Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 58] Colony Defense Battle (1) >

Defending @ Colony.

“All the knights of England were returning home. The estimated raid time for Scarecrow bees is in the next 10 to 15 minutes. ”

Urgent Cry.

It was hard to fathom how many nights have already been killed by the army vampire bees. Thanks to this, many knights gave up their return to the Battle of Cairo Colonies and fled to find their own avenues.

“The Wall...... How long can the Battle Colony Wall last?" ”

Commander Mitchell, who was staring at the front panel with a serious look, asked the assistant standing next to him. Of course, the walls of the Battle Colony in Cairo were not very defensive, as the buildings were sharpened in the field. Even though the ratings were low, Mitchell still felt that the barrier was only a class F.

He was currently monitoring the situation of the Cairo Battle Colony in real-time on a World War Vehicle in the Red Sea, and all he could think about was how to protect the Colony.

“The barrier is virtually meaningless to military vampires. Even with all the defensive weapons on the wall, it should last at most 10 minutes. ”

“The Wall is a worthless monster.... ”

To be honest, the wall hasn't been a meaningless monster at all. But the problem was that the barrier was a worthless grade 7 monster.

You were only able to defend yourself against a Grade 7 monster by putting up a wall. That's not possible right now.

“Commander, an F-44 squadron of unmanned combat drones will be arriving shortly. Shall we start the battle now? ”

The F-44 drone was the most powerful weapon the United States has ever built against monsters.

Conventional UAVs were hard to hit monsters, so they built fighter drones like fighter helicopters based on more flexible combat capabilities, and that was the beginning of the F-40 series.

The F-40, which the United States first developed 15 years ago, has been troubled by many things, but the F-44, which has been upgraded and completed several years ago, is considered to be the most powerful combat drone in existence.

“Wipe it out!”

Commander Mitchell thought that in his 30s, an F-44 could eliminate more than half, if not all, of the draft bees. That's why they deployed all the F-44s in the World War Vehicle.

He decided to reduce their numbers to F-44 and then mobilize all the ‘Dimensional Soldiers' in the World War Vehicle to stall until reinforcements arrived.

Of course, it won't be easy, but I thought it was quite possible with the help of the Knights left in the battle colony.

“F-44, engage combat mode! Kill the target!”

Decades of rockets spill from the F-44 and start flying towards the troop vampire bees in front of them.

It looks like a fighter helicopter, but firepower was as powerful as the state-of-the-art F-29 'Wyvern’.

Unfortunately...... it wasn't the Army that wiped out that powerful firepower.

Guaguava fruit overload!

Hundreds of powerful rockets poured into one area and devastated the area as if there were no living creatures.

However, the area may have been devastated, but the troop vampire bees there were not really hit at all.

All monsters have a peculiar nature called "dimensional resistance." This was the most basic ability that occurs when a monster comes out of a dungeon.

This dimensional resistance, in other words, was not a dungeon, but resistance to all kinds of weapons that existed in reality.

Particularly, dimensional resistance has become stronger with higher grade monsters. This resistance was also quite strong because the group vampires were basically all grade 5 monsters.

In fact, the World Knights Association encouraged monsters of grade 4 or higher to use weapons with Mana's power.

Here, the troop aspiration bees were moving so fast that they just lightly avoided most of the rockets.

Eventually, most of the rockets exploded, cutting through the air, crashing into meaningless places, and occasionally, even those rockets that hit the force absorbed didn't have much effect because of their dimensional resistance.

In any case…… the F-44s were unable to eliminate a single draught bee, even though they focused all their firepower in an instant.

“Well, the enemies are all alive! ”

“Annihilation Failed! All Enemy Blows! ”

“Enemy counterattack commencing! ”

Guava, Guava, Guava!

Commander Mitchell makes an unbelievable look at the urgent shouts coming from the situation room and the serial explosion footage of F-44 printed on the panel.

‘Even if you are a Grade 7 monster, this is……. ’

He expected to be able to eliminate more than half, or at least half, of most, except for the giant queen bee.

However, the results were harsh.

The F-44s were powerless and the rope exploded. The bloodsucking bees would shake the F-44 around like they were playing with a toy and throw it to the ground.

The F-44 in its 30s was about 70% of the aviation power of a dimensional harbor motorcycle. However, the main force was wiped out without eliminating even a single draught bee. Of course, it was hard to stay sane.

“Destroy the F-44 squadron! They... are flying towards the Battle Colony in Cairo at a faster rate. ”

Desperate news continues to reach me, but Commander Mitchell, who has turned white in his head, is unable to say a word. He felt this was all a dream.

A terrible nightmare……… He really wanted to wake up from this horrible nightmare and regain peace.

Jan, what's the situation with Colony? ’

- It's getting worse. The U.S. military dispatched a squadron of F-44 UAVs, but they were wiped out just moments ago. Right now, the bloodsuckers are just ahead of Colony. I think we're about to cross the Colony Wall in five minutes.

