Rabbit sage and masked nobleman.
[Old Tales Soldier's Digging Hole - Truth Part 8 - Part II -]
'There may not be freedom.
There are times when I am unhappy with it.
Still, I want to protect this place, and I think I have to, Rock. '
While the "nostalgic sensations" hiding on their backs snap into Rock's body, complaining about something thriving, their minds concentrate on the voices of those they most want to hear.
"If I hadn't been born the son of the lord of this realm, I would never have met you or Karin.
If I hadn't been born in this place, I wouldn't have been able to help you out of this country.
Without a place called Robrow, Rock couldn't have been with Pean Vinegar.
And Rock was never here. "
What was snagging at my body when I was told that much goes back to the butler's shadow to the way I said it was really amazing.
At the moment of his return, the sage steps on the shadow of the deacon, just as he once did.
- As long as I'm alive, I'll re-close the "box" lid as many times as I want, pull it in.
Angletham was convinced that a wise man who spoke with a sharp gaze was "strong" in a different way than his best friend.
After Lord Robrow "stepped" on something through the shadow of a butler, Rock's body is wrapped in a terribly distracting sensation.
Until earlier, I had been thinking about this and in my head, and now my body is light - rather than "feeling" had fallen out.
I also feel "dull" the first thing I feel is that I feel sick or ill.
It's just that now I kind of felt everything was "far away".
- Sort of.
Though the voice of the dear Lord managed to get into my ear, it also felt as if I had vacated between two rooms, to be heard from a remote place.
So the kind of thing that your Lord really is next to you, and if you are behaving badly on a daily basis, please stop -.
Until earlier, Pean had used it to serve, and now the leg of the chair advanced by Anglecomb was snagged to the toe of his finger, so that he could gently hit the back of the butler's knee by gently pulling over the carpet.
The butler, powerless in its shock recoil, does not defy, his hips follow gravity and sit on the ston and chair.
Having sat in the chair, Pean let go of the butler's arm, which he had left to grasp, restless and motionless.
Locke occasionally gives the impression of being young, not moving while sitting in a chair with his slightly larger eyes on his eyelids and half eyes.
Not that I'm going to fall in, but apparently, Rock's consciousness is retreating a long way, even a guest who pinched words along the way figured it out.
"- Rock, can I assume that you are under any circumstances and that Lord Pean, the wise man, is" protecting "you?"
Angletham, who was intoxicated by a wise lord and thought only of himself as a brilliant young man who became a deacon, asks in unmistakable terms.
At that time Pean puts his released arm with the other arm, on the lap of the butler, who is shaped to sit on the chair, aligned so that his demeanor can be seen well, and on his knee.
Then he stands in front of the butler, wrapping his butler's face around with his big hands, and stares at him as if he were lifting it up in a good way.
Earlier, he opened his mouth to Anglecam's inquiry, turning it into a sharp gaze, just as he did when he stepped on Rock's shadow, making sure to stare and observe the butler.
'For once, Rock has been hired by me to come in and agree.
As a talent person, I can assure you that you will be in the best category.
Well, I guess I should describe it as "surrounded" rather than "protected" ~ '
Though Pean's mouth was mild, I could see that he was carefully watching the butler sitting down with weakness in the chair.
Switch "sight" with a sharp gaze to the finish condition, and see if there is any more change in the deacon than there is now, even if it is magical.
(- You're okay.)
Apparently, the deacon's consciousness retreated - something that happened because of a sense of disillusionment with the loss of the dark spirits who tried to take in the rock abruptly.
Other than that, I found nothing abnormal in the butler's body either.
The wise man closed his eyes, which were giving birth to a sharp gaze, exhaling loudly, and when he opened them, he returned there to the sensible eyes of all times.
"- Well, in the case of me and Rock, the state does politics. It's a completely different" problem, "so Anglecomb doesn't mind.
That said, it's not a country, the boundaries will spread to the "world."
"Then the wise man will join the deciding army."
From the mouthfeel and attitude of the pean, I can't feel the waist such as stopping the entry.
But if Angletham himself proceeded this way with a story in the form of a person named Rock pulling away from a pean, there was something that made me think about how he would be captured in a "phenomenon" like he'd never learned before.
'That, as I said earlier. It's a "different frame" thing.
So, if the frame gets bigger than the global scale, it seems that the time to deal with it is proportional, it gets bigger. '
"- Is it time too?"
I meant to talk casually, but the smart beautiful sturdy was how Pean just explained that much and figured out what he was trying to say.
With the intention of sorting out the feelings in me that Angletham somehow understands, I also decide to speak of the prospects that are among the wise.
"This world moves by" standards of people "- well, it's just a story about people who have a thriving culture or something.
And there's no certainty that what Locke and I are dealing with right now is going to happen while this Peen Vinegar or someone called Locke is alive.
Well, if it happened, it would be enough to involve the "world"... something like an "old story" that has no clapping around the world could happen.
If you're an anglecam, have you ever heard of about one of those old stories?.
Oh, even though you're closest to me, did you have a story about a hero in our country '
As a familiar concrete analogy story, I recall a story that is also treated as an "old story" in some of the classics in this country's religions, and I tried to tell Anglecam.
