Rabbit sage and masked nobleman.
[Old Tales Soldier's Digging Hole - Truth Part 8 - Medium -]
(Assuming Gloriosa has the feeling of "love", she's the only person I think of)
″ Bring him home soon. "
Once again I felt sorry for my best friend, a woman with purple eyes, who assumed that I had caused my buddy to become "lost".
(Hurry up, you have to write to Trenia)
When Angletham thought about it, picking the last dish with chopsticks and carrying it to his mouth, Gloriosa was about to finish the meal first and say hello with chopsticks that had improved at once with this meal.
'- As always, if you got the hang of it, you'll remember things all at once.
It was a treat. '
Though a little frightened, Angletham also politely greets the meal and puts the chopsticks down.
"Pean is good at teaching.
Yeah, but Martha tried to tell me politely, too, because I always gouged my belly, and I think she took care to make it easier to eat.
He said he made it his top priority to eat. '
'- Yeah, I know that.
Martha, with Trenia, seems to eat her own dishes deliciously, I guess, above all. '
If he was only a little conscious and gave the name of his buddy, Gloriosa reacted quickly to create a happy smile like a child.
"If you go home, you can eat Trenia's rice in a while."
Just a little bit, I could see reddening my cheeks and sincerely enjoying myself.
If there was someone to tie Gloriosa together with something called love , Angletham believes she would still be waiting for her return.
(But even if we're in love and we think of each other, we don't allow ourselves a "situation")
Because the form of happiness she wants and the place of his dreams he aspires to are something that seems similar and in a different place.
"Now that you've cleared the dishes, maybe Pean Vinegar, the fourth best person in Robrow, can make tea after meals."
Pean looked at Angletham, who was rubbing his eyes, even though he had just finished his meal, and gave a bright voice as if to wipe the insurance in his eyes.
"Why is it maybe fourth?
"That's because to the gentle Lady Lordship, to the seriousness of a butler no less than some staff member, a well-respected cook is in this territory called Robrow"
When Pean said so much with a crisp face, there was a noise of knocking on the room.
'Um, even on the Lord's command, couldn't you hear me? Well, it's a harmonious plan.'
Ask Gloriosa and Angletham, who finished their meals, if you don't mind.
Angletham first nodded small toward Gloriosa, and Gloriosa let him snort loudly.
(How can Angletham's final decision be based on Gloriosa's will?)
- This might work better than you think.
Turning his back on the two guests and lifting the edge of his mouth up, the wise man opened his mouth.
"Rock, come in."
"Excuse me."
A butler walks in quietly, first two guests bow their heads, then stare straight at their tall Lord.
I lowered my head deeply, seeping shame into the Lord dear to my eyes for not being able to do my job but putting the effort into it.
"I'm really sorry to make you serve my husband, etc."
Just hearing his voice conveys Rock's belief from the bottom of his heart that he feels sorry for the Lord for letting him take care of his guests.
Gloriosa was bewildered, and Angletham was just static, and the Lord, with his head bowed, was beginning to float and clean up.
The lock also quietly depends on the side, from which we don't have to speak to each other, but continue to clean up so that the two of us can flow, as if we were also in a meeting.
"Salvation is something the distracted lord did at random, drastically reducing the number of servants and feeling sorry for the dear butler running around to make up for it.
Never mind.
- This is an order.
It was only clear what the last words were to say when I was talking to the public, and the "butler's apology" was stopped chilling.
'More than that, has Rock been eating?
Angletham looks worried about Gloriosa anyway, so Pean changes the story.
'Yes, as soon as Martha was giving me the attention and preparing it in an easy-to-eat form.
Mrs. Karin is with your children, and Martha and the kitchen apprentice will serve you and have dinner.
My husband told me.
He said, "Make up for the missing maid and recruit again tomorrow."
"about the selfish Lord, the prestigious Mistress, the cook and the grand stupidity."
Don't worry, I'm here to finish it too '
At the same time that Rock smoothly finished saying that, the Guests had finished cleaning up their meals.
'Oh, Rock, what do you call stupidity, too?.
This has aroused a bit of interest. '
Here, I tried Rock and Gloriosa and an unexpected person - Angletham breaks into the conversation.
At the same time, the gaze is focused on the Guest who entered the conversation.
Angletham was - smiling and laying his hands on the tea table where the meal was cleaned up.
'Lord Lord and Rock, if you were good, could you tell me what stupidity you said?.
I too, in one way or another, am too much of a "lord" - to be swayed by a leader '
I turned my green eyes for a moment toward the "leader who wields me," and gazed at Rock.
"Because I want to make sure the contents are similar."
Angletham had switched his smile to a nicely crafted grin and floated, saying that quickly.
"- Oh, uh."
A rock wolves on the boulder and looks up to the tall lord of his own who is on his side.
Angletham did not mind the werewolf butler, he twisted his neck somewhat deliberately, and continued his words as if he had come to think of it even more with a long, well-shaped finger against his chin.
'Oh, right.
It's hard to tell a boulder in front of a customer, right?.
And so I say - - Gloriosa '
"To? Me?
