you think. Clear out other distractions from your head and focus on the bomb's energy solely. You should surely be able to pick up even a faint trace of the bomb's energy and whereabouts. That means you have to boost your sensory perception without the help of my tech this time, just like Gypcess. Maybe that is how she was able to escape from our cell that was meant to suppress her abilities. Because she focused her mind on one thought and that was, breaking free
Ali: I get it Dr Smart! Okay, I will try again!
Ali then tried again to look for the bomb and this time, did as Dr Smart instructed. He cleared his mind and focused solely on the bomb's energy. After a while, it became clear to him where the bomb was hidden. He then told Kayleb its exact location, It was buried directly underneath them. Kayleb then dug the ground-sand with his hands swiftly at super speed; burrowing the soil. He opened the ground and was able to see the bomb. He then picked it up and was about to run out of Sterling city with it when a tranquilizer, shot him. It was too fast and Kayleb's attention was on the bomb so he didn't notice the tranquilizer coming. It was a trap set by Brain Storm in case the bomb was discovered.
After the tranquilizer hit Kayleb, it injected a substance into Kayleb's system and then, fell down. The effect of this
substance made Kayleb's legs numb, thus preventing him from using his speed. Kayleb then fell down on the floor with the bomb. The timer on the bomb now read sixty seconds;
Kayleb: (talking to TeeKay) It's up to you now, KidBae! You have to run out of sterling city with the bomb and throw it in the ocean outside the city's boarders. It's time to use the training I taught you on how to run on water. When you get to the middle of the ocean, throw the bomb inside and run back
TeeKay: But what if I am not fast enough to get the bomb out of the city in time, what will I do then?!
Kayleb: I believe you can do this Kid Bae. Like I said before, everyone has a goal. Now RUN KIDBAE, RUN!
After QuickBae said this, Kid Bae's entire body started energizing and his eyes now flashed with sparks of red electricity. He then grabbed the bomb from Kayleb and with the speed of light, blurred out of his spot and headed straight for the ocean. Kid Bae ran faster than he ever did before and attained Mach 25. Using this speed, he was able to reach the ocean when the timer of the bomb read ten seconds.
Successfully, Kid Bae ran on top of the water and when he got to the middle of the ocean, he dropped the bomb in the water and it took off immediately. But Kid Bae made it out of the ocean in one piece and back to QuickBae and Le Vibe's location;
Kid Bae: (In excitement) we did it guys, we saved the city!
QuickBae: Well done Kid Bae, seems like you have found the force within you that drives you to your goal
Kid Bae: Yeah, I did. When I had the bomb, the only thing I could think of was saving the city and everyone in it. I guess that is my goal all along, to save everyone in Sterling city
Ali: Either way, that was impressive. Well done Kid Bae
Kid Bae: Thank you, Le Vibe!
Kayleb: (now healed from the tranquilizers effect and standing up) Now then, let's go back to base, shall we?!
Ali and TeeKay then nodded their heads in affirmative and Ali opened a portal which the three used to go back to Smart Lab.
Ali: You are engaged and you never told any of us?!
Presh: For how long, Aeres?
Aeres: About six months
Dr Smart: How did this even happen?
Joey: Well you see; I have a colleague whose son is the head of Central Command Core and Weapon Development unit in the SCPD. He goes by the name Lieutenant Emdee Coers
Dr Smart: Yeah, we've heard of him on the news. So is he Aeres's Fiancé?
Joey: Yes. As I was saying, my colleague brought it to my attention that his son was interested in Aeres. I spoke to Aeres about it afterwards and she gave her consent
Aeres: After that, I and Emdee have been seeing each other and before we knew it, we got engaged secretly
Ali: Exactly my point. Why did you get engaged and didn't bother to inform us?
Aeres: I am sorry but I had to keep it a secret for a while. You see, my Fiancé is a well-known Police Officer and a crucial member of the Police Force in Sterling city. If his enemies were to know that he was getting married, they might be able to use that to their advantage
Aeres: Exactly, that is why I kept it a secret from you all. I am even only telling you guys now because I trust you. I know y'all can keep a secret
Kayleb: Then why marry someone who has a lot of enemies?!
Aeres: Excuse me....but what's that all about Kayleb?!
Kayleb didn't even reply to Aeres and angrily left the base. Ali then continued talking to Aeres;
Ali: Congratulations Aeres! So does this mean that you have completely forgotten about your feelings for Kayleb?
TeeKay: (referring to Aeres) Wait, you have a thing for Kayleb?!