"Heroes"?. Is that going to be about the traveler's story described in the classics, possibly represented by The Goddess of the Earth and Angels and Travelers?
Angletham was unfamiliar with the word "hero", which he began to talk about, but there was something in his mind, so I tried to put it in my mouth.
Pean also remembered from the Church of the Territory that, saying so, "the contents are unchanged", the teaching was newly distributed from the country at the end of the "two-man journey" with Rock.
When I did the flush reading, the "hero" did become the "traveler", but the content really hasn't changed.
Besides, if it comes from a pean, the designation "hero" is more familiar, so I just read it once and did not repaint the memory of "traveler".
'Oh, speaking of which, you had changed your name.
Not "hero" these days, but "traveler"?.
Indeed, he was originally just a "person" traveling the world.
That's how you put it in your current state religion books, isn't it, Angletham?
At some point, Pean has become familiar with calling Angletham's name in a callout entirely.
But Anglecomb doesn't seem particularly uncomfortable about being abandoned, and he snorted lightly at the question asked by Pean to affirm it.
'Yes, that's how it was written in the classics we were given by the Church.
I immediately came to think of the "hero" as a "traveler" because even though the sage lord who was in his hometown was old, I saw the old classic that the sage lord used as a child.
But that was certainly like a picture book written for kids.
"I got it for my best friend."
And they talked about it in a nostalgic way, and if I tried to remember it, it was certainly treated in the characters treated as "heroes" in it.
What Sage Pean called "heroes" did seems to be what Travelers did in the classics that our generation was dealing with.
... So, if what Lord Sage says is true, it's really a frame, or scale will be a world-wide thing... '
Even if Anglecomb just knew, [OGA] so I feel like there was an acceptable story on it.
[To dwell in the land to the west, where the sun sets, an old king who dwells in a high place.
My dear friend and I mourned the irrational loss of my beloved wife. The traveler taught me how to wait for me to "always", and instead gave the place to people, and the king hid himself.]
[A singing princess with a beautiful voice, but only a small voice, a merchant in love with that singing princess.
Even though the merchant who fell in love with the singing princess is flirted with by a cunning rabbit, he eventually gets wisdom from the "traveler" to tell him where the "castle of the" is.
Talk about seeing a merchant and a singing princess accompany you when you get your medicine together from there]
[Brother of the sorcerer who prays daily to quell the rough sea gods of the southern island.
To quell the gods, we make up our brothers, the magicians of the land who are in disagreement, and pray with the "travellers".
And talk about bringing the sea back to calm and peace to the southern islands]
Poor little girl from the rest of the world who cheats "when" that "traveler" is the goddess of the earth she loved.
Talk about dating that girl and the goddess of the earth, preaching the sadness of fraud, and at the end of the day, the girl and the goddess become friends]
"Lord Sage and Rock, I don't know where and where you're going to get involved in that story, but if you did think about it in terms of its content, it would be a world-wide story."
Anglecomb can still recall the story of the Eastern Country or the story written in the classics about the Traveler, which leads to a typical festival in this country.
But in the meantime, I made a distinction between what I recall to move on.
I noticed that the activity of Traveler was not surprising when it came to the word "hero", as Pean Vinegar put it.
(No, as Lord Sage said, what the Traveler did, if he thought about the work he did, it would certainly be better to use the word "hero" to describe him.
- Above all)
The expression "hero" was changed to "traveller" only after the reign of the King, now called the Dark One, ordered the Church.
A wise man speaks where the staff member lurked slightly.
'Does Angletham believe what I'm saying is true?.
Don't you ever think that a flirtatious sage is the most absurd story of overlapping classical stories in an attempt to tease a little smart young man?
He has a soft, gentle grin, a gentle lord who also governs Robrow, a flirtatious lover and famous sage.
- He made me look like he was smiling like that beside me, but if my eyes and mouth were watching carefully, I was letting him hide (this too) his sharpness, that was the look on Pean's face I could see.
I don't doubt it.
That's what Anglecomb said to Pean, who looks like that.
If this one was seen by the general lady, she smiled beautifully, and the guest was responding to the wise man.
Then turn to the young deacon sitting in a chair still in a state of nothingness, with green eyes that add kindness to beauty.
'- I step on the Spirit of Darkness, who gives me peace, at the expense of my peace.
That's how I felt about Pean Vinegar's expression and behavior when I tried to keep my butler, Rock, as far away from the frame as possible. "
The young man who is proficient in witchcraft doesn't have to include the "frame" story I mentioned earlier, but for some reason, he also provides protection, but he must be "cherishing" it. He noticed the certainty between the wise man and the Spirit of Darkness for the butler.
"I don't know what it means to do that and say things that were tsunami (lying) like I suspected about myself.
Besides, I'm not a wise man, so I don't know the details, but can I assume that people who say wise men are allowed to operate across countries because of the "circumstances" of the frame in which they said so?
"- Didn't you ask the sage lord who took care of you about those stories?