Gloriosa, who didn't think her name would be called, patted her black eyes as she pointed at herself.
'Yes, it's you, Gloriosa Sunflower, leader of the Resistance, the Determined Army.
Will you tell me the stupidity of your annoying little staff while Martha gives you some tea treats?.
Frankly, I want you to take your seat off.
Oh, Mr. Rock, it's a hundred million bucks to swing back and check the clock, so can you read out the time?.
Sure, you had a pocket watch. '
"Oh, yes, please wait a moment"
Anglecomb opens his mouth early in the arrow succession and no one pinches his mouth.
Rock takes a pocket watch that has been used from his chest for a long time and rarely reads and tells him the time.
Angletham looked at the used pocket watch in Rock's hand, nodded just a little smaller, then looked at the pean.
(Rock, how about a gift for you, a watch, etc?
It's something you'll always wear, and with the help of the Lord's Palace, you'll be able to buy some fine things that you'll likely use throughout your life)
The same fast and smooth telepathy that speaks with your mouth is delivered to Pean's head.
'Thank you, Mr. Rock, for sharing your time.
Again, at this rate, you'll be hungry in about three hours.
Gloriosa, do the proper support, re-tie the thread through your hair again, and go.
Speaking of dissatisfaction with me, make a treat with Martha and time will pass in no time.
Or shall I say it now, once and for all, in the same words?
His face smiles and is politely rhetorical, but he speaks to his best friend as the General Staff of the Founding Army raises the indescribable "heavy pressure".
'Oh, no! Ok!!. I'm coming!!'
In some haste, Gloriosa stood up.
After a satisfying smile on the rose Gloriosa, Beauty adds the words as she recalls.
'Right, I'd like to request a treat if I can get what I got during the day.
If you didn't have a place to make it, I'm sorry I can't tell you, Gloriosa, can you help Mr. Martha and make it?.
Oh, if you're going to the kitchen, you can lower the dishes we used, Gloriosa.
Let's go over it again.
Rock, you may be hard to talk to in front of a customer, so please leave.
Also, I'd like to talk to the Lord about something slow and difficult.
You know, 10 minutes is the hard part, right?
Then it would be a more meaningful use of your time if you were awake to help Mr. Martha. '
The deacon's young man was rightly distracted while holding onto the pocket watch he used when he taught him time.
(Angletham, my tongue spins a lot)
The wise man gradually sent telepathy to the empty "while".
(Some people tried to ignore everything when they had talks and move on when they reached an agreement with the founding forces in Hitch.
I asked Trenia if she was going to read her mind and what she meant, and if she was doing a quick talk,
I had the thought, "Don't give me a gap to open my mouth over here for now, I'm going to use the deciding army to move on with the conversation for convenience" or something.
I can use Gloriosa for strength moves, but I'm not very good at using my head.
Then this one goes beyond that until you try to get your mouth around it.
Well, what do you mean Gloriosa, when I start these quick mouths, there's a verse where I'm mistaken for "Anglecam is angry")
As Angletham would tell him, Gloriosa was in a hurry and had begun to develop a degree of intimacy that would not be strange to meet the ladies, including both lords' mansions and servants.
(Do you think Gloriosa has the "AngleCam to piss off"?
Oh, if you say so)
"Oh, this is all on fire... What shall I say to Angletham?"
When I first met him, I remembered when Pean was running out of magic by the river in the gorge and almost unable to stand on his own.
So Gloriosa used the "fireworks" that she thought were just wolf smoke to let Locke know where she was looking for "sir".
As far as Gloriosa's way of saying it, apparently Pean had the impression that he was borrowing "fireworks" from Anglecomb without permission.
(- Really, the fireworks I was working so hard on for Balsam.
I thought I had let it get into some luggage, but was it Gloriosa who took it...
And you mean it's all ignited...)
- I'm sorry, Gloriosa.
Forgetting to disconnect the "wire" of magic that connects telepathy, it seems that the words of Gloriosa that Pean remembered were still stuck in Anglecomb.
(I shouldn't be obsessed with research and thinking, but I just don't realize it. I knew this guy was doing a lot for me...)
Anglecam looked at Gloriosa with a cheeky grin that seemed to fall in love with her, if a lady who knew nothing had viewed her.
Lordship Robrow scratches the back of his head with gasp on a very clever balance of telepathy that includes tremendous anger, even though the voice that flows through and echoes in his head is calm.
(This is pretty angry.)
The pean is lightly troubled by disconnecting from the telepathy with Angletham.
For once, Gloriosa used "fireworks" even though she was part of the cause, so Lord Robrow feels purely sorry.
The butler, who was so quick to speak to Anglecomb, saw the kind of work that "sir" would do when he was in trouble, and gradually grasped that he was communicating his will in some way with a guest who had suddenly spoken quickly.
(Sir. Does this development mean that my husband and Anglecomb have a hard time telling stories that Gloriosa shouldn't be in her seat?)
Turning back the pocket watch I used in my pocket, I moved only my eyes and looked up at the tall Lord, and the butler also spoke using telepathy.
After taking the butler's telepathy and scratching Gashigashi and his hands on the back of his head in the form of arms, Pean moved his jaw slightly down.
