QuickBae is still standing in the room facing the Mayor all pissed. The Mayor gradually came out of the incubator and detached the wires and coils from his body covered in a black armor suit. He was well built even though he was clearly old. He was also bald and had a grey side beard. The Mayor then faced QuickBae;
Mayor: (laughing) you managed to pull it off, you were able to find me. Not bad!
QuickBae: Let's just say I have the best breacher on my team. Now, call of your attack on Sterling City, now!
Mayor: That doesn't sound like fun now, does it?!
QuickBae: I knew it wouldn't be easy to convince you because I knew you would refuse. Now that your subconscious mind is back in your own body, hope Stark is alright?!
Mayor: Don't worry. I didn't have enough time to endanger him because I sensed that you had found my actual body. I couldn't just leave you and me alone while I was in that vulnerable state, now could I?!
QuickBae: So that's why you woke up. But why Mayor, why do this to your own city?
Mayor: You really want to know? Fine, I will tell you then
Meanwhile, Aeres who was listening in on the two's conversation from Kayleb's communicator alerted Dr Smart and the others. She told them that Kayleb had found Brain Storm.
Dr Smart, who was taking cover with Presh and TeeKay from the Super Human Dynamo's attacks, then spoke through his own communicator to Aeres;
Dr Smart: You don't mean it! So Brain Storm is the Mayor?!
Aeres: Yes, and Kayleb is confronting him right now!
Dr Smart: Okay....Aeres, link up all our communicators so that we can listen in as well to their conversation
Responded Aeres as she did as Smart instructed and linked together all their ear communicators.
Meanwhile, back in the Mayor's apparent lair, the Mayor continued talking to QuickBae;
Mayor: So you really want to know why I am doing all of this right? Okay, I will tell you. I am doing all this to become the strongest Human Dynamo there is. And to do that, I will have to destroy you Kayleb Malone and all your team members
QuickBae: So insecurity is what pushed you to your absurd behavior....How immature! You are just like the current ruler of Topia...a coward!
Mayor: Think whatever you want, but it won't change a thing. You have no idea what is coming for you all
QuickBae: What do you mean by that?
Mayor: You see, I don't just want to be the strongest Human Dynamo there is, but I want to rule every one that is like us. The Topians, the Cabenaros, aqua-men and any other special species of humans with extra ordinary abilities
QuickBae: Aqua-men?!
Mayor: My point exactly, you know too little. There is a whole lot other kinds of special species of humans that you don't know of yet. That is why when you find out what I have done, you will be shocked
Mayor: Nothing much. Just manipulated the enemies to all heroes into joining forces and forming an alliance which will attack the "Forces of Good" as one; that is, every hero out there
As Team QuickBae heard this through Kayleb's communicator, all of them were astonished;
QuickBae: What!
Mayor: Exactly. I was also the one who manipulated Alternate approximately three years ago into getting addicted to speed. It was all part of my plan to make him stronger and use him in my fight
Kayleb: But we beat Alternate already in case you didn't know
Mayor: (Smiling evilly) that's what you think
QuickBae: Don't tell me he managed to survive somehow
Mayor: Telling you will only ruin the surprise. As it stands, I have told you too much already. Even if you manage to beat me here QuickBae, you won't be able to stop what I have set in motion. The "Forces of evil" joined together is an army you have never seen before and when the time comes, they will come for you all. So just be patient till that time and find out
yourselves what's coming.....It would be a war to save your planet
Mayor: Of course. And if you don't beat me here, then I can ȧssume the role of their leader. That is, the "Forces of Evil". That is my great plan and my true heart dėsɨrė
QuickBae: Then I guess I will just have to beat you, right here and now! Because you have already caused enough harm as it is. I do not want to imagine you joining up with this "Forces of evil", that will be disastrous
Mayor: Just because I said that you might be able to beat me, doesn't actually mean that you will. Yes I am not as fast as you, neither do I have any combat skills, but I have the ability to influence the minds of others
QuickBae: Yeah, I know that already. You are a breacher, aren't you?
Mayor: (Laughing) I am not just a breacher you know!
QuickBae: What?!
Mayor: I haven't even fully discovered all my abilities yet. Still I can move things with my mind, amplify the abilities of Human Dynamos, hack into the most secured computer system in the world with my mind in a matter of seconds and manipulate the hearts of people to do my bidding
QuickBae: So that is how you were able to pull off all those stunts you pulled earlier. Not to mention that you have been observing us; all this while. That's how you were able to find out our identities, am I right?!
