Rabbit sage and masked nobleman.
[Carriage Journey]
"No, I thought it was a carriage and I was ready to shake it, but it's not that shaky.
No rugs, no cushions too strong, not too soft and washy great "
The rabbit sage fell asleep in a cushion behind the carriage's tent, gobbling and in a mood like a cat.
Next to such a rabbit sage, Grandor sits on a horseradish and is frightened.
"In 20 years, the national highway will be well established. You're pulling too much, except for work."
So I put the little box out in front of the rabbit sage.
"That lady - in front of Lily, she's going to look scared."
That's what Grandor said. When he opened the lid of the small box, it contained the 'Inago Tenderloin' of the rabbit sage's favorite.
"Whoa. ♪ You're my best friend to have."
The rabbit sage stopped gobbling, got up and quickly threw the ingot tenderloin into his little mouth when he picked it at his fingertips.
"Yeah, I miss the muscular texture"
Grandor laughed, gazing at the happy face of the rabbit sage.
"Apparently, the contents are really" Netsurk. "
When Grandor refers to the "name of the time of man" of a rabbit sage who says he is stingy, he asks with an instant sinister face the face he was in a good mood.
"In case those kids hear you, don't say it because I don't like it. And Grandor still didn't believe me?
"First of all, if you're going to deceive your enemies, you're going to know who to deceive and who to deceive your friends. Well, you're the only sage who cheeks so gladly at the ginago tenderloin."
Grandor also said it all the way back, picking up the ingot tenderloin himself and throwing it into his mouth.
Check the taste as you move the jaw that remains of the mustache with the mog.
"Yeah, it tastes good this time too"
"Grandor is as good as ever, he's sober. Is the inn somewhere today?. Or wild boarding in the carriage?. If it's so comfortable, I don't care if it's a wild boarding house in the carriage."
Best of all, the rabbit sage turned back and picked another ingot tenderloin as he asked about the inn.
"Arsen is clueless around there, and they take state-owned private accommodation. If it's normal, we'll be in Loblau around noon tomorrow."
Now take the map out of your nostalgia and spread it on the carriage floor.
"Now the road is well maintained and comfortable, but from the area past the boarding house where this inn is located, the road becomes rough again. Be prepared."
Grandor continues his explanation as he points the way past the Inn on the map.
"Does Rabbit know anything about Robrow?
I didn't call him "real name" as he asked me to, I dared to call him "appearance" name.
"Just a little bit, surely the lord's palace of previous generations is studying exotic sorcery or something. Oh, but I've clearly heard that chicken dishes are delicious."
The rabbit sage also looks at the map with a moffy hand on his chin.
"Neither you nor His Majesty will be able to escape when it comes to food. And it's famous for its green citrus fruits that resemble lime."
"Is Grandor interested in you?
"Um, this agricultural training is going to be mainly about you. Honestly, I don't care about the investigation into the execution of nobles."
Grandor opened his big mouth and laughed cuckoo luxuriously before picking the ingot tenderloin and eating again.
"Oh man, Gran is more of a muscled 'nobleman hater'"
Both Lily and Ars are outside the carriage's tent to tour Louis steering the carriage.
The sage of the rabbit looked at Lily, recalling in association with the "secretary" who was publicly speaking of his abomination of nobility.
"Oh, while there's a feeling of 'dislike', you'll still have room for feelings"
Large, nostalgic, and most importantly "ho-han" famous, he stared at his best friend with his eyes narrowed and cold, like he would never do as "Grandor McGaffin, the Great Farmer".
As a "grandor" of an individual, the side I showed him because he's a "rabbit sage" I know on my own.
"For me, my favorite opposite is' I don't care '. If you don't get involved, that's fine. If they get involved, they want to crush it.
My mouth is laughing, but my eyes remain sharp.
The rabbit sage had eyes that looked just a little noisy, staring at his old friend.
"I actually have enough power to crush it, so please don't make a scene. But I'm afraid Grand is best friends with Arsene and His Majesty the King."
In fact, only the very close ones know that Grandor doesn't like nobility.
I don't give a lot of bites about saying "I hate nobles," and I'm extremely 'indifferent'.
"I know very well that Arsene and His Majesty struggle with the life of a nobleman."
The sharp eye goes back to normal and continues to talk soothingly.
"I don't know because Grandor hasn't made a public announcement about 'nobility haters'. A lot of people don't know."