(That's going to be the way it is.
Leave the dishes to Gloriosa, as Angletham said, and Locke stay here.
Maybe you'll get involved, too)
I opened my eyes only slightly wide to surprise at the word that I would be involved too, but immediately worked calmly and nodded small.
After Rock replied that way, I noticed Anglecomb looking at him with a slight sense of gaze, taking his eyes in a gentle shape to Russia and looking at himself.
Apparently he knew he and the Lord were having a conversation .
Rock nodded small again when he saw his shapely lips move quickly without even speaking out, "Talk to you, please."
"- Well, Gloriosa, I'll leave you alone with the" fireworks "that I was experimenting with."
The moment I heard the word "fireworks" and saw the large gloriosa of the figure, which had almost finished its support, visibly freaked me out.
The two men, who knew to be rude but in Robrow's subordinate relationship, were about to blow out unexpectedly.
So brilliant (?) Gloriosa's werewolf.
"Instead, the" picture book. "
"Yeah, you take care of that picture book?. It's hard to tell him."
Though I was also surprised by the rare and passive words for Gloriosa, Pean as a wise man was even surprised by the conversation between the guests so much that the urge for laughter that had just come up earlier drew softly.
Can you handle a picture book that sucks away magic and memories?
"The wise man surprised me." A little Angletham moved his green eyes and looked at the tall man, but for now he continues his words to keep Gloriosa away from the scene.
"- In exchange for that difficult thing, I'm not asking about fireworks, am I?
The gunpowder I collected so hard for your lovely niece, Balsam, and the fireworks I researched and made out of books.
Well, I was able to do it safely and save it in bundles to Father Barrota, on a piece of paper that kept the Spirit of Fire protective......
There's no way you're taking it out on your own and "everything's no good"...... '
Anglecomb put his words in his mouth with a strong effort where "everything is no good".
As soon as he heard the word, Gloriosa, who was passively saying it, turns her back on Krull and goes straight to the place where she honestly keeps her picture books.
(Knowing that the fireworks have been used up, the way you say it...
Apparently Anglecomb is going to do the ticks and gloriosa as far as fireworks are concerned in the future)
Even with the surprise sentiment, Pean was once again sympathetic to Gloriosa, who would not be able to lift her head to Anglecomb for a while to come.
"Can't the fireworks and taking care of that picture book go a long way, Gloriosa?"
When Angletham had a superb smile about her finishing touch, Gloriosa was silently putting an example picture book in her pocket.
Then looking back, Gloriosa comes to the side of the pean standing on the side of the trolley with the dishes cleaned up.
Not that his complexion was dark, but he seemed to be worried about retaliation for his staff, who would probably come after he found out that he had used all the fireworks.
"- Pean, then lower the dishes, give me the trolley"
Still, Gloriosa, who understands that the butler is hesitant to have a conversation with herself, showed Pean her care to talk.
'Oh, thank you very much.
Yeah, Martha had a lot of sudden work today, too, so she'd be tired.
Ask me to make sweets from then on, but tell him a fun story. '
As soon as Pean asks, Gloriosa pushes her convenience into the corner of her head and breaks her face.
"Martha always smiles and talks when she cooks.
Okay, I'll make sure Martha is not tired of smiling.
And I have to thank you for what you've done.
It was really delicious, thank you, I have to tell you. '
Gloriosa acknowledges turning her broken face into a bright smile when Anglecomb asks her to cheer up the deputy cook.
Sage men saw only a few sorrows of gratitude and goodbye so far for "friends" in such an unyielding smile.
- That feeling, which is likely to grow in love, is not in the shards, nor in the gloriosa, according to the deputy number of Lord Robrow's mansion -
♪ Maybe I'm doing something very cruel ♪
I accidentally felt that way in the wise, but I don't even give it a bite on my expression.
'Well, I'll be there.
I hope you have the daytime treats in three hours, Angletham?
Gloriosa was starting to push the trolley as she told him to check.
'Yeah, you're right, Gloriosa. And say my stupidity. "
After hearing Anglecam's response, Gloriosa again becomes a sinister face, recalling how she felt pushing it into the corner of her head earlier.
"Nha, I'm coming..."
Heading towards the entrance - along the way, he took his own machete and carried it in a place that would serve as a resting place for weapons in a small passage connecting the room to the entrance.
(Is it necessary to wear a weapon to handle that "picture book"?)
Gloriosa bandaged the machete when the hardware sounded.
(Yes, Gloriosa said, "Strong state" is cheaper to hear)
Gloriosa left the room when Angletham answered Pean's question on telepathy.
'- Well, Gloriosa has put it out there, so let's start earlier and ask what it would be hard to talk about if we had a hit?
A deacon can tell by the pean of the Lord that Angletham's atmosphere has changed with a "laugh" that feels different than before.
It resembled the standing of his Lord when he became somehow a "wise man".
I don't care about people's emotions or their pure feelings, I incorporate everything into my "plan" that I want to move on and let through, and I don't treat them any more or less.