Mayor: Yeah. This is my city after all and I am sure you know that I have micro sensors installed in every inch and corner of this city, especially buildings. Those sensors, comes with an inbuilt micro camera that is connected to my TV. That's how I have know all about your team, QuickBae and that's why i will be one step ahead of you, no matter what you plan. Can't believe none of you figured that much out sooner
Mayor: Yeah that's true. Normally, you are meant to be stronger than every other Human Dynamo. But the night the mercury oven exploded and the wave spread, I was having a shock therapy to jumpstart my brain in the hospital.
Apparently, I passed out due to stress. When my brain was getting shocked, that was when the wave hit me and fused electric energy plus the energy from the mercury oven with the ISEC in my brain cells. After that, I was in a comma for about Six weeks before I regained consciousness
QuickBae: That is the same time I woke up as well from my coma!
Mayor: Yeah. When I woke up, my brain's IQ increased to 88.8 percent. I was usually ill due to my old age before but after the wave hit me, I became healthy and well built. Although at times, I need those wires you saw attached to me earlier that I made myself, help with my stamina. But it's all thanks to
Scientist Ali Mukky's ISEC that helped me with my illness, I no longer fall ill like before. After realizing my increased IQ, I started discovering all other abilities of mine one after the other. I guess I am this strong because of the combination of two forms of energy my brain acquired when the wave spread and hit me. I then set my plan into motion. I manipulated the hearts of all the foes you have faced up to this point with my abilities so that they will cause havoc; including Alternate, X, the Topian Leader and many more other species of evil people. Yeah QuickBae, that was all me!
QuickBae: So all this while, you have been the mastermind behind all the attacks right from the beginning?!
Mayor: Yes QuickBae, and now that I have also managed to convince all of them to join forces and destroy the "Forces of good", it will be epic. The reality that you have envisioned of yourself always saving people shall soon come to a permanent STOP, QuickBae! Instead, an alternate reality will become the scenario. So I hope you understand now, even if you beat me here, I have still won because a war is upon you all and that war is your doom!
QuickBae: (angry) just to rule this dark "Force of evil", that's why you are doing this.....What about the lives of the people in this city, don't you care at all what happens to them?
Mayor: Maybe when I was this city's Mayor. But now, I am brain storm. A heartless man with only one dėsɨrė, to be at the top
"Forces of evil" won't win against the "Forces of good". That is because; I and my team will stop the "Forces of evil" no matter what it takes and we will emerge victorious!
Mayor: Your enthusiasm is admirable I will give you that, but you cannot defeat me or stop what's coming. So just give up
QuickBae: Haven't you heard, I am QuickBae; the fastest man alive. And there is no way I will ever give up. Not now, Not EVER!
As QuickBae said this, his whole body started energizing and the sparks his body generated this time increased from the usual amount. Then, he blurred out of his spot and rushed towards Alternate.
Meanwhile, back in the city where Kid Bae, Killer Freeze and Dr Smart were fighting the Super Human Dynamos, the three used all their skills to hold them off. The speedsters even did the Speed Mirage Leap to confuse their enemies for a while and afterwards, they did the spark burst and a supersonic punch simultaneously. But none of these attacks had any effect on the Super Human Dynamos. Not just Steel Man and the man who could move inanimate objects with his mind, had their skin hardened, but all of the Super Human Dynamos too due to the increase in their respective abilities. Then one after the other, team QuickBae was knocked out hard and they landed on the floor of the streets. They had reached their limits. It was all up to Kayleb to finish the job.
Back in Brain Storm's lair, QuickBae almost grabbed Brain Storm when he froze in the air. He was shocked to find out that he couldn't move any of his limbs. He then noticed Brain Storm's hand suspended on the air and glowing. He was using telekinesis to suspend QuickBae on air;
Brain Storm: I told you, you cannot beat me. Now, I will mess with your brain until it reaches the point it collapses
After saying this, Brain Storm started messing with QuickBae's subconscious mind with his abilities that he almost drove QuickBae to the point of insanity. QuickBae was in a whole different level of pain as his head felt like it was on fire.
