Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 71] Tower of Awakening (2) >

The Tower of Awakening was built using a ‘mirror of the soul’, a new dimensional artifact. Of course, it wasn't just made out of a mirror of the soul.

The spiritual skill applied to the Awakening Tower was an enormous skill that even the commonly spoken transcendents could not dare to imitate. So there were a lot of words about who made this.

The most likely was The Lord leucine, and there was no way to confirm it unless he proved it himself.

After all, the Awakening Tower was only available on condition that he opened the entrance to anyone. A tower of Awakening Equal to All. However, not everyone had access to the Awakening Tower.

Once the Awakening Tower existed, there was no place for anyone to go. Even if he knew where the diarrhea was, he had to find all the inflection points that intersected there and find a way through the inflection points at once.

It's so complicated to say, but if I wanted to find it myself...... I couldn't do it with my normal abilities.

Even a person who transcended diarrhea could not do such a thing unless the concept of space-time was clearly captured.

In fact, those who needed the Awakening Tower were not transcendents, but those who had not yet transcended. Common sense has made it perfectly impossible for such talents to reach the Tower of Awakening with their abilities alone.

In that sense, Soohyuk was lucky.

The transcendence system not only found its way, but immediately connected the tower of Soohyuk and Awakening. In a sense, the transcendence system was greater than the Awakening Tower.

Meanwhile, Suhyuk, who was wrapped up in the golden light that erupted from his body, was able to find himself standing in a completely different world after the golden light disappeared.

“Is this... the Awakening Tower?" ”

- Yes, it is. 1st Floor of the Awakening Tower. Normally, the appearance inside the tower is as decorated as the virtual entity that occupies this place... … It seems that this virtual being doesn't really care about the surroundings.

Infinite whitening of space.

Suhyuk stood in that space and looked forward.

Because it was so empty, one point that looked very far away came to my attention.

And that point…… flew in front of Soohyuk in an instant.


A black dot that flew a few hundred meters at a time. Surprisingly, it was one person.

“Now I get it. I honestly thought I was crazy. But the moment you came into this room...... it all made sense why I'm here and how I'm going to come back later. ”

The man who appeared in front of Soohyuk said something without asking Soohyuk.

“It's even more ridiculous that this is possible and that if I go back, I'll forget all of this, but all of this will eventually help me to elevate my soul... I decided to understand... ”

"What the hell is he talking about? ’ ‘

- Cloned souls often appear that have not adapted to the Awakening Tower and have only instinct ( ) left.

“Okay, so far...... I think you've said too many useless things in front of your guests. ”


Although something was done completely, the man turned his long, tangled hair back and neatly ordered it, talking about Suhyuk.

“It's a great fate to meet like this, but I hope you know each other's names. I'm... I'm Damcheon. ”

978Changchun Massin, one of the absolute rulers of the Moorish dimension ( ).

He appeared in the Awakening Tower for the first time in his life.

Of course, His true nature did not appear, but a duplicated soul appeared, and this soul eventually disappeared. Being at the same time not at the same time as being at the bile ceiling. That was the identity of the man standing in front of Soohyuk's eyes.

What was interesting was that men were aware of who they were. Occasionally, there were those who didn't realize this, but they had to deal with it.

The user recognizes the opposing Pokémon for what they are, which makes it a little easier to let go. Furthermore, the elite souls that had been replicated in the Awakening Tower here also knew that extinction and all of their roles here would help to enhance the quality of their original souls.

Of course, most of the memories here had to disappear and come back here, but the reason they were able to enhance the spirit they saw was because most of them worked hard to do their part.

“I'm …… Kang Sung-hyuk. ”

Su-hyuk couldn't figure out what to say in this atmosphere, so he replied respectfully.

“I honestly don't know much about the Great Dimension. It was only after I came here that I realized the existence of the Great World. So maybe if I disappear from this place, I'll be able to live with nothing in my own world. The more I think about it, the more I wonder...... But I know exactly what I'm going to do here. ”


The wall ceiling slowly opened its arms and opened its mouth again toward Soohyuk.

“You wanted enlightenment, right? But somehow I'm not an enlightener in a few words...... If you want enlightenment...... Try to defeat me. ”


Damcheon lifted the atomic oscillator and completed Gu Cheongyoung.

He was not an unmanned person who climbed to the level of transcendent, but he was an exceptionally skilled person who occupied the lower left-hand corner of the age in the '978Moorish World'.

Soohyuk boarded the ship without hesitation at the moment when the wall elevated his strength.

It was natural to board the Crow because it wasn't just a naked opponent at first glance.

“Giant"? Haha, you've got something fun, huh? ”

Damcheon smiles lightly, looking at Suhyuk on board the Crow. He was not greatly perplexed by the fact that he appeared to destroy his common sense.

If there is Mado-engineering at the level of Suhyuk, there is' Mystical Astronomy 'at the level of Damcheon.