Even the thoughts and feelings of those who do not shake or solidify, chop them up as they need them, eliminating unnecessary parts.
- Well, the first thing I want to ask you is...
The man who is the Lord is already in that position at the time Gloriosa leaves.
bondage, kindness and cheerfulness as the usual Lobo Lords.
The butler looks up at the side with the rich gray hair, as if it had fallen somewhere.
And the butler begins to make tea so that he can smoothly advance his tongue so that he is not thirsty with the tongue of the two Wise Men.
Never forget that it exists silently like the shadow of the Lord, and the mouth will never pinch until it is asked.
'- While doing the Resistance's activities this way.
Though necessary, how long have you been picking love buds for Gloriosa, Angletham?
'That's right. Because the activities of the determinants will also be light for nearly ten years.
'As gently as you cross your fingers'
With a beautiful cold smile, the Determining Army staff answered the sage's question smoothly.
Continuing with a beautiful smile, Angletham put his hands on the tea table, legs together and moved them over it.
"Lord Sage, what are you talking about, please go where Gloriosa was sitting.
Locke, sit down if you like the chair Lord Sage has prepared. "
That's what Anglecomb suggested, and let me do that, and Pean sits in the guest chair where Gloriosa sat until earlier - sitting in front of the guest.
The deacon only lowered his head quietly and wanted to continue the solemn discipline of tea.
Did you know how he reacted, now anglecam opens his mouth with his gaze toward the wise man who sat in the front.
"Gloriosa is pretty hot on that one."
Anglecam affirms and continues with a slightly troubled look.
'And I'm not falling for the top of my appearance like you're falling for me.
I'm mostly in love with his insides, so it's a disturbing way to put it, but I have a hard time picking "love buds" every time.
Mostly, they're all very, very deep-rooted, purely sprouting about Gloriosa '
"Oh, let me agree very much with that"
To the words of the staff, Pean nodded loudly.
"Somehow I'm going to devote my life to cooking for the cook of Robowichi, and I'm going to let the lord's mansion break the shell of my daughter's stiff love seed and sprout the buds.
In a way, charismas that don't attract people may be of worse quality than Anglecomb's neat face '
Someone who didn't give his name directly, but who the Lord also thinks of as a friend in his own contemporaries - even when a woman's name is given, there is no disturbance in the deacon's movements.
The surprise just spread in my mind, but if you think about it, the surprise can be digested beautifully in the lock.
In the earlier study, Martha's appearance, which would be puzzling if it were locked, would be confusing if it were in light of the "love" she had learned in the Lord's Book so far.
And as it says in a few books in the collection, I also didn't think it was wrong that the woman I fell in love with would be attractive.
Indeed, a few days after Gloriosa's visit, the friendly contemporaries, although pure, seemed to make the dishes more enjoyable than ever.
"Martha always smiles and talks when she cooks."
And while the flavor was and has always been delicious enough, something strange and even more delicious has been in the dishes over the past few days.
I guess the dishes she made included words and letters that were hard to describe and were made just to see one person smile.
"And I have to thank you for what you've done.
It was really delicious, thank you, I have to tell you. "
- Excuse me.
Locke first placed the tea in front of Anglecomb, which touched the Guest, and then before his Lord.
Perhaps the little "bud" that sprouted in the heart of the woman of the aspiring cook who would be the deacon's contemporaries, was found to be picked between the two wise men, and the conversation proceeded.
- I didn't pinch my mouth, but I thought of the synchronization, which was probably a heartbreaking friend, and I was slightly biting my lips.
And as Pean, the Lord, said, he cannot be favored by someone who attracts even highly aspiring cooks to his heart.
It even cast a great shadow over Rock's heart.
(- I guess there's still something wrong with me that everyone admits and I really don't like people who admire me)
In addition to that, a "decision" in the lock that I know I shouldn't put out on my mouth.
No matter how cleverly balanced he was with his man's companion and family, he had a place as deacon in this lordship.
Whether it was laughing as much as tears sometimes tears with a partner, or having a meaningful discussion and an exchange of views with a contemporaneous friend.
The only thing underlying Rock's dependence is the authenticity of the "presence" of a person named "Lord Robrow" in front of him.
"I also know that Gloriosa herself is a person who is attracted and liked by anyone if she demonstrates her charisma in front of her.
Me, Pean Vinegar, as an individual. "
Without going through the feelings of such a dependent rock, the Lord proceeds with the story.
But I also think that's who I chose as my dependant.
(I still don't have Gloriosa in person, so I can stand listening like this)
The Lord desperately wears the mask called Deacon of the Vinegar family, Lord of Robrow, who thought of Rock and gave him the "proof" he needed again.
Rock tried hard to hide his dark, rolling jealousy beneath him.
Guests and the Lord continue to talk "about how difficult it is for us to have a guest."
'That's what I and my fellow decision-makers feel in common.
Originally, Gloriosa herself is thick in emotion, because there is something that basically applies as a "specimen" of a good person.
And imperfect.
- Here you go, Mr. Rock. "
Separating words about Gloriosa and thanking Rock, Angletham thankfully included tea in his mouth.
To this too, the butler quietly stopped to give a bowl of grace without saying a word.
