After successfully defusing the bomb, the three heroes returned to their base. The rest of the team was extremely impressed by the team work they showcased. Aeres and Joey then walked into the base as well;
Aeres: I saw what you three did on the news. That was awesome you guys, well done
Joey: Especially you TeeKay, you were most impressive
TeeKay: Thanks, it means a lot coming from you guys
Dr Smart: So I ran a scan on this "Brain Storm" guy to find out his true identity
Kayleb: Any luck?
Dr Smart: Well, it was difficult but I found him or I think I did
Ali: What do you mean by that?
Dr Smart: I searched for his records in Sterling city civilian's database and I couldn't find anything relating to him. Then I expanded my search to outside sterling city and something came up (Now pressing a buŧŧon on his keyboard which popped up Brain Storm's picture on a monitor)
Presh: That is brain storm!
Dr Smart: Exactly. I was able to recognize him as well. This man goes by the name Stark Smith. He is a well known pilot in a city very close to ours called "Stem City". But something doesn't add up, Stark was nowhere in Sterling city when the Mercury Oven exploded. He had flown to Morocco the day before
Kayleb: If he wasn't in Sterling city, then how is he a human Dynamo?
Ali: Hmm, unless this Brain Storm guy isn't who he appears to be
TeeKay: Okay, I am lost
Ali: Think about it. He has mental abilities like me, and he just revealed his identity to us a while back. I mean, what kind of mastermind will be as foolish as to reveal his identity to the enemy
Kayleb: You are right....that means Brain Storm is quite the intelligent fellow!
Dr Smart: Still, it still doesn't prove the point you are trying to make Ali
Ali: What I am trying to say is, maybe Brains Storm isn't who he appears to be. The real Brain Storm may be inhabiting the body of this Stark guy and just maybe, he is using it as a vessel
Dr Smart: That makes sense now
Aeres: But is it even possible, to use the body of someone else as a vessel?!
Ali: That's a possibility. We breachers are able to do a lot of stuff. Some of which includes; shoot vibrational energy wave, open cosmic portals with our minds, feel the energy of certain matter and predicting the event that occurred at a particular time. I wouldn't be surprised if Brain Storm has figured out how to put his subconscious mind into the body of another and use it as his own
Dr Smart: That means no matter how we look at it, Brain Storm is quite the strong and intelligent foe. Defeating him won't be easy
TeeKay: What do we do then, how do we stop him before he decides to test out "Team Work" again?
Dr Smart: Ali will just have to do it!
Ali: I will do what exactly?!
Dr Smart: You will have to use your abilities to locate the real Brain Storm
Ali: But, it's not.....
Dr Smart: It's not what....are you doubting your capabilities again?! Don't forget, you are now able to boost your sensory perception on your own without the help of my tech. That is how you were able to locate the bomb that was masked off earlier. So don't worry, you can do this!
Ali: Yeah Dr Smart, you are right. But I will have to feel the energy again that Brain Storm emits in order to use it as a signature marker. That way, I should be able to trace his exact location with it
Kayleb: I don't think you need to worry about that.....Look!
Brain Storm: Congratulations team QuickBae. I observed your team work and I must say, you guys are quite the team
Kayleb: We have figured out your secret as well Brain Storm. We know that you inhabited the body of this young man we are seeing on the screen, am I right?!
Brain Storm: Wow, you all managed to figure out that as well?! I must say, I am highly impressed. Not that it will do you any good though
Kayleb: That's what you think but mark my words, I will find you and I will stop you for good
Brain Storm: Very well then, I will take your word for it. But before that, you will have to fix up the little mess I have caused in Sterling city again
Joey: What mess are you talking about?
Brain Storm: Let's just say I have released every single Human Dynamo you guys captured in the past and restrained. Their abilities and no longer suppressed
Joey: What!
Brain Storm: And that's not all. I amplified their abilities tenfold making them a lot stronger than before
Brain Storm: I told you guys before, didn't I?! My abilities are "out of this world". Good luck handling this mess, Team QuickBae!
After saying this, Brain Storm disconnected again. Kayleb then angrily slammed his hands on a desk;
Kayleb: Urgghh, who does this guy think he is?! All our efforts in the past years, all gone down the drain!
