Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 71] Tower of Awakening (1) >

Tower of @ Awakening.

The total dimension is over 409,600,000.

Congratulations, you have reached level 43.

Tyring, an additional skill slot has been created.

Tyrrick, level up and level up from 85 to 84.

Tiring, the Karma (Up) that has been accumulated, upgrades the transcendence system.

The rise of the Transcendent Jaan will make you realize your abilities as a true Transcendent Helper.

Ty! Congratulations. The Tower of Awakening is finally open!

“Awakening Tower? What is this?”

Suhyuk tilted his head and muttered.

- The Awakening Tower…… Ah, you're here at last. Congratulations, I am now able to act as a true transcendent helper.

“What are you talking about? What is the Awakening Tower? ”

- Wait, I'm a little dizzy from all this pouring in at once. With everything updated, it seems like I'm having a hard time digesting it all at once.

It looked like it might have just gone up to level 1, but at least it was a change big enough for Jan to be reborn.

That's why I needed some time to adjust.

Suhyuk gave Jan a moment to wait. Then Yan regained his senses.

- Sorry, too much has changed, so it took me a while to adjust.

“Are you okay now? ”

- Yeah, I'm fine. Oh, you were wondering about the Awakening Tower, weren't you?

“Exactly. What is the Awakening Tower? ”

-Hmm, let me start by briefly explaining…… The Awakening Tower is a special space created for enlightenment.

“A special place created for enlightenment? What's that supposed to mean? ”

- There are many ways to gain enlightenment in the world. The best way, of course, is to be hyperarousal, to realize the truth that is hidden in the soul, to push it beyond human limits and become transcendent. But not everyone can be transcendent this way. So it was built as a tower of Awakening. It creates a connection between a virtual space created by a very high dimensional force and an extraordinary spirit in every dimensional system. And then you can tap into their realizations through their connections. And of course, it's not just that. It's very tricky.

“On what terms? ”

- When you enter a virtual tower, you encounter a ‘virtual being’ created by replicating a high-quality soul. And…… you can have an epiphany in any way. Of course, you might not get anything. Towers offer opportunities everywhere, and users who use them must strive to make them their own.

“Are you fighting virtual beings? ”

- Usually we fight a lot. Fighting can certainly be enlightened by defeating virtual beings. But not all of us. There's more realization than meets the eye than you think.

“Fighting and not fighting seems easy.... ”

- Yeah, it's not gonna be easy, to be honest. But what's clear is that you can get more dimensions than you can ever get from hunting.

“Really? So we're just going to continue with the challenge? Is there a limit to the number of challenges? ”

-There is no limit to the number of challenges, but you have one condition to enter the tower.

“What conditions? ”

-Activate the entrance of the Awakening Tower by consuming an amount of 'Energy' consistent with the amount of turbulence you want to challenge. There are many possibilities for that energy, but you can activate the entrance of the tower most easily with Manathon in your case.

“Manathon? You mean consume the Manathon and enter the Awakening Tower? ”

-Yes, it seems that the tower of Awakening needs a clear "energy" to create a "virtual being", so we need to meet this energy in some way. Manathon is a compressed source of energy, so of course you can recharge the Awakening Tower.

“So the more Mana Stones you put in, the more connected you are to a higher spirit? ”

- Yes, but... … transfer is important, but more importantly, quality. The higher the grade of Manastone, the higher the quality of the soul will be able to connect.

“Hmm, now I understand a little. By the way... With Manathon, we can really use it without any restrictions? If you use all the Manathons in your Storage, you'll be able to enter the Tower a lot. ”

- By the way, it takes a lot more energy to get the Awakening Tower working than you think. Simply put…… 40 Lesser or Medium Manatones and 10 Intermediate Manatones to make the door on the ground floor, the lowest level of the Awakening Tower. and five Medium Class Manatones.

“Hey, you only need that many Manatons to get to the first floor? ”

Suhyuk was surprised to hear Yan's words and asked again.

- Instead, once you open the door on the first floor and create a "virtual being," even if he or she fails to realize it, you can try again using only 10% of the original ingredients.

“Hey, 10% is no joke because there are so many ingredients used for the first time..." ”

- That's why we need more energy than you think. However, even on the first floor of the Awakening Tower, this will really help you.

“I'm not saying I don't believe you...... but the Manathon you need isn't a joke. ”

Suhyuk said that and calculated how many times he could enter the first floor with the Manathon he had collected in his head.

‘If we can all have an epiphany at once, we can get in almost four times. ’

In the meantime, Suhyuk has gathered a lot of Manathons.

- If Manastone is a burden, we can inject current dimensional force instead of Manatone.

“Dimensional power? Well, it's better to use Manathon than dimensional power. ”

Suhyuk shakes his head and replies to Yan.

It seemed that the current dimensional force was a direct force to Suhyuk's ability, so it was very difficult to use instead of Manathon.

