The sky was dark, but the weather was very dark.

Above the sea, the night was like a black curtain, pressing down the whole world.

The stars in the sky tried to shed some light, but they were powerless to pierce the heavy black curtain.

The sea breeze blew, carrying the hot, salty and humid breath, penetrating every tiny gap, making people feel more and more restless.

"Please, I'm really dying. My raft is gone, the supplies are floating on the sea, and I can't swim anymore."

"How about 27 planks? I have no strength left, and I can't get 30 supplies. Please, give me a way out."

"You drug thieves! I must kill you! Don't panic, friends who are poisoned, I'm still making medicine, and I still have three raw materials! I'll send you a targeted transaction!"

"My compatriots who need medicine, send me a private message, and I'll send you medicine."

"Damn, just now a scumbag came to me with a fake picture in the public screen to get medicine! If I hadn't remembered this picture, I would have believed it!"


The poisoned were crying, and the pharmacists were cursing.

Only the merchants were laughing.

On the dark sea, Ji Taimei watched the antidotes on the shelves being sold one after another, and a large amount of supplies poured into the raft.

Ji Taimei laughed.

"A bunch of low-level maggots! Die quickly if you want to! You poor rubbish don't deserve to live in this world!"

After traveling from Blue Star to here, Ji Taimei fell from the original boss of a listed company to a slump.

Here, he has to fish, cook, and work by himself... This is not what he should do as an upper-class person!

"Why! Why should I do these hard labors like these trash!"

"If it weren't for this shitty survival game, you rubbish wouldn't even be qualified to be my dogs!"

"My dog ​​is more valuable than the lives of you low-level rubbish!"

"If you want medicine, bring money to buy it!"

While Ji Taimei was constantly refreshing the low-priced or free detoxification herbs or detoxification drugs in the market, she was also paying attention to whether there were any new drugs that could be cheated in the chat channel.

"Scold them, you poor bastards!"

"With supplies, I can afford fishing boats and weapons, open more treasure chests, and kill more beasts."

"My wealth will snowball, and you idiots can only look up to me!"

"Just wait, I will trample you all under my feet like I did on Blue Star sooner or later, and squeeze out all your value!"

"No matter which world it is, the smart people are always in high positions!"

"If you only know how to work, you can only work until you die! A bunch of idiots!"

Ji Taimei doesn't care that her name is cursed on the public screen.

He is not the only one who resells antidotes. There are many people like him who make a fortune by selling antidotes!

The infamy may last for a while, but it will not last forever.

Because as long as these "righteous men" are gone, no one will remember what they have done!

Judging from the death rate of survival games so far, this time will not be too long!

When almost all the people in this area have died, we will merge the areas again. Who will care about these things by then!

Even if someone remembers, how can they prove these things by then?

How many of these righteous people can survive until the end of the scorching sun?

Ji Taimei can be sure that the probability of survival of those who resell drugs is definitely higher than these people! Because only those who have abundant supplies can live longer!

When dirtiness becomes the norm, cleanliness becomes an anomaly.

When people get used to darkness, light will be dazzling.

When the invaders win, who is the righteous side in the historical records?

Ji Taimei laughed loudly at the supplies that kept entering the raft.

Suddenly, a message was like a needle inserted into his throat.

Lin Chen: "Excellent quality detoxification water is now on the shelves, free of charge, unlimited supply. One per person, please do not buy if you are not poisoned, and leave the detoxification water for those who are poisoned. [Entry: Cationic water]"

Ji Taimei was suddenly stunned.

"Excellent quality", "unlimited supply".

These eight words made him feel as if he and Lin Chen were in a different world.

What a joke!

Excellent quality things are so precious, and Lin Chen actually provides unlimited supply!

How is this possible!

He immediately clicked on the entry.

It's true! Excellent quality detoxifying water!

"Damn it! Unlimited supply, right! I'll buy them all as soon as you put them on the shelf! I want to see how much excellent quality detoxifying water you can sell!"

Ji Tai Mei Xun

and quickly opened Lin Chen's shelf.

But the next moment, a prompt popped up.

[You have been blocked by the other party and cannot view the other party's shelf]

Ji Taimei was stunned.

At the same time, the same prompt appeared in front of many resellers.

In addition to the resellers who were initially announced in the chat channel, Lin Chen was still observing the transaction records. Once he found multiple purchases or multiple purchases at one time, he would immediately block them.

Lin Chen: "People who resell life-saving drugs will be blocked. The current blacklist is as follows [picture]. If there are any omissions, please report this person's name and my name at the same time, and please show evidence. I will check all @ my messages one by one and block them. Please don't @ me tonight for non-reporting information."

"@Lin Chen @Wang Tai [picture] Brother Lin, this person bought twenty detoxification herbs from me at one time! Let's block him together so that he can never buy anything!"

"@Lin Chen @Wu Meijian [Image] Boss is righteous! Ban all these scumbags! "

"Thank you Brother Lin, my poison has completely subsided after drinking cationic water. Brother Lin gave me a second life! From now on, my life belongs to Brother Lin!"

"Survived! Hahahahahahahaha! I survived! So excited, thank you Boss Lin! From now on, Boss Lin can tell us what to do, we will do it even if it costs our lives!"

"Damn drug dealers! Fuck you! Everyone, block all these scumbags according to the list given by Brother Lin! These guys want to make money with our lives, we can't leave them any chance to live!"

"All blocked! Damn it! I was almost killed by these scumbags! Don't let me meet them at sea, otherwise I will kill them if I see one One! I'll kill you!"

"I didn't resell the detoxification water! I just bought a few more of Brother Lin's detoxification water to keep some for backup, why am I blocked too?"

"Why are you pretending! Brother Lin said 'one per person, don't buy if you're not poisoned', so many poisoned people are rushing to buy the medicine, and you came and took several! You deserve to be blocked! You dare to jump out yourself! I'm blocking you now!"

"You think I'm stupid, right? You know what's in your mind! Even if you didn't resell, what's the difference between you and those who resell?"


Cationic water is on the market in large quantities, and the poison of ordinary-quality box jellyfish quickly subsides under the effect of excellent-quality cationic water.

Lin Chen frowned and stared at the remaining number of people on the chat interface.

The number gradually stabilized and finally stopped at 7385.

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