Different emotions, feelings and memories rushed in all at once to the extent that he couldn't bȧrė it anymore. QuickBae then collapsed on the floor. Aeres by this time was able to see everything that was happening with both Kayleb and the rest of the team in the city as she hacked into the micro camera systems Brain Storm had revealed earlier. She could see her team mates, all on the floor in immense pain. Aeres was really heartbroken as she witnessed this and she didn't know what to do. She didn't even realize when she connected to Kayleb's communicator and started talking;
QuickBae: (still in pain on the floor) Ae, Aeres, I, I, can't help it. He's, h, he's messing with my head and it hurts so much
Aeres: Then fight him! Remember what is at stake. All of Sterling city, your friends who are risking their lives for you, everyone you love, all these things will fall if you do not get up and do something Kayleb. So get up QuickBae, get up and RUN!
After Aeres said this, Kayleb then felt a confidence boost and began to break free from Brain Storm's mind compulsion.
QuickBae then got up from the floor gradually;
Brain Storm: What! No one has ever been able to break free from my mind compulsion before
QuickBae: That is because; you have never faced anyone like me!
After saying this, QuickBae's body energized again and his spark's color changed from white to Indigo. The force of love within him had improved his speed again and made him attain Mach 30. At this point, none of Brain Storm's trick seemed to be having any effect on QuickBae. And with the speed of light, QuickBae blurred out of his spot and gave Brainstorm 100 hyper-supersonic punches {punches whose impact is stronger and more lethal than that of a regular supersonic punch} round his entire body. Brain Storm's body couldn't handle all 100 punches and this caused him to fall and shut down. QuickBae then cuffed him with a HDSC {Human Dynamo Suppressing Cuff} he had brought with him that was built by Dr Smart. It is a cuff that suppresses the abilities of a Human Dynamo;
QuickBae: (talking to a helpless and beaten Brain Storm on the floor) I can't exactly kill you, even though it would probably be for the best. But I will detain you specially myself and put you in a place where you will not be able to use your abilities to hurt anyone ever again. It is over Brain Storm!
QuickBae actually thought it was finally over but how wrong he was...An alarm system in Brain Storm's lair went off; saying "Meteorite Approaching Sterling City". A Meteorite was actually heading towards Sterling city. That was actually Brain Storm's final attempt to destroy the city in case he was stopped.
Meanwhile, back on the streets where Dr Smart and the others were fighting the Super Human Dynamos, the three had now beaten up all of the Super Human Dynamos. This is because they were no longer amplified after QuickBae had beaten Brain Storm. So it was a whole lot easy for Team QuickBae to defeat the Human Dynamos. Afterwards, the three cuffed them all with the same cuffs QuickBae used on Brain Storm. That was when they also noticed the Meteorite heading for their Sterling City. QuickBae then appeared in their exact location;
QuickBae: Guys, this Meteorite is all Brain Storm's attempt to destroy this city in case he was stopped. I don't know if I am strong enough to stop the Meteor from destroying our city even more
Dr Smart: There is one way I know of for you to stop this Meteor QuickBae. But you will have to do it with Kid Bae
QuickBae: Tell me Doc, what do we have to do to stop this meteor?
Dr Smart: You and Kid Bae will have to combine Speed energies and make a Spark Burst each that will fuse together and form an "Exclusive Spark Burst". That "Exclusive Spark Burst" should be enough to shatter the Meteorite. You will both have to run at a Mach of 15 and at the same pace. Then simultaneously, you both should start gathering the Spark Energy that discharges from your bodies when you run. When it reaches the time you both are meant to release the energy; making the Spark Burst, you both should release the Spark Burst Energy at the same time, with the same magnitude so that the two similar energies can get attracted to one another and fuse together. When it does, it should make the "Exclusive Spark Burst" and that should be enough to shatter that Meteor into
pieces. I must warn you though, get it wrong and you both might die...
QuickBae: (Referring to TeeKay) Kid Bae, we are about attempting something that can cost us our lives if we do not get it right. Are you ready for this?!
Kid Bae: I am always ready QuickBae. You can count on me. Let's do this!
QuickBae and Kid Bae's bodies started surging with electric sparks, including their eyes and as the Meteorite approached the city, the two speedsters dashed out of their spots and headed straight for the Meteor while running on buildings.
They ran at a Mach of 15 and just as Dr Smart had told them, they combined speed energies via the Spark Burst as they released it with the same magnitude and at the same time, thus making the "Exclusive Spark Burst" that shattered the Meteor into unrecognised pieces. The two speedsters the ran back and halted where the rest of the team stood;
QuickBae and Kid Bae: "Exclusive Spark Burst", Complete!