When I became a "wise man," I had all sorts of promises, but certainly there was no such thing as talking constraints, especially when it came to "heroes" - "travelers".
Therefore, Pean felt doubtful that this diligent young man did not ask such stories from the wise men who took care of the young men of the deciding army.
So Angletham puts his hand on his fist on his jaw and thinks only a little.
'- Our Lord Sage, whom we have taken care of, has spared no effort in giving those who have the upliftment to want wisdom the knowledge and information they possess.
You just didn't care what you said about yourself.
And most of all, as one of the decision-makers, we do not know the name of Lord Sage. '
But hearing Anglecomb's "I don't know the name of a wise man" did not surprise a man who was a Lordship of Robrow and a wise man.
He nodded small and "convinced", just like a beautiful guest, with his hand on his chin.
"- As far as it goes, if it was definitely a unique noun and didn't interfere with it, it would be a good story to finish with" Lord Sage. "
There won't be two wise men in the country village.
And... well, this is good. '
There is now a spell performed by using the name in the form of a "curse" among the techniques of the Eastern countries that Pean is most interested in studying.
(If the wise man knew the spell of his name, would he not expose his name in good faith?
Well, there won't be anyone in this country called Celisanceum who knows the spell of the name sooner)
Teach Angletham the art of the Devil's Sword, build Julian a weapon called a gun, or teach Gloriosa to sublime her extra power in another way that obnoxious to witchcraft.
Just listening in on the rumors, I heard that he was a wise man with deep and wide knowledge and information.
'Now, shall we return to whether or not Pean Vinegar will enter the deciding army?
As I said earlier, I am not talking, as Lordship Robrow, about being able to come and accept.
I don't think we should break that attitude again.
Otherwise, I can't apologize for the woman who followed me, who became my partner, who decided to live as Lord Robrow, and the butler who, with all his talent, trapped me in a box and chased me. "
With a calm voice, he said so gently stroking the deacon's head sitting on the chair.
But with the words of invitation, he said, "Come on, I can't accept it", and even if some of them were given the unknown word "box," there is no rush for staff.
And there was no way to pinch words - it was still like I knew Pean would continue to speak.
When Anglecomb finds out and finds himself silent, the wise man takes a small breath and slaps the butler's shoulder gently pompous and reassuring, before closing his eyes and mouth deeply.
As for me personally, "Pean Vinegar," I'd like to get in.
To the staff of the Determining Army, he said so in a clear and quiet manner, taking his hands off the butler sitting in the chair and turning his back.
While listening to the word of this Lord, voidness occupies the body, and the deacon still cannot move the body.
The distance I was just feeling far away shrunk considerably, and the feeling was enough to be at the edge and end of a large, same room.
And if you hear the phrase "Pean Vinegar," which is something you really want to enter, "tears are gathering so much that they seem to drip into your half-eyed eyes.
In my heart, I can't do anything about it, even though I want to stop crying.
Tears dripped over the white gloves of the butler placed on his legs so that he could not free himself from his eyes and slid off his cheeks, relentlessly one drop.
Tears with their own body temperature are communicated to the body that cannot move the heat, even if it is over the cloth.
It was fortunate that the tears dripped were not known to Pean, who now turns his back, or to Angletham, who is concentrating on conversation.
Even with such a "embarrassment," I feel more boiling than that.
- Please, leave me, don't go, my Lord.
Momentum that surpasses all emotions, so much that my heart is about to break, I feel like that, I tremble my chest even in my immobile body, I can't put my thoughts in my mouth as I think.
The reason I couldn't put it in my mouth was because of a state of disintegration that still couldn't help my body, but by not putting it in my mouth, Rock realized once again that I was so dependent on pean vinegar that I was going to be unable to keep it.
However, by being powerless in this way, I realize that Rock also relieves me of not being able to put into my mouth an idea that I can only think of on my own.
Even I was frightened of someone named myself thinking that way.
(- I'm... "I am," no matter how important your husband says it is, after all, I'm only thinking about myself.
Without my husband, I can't keep something called myself.
I haven't been able to grow at all.
At the end of the day, someone like me has become the shackle of my kind husband's freedom)
Once upon a time, when I had just met him, I didn't even know if it was good to define the person who was now the "Lord" standing on his back as the Lord, and I only used him when I was full of anxiety, my mind regressed enough to be a young lone name, and Locke was anxious.
(Sorry, sir)
As the force gradually turned slightly into his body, the butler first closed both eyelids at once.
Now tears passed down both eyes and cheeks and fell on the gloves again to create a warm seep.
(- It's nothing that hasn't grown. Now, do you feel "embarrassed" about the idea of entrusting everything to me?)
The Lord who sounded in his own head - Rock was surprised from the bottom of his heart by the voice of Pean Vinegar.
However, the deacon's body has not returned to the point where he can lift his head by surprise.
It's just that thoughts come from a very close place already - from a place that's actually in reality right now and from a distance that's no different.
But what surprised me was that the "anxiety" that was swelling in the lock, as another kind of "anxiety," was rapidly beginning to grow.
Sir, were you listening to everything in my heart?
