Rabbit sage and masked nobleman.
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"- Well. Time to pull it out of the mansion"
Arsene suggests that two female knights finish their tea in the courtyard of a rabbit sage's mansion, where the welcome comes to a paragraph.
Rye looked like he wasn't talking enough, and Rico took the silver pocket watch out of his pocket and made sure of the time.
"Oh true. Looks like you should pull it up now, Rye."
Rico's calm but clear cut (...) Ri (...) up (...) Li (...) pronounced (...) words (...), Rye swells her cheeks in dissatisfaction.
"Nyah. Anyway, when I get back to the royal palace in Wangdu, in front of the legal council, I'll just stand and guard again."
Rico was grinning and listening to Rye say that, and he was starting to clean up his tea.
"Is Mr. Rai jittery not suited to sex?
Ask Rye after Arsen gives him the cup and saucer he finished his tea with and says "thank you".
"Nyah. When I get jittery, I really want to sleep, so I don't like to get jittery."
Rye talks like he's in a lot of trouble, so when Arsen sends Rico a gaze of doubt, he answers politely.
"Because of the nature of Rai's body, it seems like she will be struck by intense drowsiness if she really doesn't move.
Both the escort and partner, I understand and work there.
The royalty is basically busy with diplomacy, and we don't have much of a jitter to escort. "
Arsene nods lightly convinced of the explanation, then utters words to sympathize with Rye.
"Most senators are now bottled in the royal palace."
"Nyah, it's boring. Master Yumpho is boring, and I'm sure he's about to explode."
Rico crushes Rye swelling his cheeks again with his shaped white fingers.
"Lai, I don't give a shit about the names of those who guard you."
"Nah, I wish it was Alsen. Yunfo likes Alsen."
Rye raises both ends of his mouth like a cat and looks up at a beautiful military man.
"Oh, was Mr. Rai your escort to Master Yunfo?
But surely, Master Yunfo would enjoy being escorted if he were a 'daughter' like Mr. Rai. I'm very good with daughters. "
Arsene snorts with a slight people's bad grin.
And the topic naturally becomes about Yunfo Crocchus.
As far as Arsen knows, Yunfo Crocchus, who gets pretty remote but is a member of the royal family and has been an aristocrat since he retired from the army, is a commoner and his name goes through
And for this reason, he was also the guardian of Arsen as a minor who had lost his father earlier, and a benefactor who was also the head of a military school.
Ever since he retired from the army, he has become more and more commoner and more famous for his elderly and grand figures, such as during the country's seasonal festivals, who behave like alcohol to the civilian population and are quite nostalgic.
Sometimes only the likes were accompanied by unpleasant rumors.
I like the colour, I'm bringing a woman into the mansion, but I don't know much about Alsen, who doesn't try to relate to stories that he said on a daily basis because they have too many tails and spines on them.
So one day, in the news of a night club that I would not normally try to deal with, I heard the information that Yunfo would participate, which was unusual for Alsen, and I decided to sign and join myself.
Ever since I grew up, my relationship has diminished, and I have been tempted to meet Yunfo, who is also my benefactor.
At that night club Alsen will see a new side of the benefactor.
The place for the night club was the mansion of my colleague Rodley Mind, who was burning some rivalry awareness on Alsen.
What surprised me when I heard the conversation while eating was that Yunfo said he was attending the nightclub invitation from the Mind family whenever possible.
Is there anything in the Mind family?
With that in mind, I realized that there are many children at the Mind Family Night Club, so in normal nightclubs, I leave it to babysitter at the Mansion, and only my parents often come out.
Alsen smiles at the ladies trying to have some conversation or connection with them and turns to the room where many children gather.
(This way, right)
The door was open and, unlike the nightclub songs from the room, the children preferred to play bright music.
One brunette woman in the center of that room is playing music, singing a song, and the children are smiling and staring at the woman.
(That singer is exotic.)
Arsene entered the room quietly, enjoying her song, not to disturb her.
The woman continues the song with a smile and a salute to find Alsen's figure.
(Good voice)
Arsen was surprised when he went to the corner of the room to disturb the children, the 'main guests' in this room, because Yunfo was there.
He sat in a guest chair in the corner of the room, listening to a woman's song and falling in love.
And when he notices Alsen's presence, smiling like a blindfold, Yunfo listens to the woman's song again.
Alsen also sat down in a guest chair on Yunfo's side and gave herself up to the woman's song.
(exotic, mother wishes child happiness song)
Alsen listens to women's songs while simply translating exotic words he has heard.
Her singing is in itself a natural heartbeat, so the children listened to the lyrics grudgingly, even without knowing what they meant.
And because it's a "night club," a few kids start sleeping relaxed, even as they listen to and fall in love with the song.
(This song is "Lullaby," right?)
Alsen noticed a loving glance, pouring on the sleeping children as the woman sang the song.
In the form of a few completely asleep, her song is over, then her index finger on her lips and the mark "Quiet" is shown to the "main guests".