Team QuickBae had saved the city once again from total destruction.
After the chaos, the citizens were safe to come out from the underground compartment they were in. Team QuickBae then brought the truth to light as they exposed the Mayor. Every citizen was indeed shocked at this news but at the same time, they were grateful to the Team for saving them. The Police force then started gathering all the Cuffed Human Dynamos that were captured by team QuickBae. After that, they were all put inside Police Vans on Joey's orders and taken to another Human Dynamo Containment Unit Cell outside Sterling City. All the Human Dynamos were apprehended except for Brain Storm. When QuickBae went back to his lair to get him arrested, Brain Storm had escaped somehow. So it seems that the last of Brain Storm hasn't been heard of yet and Team QuickBae stayed alert and cautious; in case he returned. But as of now, Sterling City went back to normal. Constructions started taking place on the new Mayor's orders, Joey East, in order to fix up Sterling city once more.
Ali recovered days later after he over used his abilities in finding Brain Storm....he was happy to find out that all has been settled and things were going really well now in Sterling City. He was also thrilled to hear that Joey had become the new Mayor of Sterling City and all of team QuickBae, went out to celebrate.
After the celebration, Kayleb and Aeres finally had some alone time together to talk as the others went back home. Kayleb finally owned up and admitted his true feelings for Aeres. He also told her that he remembered everything she said to him the night he vanished as brain storm tormented him mentally; he had regained back his full memory. Kayleb also thanked Aeres for the motivational speech she gave which helped him beat Brain Storm. But the two agreed that it would be better if they remained friends and nothing more. That is because they both had other people in their lives now. It was for the best, they both agreed. After their conversation, the two then went back home.
Two weeks later, all Team QuickBae members were ȧssembled in their base. Dr Smart had sent for them all. When they got inside the base, Team QuickBae was shocked to see a woman in a brown and orange suit standing close to Dr Smart. She had with her a bow on her hand and a quiver, mounted on her back which was filled with arrows. She looked like a Vigilante....
The woman then took off her mask to reveal her face, it was Hafsat. All Team QuickBae members were happy to see her again and they all exchanged pleasantries. After a while, Hafsat then spoke up;
Hafsat: It's good to see you all again but I am afraid I didn't come here to visit!
Kayleb: Then why did you come here, Hafsat?
Hafsat: I came to warn you guys on what's coming. I am afraid War is upon us!
Mayor: (laughing) you managed to pull it off, you were able to find me. Not bad!
QuickBae: Let's just say I have the best breacher on my team. Now, call of your attack on Sterling City, now!
Mayor: That doesn't sound like fun now, does it?!
QuickBae: I knew it wouldn't be easy to convince you because I knew you would refuse. Now that your subconscious mind is back in your own body, hope Stark is alright?!
Mayor: Don't worry. I didn't have enough time to endanger him because I sensed that you had found my actual body. I couldn't just leave you and me alone while I was in that vulnerable state, now could I?!
QuickBae: So that's why you woke up. But why Mayor, why do this to your own city?
Mayor: You really want to know? Fine, I will tell you then
Meanwhile, Aeres who was listening in on the two's conversation from Kayleb's communicator alerted Dr Smart and the others. She told them that Kayleb had found Brain Storm.
Dr Smart, who was taking cover with Presh and TeeKay from the Super Human Dynamo's attacks, then spoke through his own communicator to Aeres;
Dr Smart: You don't mean it! So Brain Storm is the Mayor?!
Aeres: Yes, and Kayleb is confronting him right now!
Dr Smart: Okay....Aeres, link up all our communicators so that we can listen in as well to their conversation
Responded Aeres as she did as Smart instructed and linked together all their ear communicators.
Meanwhile, back in the Mayor's apparent lair, the Mayor continued talking to QuickBae;
Mayor: So you really want to know why I am doing all of this right? Okay, I will tell you. I am doing all this to become the strongest Human Dynamo there is. And to do that, I will have to destroy you Kayleb Malone and all your team members
QuickBae: So insecurity is what pushed you to your absurd behavior....How immature! You are just like the current ruler of Topia...a coward!
Mayor: Think whatever you want, but it won't change a thing. You have no idea what is coming for you all
QuickBae: What do you mean by that?
Mayor: You see, I don't just want to be the strongest Human Dynamo there is, but I want to rule every one that is like us. The Topians, the Cabenaros, aqua-men and any other special species of humans with extra ordinary abilities
QuickBae: Aqua-men?!