The temperature in my body rises all at once because of another type of anxiety - "embarrassment," and I feel even the beat is dodgy, Rock feels.
I'm ashamed, but for now, that's where I was most concerned about the butler right now.
There was also, of course, shaming myself, having a self-centered idea in dependence.
Haven't you been asked what it's like to admire even if it depends on you more than that?
- No, maybe absolutely, I'm listening.
(I was forced to peel off what was on Locke's body.
And this time, you seem to be unable to move your body, so if you want to go, you think you'll get in trouble.)
"Reasoning" tells me how the tiger's vision and some sort of deacon's feelings and trying to mislead the direction of the story.
While the embarrassment is prevailing over the courtesy that he always speaks, the butler asks - now he manages to tighten his mouth and ask his husband what matters.
That's why I've been listening, sir.
(Um... I'm sorry... everything, or I thought, "Please, leave me, don't go, my" Lord ""
before I heard it, I had a heart-to-heart procedure)
- Perfectly, they were asking me where I was most embarrassed.
(I guess I should have told you earlier, but out of the blue, I mean, I'm impressed with this one, too, or whatever -)
"So I'm going to take a break"
Contrary to the butler, who could not reply or do anything for embarrassment, Pean was returning words to his guests while using telepathy.
What do you think you're going to do?
Undoubtedly, Angletham had difficulty interpreting Pean's remarks about "taking time", and the sound was hard to interpret by the locks that made them sound accurate.
Nor can the pursuit of "how far have you heard" from Rock be directed any further at Pean.
As silent as Angletham is, Pean continues his words because he finds himself questioning his remarks.
"Lobo Lords Pean Vinegar" cannot follow the determinants, but "Sage Pean Vinegar" says it is possible to enter.
Plus, it's not "butler," it's "secretary."
With the word "secretary," the butler was surprised enough to move his body, which he had never moved before, to freak out and cramp.
A response containing things that the deacon youth who was unable to move and things that were difficult to handle in the middle, sage.
Surprised by both of these, Angletham patted his stern green eyes.
- Mr. Rock, are you okay?
In the meantime, the staff of the Determined Army speaks out to those who are concerned about their heavy specific gravity.
But I'm over the shoulder of a tall, gray-haired sage, now I'm sitting in a chair. Speaking to a deacon who drips his head down, he's not responding, and he's not moving.
My head is dripping, so my forehead, which was flushing behind me slightly longer, is down, and the eyes of the lock are covered, and I can't see anything expressive from the position from the anglecam.
(Apparently, Lord Sage's unusual remarks were first heard by you, and I was surprised, and even my body couldn't move, but I reacted unexpectedly - how is it?)
Angletham shifted his gaze from the lock to its predominant pean, thinking about the predictions that were roughly hitting him.
"You, too, Rock, do you mean to let the deciding army in?.
Is that what you will and Rock will do for you?
But I'm sure I don't like Gloriosa.
So the staff member carves a longitudinal wrinkle between his eyebrows and closes his mouth.
'- Excuse me, but just give me a few moments to get my thoughts together'
Again, he held down his mouth and showed the closed palms of his fingertips, and Anglecomb showed Pean the transmissible expression "I want you to wait" even with attitude.
Besides, Pean acknowledges with a good-looking grin from the adults.
'Oh, wrap it up for Anglecomb's convenience.
Well, let's see how Rock's doing. '
As always, if "flirtatious" went in, then brilliant acting skills - turning your back on Angletham with a natural behavior, stand in the front again towards the butler who is about to give him the role of "secretary".
Then kneel before the butler sitting in the chair and look up from the bottom at the face in the form of a lowered head. Attitude and sage take.
(Though I think it's been more than ten years, it's the first time I've seen Rock's tears)
Just like earlier, Pean wrapped his deacon's face with his big hands, as if to see how his body was doing.
The butler does not reply, but his eyes are moistened with the tears that remained, swimming in agitation, his mouth in a single letter, his face turning bright red.
The wise man, who finds himself illuminated with all the power he can have, says no more about the tears, lest he illuminate any more.
Quietly, he wiped the deacon's tears and their traces with both thumbs of his hands, which were accompanied to wrap his face.
(Thanks, Rock.
Dependencies may sometimes occur, but for now, I seem to be a happy person to be required to do my thing.
Sometimes, though.
"I need you to shelter your territory brilliantly. Because of your power, Pean Vinegar is only needed as Lord Robrow."
And I'm really glad to hear how you feel about me being stubborn and needing only me, regardless of where I stand)
When the Lord slowly telepathically conveyed his gratitude, Rock's embarrassment could not be turned off, but those anxious who were swelling swirled shriveled.
In my head trying to return some words, Pean kept saying more within what Rock was thinking.
(So do me a favor.
Perhaps Rock and the rest of us are going to join the final army, and while it's easy for me to say so, why don't you bury the selfish "loneliness" in me?)
Sir, is it "lonely"?
The butler was again wrapped in great surprise inside his immobile body, but this time he never moved his body.
I just can't move my body at all, but I open the pupil in my eyes in such a way that I don't believe it and look at the Lord who does me a favor.