Aeres: When Alternate attacked us, approximately three years ago, I confessed my feelings to Kayleb before he vanished. After Kayleb came back, I thought he was finally going to give me the response I have been waiting for all that time he was gone; that he also have feelings for me. But he seemed to have forgotten that I even confessed my feelings towards him
Joey: I saw the anticipation in my daughter's eyes; she really wanted to know if Kayleb liked her back. But there was no way of finding out back then because Kayleb had vanished. That is the main reason why I convinced Aeres into accepting Emdee's proposal because that anticipation was killing her emotionally
Aeres: When I found out that Kayleb was coming back, I still wanted to be sure if the life decision I made for myself was the right one or not. That is why I asked Kayleb when he returned, if he remembered anything I said that night. But Kayleb seemed to have forgotten. That is when I decided to let my feelings for him die permanently, especially as I found out that he and Hafsat liked each other
Aeres: Yes, he is. He respects my decisions and he is very understanding
Ali: Still in all honesty, I don't think you will be happy in your marital life if you go through with marrying Emdee. The reason is because you haven't still forgotten Kayleb, Aeres. You still love him, don't you?
Aeres: It doesn't matter now whether I still have feelings for him or not. That is because I have decided to go through with marrying Emdee. The wedding is in a month and y'all are invited, including Kayleb
After saying this, Aeres and Joey then turned and left Smart's lab for the Police Department. They still had a lot of work to do there.
After they left, all of Team QuickBae members resumed their daily work activity except for Ali. That is because he went outside to look for an angry Kayleb. When he got outside, he located Kayleb at the back of Smart's lab, sitting on a bench;
Ali: There you are! Why did you just storm off from the base like that bro? (Sitting close to Kayleb on the bench)
Kayleb: I don't even know man! I guess I needed some air
Ali: Is that why you are angry?
Kayleb: I am angry because Aeres kept something like that from us. I mean, why would she do such a thing?!
Kayleb: What do you mean by that?
Ali: What I mean is, you are behaving envious
Kayleb: What, no way! I am with Hafsat you know!
Ali: That must be why you don't want to admit it; but you feel something for Aeres, don't you?
Kayleb: Stop talking so much rubbish Ali. I don't have feelings for Aeres at all. I am done talking about this. I am heading back to base!
Kayleb then stood up and went back to base. Ali then followed in shortly.
When they got back, they were shocked to see a helmet- shaped logo displaying on all the monitors in their base;
Kayleb: What's going on here?
Dr Smart: It seems someone is trying to hack into our systems. I can't seem to override his code encryptions (typing fast on a keyboard to prevent the hacker from succeeding in hacking them)
Kayleb: What do you mean by that, Ali?
Ali: What I mean is; whoever it is that is trying to hack into our system, is a Human Dynamo with mental abilities
Kayleb: How can you tell?
Ali: I just recognized his energy source. You see, one of my abilities includes the recognition of a Human Dynamo's source of energy that makes up his/her ability. This one is very similar to mine
After saying this, the logo disappeared from the monitors and a man popped up on the screen. He looked like a pilot dressed in a grey and white suit. He also had on his head a pair of goggle and the aura he exhibited from his body, felt deadly. The man then spoke up;
Brain Storm: My name is Brain Storm; I am here to pass a message to QuickBae and his team. I suppose that's you all in this room
Kayleb: Who on earth are you? And how do you know our identities?!
Brain Storm: Let's just say, I know a lot of things
Ali: (talking to Brain Storm) you are also a Human Dynamo like me, am I right? I mean, the way you hacked into our systems, you used your mental ability?!
Dr Smart: What do you want Brain Storm?
Brain Storm: I just simply want to put your teamwork to the test, that's all
Presh: What do you mean by "put our teamwork to the test"?
Brain Storm: you see, I have abilities similar to what you will refer to as "out of this world". So if y'all refuse, I will be left
with no other option but to wipe-out the whole of sterling city instantly. But if you comply, I will test you guys and give
you clues on how to save your city. So you don't really have much say in the matter
Kayleb: You've got to be kidding, right?!
Brain Storm: If you all think I am lying, then you can find out in the next twenty minutes. Although I fear it would be too late by then!
Kayleb: What's happening in the next twenty minutes?
Kayleb: You maniac...why on earth will you put a bomb in the city? What are you trying to gain by doing this?!
Brain storm: Like I said, I want to test your teamwork; to see if you all are worthy enough to face the chaos I am about to unleash on this city
Kayleb: Why you...
Brain Storm: (Interrupting) I wouldn't be wasting my time here if I were you, remember you only have nineteen minutes left now. I will be observing everything you guys do. Good luck Team QuickBae!
The monitors then went back to normal and Brain Storm disconnected. Kayleb then spoke up;
Kayleb: Who is this guy and why is he doing all this?