“Jan, can you open the second floor without breaking the first floor? ”

You have to break the first floor to open the second floor. And frankly, even if that's possible, I wouldn't recommend it very much. The first floor is too close for the current owner. We recommend that you wake up a few times on the first floor and then prepare yourself enough to challenge the second floor.

“Is that it? ”

- Yes, the virtual beings in the Awakening Tower are absolutely out of the question. They are copied from very powerful beings with very high spiritual character. They can be far worse than they look.

“I see.”

According to Yan, Suhyuk nods quietly.

- Later on, if you go up to the fourth floor, you'll see the transcendental virtual presence.

“Fourth floor? Oil, I still got enough to go around. ”

- I'm sure he'll come up one day.

“Yes, someday.... ”

Suhyuk listened to Yan and thought he should try to come as soon as possible one day.

“It's over, isn't it? Is there anything else you need to know about the Awakening Tower? ”

- Nothing.

“Okay, let's finish up here and go back to Korea. Let's try the Awakening Tower in Korea. ”

- Yes, sir.

Increased dimensional level and cleared all grade 7 dungeons.

Su-hyuk returned to Korea immediately because he didn't need to stay in Mongolia anymore in this situation.

* * * *

Suhyuk returned to Korea and immediately returned to Ilsan's lab, putting everything aside. I wanted to challenge the Awakening Tower as soon as I felt like it, but I had to hold off on Jan's challenge for a while.

Jan held Soohyuk because it was the Tower of Awakening that had to be prepared and gone.

Yan told Suhyuk that the virtual beings appearing on the 1st floor of the Awakening Tower were grade 8 or higher monsters, purely based on their combat strength.

It may not be a Grade 9 monster, but it is definitely stronger than a Grade 8 monster. Then, it was hard to guarantee the battle, even if Soohyuk raised another level.

So, Suhyuk thought that he should not think easily, but be prepared thoroughly and enter the Awakening Tower.

The beginning of the preparation was the renovation of Crowe.

Eunhyuk told Suhyuk to leave Crow to handle the preparations. She said that changing all Crow's Mana circuits to Mana imprints would significantly improve Crowe's performance.

Unfortunately, the silver was not yet fully mastered in managing, so it was only at the level of managing to replace managing circuits.

If the Eunuch had been able to create a new kind of manage and engraved it on Crow, Crow would have certainly become more powerful Titan.

However, the silver letter has not yet reached that level, so it has only been modified to replace it with a Manatagon that has the same effect as Managic.

Of course, Crowe's performance has improved tremendously.

While Eun-suk was renovating Crow, Su-hyuk began enhancing the skill cores with the current dimension of hard work gathered.

Suhyuk's current dimensional power was approximately 240,000. Suhyuk used this as a basic skill that he often used to consume 25.5 million dimensions to enhance his masters in third place.

Nothing special changed and my ability to just handle firearms improved even more. Firearms were the main weapon of Suhyuk, so this change was not bad either.

Suhyuk then enhanced the Ghost Gun by consuming 3.5 million dimensions. As a result, the Ghost Gun produced one additional special Ghost Gun over the caster's head when two Ghost Guns were created.

This made the Hellfire of Suhyuk even more powerful.

Suddenly, Suhyuk used more than 50 million dimensions in a row, followed three more times. He enhanced mental focus on 18.5 million dimensions and sea swords at 25 million. And finally, with 17 million, it strengthened like the wind.

Soohyuk quickly consumed more than 60 million dimensions.

Concentration decreased concentration time from 10 minutes to 5 minutes, and defrosting swords created a new passive that enhanced all physical abilities. And finally, just like the wind, the cooldown is lifted, and it becomes an active passive skill that can be used at any time with only dimensional power consumption.

Soohyuk was satisfied with the results of strengthening all skills. In fact, I liked being this satisfied because there was no end to greed.

With roughly 115 million dimensions, the remaining 125 million dimensions of succession, which strengthened several skill cores, remained intact.

Suhyuk trained to adapt to enhanced skills for several days after enhancing them. Of course, the training also wasted no time in a grade 6 dungeon.

After a few days in the sixth grade dungeon, the Eunuch had almost finished renovating Crowe.

Skill is ready, and Titan is ready.

Suhyuk thought that he had prepared everything he could.

“Jan, you said time stops when you enter the Awakening Tower, right? ”

-Yes, the tower of Awakening is built in a void space in the dimensions and dimensions, allowing it to escape unconditionally over time. But you can't stay there forever, and if you continue to stay there until exactly 24 hours have passed, you will be forcibly banished to the world as it was.

“24 hours... Then we'll have results within 24 hours? ”

- That's right.

Suhyuk nods lightly, hearing Yan's answer.

Then I slowly opened my mouth.

“Okay, then…… let's go inside! ”

Now that you've activated the entrance to the Awakening Tower with a large quantity of Manastone, all you have to do is enter.

- Do you want to enter the Awakening Tower?

Suhyuk nodded forcefully to Yan's question.

At that moment, a golden light erupted from deep inside Suhyuk's body.

< [Chapter 71] Tower of Awakening (1) > End


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