The "selfish solitude" that the Lord holds is still inconceivable to the butler.
I thought about myself, "I have to say something," and I found out Rock was trying to move my mouth forcefully.
Pean stopped pulling both cheeks and opening his mouth with his pinched hands wrapped in munnies.
- This too, in a way, is rarely worshippable, that's a pretty funny face.
I haven't made it telepathic, but apparently, what you're thinking has been blatantly expressive, and the complaining words from the lock echo in Pean's head.
(Sman, sorry, sorry.
Let me talk to them.
Dependent on me If you ask, I may get scared lonely, but thank you)
To this word, the deacon moved his eyebrows, which he could move slightly, to create an expression of anger.
Even if I said, "Locke can scare my husband," I would never say, "Locke can scare my husband."
With sincere, true feelings, Rock returns the reply to the Lord as a matter of course.
I was surprised by that "reply" and could not see the place where Lord Robrow was small and round and opened his mouth to a butler who could not even move his eyes satisfactorily.
The lord, who had just not been seen - the wise man was just a little hoarse, quietly shut his mouth and looked really happy with both ends of it, lifting it up.
(Ha, if they say that, it's like Rock is more of a merciful god who won't even abandon any pean vinegar.
But thanks.
Be sure to tell Locke the story of a man named Peen Vinegar who removed the "mask" of Lordship Robrow.
Keep up the good work)
Once again wipe thoroughly the traces of the butler's tears so that now the delusion works well enough for the contemplating Guest.
(I can move my body - call me when you calm down.
Because when I get up, I'll know the magic that I can peek into my heart anymore.
Most importantly, don't force it. Understood?)
(Yes, I understand, sir.
Maybe - in a few moments, I think I'll be back in shape, too)
Rock smiled in his heart when he noticed that his "I" name was returning to "me" after a time of anxiety.
Feeling the telepathy from the butler, who could not move his body and reply, and the "smiled" emotion, Pean nodded and let go of his hand, which was touching Rock's face, which he was trying to envelop.
"Rock seems to still be powerless.
Anglecomb, I'm sorry about my brewed tea again, but I need you to hang out with me. '
With a small voice, he continued to summon his thoughts in response to not caring.
If you got up slowly, Lord Robrow turns his back toward the trolley where the set of tea is located, both to his butler and to his guests.
Compared to a butler, with a largely cluttered hand - from a teaspoon, it is normal to overflow tea leaves - think of the "selfish solitude" that is in you as you begin to dominate the tea.
- The joy I felt when I "confronted" Gloriosa and overflowed in me.
Talk to yourself about "reciprocity" - someone who fights you.
And a casual word of surprise from my wife.
"Lord and Rock may not be the right time to get used to childhood, but I think there's something close to" best friend "
- Was it good for me to be my best friend to anyone who asked me to come as my subordinate?
(I strongly believe that "if I don't protect" too much, I might have locked someone who could really be in the same place in an asylum jail, using the word "protect" as a pardon mark and "dependent on Peen Vinegar")
I played my finger and summoned the Spirit of Fire around the pot.
The invoked little flaming lizard tilts out his little tongue as he looks up at the wise man who invoked himself with his circular deep red eyes.
"Warm me up."
Saying that briefly to the lizard of fire, Pean laughed at himself again small.
(- I may have been lonely on my own)
Immediately the water began to come out of the small mouth of the pot and poured boiling hot water to warm the wide cup of mouth.
From the side I poured, I stared at the butler still sitting in his chair over the warm rising hot air.
(I'm sure the loneliness I'm trying to bury is selfish)
He's trying to lift the existence he just wanted to be beside himself to the same place on his own, even though he doesn't want it.
Like a "shadow," I'm just saying I want to be on your side.
"Anglecomb! Do something!
Along with the fierce opening and closing noise of a room called Batan, Gloriosa came back to the room with a white hand wipe covering her head black hair and panicking in a curly arm.
I was thinking, while Pean is surprised at its sudden "return," he sometimes deals with hot water and places the pot firmly in a stable place.
The Spirit of Fire apparently found that the person who had suddenly returned was a "strong" figure, lifting his leopard and little head and trying to move towards Chorochoro, Pean played his finger back to the original world.
'- Gloriosa, I know it's your usual way of doing that, but before you go into the room, just knock.
Besides, take off your machete, no matter how much you treat the guests, you'll be rude.
And take off the hand wipes that are wrapped around your head. "
I guess what makes Angletham particularly unhappy when he suddenly returns is that a person named Gloriosa really often acts like this "suddenly".
He had put his hand on his chin up on his forehead, sighing out, while letting his best friend in Slasla behave rudely, with words of advice in his mouth.
Gloriosa, who was still at the entrance, says the advice is in her ear for now, placing a machete in the resting place of the sword at the entrance to the room.
Then he rushes to the side of Stasta and his best friend and friends who remain up, birding the hand wipe of his head.
Watching the exchange of such guests, the man, also the lord of this Lordship's mansion, was looking up at the clock.
'What, time won't be past schedule.
And apparently, you're getting out of the way of making sweets. '
From the clothing of the returning Guest, it has powder or a slightly sweet smell that I must have used when making the confectionery.
