Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 52] Second Wave (2) >

* * * *

[Ignore the summoning order of those idiots, but first stop the monsters passing through the Paju. Let me know if you need any help. Okay?]

As expected by Kyu-jin Kim, all Hel's members, including Hye-Ri, neatly ignored the emergency call of garbage. Instead, they prepare to fight monsters in their own way.

“What's the situation elsewhere? ”

[Of course it's all a mess. At least the Seoul Colony has a lot of knights and troops, so it's not a big confusion, but the area seems to be in complete turmoil.]

“All of a sudden this is not just happening in my country, it's happening all over the world at the same time." ”

[That's right. A lot of people are calling this a second major debacle. In fact, the World Knights Association has declared this a humanitarian crisis, and they're willing to go on a full-scale monster hunt for all knights.]

The world is already in chaos. It was also a problem that more than 10 times monsters usually emerged out of the dimension door, but the bigger problem was that there were quite a lot of grade 4 monsters that evolved to grade 5 among such monsters.

Even if you can't stop the other shark monsters, Grade 4 monsters that evolved to Grade 5 were difficult to stop with medium firepower.

[In any case, Paju may have a lot of monsters descending from North Korea, so don't overdo it and try to stop them.]

“Yes, I will. ”

Su-hyuk, who hung up on Choi Hye-Ri, quickly went down to the basement of the lab. In the basement of the lab, the silver was fixing the equipment, and Chan was helping out with it. Although the chorus was originally so good that it was called the silver book Nuna from the beginning, the silver book, which was not so good as the choreography, is still awkward.

“Hey, what's going on? This isn't the only thing that's happening here, is it? ”

“Yes, the whole world is in chaos at the same time. It's called the second big excursion... ”

“If it's called a blatant debacle...... This can't be a joke. ”

“Silver Book, how strong are the defenses in this lab? ”

“For now, monsters below grade 4 will never find this place. The problem is a Grade 5 Monster... It may or may not be found depending on the type of monster. Assuming we find them and talk about their defenses, we can withstand attack by a Grade 3 monster for at least a full full day. But I can't hold out for more than a few hours from a grade 4 monster. ”

“Well, here's the deal. I'll go out to the Paju area and hunt alone, and Yuli stays here and catches the nearby vandals. And if any monster of grade 4 or higher shows up, call me right away. ”

Soohyuk chose the safest way to hunt.

At least, Su-hyuk was the only one who had to risk it, but Su-hyuk was confident that he would get out as much as he wanted.

“Okay, so I'm going to hunt monsters within a five-kilometer radius of the lab. ”

“And the silver will keep an eye on things in the lab and keep an eye on things in other areas. Call me as soon as there's any news we need to know. ”

“I'll use the perforations to scrape down all the unknown information. ”

“Of course I'd appreciate it more. We don't have much time, so let's get moving. ”

Soohyuk began to move quickly after roughly a prescription came out.

He packed up a bunch of consumables like Martan's and secured the finished line blades. I wanted to take Goliath with me, but Goliath wasn't quite finished yet, so I decided to take it as soon as the maintenance was done.

As soon as I was ready, I set the secret door inside the Eunuch's lab as the 'Master Door’. This way, if the lab side was dangerous, we could get support right away or we could come back to the lab very easily.

After finishing all the preparations with this, Soohyuk rushed towards Paju. While he was running, a large number of horses and monsters rushed towards Soohyuk.

Suhyuk had the ability to literally wipe out monsters under Grade 3 and all kinds of horses.

Suhyuk had the ability to handle firearms that exerted the most absolute power in the fight against many of the emitter systems. Not just one or two, but many... That's why I wiped out so many monsters and horses rushing towards me without getting off my bike.

Literally, it was just a one-sided cleaning.

Suhyuk was a close driver of his bikes. He carried monsters and sorcerers into one place and lightly shot the Inferno to eliminate them.

Just as Mall hunted in the game, Suhyuk slaughtered all the monsters and horseshoes that had spread throughout Goyang and Paju went to a place called Im Jingae in the past.

He went there because the Eunuch had heard that a large group of monsters from North Korea were coming down over the truce line.

The U.S. and ROK forces guarding the truce line decided that they couldn't actually defend everywhere, so they left Paju open.

In fact, they were able to make this decision because many knights were still not moving in Seoul Colony.

Just as there were rotten garbage inside the ROK, there were the same garbage inside the ROK. When they heard the warning that humanity might perish, they rushed only to protect their comfort.

Special Forces commander Jang Mun-ho, who was the most normal person in the ROKAF, decided he didn't have an answer and gave up the defense ship in the closest Paju region to Seoul Colony, thinking about moving the knights who were crouching in Seoul Colony.

Of course, the rotten force within the military was the most important colony to protect in the first place, but it was Chief Jang.

Jang Moon-ho thought that even if he prescribed the drug, he would have to move the knights tied to the Seoul Colony.

Given the level of the Seoul Colony's walls and the ability of the Air Force, there was not much danger in the Seoul Colony.

However, the wrong person got caught up in his decision.

I'm not exactly confused, but I dive into a storm of monsters myself.

A man running at full speed towards the typhoon.

He was Soohyuk, of course.