Mayor: My point exactly, you know too little. There is a whole lot other kinds of special species of humans that you don't know of yet. That is why when you find out what I have done, you will be shocked
Mayor: Nothing much. Just manipulated the enemies to all heroes into joining forces and forming an alliance which will attack the "Forces of Good" as one; that is, every hero out there
As Team QuickBae heard this through Kayleb's communicator, all of them were astonished;
QuickBae: What!
Mayor: Exactly. I was also the one who manipulated Alternate approximately three years ago into getting addicted to speed. It was all part of my plan to make him stronger and use him in my fight
Kayleb: But we beat Alternate already in case you didn't know
Mayor: (Smiling evilly) that's what you think
QuickBae: Don't tell me he managed to survive somehow
Mayor: Telling you will only ruin the surprise. As it stands, I have told you too much already. Even if you manage to beat me here QuickBae, you won't be able to stop what I have set in motion. The "Forces of evil" joined together is an army you have never seen before and when the time comes, they will come for you all. So just be patient till that time and find out
yourselves what's coming.....It would be a war to save your planet
Mayor: Of course. And if you don't beat me here, then I can ȧssume the role of their leader. That is, the "Forces of Evil". That is my great plan and my true heart dėsɨrė
QuickBae: Then I guess I will just have to beat you, right here and now! Because you have already caused enough harm as it is. I do not want to imagine you joining up with this "Forces of evil", that will be disastrous
Mayor: Just because I said that you might be able to beat me, doesn't actually mean that you will. Yes I am not as fast as you, neither do I have any combat skills, but I have the ability to influence the minds of others
QuickBae: Yeah, I know that already. You are a breacher, aren't you?
Mayor: (Laughing) I am not just a breacher you know!
QuickBae: What?!
Mayor: I haven't even fully discovered all my abilities yet. Still I can move things with my mind, amplify the abilities of Human Dynamos, hack into the most secured computer system in the world with my mind in a matter of seconds and manipulate the hearts of people to do my bidding
QuickBae: So that is how you were able to pull off all those stunts you pulled earlier. Not to mention that you have been observing us; all this while. That's how you were able to find out our identities, am I right?!
Mayor: Yeah. This is my city after all and I am sure you know that I have micro sensors installed in every inch and corner of this city, especially buildings. Those sensors, comes with an inbuilt micro camera that is connected to my TV. That's how I have know all about your team, QuickBae and that's why i will be one step ahead of you, no matter what you plan. Can't believe none of you figured that much out sooner
Mayor: Yeah that's true. Normally, you are meant to be stronger than every other Human Dynamo. But the night the mercury oven exploded and the wave spread, I was having a shock therapy to jumpstart my brain in the hospital.
Apparently, I passed out due to stress. When my brain was getting shocked, that was when the wave hit me and fused electric energy plus the energy from the mercury oven with the ISEC in my brain cells. After that, I was in a comma for about Six weeks before I regained consciousness
QuickBae: That is the same time I woke up as well from my coma!
Mayor: Yeah. When I woke up, my brain's IQ increased to 88.8 percent. I was usually ill due to my old age before but after the wave hit me, I became healthy and well built. Although at times, I need those wires you saw attached to me earlier that I made myself, help with my stamina. But it's all thanks to
Scientist Ali Mukky's ISEC that helped me with my illness, I no longer fall ill like before. After realizing my increased IQ, I started discovering all other abilities of mine one after the other. I guess I am this strong because of the combination of two forms of energy my brain acquired when the wave spread and hit me. I then set my plan into motion. I manipulated the hearts of all the foes you have faced up to this point with my abilities so that they will cause havoc; including Alternate, X, the Topian Leader and many more other species of evil people. Yeah QuickBae, that was all me!
QuickBae: So all this while, you have been the mastermind behind all the attacks right from the beginning?!
Mayor: Yes QuickBae, and now that I have also managed to convince all of them to join forces and destroy the "Forces of good", it will be epic. The reality that you have envisioned of yourself always saving people shall soon come to a permanent STOP, QuickBae! Instead, an alternate reality will become the scenario. So I hope you understand now, even if you beat me here, I have still won because a war is upon you all and that war is your doom!
QuickBae: (angry) just to rule this dark "Force of evil", that's why you are doing this.....What about the lives of the people in this city, don't you care at all what happens to them?