Thoughtful deacons may have told their guests that the deacons did not like their best friend, even in the context of discussions in the study that had happened earlier.
Such a lord drinks the butler's brewed tea.
"Rock still tastes better than I brew"
and after his usual "lord-like" grin, he returned to the face of the "wise man" and let the story resume.
"But its imperfection is also very helpful in bringing out my love as a Gloriosa person.
If this is all calculated, it will be on your nose, but that temple can't be such a clever thing.
But as a result, it attracts the mind even though it has charisma "like a person".
My cook also got help carrying heavy baggage that he couldn't carry on his own, and that's what made him talk a lot.
But perhaps that alone would not have attracted that cook to his heart '
'Yeah. I can see that, too.
It seems that Gloriosa means "cute honest idiot," Trenia said.
Besides, I myself am one of those people who was attracted to the honest part of what he said.
In addition, even if there was a rub, you're trying to be a simple and lucid man to clean things up as peacefully as possible without holding him back with the force or pressure he has.
- Well, if there's been an "incident" lately, you're following the prescription I told you about, so it's helping. '
Angletham included in this a beautiful smile something bad about someone who looked belly black.
Lordship Robrow, encountered on the ground, laughs bitterly at what Anglecomb calls "how to deal with an incident".
"- If that's what you were trying to do, Gloriosa's criteria for dealing with the incident, there's something I'd like to personally say to the person who suggested it."
I can't say it in my mouth because Rock will be worried, but if I tried to make it into a pean that got me framed for a life-threatening battle in confrontation with "Gloriosa the Goddess," I'd also like to say it.
I just want to complain, but I don't think I did it the wrong way.
It is swordswallowing to do nothing but encounter someone who knows the name, identity, and even appearance of Gloriosa Sunflower in a land that is neither one of us, nor has an agreement.
'Then can you draw because you've ruined all the "fireworks" about it, too? How about that?'
While still holding something black in his belly, with a beautiful smile on his face, the staff makes new suggestions.
"Well, come on.
Draw, well it was a "precious experience," so it might not be bad either '
Pean, who listens to and answers Anglecam's words, lets his eyes float with a light similar to the tip of a well-polished blade and its radiance, letting his eyes narrow and a sharp grin.
(I've had an experience where I might die, but I like it too)
The thought of self-derision was also included in the laughter, and I drank the remaining tea out of the cup with a wide mouth, emptied it and put it on the saucer and gave it to the butler without even looking.
The deacon quietly bows his head and receives it, and now begins the discipline of tea once and for all to meet the Lord's demands, which he knows by the breath of Ayumu.
(Truth is, in retrospect, confronting Gloriosa "The Goddess" could have killed her if she did badly.)
But I did have a sense in Pean that I enjoyed that time.
Besides, when it comes to using all the fireworks, I also felt that all the Gloriosa was eating cracks, so if they told me this way, it would make it a little easier for me to feel like pean.
(Apparently, what I was involved in regarding Gloriosa's use of fireworks is foreseeable to the General Staff?
... no, more than that maybe)
I stare at the smile of a beautiful, sturdy face that is too neat in the front.
In addition to the possibilities he sees, telepathy was delivered to him by a butler in charge of tea at the moment he thought of another thing that came to mind.
(Sir, I'm sorry.
Earlier in the process of public speaking with Master Anglecam, I told her about the meeting between Master Gloriosa and her husband, where I was involved)
- Cheng Cheng, you weren't expecting it, you were checking properly.
(... Yep, I'm so cautious and cowardly that I can't move by not being sure)
Angletham's face, which conveys such telepathy, was as serene as all the belly-black things felt earlier had been cut off.
And it suits the serenity, looks a little troubled, even with a soft smile.
"- At the corner, Gloriosa says she's taking her seat off, but she also uses all the telepathy, right?
I put it in words, I put it on the table... because I express it, and it makes sense and it makes sense. "
Angletham exhales small.
"Admitting the size of your vessel is scary, Lord Sage"
"What happened all of a sudden?
Pean tried everything to sound like a surprise, but the truth is, he's not so surprised.
Ever since I saw him weep in a soft, cedary, sunset study over Japanese paper called Handicap, the wise man had guessed that Anglecomb had set a line between his feelings.
'- Me, alone, it's time for the limit.
Besides, when you are convinced, it is hard for you to push it into the vessel and see that Haz's duties are suddenly overflowing and unusual.
But for the sake of my vessel, I feel sorry to give my best friends, my companions, the incompetence that I have been able to do.
So, after acknowledging my vessel, I must act on its size.
And before you bother, if there's a way to prevent annoyance, you have to work on it '
If Gloriosa was there, she would expose the true meaning of what she couldn't vomit to the presence of the Sage, the only one she thought she could rely on wholeheartedly.
And there was also a desire to ask the butler, who leaned in like the shadow of the wise man, who had the "disease" of dependence, who somehow felt something of a parent to himself.
All you have to do is reach an agreement or help over half the country's forces, and then there will be a decisive "event" that the people of this country will also acknowledge.
