Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 67] Black Moon (2) >

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“You have a life reaction? ”

Combatants of the 'Black Moon’, entering the relay dungeon, look away from the message from Ragnarok.

“You can't have knights in the relay dungeon, can you? Am I mistaken? ”

Leading seven combat agents, Yom, a seven-class Awakener, tilted his head in an expression that he didn't understand.

“You can't come in. Users of the Mana Awakening System will not be able to pass through the portal at all. It's as if an invisible wall is blocking it. At least I know there's no way to force it through. ”

One of the combatants who entered the dungeon with Yom told me once again what he already knew and confirmed it.

“Yes, it is. By the way...... what is the organism's response? ”

“I think the... Ham detector must have malfunctioned, too." ”

“Less likely...... But just in case, be prepared." ”

“Should I prepare the golem in advance? ”

“I don't think that's bad either. Better be prepared just in case. ”

Yom nods and prepares the golem.

Golems assigned to Yum's team were three centuries old, and all three centuries were gases capable of emergency transmission. Of course, even if it was possible to send an emergency transmission, it was impossible to send it right away unless Ragnarok finished preparing it, so the difference between preparing it and not doing it was very large.

“As always, Kershaw leads and the rest follow. Come on, Kershaw, if you see anything weird, you let me know. ”

“I understand.”

As Kershaw, who was the Eye in Yum's team, stepped forward, the rest of the team were scattered to their respective positions.

Even though it wasn't that hard to clear the relay dungeon, I couldn't be careless. Especially if it was a mistake caused by the malfunction of the detector, I had to be more concerned when I heard that there was a sudden life reaction.

I hope everything's okay. ’

Yom thought the bioreactions would end up being just a little hefting. But…… the situation inside the dungeon did not go as he thought.

On the contrary, when Kershaw recognized Suhyuk correctly, Soohyuk also recognized his team correctly.


Soohyuk recognized Yum's team and thought they were plunderers. No, I was sure.

Even though Laos had to seal the entrance to the dungeon thoroughly, it was never his intention to break through here.

It was a little strange that there were large plunderers here in Laos who jumped into a Grade 7 dungeon that had not yet been cleared, but it seemed clear that they were plunderers.

‘These bastards...... They're swollen. ’

Suhyuk considers how to deal with these spoiled plunderers. The best was to lightly blow their throats out.

On the other hand, Yum's group, who found Soohyuk, is having a completely different problem.

How the hell did Knight get into the relay dungeon? Relay dungeons were never meant to be used by users of Manawak systems……. ’

The relay dungeon itself was a kind of machine disguised as a dungeon that gathered the dimensions of the earth and sent them to one place. So the dungeon boss hiding in the relay dungeon was a mechanical monster, not a normal biotype monster.

From the dungeon boss to the basic mechanism of the dungeon, everything was completely different from the existing dungeons, so naturally the entry and exit of the dimensional gate was different.

A place where the knights could never enter, or exactly where they would not enter. That was the relay dungeon.

Did someone find a way to get into the Manawak relay dungeon that we didn't find? If that's true, it's good news for us...... but it might not be. ’

Yom tried to understand the situation as calmly as possible. And as a result, I thought, maybe the creature in front of me is something completely different.

Are they sending a new kind of monster? ’

Of course, Ragnarok's detectors were not foolish enough to distinguish monsters into living creatures. But what if it's a completely new kind of monster, and it has a very human body?

If so, the detector could make enough mistakes.

“All hands, battle stations! Don't slow down until we know you're not the enemy! ”

Yom believes that if the opponent is really a new kind of monster, he should report this to Ragnarok immediately. Even Ragnarok's skill set prevents him from contacting us in real time from inside the dungeon. However, I was able to send and receive a simple message about a delay of at least half an hour.

For now, Yom summarizes the situation appropriately and sends it to Ragnarok. Of course, it took Yum 30 minutes to get this call from Lagerlock, and even if I contacted him again as soon as I got it, he would still need an additional 30 minutes to get back to me.

This means that it will take at least an hour for the message to be answered.

One hour was not that long. But…… at least now seemed like a short time.

“They recognized us. Ah! It's moving this way. ”

At the end of Kershaw's words, Soohyuk starts to rush towards the group at a rapid pace.

“Send golem? ”

The emergency transport was already in mode, so I was able to receive golems as soon as I called.

“Yes, send it. We don't know what kind of abilities the opponent has, so let's make every effort possible. ”

Yom nodded and urgently sent three golems.


