Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 52] Second Wave (1) >

@ second wave.



Dimensional contamination in all areas is complete.

From now on, we begin to work on the dimensional origins.

I will evolve all the monsters that can evolve and shake the Earth's defenses.

There are 1,941,759 monsters that can evolve.

All evolvable monsters can simultaneously evolve and force a dungeon brake to generate a 'second wave’.

This will launch the second page of Project I.



* * * *

Soohyuk came back to Korea after helping Dae-cheol Kim to secure a new laboratory in Eun-suh as soon as he returned.

After a while, there were still those looking for Silver Fox, but the information they had was so limited that they couldn't find a shadow of Silver Fox.

Su-hyuk took the silver letter to Ilsan with him to become an Awakener of a level similar to the real Captain Knight, thanks to his special training at Yongin.

In Ilsan, there was another secret laboratory left behind by the father of the Silver Book, the Gold Dragon. In fact, I was in Ilsandong-gu, Goyang, but I had a lot of work to do because I had been abandoned.

When the galaxy arrived in Ilsan, the Mana Transparency technique, which is the biggest problem, began to touch it first. The Mana Transparency technology was clearly a great technology, but it was the most likely technology that the enemy had developed a detector.

So the Eunuch changed the mechanism of the Mana Transparency technology to synchronization, not transparency. If transparency was a technology that made an object transparent and concealed its appearance, synchronization was a technology that allowed an object to naturally infiltrate into the surroundings and become completely unaware of its presence.

To be honest, the level of technology could have been higher for Mana Transparency Technology. However, the new Mana synchronization that the Eunuch created through Mana Transparency Technology was not a technology that was lower in level than the absolute transparency technology.

The Mana synchronization technology developed by the Eunuch has become more than just synchronizing things with their surroundings, it has become perfectly integrated with their surroundings. So, even if one wall of the lab collapsed, the collapse itself was synchronized with the surrounding area, so that it could only be seen as if a tree had collapsed or had been dug up.

It meant that he didn't even know that something was hidden here, even if he shocked it with a single word.

According to the ledger, this technology is made up of a mechanism that is one step ahead of Mana transparency, so it shouldn't take any time for the detector to detect.

Soohyuk and Seongjoo helped the silver letter and began repairing the lab that had been neglected in the evaporation. Of course, the important thing was that both Eunhyuk and Seohyuk only did what they had to do with the organization and power around them, but thanks to their help, Eunhyuk was able to apply Mana synchronization technology to another secret laboratory left perfectly by his father in approximately four days.

The gold dragon had once accumulated a great fortune, so there were great equipment hidden in his laboratory.

It was surprising that these labs were left in such a volatile place. Of course, all the equipment was hidden inside the walls until the silver letter was manipulated, but Soohyuk thought that the gold dragon had saved so much for his daughter.

After roughly organizing the outside, the silver began to work on the equipment inside the lab and at the same time postpone it.

Silver was already part of Hel, and he was able to get his colleagues' equipment in order. Hell's members, who had tasted the silver, of course, never left their equipment with another Mado Engineer after that.

Thanks to this, there were more things to do with the Silver Book, but the Silver Book was more enjoyable. Obviously, more is being offered as much pleasure as she is mad about Mado Engineering.

After roughly clearing up Suhyuk, I thought I should start refilling my dimensions again.

His current dimensional power was‘ [810,716/7 ,854,599] '.

Now that the current dimension is too low, Soohyuk thought that he should raise the current dimension even if he quickly turned around a lower grade dungeon.

Unfortunately, the only colony near the Ilsan Laboratory is the new silver lab in Seoul.

Cat and Paju colonies were destroyed 12 and 17 years ago, respectively. In fact, the Paju area was a hot spot for hunters.

North Korea, which existed beyond the truce line, could not go without complex permission, but the Paju area was well stocked with monsters and horses from North Korea.

So hunters used to hunt horses or monsters outside the dungeon on the Pazzi field.

Basically, the United States Army and the ROK were guarding a line called the previous truce line, but they couldn't protect the entire area completely, so there were monsters and magicians crossing the truce line.

Especially in the Pazzi, the defense forces have driven the beast and the beast towards you, with little intention, not knowing that the hunters are gathering.

That's why Pazzi became a place where ordinary people hardly ever lived. No, not only Paju, but also the area called Ilsan in the past was classified as a dangerous area, so few people came.

However, Suhyuk liked this tranquility, so he packed up all the luggage in the water garden and moved to Ilsan.

After roughly repairing an abandoned single-family house near Zhang Yin, a house that was much nicer than the one that lived in the water source was born when people brought in what they needed to live in.

I didn't make a secret cellar because it's annoying. The loot seemed to be left to the cats, so I was a little nervous, but I decided to store it in the secret lab of the safest place, Silver Book.

After all the arrangements were done, there was only a short time after the full moon.

Whenever I had time, I would go to Paju and hunt monsters, but I could only meet monsters of a grade 1-3, so I didn't raise my dimension that much.

‘The best thing is to clear a Grade 6 dungeon again... … but it won't be easy to get a Grade 6 dungeon, will it? ’

Grade 6 dungeons were not easy to clear, but what was more difficult was saving them.