Dr Smart: I wonder what kind of mind game he is trying to play
Joey: I need to head back to the Police station and handle things from there
Aeres: Okay dad, but be careful
Joey: Yeah sweetheart, I will!
Joey then ran out of the base and went outside the building; straight to his car. He got in and zoomed off to SCPD. Meanwhile back in the base, team QuickBae were watching the news on how Sterling City was in total chaos. Truly, Brain Storm had released every Human Dynamo Team QuickBae had captured in the past and amplified their abilities. From what they could observe, these Human Dynamos seemed stronger than before. One by one, they started destroying the city gradually;
Kayleb: Guys, we can't save the city on our own. We are way outnumbered!
Presh: I don't think that is going to be possible. I tried reaching out to them already but I can't seem to get through.
Communication now seems impossible. Brain Storm must have messed with the satellite signals somehow
Dr Smart: That sneaky man. It then means that, apart from us in Sterling city, no one outside the city knows our current situation?
Presh: I am afraid so. I fear we are on our own in this fight
Kayleb: Ali, how's it coming along? Have you figured out the real Brain Storm's exact location?
Ali: (trying so hard to find the real Brain Storm using the energy signature marker he picked up earlier from the monitors as Stark showed up) I am trying Kayleb but I will need time. He hid himself pretty well....but don't worry. I know I can find him
Kayleb: Very well then. The rest of you guys should suit up and head straight to where the Chaos is happening in the city and try to hold the Human Dynamos off somehow for a while. TeeKay, you will lead both Killer Freeze and Dr Smart on this mission, can I trust you?!
Kid Bae: Sure Kayleb, you can count on me!
Kayleb: Aeres, I need you to stay behind and handle things from here. We will need that technical brain of yours on the systems
Kayleb: Meanwhile, I and Ali will handle Brain Storm. The only way to stop this chaos is if we take down the source. And we can only do that by finding the real Brain Storm. Good luck on your respective mission team, the city is counting on us!
The whole team nodded their heads in affirmative and went straight into business. Killer freeze changed form and suited up while Dr Smart wore a hoody and a mask that concealed his identity. He, Killer Freeze and Kid Bae then left the base and headed straight to the crime scene. Ali on the other hand, continued looking for Brain Storm and Kayleb waited patiently.
When Kid Bae, Killer Freeze and Dr Smart arrived at the scene, everywhere was in total turmoil. Buildings were burning down to the ground. Luckily, Captain Joey East had arrived earlier and evacuated all the citizens to a safe underground compartment initially built as a hanger for private jets. That was how the police were in charge of the citizen's security and safety. Kid Bae and his squad now had their jobs a bit easy. Killer Freeze then started freezing all the burning buildings to prevent them from burning further while the two Speedsters started spinning their hands with a high velocity in a circular motion, to create a wind vortex to put out the fire on other buildings. As they were doing this, they slowly started getting surrounded by Human Dynamos. Amongst them were Night crawler, Steel man and the couple that had the abilities to move inanimate objects with his mind and speed respectively; all Human Dynamos team QuickBae had captured and detained in the past;
Night Crawler: So this is the new Team QuickBae huh!
Steel Man: We are going to make you all pay for what QuickBae did to us!
After saying this, Steel Man started launching metals he could find on the ground at team QuickBae while Night crawler turned invincible. Team QuickBae managed to evade all of Steel Man's attacks but sporadic Kunai knives were launched from all direction. The three were able to dodge the kunai attacks but some of them still cut the three on their bodies at some point because they couldn't see where Night crawler was attacking from. The Kunai attacks were faster too this time all thanks to Brain Storm amplifying their enemy's abilities. Later, the Kunai attack stopped for a while. The Man, who could move objects with his mind, then launched three boulders at the three members of team QuickBae as a means of distraction. As expected, the three dodged his attack but as they did, the man's wife appeared in front of the three at super speed and hit them all hard one by one until they dropped. The three then fell and rolled to the other end of the street in pain. Meanwhile, Aeres and Kayleb were observing everything from their base on their monitor;
Aeres: This isn't good! They can't keep up. These Human Dynamos are definitely not like last time, they are way stronger!
Kayleb: I know; all the more reason why we need to find Brain Storm now! Ali, how is it coming?!