Straight to the front, Angletham opened his mouth looking at the grey-haired man.
"Sage Pean Vinegar.
Could you join the determinants so that the Kingdom of Selisanceum, now King Crossandra Sunflower, may take her youngest son, Gloriosa Sunflower, as king of this country?
Katang and the sound of porcelain and porcelain colliding spreads into the room.
"That leads to the meaning of" the small size of the Anglecomb vessel "?.
And I was telepathically saying earlier that I wouldn't move without certainty, but was Anglecomb certain that I would join the deciding army? '
Without even looking at the butler, who sounded the porcelain bump and was staring at the Guest with a surprising look on his face, the wise man asked the Guest back, frankly.
Beautiful slipped his finger into the handle of the cup and lifted this one up to drink up the less tea left, nodding with a gentle expression.
"Yes. If Gloriosa asks you to join her, it's about him, so you'll talk to her first.
Gloriosa herself, I like "strong people," so I'm sure if you told me, you'd want to get in there right away.
Of course, even if that happens, it won't change the attitude of listening to your peers first. '
I guess it takes into account Rock's "dependence," the expression "fought" by Pean and Gloriosa goes on without Anglecam.
"Where is the basis for being certain?"
Angletham stopped on her thin-eyed lips just before she hit the edge of the cup and raised her mouth angle.
'Unfortunately, it cannot be expressed in physical evidence because it has no form.
But shouldn't Lord Sage use what he said earlier?
Gloriosa is attracted and liked by everyone if she demonstrates the charisma of her time. '
Even though he was formerly just the second son of a farmer, he answered with a delicate grin how noble he looked as he lay down his eyes, and then drank tea.
Then when I hit the porcelain cup and pot, I couldn't contain the visible upset and stared at the butler who was looking at me.
(Again, has it been hard for you to just say "invite" words, Rock)
To that appearance, which looked painful, I made a slight wrinkle between my eyebrows and placed the dried cup on the saucer, opening my mouth with regret.
'- Mr. Rock, I'm sorry to surprise you.
But I'm still convinced that I haven't missed this idea. '
- As "Deacon of the Vinegar family, Lord Robrow," Rock had set his mind on the lack of words until the Lord gave his permission or prompted his guests.
But now I really don't know what words to spin out.
While understanding my pathological "dependence," I felt like we were still and mutually interested in each other, and I was even about to start to have a little respect for the words...
All I did was put my lips in a single letter to the word Rock could receive "robbing" Pean Vinegar, a dependent and lord from a territory called Robrow.
(In the meantime, it may be difficult for Rock himself to discern the way he's going to behave.)
Inside Anglecomb, I am convinced that the wise will always take part in the activities of the deciding army.
Above all, I could feel Pean Vinegar wanting it.
"Lord Robrow, Lord Pean Vinegar, is in love with a man named Gloriosa Sunflower.
- Of course, sometimes I say I'm sad for my country. '
While Pean Vinegar made a complex expression - in his heart he was listening to the words "Invitation from Anglecomb to the Determined Army" with great pleasure.
(- Apparently, from Gloriosa, Anglecam hasn't heard a story from me that she wanted to join.
Well, I did meet again at noon today and got gobbled up, so I didn't even have time to)
I'd like you to add me to the army.
When I already met Gloriosa and found out he was the leader of the deciding army.
In the beautiful gorge this territory is proud of, he stood up his left knee with a water sound, fisted his right hand onto a loosely flowing bottom of water, drooling his head of gray hair - a "thank you under his minister" - and wishing to enter the deciding army.
- Yes, I am well aware of the commission. On top of that, it's my will.
If you'll excuse me, please admit Lobo Lord Pean Vinegar to the army. "
However, it was also equal to the conversation that took place solely between the two: Gloriosa, Pean.
It was an indication of will to enter, which could not be taken as impulsive, but it was also a word out of Pean Vinegar's heart.
'Oh, well, I do have a "in love" personality.
Besides, I am honestly glad that the staff of the deciding army invited themselves, and I think it's a fascinating story.
But I have a position as Lordship Robrow, and I'm not talking about accepting it. "
Even though Pean doesn't look toward the butler, he firmly understands that the presence that he feels, mainly like his distant brother of the year, exhales a breath of relief from his heart.
The wise man decides to give both the "answer" and the "act", but he dares to lay low that he has already offered to join the deciding army between Gloriosa and himself in order to prepare the flow.
(If you want to do what you think you should do, don't scorn the people you care about who are involved in your life)
At the time of scorn, and perhaps from there on in unison, the relationship and trust have been broken.
To ensure that they are not pushed away by the flow of emotions, which is inevitable in living in a person's world, the wise man surely and steadily takes the path of "procedure".
- Sir, I've shown you an ugly place.
Deacon regained some calm in Pean's attitude, which he did not immediately agree with, and again carefully brewed tea, and the Guest stared with green eyes at serving it to the Lord.
However, there is still some atmosphere of upset in the butler, and the state of being able to wipe his anxiety doesn't look very Anglecomb.
(But if I think about your husband, it wouldn't be a bad suggestion, would it, Mr. Rock?)