(We talked a lot, but we talked a lot.
There was also an unscheduled incident with Locke, so did you think it was going differently than the amount of time you felt?)
If that's what you think and Pean sees the clock, the long needle on the clock is just once and a half.
The short needle was only running 45 degrees, just in the middle of the time Anglecomb ordered - the time an hour and a half had passed.
'Yes, Pean, you're right, but yeah.
- That, Rock, what's wrong with you?
Gloriosa tilts her successful neck when she sees a deacon young man sitting on his chair, answering with his hands in his chest as gossip.
'Rock, I know what it's like to worry about you.
But it makes it easier to talk.
So in the meantime, let me start by telling you why Gloriosa is back, until you put Martha down. '
'Okay! So, this is why I'm back.'
What Gloriosa took out as she continued to gossip her chest was - that old, fine picture book that she was "forced" to take to Anglecomb.
"Are you trying to breathe Martha's magic while you have it?
I raised my eyebrows and gave her a surprised look before seeing the old picture book in Gloriosa's hands.
Picture books are no different from the "big time" when Anglecomb is on his side at all times.
"And before that -"
When Anglecomb looked at Chilali and Pean, the perceptible sage shook his small, gray-haired head sideways.
"Martha doesn't have the" awesome "qualities of witchcraft, and it doesn't mean she has magic.
Exquisite enough to be convenient for cooking - about "inviting" the spiritual position of the fire I called earlier.
But don't hesitate to suck even on a scarce opponent?.
I've been listening to you like a casual sucker. '
Angletham put his hand on his forehead on this question back to his mouth and this one nodded small.
'Yeah, I mostly smoke casually...
I know you have enough power to suck it up, but if you had a picture book on your side like I did earlier, it would seem to give you the freedom to move around.
But apparently the picture book is about to suck when you look at Gloriosa... '
Beautiful and sturdy look at my best friend with a troubled face on his side in the way he said chillari.
"I don't know why, but I'm trying to suck Martha's" memory. "
If you're a magician, you know how to suppress it, but it feels like you're trying to suck on all your memories.
Making sweets together and trying to smoke as close to Martha's side......?.
Pean? '
Peen was taking the picture books that Hyoi and Gloriosa had.
"- Hmm," whimsical "? Anglecomb, do you have a minute? '
With the fingers of those who don't have a picture book, I invite Choi Choi.
"What is it, Lord Sage?
I could use telepathy without saying anything, but I can't join Gloriosa in the conversation.
Besides, if the current situation - being relied upon but not being able to participate in the conversation - and the conversation progressed without knowing why, perhaps it would not be interesting, the wise man and the staff member naturally speak their words and converse.
'In the meantime, in my story, whatever the details -'
With the arrival of Angletham, who summoned him at his fingertips, he opens his mouth as he begins to admire the splendid picture books he has taken from Gloriosa.
"The future of the Great Ordinary (approximate) will already begin to be considered as the staff of the Determined Army."
Sage was asking as he opened and closed the picture book and put it up on top with various views.
And while doing so, Angletham found that the picture books were slight, but that they were sucking on the magic of the wise.
'Yes. To be honest, you have some ideas for future policies, assuming Lord Sage will come in'
Hearing the phrase "the entry of the wise man," Gloriosa compared the two people having a conversation as she rounded her pitch-black eyes beneath her grim brows.
'- Plus, are you thinking about adding Rock's entry?
Pean moved only his eyes and saw the butler sitting down to drool, while Gloriosa now began to patch and blink with her best friend and friend - seeing her friend's faithful butler.
'Yes, that too. I've been listening to you earlier, and then let me incorporate you, Rock.
I'm just somewhat confused by the meaning of the word I want to join as a lord, not as a wise man, and the way I interpret it '
Nodding at Anglecam's words, Pean held a picture book beside her.
'Right. Sorry, but for a while now...
For an hour and a half, I need you to stop thinking with the "six" who added us.
Of course, we're in.
However, the fact that you force "one person" to rest for about two years on a battlefield basis... No, is it going to rest rather than rest, in this case? With a belly tummy that might happen, if you want to move on with your thoughts, keep it. '
"Was there one of us who had to rest?
I didn't mean to interrupt at all, but if the boulders were lined up with the words "rest and rest," Gloriosa in the position of leader is concerned and must.
"Well, if my prospects go well, I'll talk to you."
"Lord Sage's, Prospect?
Angletham has absolute trust in the existence of the "wise man", but he does something amazing and "unbelievable" with "Pean Vinegar" - such a hunch sounds an alarm in his elite head.
Don't worry, Gloriosa, Angletham.
I tried to pean, and I was going to give you a big tip in this one word.
But to "a young man with no experience linking tips to answers," he couldn't get to the edge of the sage's contemplated prospect with this.
Gloriosa and Angletham looked at each other, and they both shook their heads sideways small.
Look at the guests shaking their heads as lords, feeling a little smiled at what they don't know.
It's something I'd like you to experience in both of these lives.
With the picture book pinched aside, I put my arms together and Ni and Peen laughed at the two of them.
