Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 77] His Story >

@ 's story.

Now listen to me very carefully.

I know exactly what I have to do.

But I also have a question as to why you do it. Normally, I wouldn't think the same.

They act exactly as it was entered into the biometric data and don't have any questions.

Then why am I so different from them?

The reason is simple.

Because I went beyond the limits of what I had, and I became something no one expected. That's why the commands entered into my biometric data failed to keep up with my growth, and as a result, I was able to go beyond the absolute commands embedded in my mind and do what I thought.

Of course, that doesn't deny me the most important goal given to me. I just... I had a slightly different view of the way to the goal.

I don't know about special people from birth, but I know more about what the world is like from the ground up. So... I thought... I should be on my way to the goal.

There was no one who could stop me at this point, so I can do whatever I want.

Oh, by the way, you don't know who I am.

I...... am not the first, but the second, Class 9 Monster Shadow Monarch, 'Dark'.

The name ring a bell? Of course it does. I learned your language and made it up myself.

In fact, at this point, there is only one Grade 9 Monster. But I went beyond common sense. How did you jump? It's simple... I was in desperate need. A better me, a better life...

* * * *

Dark Shadow Lord.

He was originally a "Shadow Ghost," a first-rate monster. Of course, there was no such thing as a class 1 monster. It was just moving with a few instincts stored in biometric information.

The grades at which something similar to the self emerged were from grade 5. But how did a shadow ghost become a grade 9 monster?

It was a miracle created by some luck, adding an obsession with the unknown and vile life of shadow ghosts.

Shadow ghosts had two interesting characteristics: one was "eating a shard of shadow" and the second was "infiltrating a shadow."

In fact, both abilities were not that great. Eating Shadow Shards was the ability to "permanently" increase their abilities by eating shadows from the shadow of dead humans, and the ability to infiltrate into small gaps and burrow inward.

Since the ability to improve through shard eating was very small, a ghost that ate enough shards was only a grade 2 monster.

Apparently, it wasn't until dark.

Darhk was originally one of the first class 7 dungeons discovered in China eight years ago. In those days, the dungeon was called "The Salvage War" …… The problem was what China did to target the dungeon.

China planned to attack the world's first grade 7 dungeon…… It was a dimensional naval tactic.

Dimensional naval tactics were tactics that would literally use numbers to target dungeons. From the results, this attack failed miserably.

Considering China's Knights level eight years ago, it was correct to undermine a Grade 7 dungeon. Given that the world's first Grade 7 dungeon was targeted seven years ago, it was clear how reckless China was.

China was too greedy for the title of the world's first. Although the number of cleaners, helpers and knights sacrificed by dimensional naval tactics has surpassed tens of thousands, the Chinese side has been thoroughly concealed.

In the end, it was only after the victim was close to 20,000 that the first title in the world and the second was taken away.

Rather, when the dungeon brakes of a Grade 7 dungeon approached him, it was almost like he hired an outside mercenary.

A total of 19,224 humans have been swallowed up for approximately two to four months since the first discovery. China, of course, did not disclose these figures, subtly stating that Helper and cleaner sacrifices were omitted and that more than 1,000 people were killed at night. The number of knights sacrificed was almost cut in half, but no one could know the truth.

Dark was the only monster to survive this infernal battle of salt. I honestly didn't think Dark himself could survive. At first, it was just an instinct to cling to the bodies of dead humans and continue to eat shadows.

Originally, it was difficult to exceed 100 shadows, even if they were very well shadowed ghosts.

The Shadow Ghost itself was a very weak monster, and because its survival skills were insignificant, it was known as a monster that was more easily captured than a beast. For this reason, the Phantom Ghost died in less than ten places with a stack of Shadow Fragments.

However, a vast swarm of Chinese corpses piled up in the temple, and one of the ghosts was able to stack a few lucky shadows with a rather excessive pile of shards.

Darhk felt the concept of 'me’ very vaguely, since he went beyond 1,000 units to overlap the Shadow Pieces.

I assure you, no shadow ghost has ever had more than 300 overlaps of shard fragments. However, Darhk miraculously surpassed the overlap of 1,000, and as a result, he went beyond the limits of a Grade 1 monster and became a completely different being.

From then on, Darhk didn't act on instinct.

You begin to move quietly and delicately to stack more Shadow Pieces. Even if you stack 1,000, Darhk is still weak.

Compared to other monsters, it was not even close to grade 3. However, based on his ability to survive, Grade 3 monsters were unmatched.

The result was that evolution through overlap originally focused solely on survival. After all, Darhk persistently survived and survived using his superior survival skills. In addition, I continued to stack and stack the Shadow Pieces, not just surviving.

In two years, he was able to build more than 9,000 overlaps.

At this point, Darhk became a very strange creature.

The ridiculous number of overlaps, 9,000, made him close to a Grade 7 monster, and as a result, Darhk felt that this dungeon was a bit narrow.