As Anglecomb thinks, there was certainly an idea that this invitation from the Determined Army staff - from the butler - "doesn't seem like a bad thing" even from Rock.
(For my husband, this invitation is not really "bad")
The butler had in mind what the youth of the staff thought was the case.
Even the deacon knew that the Lord was saddened by a country that would spend every day in the same way, but would lean slowly and surely.
However, it was not very possible to carry out the work of the lord of this land called Robrow, and to act as a wise man, and above all to leave the territory.
I just accept the life of Lord Robrow, but I know the Lord's heart is in a hurry for freedom, and the Deacon.
Together, in a realistic matter, Pean Vinegar's strong desire for peace as Lordship of Robrow had emerged over the past few years as a result of the growth of children - their daughters becoming "about the age".
If you have grown to some extent without sickness or misfortune, it is common in the aristocratic community to decide your fiancée within a young age.
As old as it may have been, the butler, who serves to wrap up the letter, knew that he had come to talk to the daughters of his lord, "Pean Vinegar," and some of them.
From Karin, the lord's wife, it was decided that she would be "Pean Vinegar's daughter-in-law" because of her temper, so one way or another, it might apply to the slower.
"Karin was told to be Pean Vinegar's wife by the time she found out.
She says she's happy as a wife, but she thinks she might have had an affair with someone else. "
Peane says that while looking at a letter sent to non-first-born daughters that contained a fishing document assigned by the deacon that made it possible to exchange marriage promises.
I can assure you that Pean was also happy that a woman like Karin was his wife, but she wanted to think about "what if" and give her child some room.
"So I'm thinking it would be better for my daughters to have their own will, even if they were to marry."
The Deacon had heard such a story from the Lord, who looked at the fishing book boring as a match for his daughters, which was being sent with the letter.
″ But in these times, it seems that survival of your home, survival competition, is more important than respect for the will of the individual. "
Although Lordship Robrow liked the letters, all the letters sent resembled or came close to each other, and even more considerably more figurative, they were open to boulders.
In the various territories of the Selisanceum country, where the people are all in need, a territory called Robrow is far more stable than any other land, so there was also hope for a "son-in-law" in the reply to the fishing book.
″ I guess the trace is still stuck in other territories because they have announced that it is a van but it still comes.
I meant to write in this first fishing book that I wanted to respect the will of my children's daughters to "dowry".
But he returned his son-in-law's reply, and at that dawn, the child who went into Robrow would surely be a help to Peen Vinegar.
Cuckoo takes over the Robrow Territory built by Pean Vinegar... "
Reading out their reply that far, Pean was exhaling a grand sigh.
"Well, in the meantime, I don't feel comfortable forming a relationship with the person who won't listen to this offer first.
Please reply to this letter with your kind words of refusal and the sign of Lord Robrow. "
He said that with his mouth, "It's a pain in the ass to deal with".
The law of the country dictates that the inheritance is a boy, and although his mouth was quieter and he tended to be ill at an early age compared to his masterful daughters, Lord Robrow's trail also has a son named Bang firmly.
In order to assist him, he also educates his eldest daughter about the lord in case he thinks about it.
So to scorn his son, a letter with a fishing statement making him ask the nuance of son-in-law, the lord relentlessly made the butler write a "no" reply.
It also saved me the hassle of saying "no until the lord himself wrote the letter" and in some cases took a way of giving a reply that was not strange to be insulated.
That's how I watched the fishing book, but I didn't "have" the story to go on until my engagement as one of my daughters in the end.
Even if I found someone inside who thought "If I were to be a son to this person," and a "house" where my daughters didn't seem to complain, "I was compromised."
If you had looked into the person you stared at after you replied that you wanted to proceed with the pageant, as expected, you were putting out a dictum that the country was about to have its son as subordinate to your minister, as if ahead of time.
″ Oh man, they say it's just bad government in the dark, but can I add the word 'cunning'? "
I know you're going to be sarcastic, but even though the Lord meant it "clever," Deacon found that to be what you think.
From the other side a few days later,
″ I definitely wanted to accept the dowry if it was accompanied by the Vinegar family's children and their sons.
But if you are here to marry, you will have to go to the King's capital, where you will hear all sorts of stories, as a couple, early in your marriage.
If you saw it from your parents, your still immature son.
Perhaps if he had gone to the king's capital, he would have to fill his hands with his own affairs and make the children of Lord Vinegar, his wife, feel painful.
Then I apologize to the children of Lord Pean for coming at me in the corner dowry.
Please take the form you declined from there that our son did not rely on this story, as it is also likely that you will have the faculty of a child lord.
If the country has settled down and you have any luck again, thank you.
The wise man laughs bitterly as he reads out the letter he received in reply to the butler again.
″ Because I was a kind person who could care for these kinds of things in a letter, I thought a group would treat my daughter well if only her mouth was strong.
Well, the other side could have heard our daughters' "bad stories."
If, at a time when the country was so unsettled, our daughter had a talent to care about before she married her, it would have been okay for a couple to go to New Heaven and Earth.
If the country was calm, I wonder if this story would have come together.