Mayor: Maybe when I was this city's Mayor. But now, I am brain storm. A heartless man with only one dėsɨrė, to be at the top
"Forces of evil" won't win against the "Forces of good". That is because; I and my team will stop the "Forces of evil" no matter what it takes and we will emerge victorious!
Mayor: Your enthusiasm is admirable I will give you that, but you cannot defeat me or stop what's coming. So just give up
QuickBae: Haven't you heard, I am QuickBae; the fastest man alive. And there is no way I will ever give up. Not now, Not EVER!
As QuickBae said this, his whole body started energizing and the sparks his body generated this time increased from the usual amount. Then, he blurred out of his spot and rushed towards Alternate.
Meanwhile, back in the city where Kid Bae, Killer Freeze and Dr Smart were fighting the Super Human Dynamos, the three used all their skills to hold them off. The speedsters even did the Speed Mirage Leap to confuse their enemies for a while and afterwards, they did the spark burst and a supersonic punch simultaneously. But none of these attacks had any effect on the Super Human Dynamos. Not just Steel Man and the man who could move inanimate objects with his mind, had their skin hardened, but all of the Super Human Dynamos too due to the increase in their respective abilities. Then one after the other, team QuickBae was knocked out hard and they landed on the floor of the streets. They had reached their limits. It was all up to Kayleb to finish the job.
Back in Brain Storm's lair, QuickBae almost grabbed Brain Storm when he froze in the air. He was shocked to find out that he couldn't move any of his limbs. He then noticed Brain Storm's hand suspended on the air and glowing. He was using telekinesis to suspend QuickBae on air;
Brain Storm: I told you, you cannot beat me. Now, I will mess with your brain until it reaches the point it collapses
After saying this, Brain Storm started messing with QuickBae's subconscious mind with his abilities that he almost drove QuickBae to the point of insanity. QuickBae was in a whole different level of pain as his head felt like it was on fire.
Different emotions, feelings and memories rushed in all at once to the extent that he couldn't bȧrė it anymore. QuickBae then collapsed on the floor. Aeres by this time was able to see everything that was happening with both Kayleb and the rest of the team in the city as she hacked into the micro camera systems Brain Storm had revealed earlier. She could see her team mates, all on the floor in immense pain. Aeres was really heartbroken as she witnessed this and she didn't know what to do. She didn't even realize when she connected to Kayleb's communicator and started talking;
QuickBae: (still in pain on the floor) Ae, Aeres, I, I, can't help it. He's, h, he's messing with my head and it hurts so much
Aeres: Then fight him! Remember what is at stake. All of Sterling city, your friends who are risking their lives for you, everyone you love, all these things will fall if you do not get up and do something Kayleb. So get up QuickBae, get up and RUN!
After Aeres said this, Kayleb then felt a confidence boost and began to break free from Brain Storm's mind compulsion.
QuickBae then got up from the floor gradually;
Brain Storm: What! No one has ever been able to break free from my mind compulsion before
QuickBae: That is because; you have never faced anyone like me!
After saying this, QuickBae's body energized again and his spark's color changed from white to Indigo. The force of love within him had improved his speed again and made him attain Mach 30. At this point, none of Brain Storm's trick seemed to be having any effect on QuickBae. And with the speed of light, QuickBae blurred out of his spot and gave Brainstorm 100 hyper-supersonic punches {punches whose impact is stronger and more lethal than that of a regular supersonic punch} round his entire body. Brain Storm's body couldn't handle all 100 punches and this caused him to fall and shut down. QuickBae then cuffed him with a HDSC {Human Dynamo Suppressing Cuff} he had brought with him that was built by Dr Smart. It is a cuff that suppresses the abilities of a Human Dynamo;
QuickBae: (talking to a helpless and beaten Brain Storm on the floor) I can't exactly kill you, even though it would probably be for the best. But I will detain you specially myself and put you in a place where you will not be able to use your abilities to hurt anyone ever again. It is over Brain Storm!
QuickBae actually thought it was finally over but how wrong he was...An alarm system in Brain Storm's lair went off; saying "Meteorite Approaching Sterling City". A Meteorite was actually heading towards Sterling city. That was actually Brain Storm's final attempt to destroy the city in case he was stopped.