Ali: (sweating profusely with his eyes closed as he was still using his abilities to find brain storm) I am getting something. He is tricky and has hidden himself well but don't worry, I will find him!
Ali's hands then started glowing and a force of Violet energy surrounded his hands. After that, Ali's forehead started glowing as well. In no time, he found Brain Storm;
Ali: No Way!
Kayleb: What is it?
Ali: I have found Brain Storm and you will never believe who it is....It is the Mayor!
Kayleb and Aeres: What!
Ali: Yeah and.....
Ali couldn't complete his statement when he passed out from exhaustion. Kayleb caught him before he fell and layed him on a nearby bed in the base. He then spoke to Aeres;
Kayleb: Ali overdid it and that's why he fainted. But don't worry, he will be fine. I am going to the Mayor's house now
Aeres: I will come with you
Kayleb: No Aeres, it's too dangerous. Besides, we need someone to look after Ali here. So please, stay behind
Aeres: I understand. Be careful!
Kayleb: Sure, I will
Kayleb then adjusted his suit's mask and dashed out of the base in super speed. He headed straight to Peace Villa {the estate where the Mayor resided}. When Kayleb arrived, he instantly phased through the wall of the Mayor's tall building and went straight in. He was also fast enough to avoid being spoted by the cameras that were implanted on the walls outside the building. Kayleb then entered the main building using the Phasing technique again. As he got in, he couldn't find the Mayor anywhere. In fact, the whole building was abandoned.
Kayleb then super sped and searched the whole house for the Mayor but still didn't find him. He was about leaving the building when he noticed a small ray of light shining from a particular room on the top most floor of the building. The room seemed hidden. Kayleb entered the room and he was shocked to see a lot of video recordings on the screen of the TV; about himself and his team....including records of all their affairs for what seemed like the past three years. Adjacent the room, laid a body resting in an opened incubator. It had lots of wires and coils attached to it. The body belonged to the Mayor and it was as if he was in a deep sleep or coma. QuickBae had found the Mayor. As Kayleb went closer to the body, he thought of ways to stop the Mayor from causing havoc in the city. His mind couldn't come up with any other idea besides killing the Mayor.. But before QuickBae had the chance to act, the Mayor's eyes opened and he woke up from his deep sleep.
Aeres: I saw what you three did on the news. That was awesome you guys, well done
Joey: Especially you TeeKay, you were most impressive
TeeKay: Thanks, it means a lot coming from you guys
Dr Smart: So I ran a scan on this "Brain Storm" guy to find out his true identity
Kayleb: Any luck?
Dr Smart: Well, it was difficult but I found him or I think I did
Ali: What do you mean by that?
Dr Smart: I searched for his records in Sterling city civilian's database and I couldn't find anything relating to him. Then I expanded my search to outside sterling city and something came up (Now pressing a buŧŧon on his keyboard which popped up Brain Storm's picture on a monitor)
Presh: That is brain storm!
Dr Smart: Exactly. I was able to recognize him as well. This man goes by the name Stark Smith. He is a well known pilot in a city very close to ours called "Stem City". But something doesn't add up, Stark was nowhere in Sterling city when the Mercury Oven exploded. He had flown to Morocco the day before
Kayleb: If he wasn't in Sterling city, then how is he a human Dynamo?
Ali: Hmm, unless this Brain Storm guy isn't who he appears to be
TeeKay: Okay, I am lost
Ali: Think about it. He has mental abilities like me, and he just revealed his identity to us a while back. I mean, what kind of mastermind will be as foolish as to reveal his identity to the enemy
Kayleb: You are right....that means Brain Storm is quite the intelligent fellow!
Dr Smart: Still, it still doesn't prove the point you are trying to make Ali
Ali: What I am trying to say is, maybe Brains Storm isn't who he appears to be. The real Brain Storm may be inhabiting the body of this Stark guy and just maybe, he is using it as a vessel
Dr Smart: That makes sense now
Aeres: But is it even possible, to use the body of someone else as a vessel?!
Ali: That's a possibility. We breachers are able to do a lot of stuff. Some of which includes; shoot vibrational energy wave, open cosmic portals with our minds, feel the energy of certain matter and predicting the event that occurred at a particular time. I wouldn't be surprised if Brain Storm has figured out how to put his subconscious mind into the body of another and use it as his own
Dr Smart: That means no matter how we look at it, Brain Storm is quite the strong and intelligent foe. Defeating him won't be easy
TeeKay: What do we do then, how do we stop him before he decides to test out "Team Work" again?
