Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 59] Hunting the Giant Queen Bee (1) >

Hunting @ giant queen bees.

The sky is red.

Perhaps it was true that the sky was on fire. As soon as the sky caught fire, all the troop bloodsuckers turned into blood clots and crashed to the ground.

Blood rains were pouring down on the ground.

There were no exceptions. With Su-hyuk focused on all his strength, the ‘Jin Hellfire' wiped out all the troop suction bees that were covering the battle colony sky at once.

This breathtaking blow was Soohyuk's most powerful attack move. This technology could not be used carelessly because it also took a lot of suyuk.

Just three minutes ago, when she triggered the ‘Jin Hellfire’, Soohyuk used more than 500,000 dimensions. Although most of the dimensional forces were used because of Kim Bo-bae's white-hot palace, it was true that it consumed quite a lot of dimensional power.

But of course, I had more dimensions than the dimensions I consumed. Suhyuk gained a tremendous amount of power in this room. If he used half a million and got two million, it was an unconditional gain.

Kwakwang! Kwakwakwakwang!

“Phew... Jan, aren't there any left? ”

- Yes, all targets are completely eliminated. Obviously, the power of the Lost Hellfire is unimaginable.

“Power may be good, but it's hard for me to die. First, let's hide ourselves before the Queen Bee and the SS arrive. We can't fight them in this situation.

Suhyuk looks at the blood falling from the sky and immediately turns off Siege Mode. You reap the Vulcan grape on your shoulder and raise your support again.

Suhyuk, who had completely decommissioned Shizumod, immediately used the Darkness again. Although hiding the darkness was not a perfect hiding technique, using it could buy us some time.

- I think the queen bee and the SS are aware of the situation. They are now wandering around looking for their master.

‘The level of hiding in the darkness is not so high that we can be seen by them, so we should move into the dark and avoid it until we're ready enough. Keep me posted on their location. ’

Suhyuk knew that the Queen Bee and the SS could not guarantee a battle even in perfect condition, so he tried to fight after recovering a bit like this.

‘There's just no answer in a frontal battle...... In the end, the most obvious thing is to lose the SS? ’

Suhyuk thought it was foolish to go head-to-head against the Queen Bee and the SS. It seemed powerful to gather all the troop vampires Suhyuk slaughtered a while ago, so you'd better find another way.

Especially if you used the ‘Gene Hellfire’, which exerts its best power on many as before, it was too obvious that it would not work for the Queen bee and the SS.

That's why Suhyuk felt it was necessary to defeat the SS or capture the queen bee first and add the combat variables.

Meanwhile, while Suhyuk was worrying about this, there was a commotion on the side of the World Battle Port Flyer. Unknown flashes and explosions...... and the bloodsucking bees are disappearing.

Of course, the World War Vehicle was wondering what was going on in Colony right now.

However, the reconnaissance drones were only a few minutes away, and the remaining reconnaissance drones were still shot down and could not enter the colony.

Apparently, there's no sign of the Paratrooper, but an attack has taken place on the ground and eliminated the scout drones. Commander Mitchell wanted to know what was going on in Colony, but there was nothing he could do.

In fact, it was in his best interest to block his eyes and ears. She was cleaning up behind Colony outskirts with Park In-soo, one of which was the removal of a U.S. reconnaissance drone.

Honestly, even if the U.S. military saw Suhyuk's Sun Blade, nothing happened immediately. There was nothing to recognize Sun Blade from there, and finding out later that Sun Blade belonged to Hell shouldn't be a big problem.

Nevertheless, Choi Hye-Ri did not allow others to see what was happening in the colony thoroughly to protect Su-hyuk.

As always, the former ones do not like the emergence of new ones. Therefore, if Suhyuk's strength was conveyed to someone, there could be useless hindrance.

Choi Hye Ri disliked it, so she completely eliminated all surveillance vehicles, including reconnaissance drones.

Thanks to her consideration, Soohyuk was really able to run free.

- Sir, I think they know where you're hiding.

‘Tsk... I figured it out pretty quick. Quick 11! "

Tsk, tsk, tsk! Heave-ho!

Soon as Soohyuk is spotted by them, he takes out two Titan flames and prepares for battle.


At that moment, the Queen Bee and the SS began to fly at a rapid rate towards where Soohyuk was hiding.

As they fly in, Soohyuk pops out of the darkness, pulling the trigger, aiming his gun at the queen.

Tadadadang! Tadadadang!

However, the SS blocked all of the demons that were flying into the curve towards the Queen.

The SS were literally one wall. They were perfectly protected and stared at Soohyuk. The emotion I felt in them was, of course...... anger.

It was natural for them to be angry because there were over 300 troop vampires slaughtered by Suhyuk. But apart from being furious, they seem more concerned with protecting the queen than attacking Sun Blade.

The queen is more important than anything else? ’

Given their reactions and the nature of the herd, it seemed that the key to attacking the Vampire League was defeating the queen.

‘Let's start shaking. ’

Suhyuk looks at the defensive garrisons who care more about protecting the Queen and feels that the gap is in their defensive attitude. So the initial strategy he chose…… was to ‘shake’ through quick movements.

‘Skill Set, Wind Warm (£30142; Wind £63771; ^)! ’

Turning the skill set into a windmill consisting of skills that specialize in rapid movement and hit-and-drop, Soohyuk immediately took off all the outer secondary gloves of a standing blade.

Pow, pow, pow! Kung, Kung, Kung!

Secondary gloves were being fitted just in case, but at least we didn't have to fight now.

Taking off the outer secondary gloves allowed the line blades to move much lighter and, of course, faster.