Meanwhile, back on the streets where Dr Smart and the others were fighting the Super Human Dynamos, the three had now beaten up all of the Super Human Dynamos. This is because they were no longer amplified after QuickBae had beaten Brain Storm. So it was a whole lot easy for Team QuickBae to defeat the Human Dynamos. Afterwards, the three cuffed them all with the same cuffs QuickBae used on Brain Storm. That was when they also noticed the Meteorite heading for their Sterling City. QuickBae then appeared in their exact location;
QuickBae: Guys, this Meteorite is all Brain Storm's attempt to destroy this city in case he was stopped. I don't know if I am strong enough to stop the Meteor from destroying our city even more
Dr Smart: There is one way I know of for you to stop this Meteor QuickBae. But you will have to do it with Kid Bae
QuickBae: Tell me Doc, what do we have to do to stop this meteor?
Dr Smart: You and Kid Bae will have to combine Speed energies and make a Spark Burst each that will fuse together and form an "Exclusive Spark Burst". That "Exclusive Spark Burst" should be enough to shatter the Meteorite. You will both have to run at a Mach of 15 and at the same pace. Then simultaneously, you both should start gathering the Spark Energy that discharges from your bodies when you run. When it reaches the time you both are meant to release the energy; making the Spark Burst, you both should release the Spark Burst Energy at the same time, with the same magnitude so that the two similar energies can get attracted to one another and fuse together. When it does, it should make the "Exclusive Spark Burst" and that should be enough to shatter that Meteor into
pieces. I must warn you though, get it wrong and you both might die...
QuickBae: (Referring to TeeKay) Kid Bae, we are about attempting something that can cost us our lives if we do not get it right. Are you ready for this?!
Kid Bae: I am always ready QuickBae. You can count on me. Let's do this!
QuickBae and Kid Bae's bodies started surging with electric sparks, including their eyes and as the Meteorite approached the city, the two speedsters dashed out of their spots and headed straight for the Meteor while running on buildings.
They ran at a Mach of 15 and just as Dr Smart had told them, they combined speed energies via the Spark Burst as they released it with the same magnitude and at the same time, thus making the "Exclusive Spark Burst" that shattered the Meteor into unrecognised pieces. The two speedsters the ran back and halted where the rest of the team stood;
QuickBae and Kid Bae: "Exclusive Spark Burst", Complete!
Team QuickBae had saved the city once again from total destruction.
After the chaos, the citizens were safe to come out from the underground compartment they were in. Team QuickBae then brought the truth to light as they exposed the Mayor. Every citizen was indeed shocked at this news but at the same time, they were grateful to the Team for saving them. The Police force then started gathering all the Cuffed Human Dynamos that were captured by team QuickBae. After that, they were all put inside Police Vans on Joey's orders and taken to another Human Dynamo Containment Unit Cell outside Sterling City. All the Human Dynamos were apprehended except for Brain Storm. When QuickBae went back to his lair to get him arrested, Brain Storm had escaped somehow. So it seems that the last of Brain Storm hasn't been heard of yet and Team QuickBae stayed alert and cautious; in case he returned. But as of now, Sterling City went back to normal. Constructions started taking place on the new Mayor's orders, Joey East, in order to fix up Sterling city once more.
Ali recovered days later after he over used his abilities in finding Brain Storm....he was happy to find out that all has been settled and things were going really well now in Sterling City. He was also thrilled to hear that Joey had become the new Mayor of Sterling City and all of team QuickBae, went out to celebrate.
After the celebration, Kayleb and Aeres finally had some alone time together to talk as the others went back home. Kayleb finally owned up and admitted his true feelings for Aeres. He also told her that he remembered everything she said to him the night he vanished as brain storm tormented him mentally; he had regained back his full memory. Kayleb also thanked Aeres for the motivational speech she gave which helped him beat Brain Storm. But the two agreed that it would be better if they remained friends and nothing more. That is because they both had other people in their lives now. It was for the best, they both agreed. After their conversation, the two then went back home.
Two weeks later, all Team QuickBae members were ȧssembled in their base. Dr Smart had sent for them all. When they got inside the base, Team QuickBae was shocked to see a woman in a brown and orange suit standing close to Dr Smart. She had with her a bow on her hand and a quiver, mounted on her back which was filled with arrows. She looked like a Vigilante....
The woman then took off her mask to reveal her face, it was Hafsat. All Team QuickBae members were happy to see her again and they all exchanged pleasantries. After a while, Hafsat then spoke up;
Hafsat: It's good to see you all again but I am afraid I didn't come here to visit!
Kayleb: Then why did you come here, Hafsat?
Hafsat: I came to warn you guys on what's coming. I am afraid War is upon us!
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