The conversation continues with the shampoo, one and one cheeky with the leftover ingot tenderloin.
"Well, it's not even a public statement. It is the noblemen, Mr. Cock, who choose our fresh crops to buy. Tenderloin is the last one. Want some?"
"Yeah, I'll take it."
When the sage of Peroli and the rabbit put the last one of the ingot tenderloins in his mouth, Lily represented herself as the entrance to the tent opened more and carried the dazzling rear light.
"Ah, you were eating something delicious just Sage and Grandor!
In one of Lily's words, Grandor laughed a lot, and the rabbit sage laughed bitterly.
"Next time you eat, I'll call Lily too, so give me the horns."
Grandor, still laughing, says, so Lily just sat beside the farmer and the sage, tilting her neck wonderfully, too.
"Together, it's too much of a joke. Lily, what's going on? Are you tired of the carriage?
"No, I'm not tired of it. Horses are cute, too."
Shake your head sideways and the girl denies being tired of traveling.
"Louis said, 'I'm hungry,' so I came to get the biscuits that Sister Margaret gave me."
It was as if "my brother said selfish and troubled sister," and Lily said why she came into the carriage as she dropped her shoulder.
"Ha, because Louis is a grown-up. Every three hours, he says, 'I'm hungry.'"
The big man listens happily to Lily and points to the thick and successful box in the corner of the carriage.
"Biscuits would be nice, but if I did it to Louis, the 'work' of the country's highest confectioner would instantly disappear into his stomach. There's cheese and bread in that box where the art of keeping cold is, so do that to Louis. If it's good for you, you should try Ars and your daughter. So, what about Sister Margaret's biscuits for dessert?
He spoke to Lily in a tone as grandor McGaffin, a big, gentle farmer.
"Ah, yes. Well, Grandor, I'll do as you say."
Rabbit sage listens to such Lily and Grandor 'stories' as they move their long ears with pleasure.
Lily opens the lid of the cooled box and begins her search, Grandor shows.
Looking for bread and cheese, the tent opened again and it was Louis who showed up carrying the back light.
"Lily, are you there yet? My belly and back are stuck."
By yolo yolo and deliberate side, Louis sits down.
The girl feels a little frightened, and two years old hands-on easy snack schedules for Louis, who should be older.
"What are you talking about? Yes, bread and cheese"
In a blurry tone, Lily carefully pinches the cheese into the bread, forming it into an easy-to-eat shape before passing it to Louis.
"Heh, thanks"
Lily was surprised that Louis honestly thanked her and then quickly started eating bread and eating more than half with a couple of bites.
"Were you that hungry?
"Uh-huh, even if I've had a full tummy here lately, I'll be hungry again after three hours. Do you have a change?
I said the same thing about Grandor earlier, and I finished my last bite.
Lily gave him a cheese sandwich that she had made for Ars because she was stunned and pinched with vegetables.
It's got vegetables in it.
"If you eat so much, think of balance!
Seeing that interaction, Grandor laughs lavishly.
"If Lily was here, I could save Louis a lot of trouble telling her. What do you say we come to Louis' wife?
To what Grandor says with a smile, Lily turns bright red to her ears.
"Osama, I'll do the proposition, so don't go ahead."
When Louis looks extremely serious and complains about Grandor, Lily is so bright red that she won't be able to do any more, she's shivering as a wannabe.
"And I don't know!!!
That being said, Lily went outside the tent with a sandwich that she had made that had a distorted shape.
"Is that it? What's Lily mad about?
"Louis, you were sensitive to this earlier exchange between Ars and Lily, but you're blunt about these things."
A rabbit sage spoke to Louis, who is a pocan.
Louis turned to the sage of the rabbit,
"Earlier? Yeah, that was Lily and Mr. Ars coming to mind like 'real family,' not that."
And while I used suspicious language, I answered lightly.
"It's like" The Real Family, "so you were stubborn?
Louis' reply to the rabbit sage, apparently, had been an unexpected answer.
"Uh-huh, 'cause it's not funny, is it? People who get along have fun with things they just don't understand."
He doesn't look at the rabbit sage, turns a blind eye to the side, "shy, Louis honestly mouths his feelings.
Such a disciple's head, Grandor stroked Gashigashi with his big hand.
"Louis was jealous of Ars and Lily for being an orphan.
So, Louis said, "For once," the rabbit is an eye-catcher, so watch your language a little bit more!
From there, I scratched my head hard with washer and habitual hair.