The Colony's internal defensive force? ’

Even worse, the knights who felt things were escaping the colony one by one.

‘They don't want to be killed because they're fighting in someone else's country. ’

- Honestly, I think it would be better if neither you nor your colleagues took the risk.

Yan rather worried about Su-hyuk.

‘Of course, the best thing for us to do right now is to back off. But…… there's a huge pile of loot that we've been working on for a month, and there's an artifact there that I really want to have. And finally...... there's a game in front of you, and turning your back is not our way. ’

There were many reasons not to run away.

However, the biggest reason was because it was' Hel. 'Of course, in the case of Suhyuk, it was a combined decision to think that we couldn't run away from them, which is a hot mass of maximum dimensional force, but at least Choi Hye-su and Park In-su were right not to think about running away because they are' hel ’.

It was normal to have sex with ancient mountains for a few years. Shut up and move on! ’It became the central point of life for the members of Hell.

“Soohyuk, things seem to be getting worse. The US military is continuing to call for help on the radio right now...... and it looks like there are a lot of stragglers here. ”

“You bastards...... When you run off to compete in ranks, it becomes really dangerous, so you run away first. ”

Park In-soo mutters with a slight smile.

“The opponent thinks he doesn't want to die because he's a Grade 7 monster, and he doesn't want to die because he's an army vampire who has yet to be discovered." In fact, if it's the way it's supposed to be, we should just back off. ”

Choi Hye Ri lightly nodded and said.

“So we're just gonna walk away? ”

“Hey, listen to Korean till the end. Don't back down. Even if there is no attack method, it's not our way to scare off a Grade 7 monster, not a Grade 8 monster. ”

Clearly, the most important thing for the beneficiary was the safety of three people. But no matter how important safety was, she didn't want to run away without even trying.

“When you run, you fight, even if you run. And if we can't...... Soohyuk will save us. ”

A comet that looks at Suhyuk with a slight smile. The reason she was able to be a little more confident in this challenge was because of Soohyuk.

Hye Ri, on this African expedition, was a greater night for Soohyuk than he thought (?). She had already stopped the second wave in the Republic of Korea and considered Suhyuk to be the best in the team, but the assessment changed again with this expedition.

Equal to or greater than ancient mountains.

There has never been a better rating. At this level, I saw Suhyuk as the best night in Korea.

She had faith in Suhyuk, so she had the courage to agree without hesitation to try and catch three Grade 7 monsters.

“But I'm running with Soohyuk, too. ”

Park In-su listened to Hye-ri Choi.

“If you and your brother say so...... I'll keep you safe! ”

Suhyuk welcomed the two people's jokes with a cheerful smile.

“You will be the center of this battle, and from this moment on, you will give all your orders. We will follow your orders. ”

“Yes, I understand. ”

Choi Hye-Ri nodded and replied because she gave Su-hyuk the command of the battle and also knew that it was comfortable.

“Here you go, boss. What do you want me to do? ”

“Acquisition, you must protect your sister and collect the goods that are piled up in the colony. ”

When Park In-soo asked with a playful smile, Soohyuk smiled and answered with a playful smile.

“Huh? Are you going to fight the whole army by yourself? ”

“I guess I'm still better at fighting alone. And let's be honest with each other. As you pack your things, please remove any aspiration bees that may have fallen apart. In this way, I think you should eliminate the sister and the handyman around the colony outskirts and focus on those who got away from the herd. And I'll be right with you if I need anything. ”

“Well, I can't give you free services, so you need to pack something. ”

“And you can perform an underwater, nonsword surgery? ”

Soohyuk remembered the sword that flew when he first met Park In-soo, so he knew he was learning how to use a sword.

“Yes, my third sword is a sword. ”

“Then can you fly something else instead of a sword? ”

“Well, I don't think there's a big problem.... ”

“Then I'll give you something, so you can fly it exactly as I say later. First, if Hye Ri has it and I talk to her, tell her right away. ”

“Got it.”

I could or might not use it, but for what it's worth, Soohyuk gave it to Hye Ri. ‘It’ was likely to be the last resort in many ways.

Troop aspiration bees have reached the walls of the Battle Colony in Cairo. The Americans are concentrating their firepower, but it looks like they'll be breached in no time.

How long do we have? ’

- We're five minutes out at current speed.

‘OK! From now on, keep me informed. ’

Suhyuk ordered Jan again and looked at Hye Ri.

“Sis, I'll go first. Follow me. ”

“Got it. And... be careful. Don't overdo it. Run if you want to. ”

“Yes, I will. ”

Suhyuk nodded and replied. He also did not intend to overdo it. I already had a means of escape in case it wasn't enough, so I was going to run away immediately.

Let's go, then! ’

Soohyuk pulls the throttle of the Arrow once more.

He was going to run at full speed and arrive at the Colony in two minutes.

< [Chapter 58] Colony Defense Battle (1) > End


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