Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 68] Exceptions (63925; and others) (1) >

@ exception (63925; and others)

Unlike Yom's prediction, Crowe does not rush to the three golems as he rushes. Instead, I stopped at a distance of about 200 metres.

Soohyuk stops first because the opponent doesn't look happy, and second because he hears something strange from Jan.

“What? You don't think it's Titan? What's that supposed to mean? ”

-I don't know what's right, but I don't feel the typical Mana energy that Titans should feel. And it looks a little different.

Suhyuk listens to Yan and looks back at three centuries of Titan standing in front.

Once it was about the same size as regular Titans. The other one looked a little different...... except for the weird symbols engraved on the gloves.

“I don't know... ”

- I'm not sure, either. But... I feel a little weird, so why don't we just keep our distance and try to control it lightly?

“Okay, I don't want to overdo it, so let's do it. ”

Suhyuk nods and immediately picks out two hyperflames from both of Crowe's thighs.

Pow, pow, pow!

Let's take a look at the liver. ’


Soohyuk pulled the trigger of the hyperplane while simultaneously twisting their guns. The party's curve skill is now so naturally used.

Demons flying around in curves, not straight lines.

But the demons have not touched the bodies of Titans or Golems for three centuries.


It was an unknown blue membrane that stopped all of the demons. And the golem that made the membrane was a golem that was engraved with the blue symbol on its back.

The blue energy emitted from the golem wrapped the whole area, including the golem century, quickly and naturally. As a result, Satan bounced off too easily.

Do you possess the ability of the shield family? By the way, the use of abilities is very natural...... aren't they ordinary? ’

It was a one-time workshop exchange, but Soohyuk realized that this wasn't just a normal opponent.

- Not so long ago, the shield was no ordinary ManaShield.

“Huh? What is it, then? ”

- This shield is made of an unknown energy…… I still don't know what's right.

“What the hell are they? ”

Suhyuk frowned slightly and looked again at the front a little more.

When Soohyuk was curious about the identity of Yom's group, Yom and his group were curious about Soohyuk as well.

[Kershaw, how did Mana react when he attacked earlier?]

“Th-there was no Mana reaction at all. There's not even a Mana response in that Titan that's on the move. ”

What do you mean? I thought you said Titan was 99% sure?]

“Yes, I'm still sure that black gas is Titan. However…… Mana is not responding. ”

[Ugh...... Titan is sure, but Mana is unresponsive? What's the occasion again? Is that even possible?]

“I don't know if I can do that. We've put an additional report in the box. ”

[What the hell is that...? Is that even fifth generation Titan?]

At this point, Yom thought it might be more important to identify the target than clearing the relay dungeon.

[Norm continues to stop his attack, and Tune takes him down with me.]

Since Yom could not wait for Ham to contact him forever, he began to take action.

The red golem he was riding was called ‘Redbella.' It was a golem that matched well with the fire-specific abilities of Yom.

So Yom always used this golem as his own private gas.

Yom was the fifth most talented fighter on board Ragnarok.

The seven layers of red soul that surrounded his heart proved that he was a senior Souler who had built up seven classes.

Though one class was lacking, it was not enough to become a supreme soul, at least not to be ignored elsewhere.

Senior Soulers were moderately Awakened, in terms of their Awakened, almost superhero-class knights that surpassed the current world standard.

He was riding on a golem that matched him, and next to him two 5-class combatants were riding on a golem to assist him.

It doesn't make sense to be reluctant to deal with Night in a situation like this. Even if the opponent is an unidentified gas, he can never be an opponent to Yum's team if Titan is certain.


Yom uses his power to create a huge flaming sword in Redbella's hand. Soulers were able to use the power of attributes imprinted on their souls, and the power of attributes imprinted on Yum's soul was a very hot fire.

The anger attribute was the most favorable attribute for souls, particularly aggressive ones. Of course, most soulers with this property were hot and a little carefree, but it was not a big problem.

Tune, cover me!]

Yom started running straight for Crowe, leaving Tune, a five-class windy soul, in control of exactly Yom.

In the meantime, Tune flies the Wind Arrow, a fairly powerful penetrator, towards the Crow while busy moving the golem's hand on board.

Then Norm, the driver of the blue golem, who stepped back slightly, focused his mind and tried to stop the attack from flying towards Xiang and Tune.

Since the three of them had been breathing for quite a long time, everything fits like this.

Of course, it was obvious that Su-hyuk, who had to deal with these three golems, had never dealt with them before, exceeded the standard of the opponent.


Soohyuk realized that he shouldn't think simply, and stepped back.

If I slammed into the front without thinking, I could have seen a great mess here, so Soohyuk did not hesitate to use the shadow move.