"Oh, my God, then Als, you and Lily are the same. Ars, you grew up in an orphanage, and why do you think Lily lives with you like a crocodile?
Though it was almost a shuddering word of a rabbit sage, Louis still showed his slightly lonely eyes from the gap in his hair that had been crushed by Grandor.
"But I don't know anything about my family, but I saw Mr. Ars and Lily like a family."
Grandor and the rabbit sage laughed heavily at Louis' words like that.
"So why are you two laughing?!?
"Louis, you're adorable!
The rabbit sage was also with the hands of Punipni's meatballs, slapping Louis cheek unintentionally as a pessili pessili.
"Hey, punny, it feels good, but stop it, Sage - Dear Sir!"
"No, you're right. This is" The lawn next door looks blue "! Hey, Netsu - Rabbit!
He laughed and teared as Grandor threatened to mouth his real name, still grinning Louis' head around.
The rabbit sage stops slapping Louis on the cheek and strokes his fuzzy chest to calm his thoughtfully laughed trachea.
Just the sage rabbit face, he kept smiling.
"Right, Grandor. Louis, let me tell you something interesting.
Lily was telling you, "Louis, I envy your relationship with Grandor," Ars. "
"Heh? What are you doing?
Louis was surprised when he opened his mouth round with Pocan.
The rabbit sage still laughs small, giving reasons.
"Lily says, 'Lady Grandor is a very eye-catching person, but Louis is so jealous to be able to talk to you."
Ars, I remember how you spoke, and I felt like Lily was around here, and Ars, you seem to be jealous of Louis too. "
The boy was honestly bewildered by the 'reason' he told me about the rabbit sage.
"Nothing, it's normal for me - and Osama doesn't like to be distracted either, so this is the way I said it. Sometimes I feel like I'm jealous."
"Look, Louis. That's what I'm saying."
Grandor slapped his apprentice's head with a pong and fist.
"Ammo!. What's going on, Osama?
Louis complains as he looks up at his master, rubbing his slapped head.
To this reaction of his disciple, Grandor gives a sinister face.
"Oh man, even though the muscles of martial arts are sharp, I was so dull about these things. Enough, save it for later in the dictionary saying, 'The lawn next door looks blue'.
I'll check back later to see if you're looking into it. Look, take turns with Ars. "
That's how Grandor kicked the apprentice boy out of the tent.
"Louis, you're just too young to understand your 'difficulties where you can exist,' Grandor."
Recommend to your best friend as the rabbit sage shudders.
Grandor leaked his sigh only slightly more seriously with the hoom.
"Look, if the war is over, if it's a time of peace, is academia still the top priority?"
The wise man answered Grandor's theory by moving his nose only hiccups without expression.
"I wonder if it's more important to 'use' what you've learned than what you've learned."
I am convinced by the words of my best friend, but Grandor keeps a sinister face, with a successful arm, slightly but stupidly spilled in tone.
"Well, that's true. Children in villages that Washi takes care of these days - more of a guardian than a...
More and more flirtatious and more academic. I do think that academics are easier to stand up for. "
Yes, when Grandor said it, Ars came into the tent.
"Lord Sage and Master Grandor, were you in the middle of something?
Ars took off his sword and sat down with the rabbit sage and a little away from Grandor, sitting in the front seat.
"That's not true, just fine. Grandor, let's hear about the freshly employed young man."
A rabbit sage invites him to the side with a chocolate and a fluffy hand.
Ars went in between one and one if he asked how the rabbit sage and grandor were doing, haha, and sat in the front seat again, the sword resting behind him without disrespect.
"Ars, don't be so hard. I'm not eating anything."
With Grandor grinning bitterly, he bangs Ars' shoulder, shaped to sit beside him.
Ars laughed bitterly, but exhaled in a ho and was relieved to finally find out he wasn't in the way of talking about the rabbit sage and Grandor.
"Because I was seen, as I was talking about something that seemed complicated. I feel good about myself coming in."
Ars looks sorry, bows his head.
Grandor sighs at this courtesy.
"I don't know, rabbit. You could have turned your big winner around to Arsen."
Grandor is impressed with a low profile, moderate attitude only.
Ars was being slapped on the shoulder again as he lowered his head in awe.
"Uh-huh, Ars. Though I really appreciate you being a good kid. I wonder if I also have a desire for you to smash it and break it. By the way, Grandor.
After all, aren't there many young people like you these days, Ars?