There couldn't be two tigers in one mountain.

So Dark thought he'd have to find a new mountain. Of course, in the meantime, the overlap kept piling up.

The dark finally fills the dungeon with 10,000 stacks before escaping the dungeon. It didn't make sense for the beast to escape a dungeon that hadn't even happened yet, but Darhk did something absurd.

Soaking in the shadows...... maximizing this ability to escape through the gap in the dungeon.

Of course, Darhk used to spend a lot of energy doing nonsense. And I don't know why, but it was hard to move properly outside the dungeon because it seemed like something was crushing my body.

Yet again, Darhk found a way to live outside the dungeon by maximizing his unique survival instincts.

His choice was to hunt.

Human...... I hunted for the weakest of Humans, and through the hunt I kept stacking up more.

Darhk hunts humans very carefully and cleverly.

The creature slaughtered thoroughly in search of only humans who could hunt easily, without even touching the knights.

What was really lucky was that it was China.

China was completely out of control outside the Colony. Besides, ghosts were the most abundant in the world. China was the only country that could not even fathom how many ghosts there were.

They were the perfect environment for Darhk to survive because it was China that even the unregistered colonies existed.

That's how the Dark survived.

And…… it's been more than 5 years.

Two years in the dungeon and five years out of the dungeon.

In the meantime, the dark persistently survives. And at the same time, I kept stacking them up.

The overlap that Dark has built up for seven years... has surpassed 50,000. And based on that overlap, he was a true monster. It was around this time that he named himself Dark.

Over 50,000 stacks of Shadow Fragments were unimaginable to those who created the Shadow Ghost. They didn't even know that stacks could be stacked like this in the first place.

After all, the Shadow Ghost, which they did not intend or intend to do, or Darhk, had become a monster of a similar level as the Grade 8 monster, not a Grade 1 monster.

What was even more frightening was that he judged, thought, and was also careful.

Darhk knew that if the talents of the world set their minds to it, it wouldn't be hunting them down. So he hides in the dark thoroughly and hunts the Metallurgical Man.

Of course, no matter how much I hid myself, I couldn't stop the rumors from spreading. But it's hard to live with so many unidentified monsters. ’The rumor did not pose a great threat to Darhk.

The Chinese had no interest in ghosts dying anyway. The story would be different if Darhk attacked the Colony, but Darhk was very clever, so he didn't attack the Colony.

He attacks and eats only the weakest of men.

His ability to eat Shadow Shards had already developed and was able to swallow Shadow. This ability was not sticking to the human corpse and eating metallurgical pieces like before, but the ability to swallow whole human beings and eat whole shadows, so it was able to stack up faster.

The growth of the Darkness did not stop. No, it was faster.

He's increasingly daring to hunt humans more and more in line with his growth. As a result... even the Knights were his prey. The ghost of the shadow, which was a worthless first-rate monster, has now become the king of the shadow.

But he wasn't satisfied with this.

At first it was just Darhk struggling to survive, but now other things are starting to catch my attention.

Unlike other monsters that moved like programmed robots, Darhk, who had a distinct ‘subject’, moved in a completely different way than ordinary monsters.

Especially when Dark is above Grade 8 and beyond Grade 9, he can find out a lot of the truth.

And I also realized the very purpose behind the truth. Of course, with that goal, he knew what he had to do, but at that moment, Darhk said, "Why? 'I thought.

And instead of doing what he had to do, he started doing what he wanted to do.

The first thing to do…… was to devour all the other monsters and take over the dungeon.

* * * *

“If you have a rough estimate, I suggest you add a Deng Chao. ”

The Black Gorge has invested a large number of people over the past four months to gather all the basic information of a grade 9 dungeon. Of course, I had to give up so many lives in return, but in the beginning, the Black Gorge was not a knight who cared about people's lives.

They thought the easiest tool available in the world was man. This was an idea that was possible because it was so ghost-rich.

“Nonetheless, Deng Chao is preparing and waiting. ”

“That's great. Then let's send Deng Chao right away. Oh, and what about Titans? ”

“The total number of Huanglongs 3 produced to date is 16 years. Now that we have just 24 more to go, I think we'll be able to keep up with the schedule once we're done with the latter process. ”

“Good. At this rate, maybe seven months, but not nine months, and we'll be perfectly prepared. ”

The euphemism nods with a satisfied expression.

Preparing for a Grade 9 dungeon attack was much easier than he expected.

Now it was only a real dungeon raid when the three generation Titan, Hwang Yong 3, and many of the existing Hwang Yong 2, were ready to acquire the perfect dungeon information through a precise search of Deng Chao.

“The Thousand Cave… wait. I will definitely clear you and put the Black Gorge on top of the world. ”

A true name that makes a confident face with a fierce fist.

He was confident of attacking a Class 9 dungeon called the Thousand Cave.


While he feels that confident…….

There was something really strange going on in the maze.

< [77] His Story > End


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