- There are multiple dimensional reactions ahead.

“I don't know what else. Are there any Grade 5 or 4 monsters? ”

There are seven grade 4 events in two grade -5 events and 42 grade 3 events. There are 174 responses that appear to be grade 1-2. Mahjong...... I don't think counting just means anything.

‘Wow, there are many. Looks like we're gonna need a sunblade. ’

There were a lot of high-ranking monsters and a lot of heads. This enormous monster wave is hard to hit with bare bodies, even with Soohyuk.

- I think you should use a sunblade.

Right? Let's get started, then! Summon Tattoo! '

You pull out the Sun Blade that was carved into your body and start preparing for the monster wave.

Kuku Kung!

Sun blade reveals itself. Sun blades with silver magazine performance upgrades were standing in place with a distinctive sharp knife atmosphere.

- Titan armed.

Suhyuk boarded the Sun Blade listening to Yan's report, and as soon as he boarded, the dimensions were consumed and the Sun Blade began to move.

A large horde of monsters and Titans rushing towards a horde of monsters that would otherwise be avoided by ordinary knights. Suddenly, it seemed too reckless a challenge, but I didn't feel any hesitation in Soohyuk's steps.

* * * *

“You're still getting calls from Seoul Colony? What the hell is that supposed to mean? There's a monster wave A and two B waves headed towards Paju, right? Then, of course, we should have dispatched defense forces from Seoul Colony.... ”

He muttered with a muttering face that he didn't understand something.

“We don't know why. They even warned me about the Seoul Colony…… but I just got a call from the Seoul Colony to see if the wave was really coming. There's nothing in their navigation system. He even dispatched a search party to the area of Goyang City, and they said it was very clean. ”

“...... Then where the hell did those guys go to Paju? Did you turn around? I don't think so... Because monsters and beasts instinctively ran straight for Seoul Colony, which is the largest Mana mass... ”

“Right now, we've also scrambled four reconnaissance drones toward Paju in order to determine the exact cause. They should be here any minute. ”

“Well done.”

The officer in the Special Forces, who is reporting diligently now, was very neat and tidy as Jang Moon believes most of all.

“Oh, they're sending video now. I'll print it right away."

Reconnaissance drones are small and durable, but they are also easy to build and fairly inexpensive to build, so they are actively used by the military because they can continue to float as much as they want.


The surveillance drones' footage was printed on a large situation board on the wall of Jang Moon 'ang's office.


“Ugh…. ”

“This is……. ”

All the soldiers in the Special Forces who saw the footage opened their mouths and said nothing.

Monsters and beasts piled up like mountains.

And there's a Titan on top of all those corpses, slaughtering monsters and horses right now...

Every time Titan's Dimensional Pistol bursts into flames, a pile of monsters and horses plummet.

This scene was literally spectacular.

“What the hell is that gas? Is this the gas with the identification number? ”

Jang Mun-ho asked, looking at the man next to him.

“Sorry, I can't see my identification number. Even…… unregistered airframe that is not registered in our database. It looks like Titan has been personalized…… I don't even see the usual" Knights Mark ". ”

The answer that comes back is, ‘I don't know anything.’.

“Just in case, look again.... ”

At the moment Jang Moon-ho was about to instruct something, Titan in the video once again showed tremendous images.

You continue flying dozens of rounds of Satan in a row as if you were firing a concentrated fire at dozens of monsters rushing towards you. Then all the monsters in front of Titan become blood clots and scatter into the air.

“Is emitter Night on board? Even so, that kind of firepower... ”

Jang Moon also knew that Titan on the Emitter Knights exerts tremendous power when it comes to catching low-grade monsters. However, the firepower Titan showed in the footage was overwhelming.

“A Grade 5 Evolutionary Monster appears in front of the unknown Titan! ”

Grade 5 evolved monsters meant monsters that evolved from Grade 4 to Grade 5.

“Monsters seem to be evolved dark trees." ”

Dark Old Tree was a Grade 4 monster, but evolved to Grade 5 to become a larger and stronger monster.

“Even if the release clan Knight is specialized in catching low-grade monsters, it will take some time to catch Grade 5 evolved monsters……. ”

His subordinate, who was about to report something to Jang Moon-ho, suddenly turned his head to look at the drones floating in the sky and stopped.

That was the end of the video.

Pumpeng, cheeky, cheeky!

“The unidentified Titan blew up all the reconnaissance drones! ”


Jang Moon-ho was so disappointed that he didn't see Titan deal with a Grade 5 evolutionary monster. But with this video, at least one thing was certain.

“You can see why the Paju and Cat areas were so quiet, even though there was a class A monster wave and two Class B monster waves. ”

“What do you want me to do? Shall we send another reconnaissance drone? ”

“No. I don't think anyone likes watching over them. Let's just leave them be. He's trying to protect this human being just like us anyway, so that's it. Instead, you should leave Paju to him and strengthen the other side's defenses, as his abilities seem substantial. ”

Jang Moon-ho personally wanted to know more about unconfirmed Titan, but when he saw the big picture, he thought it was right to just ignore it now.

Certainly, there were very few soldiers left in the ROK colony.

< [Chapter 52] Second Wave (2) > End


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