Grandor, as I recall, knocked and nodded at his knee, which was racing.
"Yeah, I was. That's what I was talking about. Well, it's better if you're blessed to grow up."
The words seem troubling, but Ars finds his voice weirdly pale.
(It's like, "Weirdly underprivileged to grow up" is the way to say thank you.)
"Oh. Have the aristocrats been involved in agriculture lately?
The only sage of rabbits was the word of Grandor, and what people could guess.
"It would be greatly appreciated if you were a farmer that His Majesty the King likes farming. But I can't resist the attitude of" I've come to farm that I don't even want to do "in order to be admitted to Your Majesty.
Besides, my attitude is terrible when I'm watching and when I'm not. "
Grandor jerked off scratching his jaw.
Then, if you notice Ars staring at you worryingly, you laugh bitterly as if you've regained your mind.
"If you're a pure maiden, you're welcome to find out what interests you in order to get closer to your favorite lord."
Mouth a rare joke for Grandor.
Ars is bitterly smiling after he rounds his eyes on it, but he was convinced of Grandor's stupidity.
"I grew up in an orphanage, but somehow I know. Some of the noblemen who sometimes give charity, while giving charity, said," You don't have to come, "even if you weren't young, you felt it. But the priest told me later that he was arrogant."
I continued to laugh bitterly, pretending to pound my head.
Perhaps in the past that priest Ars actually got a fist bone.
Grandor is laughing at how he greatly likes what Ars did.
"As much as I forgive you, I will not punish you for exposing you to arrogance. As such, even though Washi's farm is like an early course in agriculture for all the aristocrats lately, I get salaries.
I thought you were here to ask, but on the contrary, please give farmers even the reluctant wisdom that it seems silly to work seriously. "
According to Grandor, from the "noblemen" who come to the course, there are times when they breathe bad knowledge, and from Grandor, they want to cover their eyes and block their ears.
"But if the aristocracy story flies too far in reverse, don't really take it and listen to it, or some fierce people argue and flaunt it with honesty. What I personally want you to stop is an atmosphere like 'make fun of what you try'.
Especially for those puberty 'kids' like Louis. "
When I say that, Grandor is gently squeezing his head off.
"Are you ashamed to work hard?
Grandor looked reassured the other way in response to reactions such as not pinning on Ars.
"Ars and Louis are still alike."
The farmer nodded happily.
"Even such weasels and alsen and rabbits had rebellious hassles in the middle of adolescence when we met.
I can't wait to feel some different breeze with these puberty kids. Well, I know it's not the children's fault. "
Grandor's eyes, who said so, were in great distress.
It reminded Ars of an elderly priest who looked after him in an orphanage indefinitely and always put the children first.
The rabbit sage is light with Teshiteshi, gently tapping Grandor's knee over Ars, which is Hussein.
"Grandor is, and always has been, too good a caretaker. If I leave you alone for a little while, the children you care for will be fine."
Then the rabbit sage stretches his little inverse triangular nose with a crack.
"By the way, actually." I want to. "Is there somewhere I can take a break?
And, with the momentum to completely dismiss the serious Grandor troubles, the rabbit sage asked the two.
"What, all of a sudden? - Yeah, well, I don't even need a break. Let's see if there's a rest stop on the street."
Despite being cut off from the story, Grandor stood up lightly for his big body in a way that convinced him of something and headed for the entrance to the tent.
"Grandor is my best friend because people are good and I can guess."
The rabbit sage again began to gobble on the floor of the carriage and on the cushion. Ars somehow pushes silently, stares at the wise and waits for him to speak.
The rabbit sage, when he saw Chirali and Ars, showed him the gorilla and the back.
"I'm worried about the people who aren't on my side right now, but I don't feel comfortable. If you're worried, unless you're worried too much, I think it's okay for you to be on your side right now."
and spoke like a blindfold. Listen to that, Ars, loosen his expression and smiles.
"For Lord Rabbit Sage, Master Grandor is an important friend, isn't he?
And for Lord Sage, the most important thing I want to take care of right now is Lily. "
To the boy's words, the rabbit sage stopped just pimping his long ears as he showed his back.
At that time, Grandor appeared again as the entrance to the carriage's tent opened and carried the rear light.
"Hey, it's just a little bit better ahead of you... What, so you're showing Ars your back like you're lighting up something?
To my best friend for 20 years, he looked like a rabbit or a person, but his mind looked like a loose end.
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