The butler was still quietly listening to the word of the Lord, which seemed a little unfortunate.
♪ Easy for one ♪
When I tried to make it a Creed Lord, Deacon knew that I always thought of my daughters as "awesome" either as sisters and solidified groups, or as surrounding those who were close to my values or were likely to dye.
- Daughters who talk to their surroundings and direct things to those who are at their convenience, even with splendid mouths, the information that my father obtained with the lords of the territory.
I even sent some kind of impressive gaze to the behavior of daughters like those "conductors" as Pean Vinegar individuals.
But if I saw it with the eyes of a "wise man," I knew that the "shallowness of the bottom" of my daughters' words would be immediately exposed if only a few heads were turned by those who were calm.
Even if you seem to be saying a fine thing, you just know it as information and you can't talk about it any more.
Sometimes, some daughters bragged about the genius of the path - the art of painting (presumably the influence of Peen's blood) that told them they were praised for painting.
At that time, as someone who liked to paint, it was embarrassing to Pean, even as a father.
Even when it comes to being exquisitely good, the degree to which amateurs have improved.
The painting of the journey truly receives what he said to the daughter of the lord of the land.
And the surrounding people sometimes took an interest in their mouths, but "because they are the daughter of the lord," they also looked at the aspect that came with the asylum of the strong positions.
However, I also thought it was some kind of "talent" to be able to use the position of daughter of a lord to pull words into a "companion", no matter how much you look for coarseness.
However, I also know that if anything happens, such as the people I gathered after doing that, it will break brittle.
The sons that Pean advanced to the husbands of his daughters who were doing that were calm and thoughtful figures.
In that respect, someone who seems to be able to plead and say something to their daughters who will be weak as soon as they become alone.
If you don't think about who to make your daughter-in-law, maybe your daughters will grow up as they are now, without "growing up".
″ Maybe the idea of choosing someone is a luxury in itself because the time is right. "
When he heard that the last person with the star could also be served as his subordinate to the king's capital, now Lord Robrow blurred to the butler with a sigh of sigh.
Daughters who have difficulty communicating with each other as parents and children, but the lord's kindness to never want them to be unhappy had also been conveyed to the butler.
"First of all, before the relationship, if the country doesn't settle down, it's the daughter-in-law, even if it can live in peace, is it dangerous?"
At the end of the day, I told him to get back on his mind, and Pean ended the story.
(If the country did settle down, let your sons be daughter-in-law, and just welcome your wife to the van in the trail, your husband's hardship would be exceptionally reduced.
That's certainly not a bad story, though)
However, it also seemed to the butler that a lord who was entrusted with territory by the king to stabilize the country would leave the land and enter the determinants, in many ways, around him.
Above all, Pean's entry into the deciding army would mean "leaving" the people - their families.
Though, Rob remembered his husband, who had a truly stretchy look, who met him when he was away, and his heart shook.
My chest aches so that I can remember my face, which has no gray hair at all, and is slightly tightened.
(In the end, sir - isn't it this protected territory that binds and binds most to the lives of those who have the most admiration for freedom: Pean Vinegar)
I also strongly endorse the idea of tilting and to calm a country where the people are only suffering and are on the verge of being rough.
But the butler couldn't figure out why he had to spend the time of his life defending the land that a man named Peen Vinegar was diligently defending.
This is how I thought and realized again that I was only in this place as a butler to the Vinegar family because Pean wanted me to be the one to depend on.
(If you try it on me, you just have to have Dear Pean Vinegar, not Lord Robrow)
Unexpectedly, in the heart of Rock, it spreads.
(Cono "Location" Saena Kattara, Husband Ha, Peen Vinegar Ha Liberty Ninarel?)
- Then, even if Pean doesn't leave this territory for the sake of peace, you just have to wait for the country to lean slowly and this country to disappear.
Then we don't need the very existence of a "lord".
You're supposed to be spending the exact same amount of time doing your service in real life, but I can see that something from another "place" is slowly coming to your feet.
While serving, Rock remembered that it was a terrible "nostalgic feeling".
And just a little bit, when my consciousness felt cloudy, a beautiful guest was opening her beautiful green eyes and calling something to a loved one of Rock's.
But Rock doesn't pinch his mouth because he decides he's a butler now that he still has a territory called Robrow.
(If Robrow's gone, I'd like to talk to this guest, Mr. Angletham.)
Even if the Guest knows he is worried about himself and speaks out, he reaches out to the saucer on which the empty cup is riding in order to perform his role as a butler.
(- To Master Anglecomb, too, we need to offer a substitute for tea.
Tea, can I have the same thing?)
From his own shadow, "nostalgic, intimate feeling" crawled up smoothly at his shadowy feet, raising his hips and tangling in his arms, nearly reaching his wrist,
"- Sage Lord Pean Vinegar!!"
When Angletham raised his voice, the summoned wise man stood up, even if the chair fell once sound, and grabbed the butler's wrist with a good grasp.
I was about to stretch to my fingertips, the shadow going down to the butler's back at once.
'There may not be freedom.
There are times when I am unhappy with it.
Still, I want to protect this place, and I think I have to, Rock. '
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