The micro-engineering of the bile ceiling was almost a legendary technique, even though it was assessed on a large dimensional basis.

There, they were given the "civilization-corrected" privilege of the Muslim world, so their power was even more powerful.

If Suhyuk had Crow, he would have had this great master.


Did he say "champion"? Suhyuk did not intend to look into the situation, so he immediately pulled out two hyperflames and shot him head-on toward the wall.

‘Even without Titan, the opponent is strong. ’

Suhyuk had already heard warnings from Yan several times, so he did not underestimate the wall. Even though he was bare without Titan... Basically, he was capable of surpassing an eighth-grade monster.


Again, the wall ceiling was too simple to stop the demons. The nine spirits he created bounced all of Martan off the wall, and these nine spirits were sprinkled with a strong presence that seemed to have tens of times enhanced the Goliath that NSA had brought back in the past.

-Not just any illusion, all nine of them have their own unique energy, not to mention physical interference.

The skylight was smaller than Crowe, but it was the size of a small Titan. There were nine of these, so of course I felt overwhelmed.

“This isn't everything, is it? ”

Damcheon reached out his hands to Soohyuk and asked him to show me more.

‘9 powerful welcomes……. Jan, let's take Jean to the Hellfire! ’

Soohyuk did not need to see it, and began to do everything he could from the beginning. He considers the opponent's current low self-esteem his greatest opportunity.

Tsk, tsk, tsk! Heave-ho!

Using a quick skill, Suhyuk summoned a total of four righteous Vulcans right up to the shoulder Vulcan. Then he used the 'Ghost Gun’ skill while equipping them.


At that moment, there were three more Vulcans. In total, Crowe was armed with seven Vulcans.

A Hellfire more powerful than ever.

Soohyuk does not hesitate to consume the dimensional force and pulls the Vulcan trigger at the same time.


A powerful flame storm has been unleashed upon us that will wipe out the world from the Crow.

The upgraded Gene Hellfire was powerful enough to simply tear a grade 7 monster apart.

Even an eight-grade monster could do some serious damage.

Is it because of more powerful attacks than we thought?

Until now, the wall ceiling, which was still smiling, erased its smile for the first time, and seriously waved his hands, reaching forward strongly.

Then, the Gu, who was blocking the wall, reached out both hands toward the front, moving in the same position.

At that moment, a transparent wall of strength (Qi) was formed in front of Gu Cheongyoung.

Cuban fruit overload!

The Gene Hellfire has collided with the wall of that strength.

Glug glug.

Is it because Jean Hellfire is so powerful? Gu Cheongyoung was pushed back at the same time even after completing the golden wall.

But the most crucial wall of strength is still holding out for the Hellfire.


Suhyuk concentrates all his strength on the defeated Hellfire, thinking he will press with firepower.


Soohyuk operated up to booster mode during backburn. I was going to break down the wall in front of my eyes and see if I could use dimensional power like crazy.

Immediately, the power of the lost Hellfire rises sharply.

The flames that erupted from Suhyuk's entire body are now biting the golden wall as fiercely as one giant flaming dragon.

Even though the wall of steel on the wall was strong, this seemed hard to endure. When this happened, even the wall couldn't be trusted with just the golden wall.

"You're stronger than I thought! ’

When he realized the seriousness of the situation, he took out the White Dragon by injecting an atomizer into the white cloth wrapped around his wrist.


A white dragon curls his hand on the wall as he wakes up from his sleep, eating a nonpole.

This was a harmonic white dragon, a sword on the gallstone.

White Dragon was the most powerful hand of the Great Wall. Suhyuk showed me one of his best cards from the beginning, so I had no choice but to take out my best hand in accordance with him.


The moment the wall of gold that Gu Cheon-young was holding was about to break when the White Dragon came out of the wall.

When the golden wall broke like this, the wall of Damcheon, who knew that an angry flaming dragon pounding on it would attack him, decided it was time to take out his best move.


Energy quickly begins to flow around the wall ceiling where the White Dragon was taken out. Damcheongwi used the White Dragon to instantly gather the surrounding energy into one place.

And just before the golden wall broke... … Gu Cheon-young was accepted into his body at the same time.


The moment nine visions were sucked into the wall! As the wall disappears, an angry flaming dragon rushes to bite the neck of the wall.

The moment of the incision.

He stretched out his right arm, wrapped around a white dragon, and took out one of his best moves outside the world.

“Bags. Bo. Kwon! ”

A beam of energy that penetrates the world.

It flashes through an angry flame. No, not only did they pierce it, they pierced Crowe's body as well.

A powerful blow that pierced everything that stretched out in a straight line and blocked it. The strikes were so powerful that even the boundaries of space-time were distorted that even moments of time fluctuated irregularly.

Vaccine rights on the wall.

It was a very impressive technology that reached the beginning of mythological grades.

< [Chapter 71] Tower of Awakening (2) > End


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