Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 58] Colony Defense Battle (2) >

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The Cairo battle colony has literally become a ruin. As soon as the vampire bee crossed the barrier and entered the colony, all of Colony's functions were stopped.

There were not many ordinary people, but not all of them, because they were colonies made for combat. They were mostly ghosts from Africa that the U.S. military hired to do their dirty work, and of course the U.S. military left them in the colony.

Not to mention the loot that was stored up in the warehouse, but the "Giant Sword" that was prepared for fishing for the knights couldn't have picked up the ghosts that the US military hired to do the job.

Even the worst had happened so quickly that the U.S. military lost control of the troops inside the colony.

The dimensional soldiers who had to defend the colony were busy leaving the colony and running. The only thing I had to do was eat people indiscriminately as soon as they crossed the wall, so no one could hold their ground in this situation.

Of course, Commander Mitchell, who was just giving orders in the situation room of the World War Vehicle, ordered the unauthorized departure of dimensional soldiers to be killed in accordance with military law immediately, but Colonies had no officers left to listen to his orders.

After the colony stopped functioning, it was not even easy to understand the situation properly. Although they were constantly flying reconnaissance drones in the World War Vehicles, the army absorbers who had complete control of Colony's empowerment removed the drones as soon as they appeared, and were virtually unaware of what was happening in the World War Vehicles.

The World War Vehicle had already given up on the colony to some extent. They had already begun to think about a later response rather than saving Colony's life.

The response team had to raise the level because they saw that the troop vampire bees were much stronger than they thought.

Commander Mitchell doesn't think it's complicated, but whatever he sacrifices, he prioritizes stopping the draft bees. The problem of repairing the colony was the right thing to do after solving this.

The sad thing was that things were going so fast that I had left too much in the colony, but that was enough to recover it later.

When everyone was giving up the colony, the only people who didn't give up the colony were entering the colony.

Raid Team Hell in South Korea!

They were moving forward, even in this difficult situation. The barrier is not open, but Soohyuk simply crosses the barrier through a shadow shift. Then I boarded straight away, summoning the Sun Blade.

Jan, put all their positions on the Colony map. We need to reduce the number of these guys. ’

Suhyuk came here and used the perforated castle to constantly examine the characteristics and ways of fighting. That's why he knew they were divided into roughly five groups around a large queen bee.

There were about 70 of them in each squad, and what was really scary about them was that they were moving like one.

In particular, the 10 most unusually shaped Army Vampire Bees that did not leave the vicinity of the Queen Bee looked unusual at first glance. Suhyuk classified them as the queen's bodyguards.

Of course, the SS was just different from the DEA. Their power was evident during the massacre of the British knights, when the British knights were quite resourceful: the British knights who took out five Titans and fought the army's bloodsuckers. They actually got a rap sheet by eliminating a few draft bees.

But…… they collapsed as soon as the two SS appeared.

We didn't know exactly how they defeated the British Titans because of the battles they witnessed through the Imperial Castle, but it was at least as accurate as the five Titans were destroyed by the two Guards.

A moderate clan aspiration bee appeared to be a monster at approximately a grade 5 level, while a friendly group appeared to be a monster at least a grade 6 level.

- I'll print it out.

Tiric. Glug-ug-ug.

Jan floated the Colony map as Suhyuk instructed, then gave an approximate location of the troop vampires with blue, red and white dots on top.

The most blue dots, of course, were the ordinary clan bloodsuckers, and the red dots that converged on one white dot were the patrons.

‘Okay, let's reduce the blue dots first. Quick 15! "

Soon after Soohyuk shouted 15 times, Mini Vulcan was mounted on the arms of the Sun Blade.

Huff, puff. Whee!

Suhyuk, equipped with mini Vulcan, starts running towards the nearest blue herd.

One of the stories Knights used to talk about when grade 7 monsters were known around the world was that if you don't reduce the number of people close to 400 quickly, you won't get an answer.

So what's the fastest way to reduce their population?

One of Britain's finest knights, Magneto Kevin Josh, was one of the most effective methods at the time.

His ability would have been enough to eliminate large numbers of short-acting bees at once. Of course, this was only an expectation, so in practice, no one knew what the outcome would be, but at least it would be useful.

However…… At this moment in the Cairo battle colony, gravity control had a result that was unimaginable. It was also a result of urgent practice without any help.

Guava, Guava, Guava, Guava!

Dozens of draft bees fell from the sky in blood.

Of course, it was Soohyuk who dropped them. Precisely the Sun Blade controlled by Suhyuk.

The flames of hell descend upon the sky!

Suhyuk used the 'Hell Fire’ skill as well as' Baek Baekbaekjeong from Kim Bo-bae's Shrine '. Thanks to this, more than 90,000 dimensions disappeared in less than three minutes, but now was not the time to save dimensions.

And it was not a waste because we could get even more dimensional power if we eliminated the troop vampire bees anyway.

Although Army Vampire Bees were grade 5 monsters, they gained only roughly 10,000 dimensions per person because of their unique traits, but they were not small because they eliminated so many.

Even now, I gained a maximum power of about 550,000 dimensions in an instant. Currently, using only three dimensions of power, the maximum dimensional power of 550,000 was gained in one sentence.