As soon as the emergency transmission request fell, three large golems appeared behind Yom's team.

The golem looks almost like Titan. The sizes were almost the same and the appearance was not much different except for the magicians engraved on the gloves. In fact, since Titan was the golem's mother, Golem and Titan had a lot in common.

However, they were never the same.

For once, the golem was using the magical soul, "Gigantic Soul," as its main energy source, not Mana Engine. Manaengines and Periodic Souls were similar but different, with the most crucial difference being that the Periodic Soul itself had some Ego.

Therefore, unlike Titan, the golem was connected to the passenger through the concept of contract, not the concept of riding.

There were many different styles of gloves and techniques used, among others. However, it was because the first person to make Titan who could say that the golem and Titan were similar to each other was the best golem wizard, 'Quyan’.

Kuyan was a man who became a great wizard by creating a golem, and he built their own golem for them long ago, arguing that humanity needed at least a means of self-defense, and that was Titan.

He was one of three ‘Reversers’ - the central axis of Ragnarok.

The captain of Ragnarok and the starting point of all this. And a 'loop' that has been the faithful right arm and sword of ammunition since all of this began.

The last one is actually Quyan, who built all the foundations to get this started.

This is how three people entered the River of Ragnarok.

After all, Titan was bound to look like a golem for a reason. However, even though the appearance could be similar, the performance was not similar.

Golems have evolved for far too long to compare with Titan, and Titan is a gas modestly mimicked by such golems.

No matter how good the technology applied to Titan was, it was difficult to keep up with the real original technology applied to the golem.

In short, Manacles, the most widely used technology for Mado Engineering in Titan, was an infinitely lacking technology compared to the magicians.

The only thing Titan excelled at was that it could be used without any restrictions outside the dungeon. In the case of golems, they could not be used outside the dungeon because of dimensional antimicrobial drugs.

Of course, there were ways to use it if you were going to force it to use it, but to do so, you needed the ‘harmonizing glass', a divine dimensional artifact.

Harmony was the abomination of Captain Tan. However, there was little room for it because it was already using almost all the power to make huge ‘exceptions’ here.

In any case, golems may not be able to exert their power properly outside the dungeon, but they were able to exert 100% of their power within the dungeon, an artificial ‘exception’ space they created.

Soohyuk is the opponent of Titan (?), and of course he took Titan out. Wherever I could see, I was right to take out Blade 2, but I just took out Crowe because Soohyuk had no intention of returning the looters alive anyway.

The dead have no words, so seeing Crowe shouldn't be a problem.

Pop, pop, pop! Shoot!

After boarding Crow, Soohyuk sprints to his group faster.

“They took Titan out. ”

“Titan? Are you sure about Titan? ”

“99% Titan seems clear. ”

“That doesn't make any sense... I understand. First, all golem drivers board the golem. ”

When he heard about Kershaw, he tilted his head and said that it didn't make sense. However, the opposing Pokémon boards a golem, because they can't stand by while they're riding on Titan without preparing for anything.

Of course, when the golem drivers boarded the golem, the rest of the fighters retreated. And at that moment! Crowe finally appears in their sights.

Is that Titan?]

Yom shouts, seeing Crowe in his sights.

[It's too big for Titan. Could it be some other form of machine monster that we don't know about?]

The other fighters were also thinking the same thing about him.

“The results I looked at with my own capabilities are 99% Titan. It's just...... The analysis came back a while ago, but this is hard to believe. ”

Kershaw shakes his head as he falls back and mutters.

[How did the results come back?]

“Fifth generation Titan. But fifth generation Titans can't be out there already, can they? I know it's at least 15 more years before the dimensional origin is almost complete... …. ”

[Generation 5? It doesn't make any sense. It's not like the fourth generation is fully developed yet, so what's the fifth generation that just pops out?]

Yum mutters as he looks back at the black Titan running towards them.

“I don't know. That's my analysis, anyway. ”

[Hmmm... Damn, we'll have to defeat them first. First defeat the opponent, then wait for orders from Ragnarok.]

In the end, Yom concludes that he has no choice but to fight the opponent in this situation. You step back from this position indecisively, and you're right to beat the opponent first and then worry about what happens next.

[All hands to battle stations! Overpower the opponent!!]

Phew! Gooooo!

At the same time, the golem for three centuries raised the energy of the periodic soul in fear of ending Yom's shout.

A golem of the century.

And Crowe rushes towards the golems.

Now the distance between the two was only about 300M.

< [Chapter 67] The Black Moon (2) > End


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