Too much light!

The moment Soohyuk stepped back into the shadows. Yom fires a flame explosion, closing the distance for a moment before firmly striking the flaming sword in his hand.

It was almost simultaneously that Suhyuk retreated to the Shadow Movement and Xiaoyu slammed down the flaming sword while narrowing the streets.

Even though Soohyuk's judgment was a little later, Soohyuk had to respond closely to the flaming sword that Redbella wielded in some way.

[Chet, you're faster than I thought.]

Yum smiles, looking at Crowe, who suddenly stepped down. He thinks Crowe's movements are much different from those of the Titans he knows, but he doesn't think he'll lose at all.

Under no circumstances can three golems of their own be beaten by an unidentified aircraft projected to be Titan.

[Norm, Tune. Restrict his movements as much as possible. He's got an arm, so let's blow his arm or leg off and take him down.]

Yom believed he could defeat Crowe lightly.

No, I've already blown Crowe's arms and legs off with a flaming sword in my head.

However…… Yom's judgment was too quick.

It wasn't just Titan, it was Crowe.

And the passenger was also just a Knight...... No, in the beginning, Knight was not a creature with clear limits, but a Transcendent system user who was constantly growing without limits.

‘I don't think he's just a pillager...... What the hell is he? ’

Suhyuk recognized the seriousness of the situation and began to utilize all the abilities he could use.

- All three centuries…… strong.

‘I know. Especially that red Titan...... looks stronger than any Titan I've ever met. ’

Soohyuk looks at Redbella and bites his teeth tightly.

Just a few minutes ago, I was going to blow up the looters and focus on the dungeon attack again, but now it's not a matter of attacking the dungeon, it's a matter of how to get out of here alive.


While Suhyuk was thinking that way, various magic bars engraved on Redbella's body began to emit a deeper red light.

‘Jan, there won't be any more room from now on. You must concentrate on the Red Man's movements...... I'll do the rest. ’

Even though it was the worst situation that suddenly happened, Soohyuk began to move to find the best he could at this moment.

* * * *

The moment when Yum's team and Soohyuk got into a real brawl.

In Ragnarok, it was a long time ago that three liberators came together. In fact, it's been a long time since I met Tan and Kuyan, because he hasn't always left Tan's side.

“So you're saying there's a guy in the relay dungeon that looks like Titan, the fifth generation? ”

Kuyan asks Tan once again.

“More information is coming in right now…… Titan is not just a fifth generation Titan problem, but the gas doesn't feel Mana at all. ”

“If it's Titan that Mana doesn't feel.... ”

When he heard about the bullet, he opened his eyes and looked back at the bullet.

“Yeah, I was thinking the same thing about you. ”

One word that came to mind at the same time in the head of Tan and Quyan... It was…….

“Another ‘exception’ ……. ”

Originally, it shouldn't exist in the world.

I called it an exception.

“It's not so strange that there are other exceptions that I've seen so much of. Especially with more distended metastases, there are large dimensional cracks and there are often exceptions…… but at least now it's too soon? We're barely out of dimensional contamination, right? Even the dimensional origin has not been created...... How can an exception be made? ”

Kuyan continues to tilt his head with a look that he doesn't understand.

“I don't understand it either. But I think it's clear that aggregating the reports so far is another ‘exception'. ”

“I have so many questions that I want to catch this guy right now... But that's the problem, right? ”

Kuyan mutters bitterly.

“At least not now. I can barely hold on with my harmony glasses, but I can't hold on much longer if I break my dimensional balance here. ”

“Tsk, I know. ”

Kuyan nods as if he knew what the bullet said.

When exceptions and exceptions were met, a bigger exception was made. Exceptions were other than the specification that existence itself severely disrupted the dimensional balance. However, when we met such beings, it was obvious that exceptions and exceptions became bigger exceptions to each other.

Even though Harmony was a great new dimensional artifact, if the exception was bigger than now, I could not stand it.

“If the world changes later, at least now we have to disconnect it. ”

Tan spoke with a face that had already been decided.

“But I think Yom is trying to take down the opponent. ”

“I know. That's why I'm sending a loop. Send a loop to clear all this up and get out of here as soon as possible, so that the exceptions don't get tangled up. ”

“Hmm, if the loop is loose...... I should be able to organize it neatly. But it's such a shame to just send another exception like this.... ”

“Kuyan, if you're going to do something worthless, don't. As quickly as we can walk on the ice, we are in this world. If you put any more pressure on this place, it could all be over. ”

“Okay. I won't do anything. ”

On warning, Quyan nods and replies.

But as he responded, he had a completely different thought in his mind.

< [Chapter 68] Exception (63925; Other) (1) > End


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