(- If only I could check something like Gloriosa's birth record.)
If we got there, Anglecomb might notice the prospect, thinking so only in Pean's head, and not stating one end of his thoughts to the two youngsters who were guests.
Anglecomb, I need to ask you one more thing.
(Well, you should look directly at "the people" before you go.
And even if I were to ask on this occasion, it would be too sudden)
What you're thinking about with your mouth is brilliantly different, while the wise man smoothly moves on with what he needs to do.
I was already going to do what I decided to do.
- Sage was determined to help prepare for what would surely be necessary if he thought about "The Future of the Determined Army".
Even Pean himself knew that the plot that was going on in the head of the wise man was general, and that if it was "normal" it would seem to be "what a selfish idea" at his leisure.
But I haven't heard anyone's opinion yet, but I couldn't help but think that it would be better to sit down and get things going with the thoughts that came to my mind.
Well, when it comes to the sage's behavior, it's a really rational thing to talk about.
"Yes, what is it"
"In the past, did this picture book ever pick the" bud "that sprouted on the gloriosa I just spoke to you about?
It would be a far-fetched expression, and in front of Gloriosa, I wondered if I would confirm it.
But maybe what Pean was about to do would make the picture book "uncomfortable" probably be "exceptionally diminished," so I dared the wise man to take these methods.
Anglecomb, like Gloriosa earlier, rounded out her beautiful green eyes - but something immediately occurred to her, she nodded.
'- Yeah, I do have a few times, but... no way, not "whimsical"...?
Then I saw the pean when I said "I remember" correctly so that I was happy.
(Apparently, as Gloriosa said, it's true that both of these things are true)
(- I'll admit there.
But I'm trying to stay away)
Sending those words telepathically at a teasing pace, the staff was also responding with a little reluctance to whether it was undecided here or to a young man who paid tribute to his existence as a wise man.
Even though I felt Angletham's "youthfulness" in such a place, I had some anxiety that might be a little worrying.
"Odd Currency House"
So you would be proud of Park Xinren, the wise man decides to send a certain word to the two young men.
Regardless, Gloriosa said the diligent staff didn't know the word either, staring at the face of the wise man who inadvertently spun the word slowly at the same time.
We both know that apparently the sage used adage.
And he also seemed interested in what it meant.
Not aware of the wise men who coached them, but without sparing any effort, Pean began to explain the meaning of the word to his comrades who were going to spend time with him.
"Odd Currency" is a phrase that means, "You have to make good use of the opportunities you can't afford."
"Odd Currency" means a rarity of value that, if taken care of, will eventually generate a great deal of profit.
And what I'm trying to say in the sense that I used "odd currencies" is "experience."
"Experience"?. Uh, has that never happened to me or Anglecomb?.
I mean, I don't even know what Pean is talking about. "Experience of an opportunity I can't afford."
(To say "I don't understand", you have a good summary of what the words describe and understand.)
The sage smiled unexpectedly at Gloriosa's honest reaction, which she did not understand but grasped the gist.
On the other hand, Anglecam was reddening her brown skin a little bit.
This one, after figuring out the name of what Pean calls "experience," is apparently "lit."
"Anglecomb seems to have a conjecture of what I call experience."
The wise man relentlessly put in his mouth, in the light of his staff, that he was ashamed, so that Gloriosa could see.
If you look at your best friend on the side in Pean's words, Gloriosa was greatly surprised even though she was red.
'Hmm?. You mean Angletham's shy experience?
What the hell are you ashamed of when you do something that really takes your skin off to shut up a lousy lady with a poisonous tongue - idada da da da da da da!!
I'm glad I didn't have to say anything extra.
While turning red, Angletham twisted Gloriosa's cheek brilliantly, gaining momentum and releasing her.
'So, can you tell me what happened, Pean?
He's familiar with being twisted in the cheek by "commandments".
Stroking his twisted cheek, "a childhood best friend who thinks he doesn't know anything scary," asked the wise man with a smile that seemed naive in a sense, not shy.
Surprised by the way it was, Anglecomb began to explain it from his own mouth, as he had observed.
"Maybe the experience Lord Sage has is love, Gloriosa."
But now Gloriosa didn't have any ties to Angletham talking about "love," only two letters of "coi" floating in her brunette's head.
When the parrot (um) was returned to "Coy" and Gloriosa, Angletham sighed, guessing that he did not understand.
(If left alone, it could be tied to freshwater fish that I used to catch in my home pond)
Angletham, the moment I thought about it that way, my dark-haired best friend was trying to be a wise man with a gesture to catch.
"It's the" love "of" love, "Gloriosa," used between a man and a woman and... admiring each other. "
As soon as I heard the word, Gloriosa had solidified.
If he sees such a best friend, Angletham sighs loudly again and turns to the wise.
'- As I said earlier, I avoid going through with "love".
I'm Park Min-jin, and it may be that I don't have the edge from the beginning.
Sometimes I want to lose my relationship as much as I can, Sage.
Above all, I have more to do and goals than fall in love with.
Besides, the world I'm aiming for is also a phase where things like that can be done easily.
