The pirate ship was hit by a huge explosion.

In the ship projection, the iron plate at the bottom of the pirate ship was being attacked.

The durability dropped rapidly at a rate of dozens of points per second.

"What is that? It can actually cause such high damage to the iron plate at the bottom of the ship!"

Lin Chen was a little surprised. He hurried to the deck and looked down.

The next moment, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

The ocean is glowing.

No, to be precise, a group of glowing dangerous creatures are attacking the bottom of his ship!

[Box jellyfish: dangerous creature. The tentacles have countless spikes, which can secrete venom, infect organisms, and corrode ships. 】

The bottom of the ship does not belong to the domain of Y alien plants, and Y alien plants cannot attack the jellyfish at the bottom of the ship.

It can only be solved by Lin Chen himself.

Lin Chen drew his bow and was about to shoot an arrow, but suddenly saw a figure rushing into the group of box jellyfish.


Xiaoying held a box jellyfish in each hand and threw them hard into the distance.

But the box jellyfish that had just been thrown out seemed to be dissatisfied, and slowly swam towards Xiaoying again, and then was thrown out by Xiaoying again.

After two rounds of this, Xiaoying seemed to be angry, swam to the side of the raft, and took off her spear.

She was "yingyingying" in her mouth, as if she was cursing very dirty.

"Xiaoying! Leave it to me!"

Lin Chen saw Xiaoying pick up the spear and immediately shouted to stop it.

He drew his bow and shot an arrow, and under the power of the excellent bow and excellent arrow, the box jellyfish was quickly killed.

[Kill the box sting jellyfish, get: Ocean Coin*10]

[Kill the box sting jellyfish, get: Ocean Coin*10]

[Kill the box sting jellyfish, get: Ocean Coin*10]

[Kill the box sting jellyfish, get: Black Iron Treasure Box]


Lin Chen was secretly happy.

Every time he killed four, he could get a Black Iron Treasure Box. Lin Chen roughly estimated that he could get at least five more treasure boxes tonight.

[Kill the box sting jellyfish group, get: Bronze Treasure Box]

After killing all the box sting jellyfish near the bottom of the ship, Lin Chen stepped on the ladder to the sea surface.

Xiaoying had gathered all the jellyfish corpses and treasure boxes on the raft.

Lin Chen stepped on the raft, picked up the construction hammer and knocked on the pirate ship for a few minutes, restoring the durability of the pirate ship to full.

"Bingyingying. (This also needs to be repaired)" Xiaoying said, pointing at the raft.

On the raft, there were her midnight snacks and a stove for heating.

Lin Chen picked up a construction hammer and began to knock on the raft.

The raft was not the focus of the jellyfish's attack, and Xiaoying protected it well, so the first jellyfish to be thrown away were the jellyfish near the raft. , so the durability of the raft dropped very little.

"I'll upgrade it for you."

Lin Chen directly upgraded the raft board under him to excellent quality - made of leather, iron blocks and plastic, called a soft iron raft.

Xiaoying smiled and swam around the excellent raft again and again, and seemed very satisfied with this excellent raft.

"嘤嘤嘤 (Great)!"

Lin Chen didn't understand, but he could probably tell from the tone that it was a compliment.

I just didn't know whether he was praising the excellent quality of the soft iron raft or praising himself.

"The dangerous creatures tonight are a bit strong, I don't know if others can handle it."

The first person Lin Chen asked was Su Yun.

Su Yun: "It's solved! I stood on the rope ladder and shot all the jellyfish to death. Now I'm repairing the boat."

Then it was Zhang Qinwei.

Zhang Qinwei: "Thank you for your concern, boss. It's solved. Officer Li is very powerful. I lent him my weapon and he killed all the jellyfish quickly. None of us were injured."

Zhang Qinwei: "Officer Li asked me to thank you on his behalf."

With Li Jianguo protecting Zhang Qinwei, at least we don't have to worry about his safety.

Lin Chen finally opened the public chat channel.

The situation here can be described as a wailing.

"Is there any way to deal with these jellyfish? A group of jellyfish are surrounding my raft, and the durability is dropping too fast! One board every three seconds, and I have lost more than a dozen boards!"

"I am rowing frantically to escape. The corrosion of these jellyfish is too strong. My fishing boat has lost half of its durability. Fortunately, I run fast and these jellyfish can't catch up with me."

"Fight back! You hit them! Shoot them with a bow and arrow, stab them with a knife, it's all right. These jellyfish don't have thick blood. I can kill one with two or three shots with an ordinary spear."

"Is there any antidote? I was bitten by a jellyfish on my hand, and now my whole hand is purple [picture]"

"It looks so scary. Don't go into the sea to fight jellyfish to save the boat


"Please give me an antidote. I have been bitten more than a dozen times, and I feel like I am done for. The jellyfish have corroded all my more than 30 rafts, and I can only fall into the sea to fight them."

"I have also been bitten, and all my rafts are gone, so I can only go into the sea to kill jellyfish. Now that the jellyfish have been killed, I feel like I am almost done for. Now I can only hold a piece of wood and float on the sea waiting to die."


Lin Chen glanced at the number of survivors.


"! !"

In just over ten minutes, thousands of people died!

This box of stinging jellyfish is not very powerful, but it has terrible toxicity and corrosiveness. Many people were forced to fall into the sea to fight.

The messages in the public screen refreshed quickly.

"My compatriots, I have put up a herbal medicine that can detoxify. Crushing it and applying it to the wound can detoxify. It is free. Friends who are poisoned, hurry up and get the medicine."

"I have put up a detoxification pill. The price is one piece of wood or palm leaf, which can detoxify the whole body. "

"Fuck! All the free herbs I put on the shelf were bought by a person named Ji Taimei! @Ji Taimei, give me back my medicine, this is life-saving stuff!"

"My medicine was also bought! Fuck! It was Ji Taimei too!"

"@Ji Taimei, you also snatched the life-saving stuff, are you looking for death!"

"I also put the detoxification medicine on the shelf, the price is one piece of wood, those who need it come and buy it!"

"Damn, it's not just Ji Taimei who is snatching the medicine! All the medicine here was snatched by another person named Wang Tai. These bastards! What do they want to do!"

"Selling detoxification herbs, 20 supplies per set."

"Fuck, you stole my free medicine and sold it at a high price, do you have any shame!"

"Selling detoxification pills, finished detoxification medicine, 40 supplies per set."

"This is someone else's life! Do you still have humanity! ”


The chat interface was in chaos.

Lin Chen frowned as he watched the messages appearing on the screen.

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