Dr Smart: Ali will just have to do it!
Ali: I will do what exactly?!
Dr Smart: You will have to use your abilities to locate the real Brain Storm
Ali: But, it's not.....
Dr Smart: It's not what....are you doubting your capabilities again?! Don't forget, you are now able to boost your sensory perception on your own without the help of my tech. That is how you were able to locate the bomb that was masked off earlier. So don't worry, you can do this!
Ali: Yeah Dr Smart, you are right. But I will have to feel the energy again that Brain Storm emits in order to use it as a signature marker. That way, I should be able to trace his exact location with it
Kayleb: I don't think you need to worry about that.....Look!
Brain Storm: Congratulations team QuickBae. I observed your team work and I must say, you guys are quite the team
Kayleb: We have figured out your secret as well Brain Storm. We know that you inhabited the body of this young man we are seeing on the screen, am I right?!
Brain Storm: Wow, you all managed to figure out that as well?! I must say, I am highly impressed. Not that it will do you any good though
Kayleb: That's what you think but mark my words, I will find you and I will stop you for good
Brain Storm: Very well then, I will take your word for it. But before that, you will have to fix up the little mess I have caused in Sterling city again
Joey: What mess are you talking about?
Brain Storm: Let's just say I have released every single Human Dynamo you guys captured in the past and restrained. Their abilities and no longer suppressed
Joey: What!
Brain Storm: And that's not all. I amplified their abilities tenfold making them a lot stronger than before
Brain Storm: I told you guys before, didn't I?! My abilities are "out of this world". Good luck handling this mess, Team QuickBae!
After saying this, Brain Storm disconnected again. Kayleb then angrily slammed his hands on a desk;
Kayleb: Urgghh, who does this guy think he is?! All our efforts in the past years, all gone down the drain!
Dr Smart: I wonder what kind of mind game he is trying to play
Joey: I need to head back to the Police station and handle things from there
Aeres: Okay dad, but be careful
Joey: Yeah sweetheart, I will!
Joey then ran out of the base and went outside the building; straight to his car. He got in and zoomed off to SCPD. Meanwhile back in the base, team QuickBae were watching the news on how Sterling City was in total chaos. Truly, Brain Storm had released every Human Dynamo Team QuickBae had captured in the past and amplified their abilities. From what they could observe, these Human Dynamos seemed stronger than before. One by one, they started destroying the city gradually;
Kayleb: Guys, we can't save the city on our own. We are way outnumbered!
Presh: I don't think that is going to be possible. I tried reaching out to them already but I can't seem to get through.
Communication now seems impossible. Brain Storm must have messed with the satellite signals somehow
Dr Smart: That sneaky man. It then means that, apart from us in Sterling city, no one outside the city knows our current situation?
Presh: I am afraid so. I fear we are on our own in this fight
Kayleb: Ali, how's it coming along? Have you figured out the real Brain Storm's exact location?
Ali: (trying so hard to find the real Brain Storm using the energy signature marker he picked up earlier from the monitors as Stark showed up) I am trying Kayleb but I will need time. He hid himself pretty well....but don't worry. I know I can find him
Kayleb: Very well then. The rest of you guys should suit up and head straight to where the Chaos is happening in the city and try to hold the Human Dynamos off somehow for a while. TeeKay, you will lead both Killer Freeze and Dr Smart on this mission, can I trust you?!
Kid Bae: Sure Kayleb, you can count on me!
Kayleb: Aeres, I need you to stay behind and handle things from here. We will need that technical brain of yours on the systems
Kayleb: Meanwhile, I and Ali will handle Brain Storm. The only way to stop this chaos is if we take down the source. And we can only do that by finding the real Brain Storm. Good luck on your respective mission team, the city is counting on us!
The whole team nodded their heads in affirmative and went straight into business. Killer freeze changed form and suited up while Dr Smart wore a hoody and a mask that concealed his identity. He, Killer Freeze and Kid Bae then left the base and headed straight to the crime scene. Ali on the other hand, continued looking for Brain Storm and Kayleb waited patiently.