So... '
Anglecomb's mouth stopped moving if the sage let out the picture book he had beside him before the staff member who started Theoretical Armed.
'- Well, don't say that.
And avoiding "love" that way would be such a rare opportunity for Angletham if he turned it over. "
Staff, who is also a brilliant young man, immediately realized that no matter how much theory he armed himself, the existence of "wise men", even from the point where he could not be cut off, would screw the words and eliminate the meaning of "armed".
So I stopped wasting any more armed time and waited for the sage to continue the word.
'The opportunities that are unattainable must be used well.
Deadlines given to people make them feel infinite while they are alive. If they are at death in time, they make them feel relentlessly "finite".
It will be repeated, but if it is taken care of, it will eventually be a worthwhile experience that will generate great profits.
Yes, even when it comes to fighting.
There seemed to be a little bit of thinking in Anglecomb about the phrase "on the battle," and I closed my eyes once deeply but immediately opened them again.
"I don't know how Lord Sage's" experience of love "and his" experience of love "can be linked to war.
I'm saying it's a difficult experience, but I think there are some things in the world that we don't have to do. '
Anglecomb was equated with making it clear that he didn't want to talk about "love" whether he was disarmed and disputed or told his convincing story.
Pean also stops following this topic deeply in response to this stubborn staff member's reaction.
I can't believe I broke my trust in Sage, a colleague built me up in Angletham in the corner.
I'm not going to particularly feel it, but while we're talking about it this way, either Anglecomb himself.
♪ I'm avoiding love ♪
It's not like there's something else.
♪ Don't fall in love, I'm constrained ♪
The impression grew stronger.
(Maybe there's a part of you in law after you decide not to "fall in love" too.
After that, isn't it strange to think that Balsam is going to finish her first love?)
That way, the wise man smiles softly, remembering the cause of the "situation" in which two of the representatives of these determinants now visit the land, feeling the "consideration and kindness" of being an anglecam.
(Well, then Anglecomb can be "avoided" …)
And since I heard it was a love affair between a man and a woman, the wise man had his gaze on Gloriosa, who was silent.
(As a "party," what would it be like?
I wouldn't be avoiding it, but how do you feel about facing it)
- I think Gloriosa is doing something close to the experience, regardless of the Angletham she avoids.
Besides, I'm more inspired to get lost than to visit Robrow '
Pean spewed out words to Gloriosa, who was strong and too honest, thinking I'm sure no one had ever spoken like this before.
And the person said has a slightly disturbing look.
Surprisingly, I thought you'd react in a position to light it up.
Pean rounds his eyes more for an unexpected reaction while being sucked out of his magic but holding the picture book aside again and putting his arms together.
The staff was out of sight when they couldn't look at their best friend who was a wolf.
"Oh, well, you know, love, Pean, you hear all kinds of stories from me - you hear stories about the cause of the stray, and you think I like Trenia, right?"
'- Oh, well, yeah.
But one way or another, I have a strong impression that I care more than I am in love '
After listening to the story, I said as I felt it, and Gloriosa nodded as well.
'If you like it or not, I like it clearly.
- Does this feel good to be called "love"?.
I just want to protect you, I want you to laugh, so whatever happens, you want to take care of it as "love"?
Seriously, I found Gloriosa asking Robrow lord Pean Vinegar, who has a companion to herself.
He makes his face look spared and smiling, but in fact, there is a feeling among the wise "what shall we do with the explanation of love".
(If you think about it, I can't explain it well when it comes to general love)
I accept the fringe my parents have decided to make, with my wife as my partner, and I have no regrets whatsoever.
And one way or another, the feeling that Gloriosa said, "I want to protect you, I want you to laugh, I want you to take care of you" was something that sprouted in the peans by spending your days with Karin.
And now I can clearly say, "I want to take care of anything."
(I'm pretty sure it doesn't have to be "love" to be an incentive to become a close supportive family.
So, I have to tell Gloriosa what I don't know very well and make her realize that she's in love with Trenia)
Maybe the feeling Gloriosa and Pean have is similar.
What makes the difference is that Pean welcomes a woman who "seems important" as her partner and has children in between.
(Although I feel that noble marriages are not so bad if they may not have the will of an individual, but even the couple are incompatible.
"Be free to fall in love, more so as a partner" may be a difficult thing to tell.)
It was not uncommon to talk about being a husband and wife in the "marriage" part when they were working as lords and listening to the people's coronation.
Of course, most people have been friends with each other since before, but many of the reasons for becoming a "family" have been given children.
(Thinking again is about to fly)
It turns out Gloriosa is waiting for the "sage" answer.
I also knew that I would not be convinced no matter how much I talked about the paperwork or the analogy I could empathize with.
(Well, you don't have to be convinced...
If you just let "Odd Currency" be the experience that "Love" gives you is a useful experience in Gloriosa, so for now)
Pean spoke with his heart to the picture book he held beside him, even though he was about to smile bitterly at the dangers of what he was going to say.
How come Gloriosa and Trenia didn't suck away their memories of love?
I'm not sad yet.
I got a response.
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