‘Last time I was lucky enough to get a Grade 6 Dungeon at a ridiculous price to Yeon Kyu... … Actually, it's not even a few billion to get a Grade 6 Dungeon right. ’

In this era, dungeons were money.

So if I didn't have the money, I couldn't hunt, and of course I couldn't be a knight.

“Hah, where are the rank 6 or 5 monsters going to fall? ”

Suhyuk looked up at the clear sky and muttered nonsense. But is the horse seeded?

This nonsense of Soohyuk...... has become no nonsense.

* * * *

Humans were called the Great Dipper when the first dungeons appeared explosively and monsters of class 1-4 appeared in the world.

After the first dimensional gate was opened, the dimensional gate continued to increase. At the beginning, most of the level 1-2 dimensional doorways were formed, but over time, many grade-3-4 dimensional doorways began to naturally form.

At that moment…… everyone remembered the big talk.

Explosively increased grade 3 dungeon. Of course, the Grade 3 dungeon did not clear properly, and one by one the dungeons braked, and all of a sudden the world began to overflow with Grade 3 monsters.

In fact, even before that, we were stopping back and forth monsters, but the exponential growth of grade 3 monsters began when the defense line began to collapse.

This was the time when the world was being reshaped around colonies. People got together to live, and that's what became a colony. At that time, the whole world was a battlefield.

Numerous people have died or been injured. Even on continents like Africa, for a number of reasons, the entire continent became a land of monsters.

In particular, there was one impossible explanation created for unknown reasons at the time, which was the 'dimension of despair’ that existed in the middle of the continent. For a number of reasons, the portal of despair became the reference point for all the dimensional gates and dungeons that exist in the world.

A cave of despair connected to the portal of despair.

This was the only grade 9 dimensional portal and dungeon in the world.

Because it exists, humans were able to distribute all grades related to dungeons based on it.

It took humankind 10 years to clean up this mess. Humankind recovered from the great debacle and now confidently declared that the era of hunting monsters had begun.

The declaration was made possible because the humans continued to build stronger power with the loot they had acquired from the monsters they hunted.

As the night grew and the giant receptacle weapons developed, I had no choice but to think about a promising future.

But there was one thing the humans didn't know.

It was the first of three waves in Project I, and there were still two more waves.

Even the second wave, the second wave, was about to begin. If a grade 3 monster on the first wave became the main monster that tramples the world, then a grade 5 monster that evolved from grade 4 to grade 5 on the second wave played that role.

Their goal was to shake the many defense systems that existed in the world and stimulate humanity again.


The sudden evolution of simultaneous monsters. Among them, a grade 4 monster suddenly evolved into a grade 5 monster, and the dungeon's ecosystem completely collapsed.

Not only that, all of a sudden, the dungeons that had plenty of time to reach the dungeon brake exploded simultaneously and triggered the dungeon brake.

No one knew why. I just vaguely assumed that the monsters had something to do with their sudden evolution.

To be honest, even though the first and third grade monsters evolved and protruded out of the dungeon, they were now able to stop the well-tolerated humans.

However, the monster that evolved to Grade 5 was a different story.

Grade 5 monsters were virtually impervious to Titan. But of course, Titan was never everywhere. Hundreds and thousands of monsters, especially on the level of one or two, have emerged from the dungeon and are now in need of Titan.

Suddenly, the 'second wave’ caused the whole world to literally go crazy. Each Colony government declared a state of emergency immediately and called for an emergency call to the Knights.

There weren't one or two places to stop, but they thought they had to stop where they thought they were important to their standards.

Of course...... I didn't understand it at the standard of ordinary people.

“Tell the White Dragon Knights to reinforce their defenses in the southeast! If White Dragon doesn't listen to you, he's not on the other side of the castle. They won't even be contacted by their owners? Anyways, put a BOLO out on the good guys, make sure they're guarded first. And if the Colony Wall is breached, lure the monsters to the Slum and catch them. ”

Kim Kyu-jin, one of the four commanders of the ROK's Colony Alliance, thought it was best to protect the elite and their wealth before the others.

One way or another, he was a rotten soldier, typical of him.

Not all soldiers in the ROK colony were rotten like Kyu-jin Kim, but many were lost in the taste of power and money.

“Hel... Hel, these bastards won't listen even if I tell them to, right? ”

“99% more likely to be ignored. ”

“Tsk, you arrogant bastards... But first put down your orders. I'm going to have to use this to torture those arrogant bastards when things get sorted out. ”

“I understand.”

“Hmm, how about North Korea? That place must have been a living hell... Are those monsters coming down? ”

“Fortunately, the U.S. military told me that they had some extra power in Korea and that they would send it to North Korea. ”

“Oh, yeah? As expected, America handles things differently. ”

Kyu-jin Kim was a typical ‘paternal’ soldier. He was even secretly sharing military secrets with the U.S. military to help the U.S. military operate more easily in the Republic of Korea.

Stupid commander. But South Korea was overrun with such rubbish. The second wave rises, but they rush to protect their lives and property, not worry about the world.

< [Chapter 52] Second Wave (1) > End


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