Sun Blade still leaps over the colony with two flames and continues to target the queen bee. Of course, the SS could not leave the queen's side carelessly, because they used curves to fly him at an unpredictable angle.

Of course, not all of them flew towards Soohyuk and attacked Soohyuk, but they were faster than them, so they eventually had to go back to the Queen's side and protect her.

Kwakwang! Kwakwang!

The high energy frequencies they continue to emit have never been able to keep pace, and only the colony's beloved buildings have collapsed.

Even at that moment, Suhyuk continuously flies Satan at the queen bee, avoiding their attacks without losing his concentration.

Like all their reverence, Soohyuk's attacks are blocked by them, but he doesn't give up.

Rather, through this process, he was able to read their very weak patterns.

‘It looks like the queen bee is interacting with the SS……. ’

Suhyuk seemed to understand why the army bees boasted such perfect breaths. A vessel that connects their minds together...... I felt like it was a queen bee.

In fact, I felt the unknown energy that had flowed from her through the battle was intertwined with her relatives.

- I've been doing a lot of scrutiny, but I'm definitely picking up an unknown wavelength from the queen bee. The exact prediction is impossible, but at least as true as the queen bee is giving the order to the SS.

"In the end, the conclusion is punishment? ’

Suhyuk thought about the nature of the bees and eventually realized that the key to the attack was the queen bee.

‘But as long as the SS is around, no matter how hard I try, it's impossible to penetrate their defenses. Rather, I might be the one disadvantaged over time. ’

If you look at the battle for a very long time, it was right to take Soohyuk's side. Because the U.S. response team was flying in right now to get this thing sorted out, the queen bee and her guard could be in great danger if we were to drag them away for about four to five more hours.

But the problem was that the battle didn't seem to last that long. The limit of suhyuk was at most two to three hours.

If we can't defeat them in there, it's not Suhyuk's problem, but Sun Blade has to stop running.

Suhyuk had already used up the 'Advent of Jin Kronos’ and was fighting over the burden that Sun Blade had received.

The Sun Blade has already done a lot of damage since the slaughter of the vampire bees in the first place.

There was no way to fix this.

Soohyuk also knew that he was already on the tiger's back, so he didn't step on any brakes. Rather, I was trying to get rid of the queen bees as fast as I could while I was pedaling.

‘Jan, the Giant Sword I saw last time...... You don't need time to use it, do you? ’

- Yes, sir. You just need to steer the blade and hold it.

‘Okay, let's get it first. And then...... slap the queen's head at once! ’

The sword was better suited to a single blow than a gun. Soohyuk thought he needed a Giant Sword because he thought it would take a certain firepower to take the queen's power once.

That's why he started running straight after the Queen Bee and the Guard to the Giant Sword.

How much did it run?

Soon Suhyuk was able to reach the place where the American army had kept the giant sword.

Guava light!

Suhyuk blew up the body of the Sun Blade, smashed the walls of the building and went inside. A Giant Sword enters your vision as you break through the wall.

Tadadadang, Guava!

Suhyuk fires a flame, smashing the reinforcement glass that contained the Giant Sword, and then strikes back directly at the Giant Sword.

Tac, Guava, Guava!

The moment Sun Blade rolls over the floor grabbing the Giant Sword, ten security guards blow up the entire building, including where the high-frequency attack was taking place.

Luckily, Suhyuk didn't take any damage as he rolled over and left the area.

‘That was close.’

Obviously, the SS has begun attacking in a more effective manner. They seem to be learning how to fight in combat.

The truth is, they're not learning how to fight, they're learning by the queen bees, but they're getting stronger all the time.

Soohyuk was also aware of this problem correctly. Even more so, I realized that time is not on my side.

The damage piling up on the Sun Blade and the friendly forces gaining increasingly fighting tips…… everything was forcing Soohyuk to make a quick battle.

‘If we don't get it over with quickly, we will be defeated. ’

Soohyuk thought he should decide the battle in the next 10 minutes. In order to do so, I had to make a rather crowded choice.

A giant queen bee surrounding a wall called the SS and pressuring Suhyuk. You have to cross the wall of the SS to blow her head off.

‘Their ability to learn cannot be defeated twice by the same skill. ’

Their outstanding learning skills were evident just by the way they responded to curve shooting. Curved gunfire has already posed no threat to them.

At first, the ten Unsullied reacted at the same time, and now they've only moved two to stop them. At that rate, the number of defensive forces increased.

The Royal Guard, or the giant queen bee, is learning to fight so quickly that it's terrifying! Soohyuk thought he had to finish them off at once before they got more used to fighting.

‘Skill Set, Essential Slash'


Suhyuk turned the skill set into a special sword and equipped the skills related to the sword. Then, without hesitation, I jumped to the sky, forcefully kicking the floor.

Suhyuk is determined to end with an unfamiliar melee assault, not a long-range assault by a rifle they are perfectly accustomed to.

Tsk, tsk, tsk!

The blade leaps into the air and is gripped by a stamped Giant Sword.

The SS, of course, did not intend to let the Sun Blade leap into the sky toward them. There was no reason for the SS to be unable to catch up with Sun Blade from the sky.


Two of the Queen's commanding guards fly at a very rapid pace towards the standing blade. Their hands turn into razor-sharp swords, and their Adamantium gloves are cut so easily that they can be cut off.

However, as Soohyuk predicted, there was one thing they mistook for the power of Soohyuk's sword.

‘The Sixth Type of Thaw Blacksword' (38275;)! ’

The moment the Giant Sword in Suhyuk's hand flashed like a flash, the heads of the two guards rushing towards Soohyuk crumbled.

< [59] Hunting the Giant Queen Bee (1) > End


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