Then the children brought the blanket provided at the edge of the room, as they were accustomed to, and put it gently on the children who had fallen asleep.
"Thank you, gentlemen"
The exotic woman thanked the children in the smooth language of this country.
"Mr. Sizk, it was always a good song"
Yunfo stood up and praised her song as she called on the woman to "sizzle".
If it's true, maybe it's as hard as I want to applaud.
"Thank you, Master Crocchus"
After politely pinching the hem of the dress and thanking Yunfo, the woman notices Alsen's presence.
'I'm sorry if I'm wrong. May I present it to you, Master Alsen Padrick?
Alsen shall be Kyoton, given his name in full by the woman he thought he'd met.
"Yes, although I am certainly Alsen Padrick"
In response, the woman opened her face and began to introduce herself respectfully.
"Dear Alsen, you are Rodley Fong's" best friend ". I always hoped to greet you once.
Nice to meet you, I'm serving as a nanny in the Mind family, my name is' Sizuk ''
"Shh, shh, shh!"
Once Rye stopped explaining, Arsen laughed bitterly and Rico tilted his neck.
"How could that insidious sticky snake bastard be Master Alsen's 'best friend'!?.
Snake bastard is playing on his own?! "
Rye is outraged as he exhales to intimidate him like a cat.
"Mr. Rai didn't have a very good impression of Lord Rodley in the past, but the Mind family is also a famous house with a format. It's not deep or shallow with the Padricks, but it's also quite interactive."
Listening to Arsene's explanation does not seem satisfactory to Rye.
Maybe he's also angry at the fact that Yunfo, whom Rye is escorting, is going to the unfavorable Mind family.
"Lai, not everyone in the Mind family has the same temperament as Lord Rodley. And the nanny who says," Mr. Sizk, "she won't know the details of the situation because the inner job of the house will be the main one."
Rico puts out a help ship as he cleans up a set of tea to Arsen, who grins bitterly at the outraged Rye.
"Oh, I see."
Rye stares sideways at Chillo and Arsen.
"No, exactly what Rico said."
Arsen firmly embarks on Rico's help ship and begins to "explain" to Rye.
"According to Mr. Sizk, Lord Rodley often gives my name in his own mansion, so he seems to be considered his best friend"
Rye still looks at Arsene comically shrugging her shoulders, too.
"I just want to know what Alsen's name is."
Listening to Rye, Rico thinks lightly as he supports the tray with one hand to clean it up, placing his empty index finger on his mouth.
"Lord Rodley's rivalry of Master Alsen is quite a famous story in the military."
To Rico's words, Arsen becomes a sinister face.
"Really?. I'm aware that there are verses that are lightly made enemies, but I never thought they'd be that famous."
"Nyah. Periodically, Arsen's records for physical fitness tests and skill tests seem to compare to his own.
At home, in front of a nanny or a lady, she just said she won. "
I'm trying to tell Arsen, who has a sinister face, that Rye is amused and niggling, and that he likes to do whatever he wants.
But the "likeable" part was apparently a hit.
Shizku said this to Arsen with an extremely elegant and loving smile.
'Often, Rodley Fong has spoken to me.
He said that only Master Arsen, who even gave him the Medal of "Heroes" of the Great War in Kazu, would compete with Rodley Fong for anything.
Fang said he was happy to have an opponent who could compete only marginally.
Dear Alsen, Thank you for your continued support, son. "
After hearing such a description of a person named Sizuk from Alsen, Rye roars with Woon.
"Awesome, Positive Shinking - I'll keep you gentle."
After Rico finished listening to Rye say that, he grinned unwillingly, putting a set of tea on the tray and disappearing once to clean up inside the rabbit's sage mansion.
After making sure Rico's ear doesn't hear him, Arsen gives Rye his opinion.
"I honestly felt something resembling Mr. Rico's atmosphere, Mr. Sizuk"
Rye's eyes shine as sharply as a cat's in the words.
"How can you think of Mr. Sizuk as a natural super-healing woman?
Alsen nodded, even though he had a little trouble with the word "natural".
"I don't know if it's natural, but I think the term healing system fits perfectly"
"Hmm, nya!"
From the nostalgia, as Rye came up with, take out the notebook where the black cat is designed.
Then I drew something with a hand I was used to with a thin pen attached to my notebook.
"Dear Alsen, is this what Mr. Sizuk looks like?
The open Lai notebook page had a bit of a girl's cinematic atmosphere, but also a good grasp of the 'sizzling' features Arsen remembers.
"Yeah, that's right. Mr. Rai, you're very good at capturing and portraying the characteristics of people."
Alsen praised Rai's sizuk sketch in an extremely impressive way.
But the words out of Rye were unexpected.
"As a matter of fact, the eagle is (...) z (...) k (...) n (...) to (...), (...) a meeting (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...)."
I nudge up the corner of my mouth, Rye laughs meaningfully, and Arsen puzzles me because he just thinks the painting painted "Sizzk".