-55 eliminated. Nine are barely in the sky and four are on the run.

"Let's leave the inability to fight and catch the four on the run. ’

Two, two, two, two!

Suhyuk shoots Vulcan lightly once again, and of course, the four who are on the run fall to the ground, unable to stand up and bleeding.

Soohyuk, who neatly smashed up the runners like that, was floating in the sky and eliminated all the others as well.

No matter how sudden the attack was, these results were quite shocking. The monstrous massacre of Suhyuk looks even greater considering that the U.S. military has consumed dozens of combat drones and failed to kill only one.

In total, it took less than five minutes to remove all 68 draft bees. Soon, Suhyuk, who had eliminated a group of troop bloodsuckers, quickly hid himself in the dark.

I needed to buy some time because I used so many skills that the wait for reuse was about 10 minutes before the massacre.

Jan, how are they doing? I'm sure he knew his colleague was destroyed.... ’

Soohyuk, who was hiding in the dark, looked at the situation calmly first.

- Otherwise, all three groups of blood-sucking bees have already begun searching for you.

‘You want revenge from your friends. What about the queen bee and the SS, by the way? ’

- They're not moving.

‘Thank goodness. This will make things easier for me because they underestimate me. ’

Honestly, Suhyuk expected that if the Queen Bee and the SS moved at this time, it would be very painful. But fortunately, it was only three hordes of bloodsucking bees.

At this rate, I thought the queen bee might move. But the queen bee seemed to think less of the draught bees than she thought.

I didn't know exactly why, but it was not a bad situation for Soohyuk.

Soohyuk waited for the end of the cooldown of all skills in the dark. It was very important to give back this cooldown since you had the necessary skills to catch the Scarecrow.

‘Jan, let's catch the firing point. ’

- Yes, sir.

Soohyuk started searching for the right shooting point as soon as all skills were ready.

- We have found the best point considering both their alignment and their field of view.

As Jan finds the point, Soohyuk uses a dark walk to move in secret towards you.

‘Now... let's get ready for our guests. Jan, Sun Blade in Seaze Mode! ’

Soohyuk arrives at the firing point and switches the Sun Blade to Seeds Mode. Shizumod was the optimal Hellfire shooting posture developed by Soohyuk.

Chug, chug, chug!

Suhyuk took out two more mini Vulcans from the secret satchel of the four dimensions and naturally mounted them on both shoulders.

He then lowers the sheath mode support embedded in his heel with adequate clearance of his feet.


Soohyuk firmly secures the legs of the Sun blades with a support. This was the Shizumod Suhyuk was talking about.

This mini Vulcan was a ‘shoulder Vulcan’ specially produced by the Silver Book. This was not normally available. If we put this Vulcan on our shoulders without Shizumod, Titan's balance would collapse completely and there would be no food or death.

At the very least, it was through Seaze Mode that we were able to secure Titan in one place with these two definitive shoulder Vulcans.

Since the shoulder Vulcan was automatically synchronized with the Vulcan mounted on both arms, pulling the trigger of the mounted Vulcan on both arms triggered them as well.

This means that if you activate the Vulcan on your right arm, the Vulcan on your right shoulder will work together, and if you activate the Vulcan on your left arm, the Vulcan on your left shoulder will work.

Of course, the accuracy of shoulder Vulcan rested purely on Suhyuk's individual abilities. Eunuchs were extremely accurate, saying that they could never guarantee their accuracy.

However, Suhyuk had many skills to force correction. So Soohyuk was able to courageously use his shoulder Vulcan, believing in them.

Ghost Gun! ’


Suhyuk, who completed Shizumod, immediately increased the number of Vulcans from four to six using Ghost Gun skills.

And then I used Miyamoto's mental focus.


Soohyuk gathers a lot of strength in Shizumod state. He finds his targets in that state.

Yan, zoom in and mark their position in perforated multi-target mode! ’

- Yes, sir.

Tiric, Tidi didi dididik....

At the end of Suhyuk's command, blue dots began to appear in Suhyuk's vision.

They were already heading for Soohyuk the moment Soohyuk appeared in the dark and activated Shizumod.

A total of three squadrons of bloodsucking bees...... were just over 200 in number.

They were, of course, flying towards the mad Sun Blade in order to tear apart Suhyuk, who killed his companion.

A blue dot filled with the view of Suhyuk.

Suhyuk had already used all the skills available to him to increase the power of the Vulcans, so he continued to stay focused and waited for the surest ‘time’.

‘Jan, from now on, keep your distance from them. ’

- Got it. 400m…… 300m…… 200m…….

Hundreds of draft bees are getting closer.

At this rate, I thought Soohyuk would be defeated.

-100m, 90m, 80m, 70m.

Suhyuk was able to see the troop bloodsucking bees that had washed the surroundings with his naked eye.

Just a little more! ’

Suhyuk endured one more time for the most perfect timing, even though it was a moment of dismemberment.

-50m, 40m.

The moment you want it to be!

“Multi-target simultaneous fire! ”

Suhyuk shouts loudly and pulls the Vulcan trigger.

At that moment, the six Vulcans, who were amassed with immense power, released fire at the same time.

< [Chapter 58] Colony Defense Battle (2) > End


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