Dr Smart: Who he is and why he is doing all this isn't relevant now. Clearly Brain Storm is a strong foe and we will figure out later how to deal with him. But right now, we need to find the bomb and defuse it A.S.A.P
Presh: I will alert Aeres and Joey about the situation so that they can help us from the Police Station
Dr Smart: Okay, do that. But tell them not to alert the citizens of Sterling city, at least not yet. That will only make them even more worried and we need them to be calm in a situation like this. It's now a fight for Sterling city
Kayleb: Ali, TeeKay and I will need your help in defusing this bomb since we do not know its exact location. Like Brain Storm said, it is a test of our team work. So we need to work together as a team
Ali: Sure Kayleb, you can count on me!
Dr Smart: The rest of us will stay behind and help you from the base. If you need any help, then we will step in. Good luck team QuickBae!
Kayleb, TeeKay, and Ali then suited up and headed straight to the heart of Sterling city. On getting there, Ali tried using his sensory ability to look for the bomb but he just couldn't figure out its exact location;
Ali: Guys, I can't find the bomb
Kayleb: Do you think Brain Storm was just messing with us?
Ali: No I doubt that. I can feel the bomb but I can't seem to pinpoint where it is exactly hidden. It's as if Brain Storm has masked it's energy flow somehow. So, locating the bomb is going to be much more difficult for me now!
Kayleb: What do we do then? We only have five more minutes to defuse the bomb
Dr Smart: (speaking to Ali through his ear communicator) Listen up Ali. The fact that Brain Storm is able to mask of the energy flow of the bomb is quite a hard and impressive technique, but it is something I feel you can figure out. Your kind of Dynamos are called breachers and although you are also a Human Dynamo like the rest of us, you are not completely bound to the limits of an ordinary Human Dynamo
Ali: I don't understand what you are trying to say Dr Smart
Dr Smart: What I am trying to say is you are stronger that you think. Clear out other distractions from your head and focus on the bomb's energy solely. You should surely be able to pick up even a faint trace of the bomb's energy and whereabouts. That means you have to boost your sensory perception without the help of my tech this time, just like Gypcess. Maybe that is how she was able to escape from our cell that was meant to suppress her abilities. Because she focused her mind on one thought and that was, breaking free
Ali: I get it Dr Smart! Okay, I will try again!
Ali then tried again to look for the bomb and this time, did as Dr Smart instructed. He cleared his mind and focused solely on the bomb's energy. After a while, it became clear to him where the bomb was hidden. He then told Kayleb its exact location, It was buried directly underneath them. Kayleb then dug the ground-sand with his hands swiftly at super speed; burrowing the soil. He opened the ground and was able to see the bomb. He then picked it up and was about to run out of Sterling city with it when a tranquilizer, shot him. It was too fast and Kayleb's attention was on the bomb so he didn't notice the tranquilizer coming. It was a trap set by Brain Storm in case the bomb was discovered.
After the tranquilizer hit Kayleb, it injected a substance into Kayleb's system and then, fell down. The effect of this
substance made Kayleb's legs numb, thus preventing him from using his speed. Kayleb then fell down on the floor with the bomb. The timer on the bomb now read sixty seconds;
Kayleb: (talking to TeeKay) It's up to you now, KidBae! You have to run out of sterling city with the bomb and throw it in the ocean outside the city's boarders. It's time to use the training I taught you on how to run on water. When you get to the middle of the ocean, throw the bomb inside and run back
TeeKay: But what if I am not fast enough to get the bomb out of the city in time, what will I do then?!
Kayleb: I believe you can do this Kid Bae. Like I said before, everyone has a goal. Now RUN KIDBAE, RUN!
After QuickBae said this, Kid Bae's entire body started energizing and his eyes now flashed with sparks of red electricity. He then grabbed the bomb from Kayleb and with the speed of light, blurred out of his spot and headed straight for the ocean. Kid Bae ran faster than he ever did before and attained Mach 25. Using this speed, he was able to reach the ocean when the timer of the bomb read ten seconds.
Successfully, Kid Bae ran on top of the water and when he got to the middle of the ocean, he dropped the bomb in the water and it took off immediately. But Kid Bae made it out of the ocean in one piece and back to QuickBae and Le Vibe's location;
Kid Bae: (In excitement) we did it guys, we saved the city!
QuickBae: Well done Kid Bae, seems like you have found the force within you that drives you to your goal
Kid Bae: Yeah, I did. When I had the bomb, the only thing I could think of was saving the city and everyone in it. I guess that is my goal all along, to save everyone in Sterling city
Ali: Either way, that was impressive. Well done Kid Bae
Kid Bae: Thank you, Le Vibe!
Kayleb: (now healed from the tranquilizers effect and standing up) Now then, let's go back to base, shall we?!
Ali and TeeKay then nodded their heads in affirmative and Ali opened a portal which the three used to go back to Smart Lab.
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