"So who the hell did Mr. Rai paint?
"- Mother who died when Yunfo was a child."
That's what Rye said, breaking the page of the notebook he drew into billy and giving it to Arsen.
"- Oh, if you say so, you remember hearing about that."
Arsen had heard of Yunfo's mother's hall as an exotic woman, even though she had scratched it during a social lecture.
However, the appearance of Yunfo is unlimited and close to the race in this country, so much so that at first glance we don't know that it contains exotic blood, etc.
"When the Crocchus family predecessors went on an expedition, they fell in love with your mother-in-law and Yunfo was born.
The eagle had heard the story from Yunfo.
And I showed you a portrait of your alma mater, and Alsen called it an exotic babysitter song. "
"So it's not like Yunfo is in love with the Rodley nanny."
He represented himself in the way Rico had perfectly prepared his return journey.
Rye rounds his eyes and bikun brilliantly! And surprisingly, Rico expresses his thoughts as he further contemplates such a partner.
"Do I feel like I said I don't remember, I have a vision for my mother?
Okay, Rye. Shall we go back to business? Master Yunfo will be waiting for you. "
"Nyah, I was going to take it to talk about love because of you."
Rye swelled his cheeks pussy again.
"Then let's talk about that while we wait for Master Yunfo. Yes, yes, I'll go home ~"
That said, Rico gently followed Rye's cheek, which swelled.
"Nah, the eagle wants Master Arsen and Rico from 'Blunt in Love' to notice that they're in love ~"
Rye tried his last resistance,
"If you don't notice love for yourself, you often hear it if it's not fun, so you work hard on your own. Well, unfortunately, I had a lot of paperwork left, too, but I'm going back to the office."
Arsen also lifted his hips lightly, so Rye's resistance marked an end to the quarrel.
"Nah, that's boring!"
Rye still tries his last resistance to sit in the rabbit's mansion, and Rico forgives Rye with his shaped eyebrows in eight letters as troubled.
"It's good to know the unexpected side of Master Yunfo, isn't it? I don't know what's wrong, it's unusual for Rye to go so far"
Looking at my partner in the wind that Rico was in real trouble...
"Oh, maybe"
Unexpectedly Arsen seemed to have guessed something, banging his hands "panned" with white gloves in place, spreading a wave of sound.
The moment the wave of sound arrived, Rye shook his head vigorously left and right with a pull when he thought he repeated the blink quickly.
"Oh, when?"
It was Rico who gave a slightly surprising voice, with fine particles of green spirits rising fuzzily from Rye's body.
Arsene gently moved her finger with the gloves in place to command the next time, the particles disappeared scattered in the sky according to it.
"If you're a talented magician and you were in a magical mansion in a town guard forest, it's common.
He said Mr. Rai had a lover, and he seemed to like the story he said, so I guess the spirits came together.
The wavelengths synchronized with Mr. Rai more than I imagined, so I guess the spirits flirted with him on condition. "
With that said, Arsen narrows his eyes - changing his "vision" to see if there are any spirits left in Rye yet.
"Nah, it's all right now. Don't stare so hard."
Rico seems cute that Rye is honestly lit and smiles.
"When that happens, maybe 'The Town Guard Forest' is a place you can't get out of your mind in a way. If you allow yourself too much, you may be forced to act weightlessly without realizing it."
Rico stopped smiling and then looked around in a cautious manner, even after he had become finer, to the point where the diffused Spirit could no longer be confirmed by changing his "sight".
"I've never been that strong."
To cautious Rico, Arsen stood up and slapped her shoulders gently from the pom and back.
I was a little surprised. Rye didn't miss Rico turning red, and the particles of the Spirit of the Wind showed up a little and disappeared.
But Arsen was completely unaware that Rico had turned red.
"The Spirit is a 'person' that seems to make sense, too. It's really sweet. There's no big difference between normal relationships."
And he spoke gently, putting his hands away lightly from Rico's shoulders.
Rico exhales in a small, reassuring breath to contain his face from trying to turn red, and Rye looks bored.
In the meantime, Arsen baffled the army jacket he was wearing in his chair, weaving his wings beautifully with a freshly sounded sound.
"- This is Rico. This" brother "is the stronger enemy."
Grabbing her boring looking face, Rye stood up with a "fuzzy" voice, placing her right hand on her chin and thinking about it, chairing her with her left hand.
"Brother?. Mr. Rai, I'm already thirty and a half. Let the world say," Osama. "
Listening to Rye's remarks, Arsen giggles with a positive collar of his coat, talking about his age and general standards.
Rico completely re-held thanks to Rei's Tsu (...) Huh (...) Ko (...) Mi (...) than he thought, making him wear a tequila with an embroidered armband of butterflies that is a testament exclusively for Rei's royal escort knights.
"Come on, now it's really time to go home"
That's what Rico said, and the "tea party" at the rabbit sage's mansion was really open.
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