When Kid Bae, Killer Freeze and Dr Smart arrived at the scene, everywhere was in total turmoil. Buildings were burning down to the ground. Luckily, Captain Joey East had arrived earlier and evacuated all the citizens to a safe underground compartment initially built as a hanger for private jets. That was how the police were in charge of the citizen's security and safety. Kid Bae and his squad now had their jobs a bit easy. Killer Freeze then started freezing all the burning buildings to prevent them from burning further while the two Speedsters started spinning their hands with a high velocity in a circular motion, to create a wind vortex to put out the fire on other buildings. As they were doing this, they slowly started getting surrounded by Human Dynamos. Amongst them were Night crawler, Steel man and the couple that had the abilities to move inanimate objects with his mind and speed respectively; all Human Dynamos team QuickBae had captured and detained in the past;
Night Crawler: So this is the new Team QuickBae huh!
Steel Man: We are going to make you all pay for what QuickBae did to us!
After saying this, Steel Man started launching metals he could find on the ground at team QuickBae while Night crawler turned invincible. Team QuickBae managed to evade all of Steel Man's attacks but sporadic Kunai knives were launched from all direction. The three were able to dodge the kunai attacks but some of them still cut the three on their bodies at some point because they couldn't see where Night crawler was attacking from. The Kunai attacks were faster too this time all thanks to Brain Storm amplifying their enemy's abilities. Later, the Kunai attack stopped for a while. The Man, who could move objects with his mind, then launched three boulders at the three members of team QuickBae as a means of distraction. As expected, the three dodged his attack but as they did, the man's wife appeared in front of the three at super speed and hit them all hard one by one until they dropped. The three then fell and rolled to the other end of the street in pain. Meanwhile, Aeres and Kayleb were observing everything from their base on their monitor;
Aeres: This isn't good! They can't keep up. These Human Dynamos are definitely not like last time, they are way stronger!
Kayleb: I know; all the more reason why we need to find Brain Storm now! Ali, how is it coming?!
Ali: (sweating profusely with his eyes closed as he was still using his abilities to find brain storm) I am getting something. He is tricky and has hidden himself well but don't worry, I will find him!
Ali's hands then started glowing and a force of Violet energy surrounded his hands. After that, Ali's forehead started glowing as well. In no time, he found Brain Storm;
Ali: No Way!
Kayleb: What is it?
Ali: I have found Brain Storm and you will never believe who it is....It is the Mayor!
Kayleb and Aeres: What!
Ali: Yeah and.....
Ali couldn't complete his statement when he passed out from exhaustion. Kayleb caught him before he fell and layed him on a nearby bed in the base. He then spoke to Aeres;
Kayleb: Ali overdid it and that's why he fainted. But don't worry, he will be fine. I am going to the Mayor's house now
Aeres: I will come with you
Kayleb: No Aeres, it's too dangerous. Besides, we need someone to look after Ali here. So please, stay behind
Aeres: I understand. Be careful!
Kayleb: Sure, I will
Kayleb then adjusted his suit's mask and dashed out of the base in super speed. He headed straight to Peace Villa {the estate where the Mayor resided}. When Kayleb arrived, he instantly phased through the wall of the Mayor's tall building and went straight in. He was also fast enough to avoid being spoted by the cameras that were implanted on the walls outside the building. Kayleb then entered the main building using the Phasing technique again. As he got in, he couldn't find the Mayor anywhere. In fact, the whole building was abandoned.
Kayleb then super sped and searched the whole house for the Mayor but still didn't find him. He was about leaving the building when he noticed a small ray of light shining from a particular room on the top most floor of the building. The room seemed hidden. Kayleb entered the room and he was shocked to see a lot of video recordings on the screen of the TV; about himself and his team....including records of all their affairs for what seemed like the past three years. Adjacent the room, laid a body resting in an opened incubator. It had lots of wires and coils attached to it. The body belonged to the Mayor and it was as if he was in a deep sleep or coma. QuickBae had found the Mayor. As Kayleb went closer to the body, he thought of ways to stop the Mayor from causing havoc in the city. His mind couldn't come up with any other idea besides killing the Mayor.. But before QuickBae had the chance to act, the Mayor's eyes opened and he woke up from his deep sleep.
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