Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 78] Heaven Cave (天 ⁄ 31391;) (1) >

@ Cheonmagul.

A vast, invisible plain that avoids the cool rain and rain. At first glance, it seemed to exist somewhere on Earth, but this was not a place on Earth.

Somewhere other than Earth. This was in the dungeon, the world inside the portal.

“Jan, when do you think he'll show up? ”

Soohyuk was sitting inside Crow. The rain doesn't seemingly seep into Crowe's cockpit.

- Impossible to make an exact prediction, but one or two more hits and it will come out.

“You were expecting 16. So far, I've stuck 24... So you're saying we should stick more here? Only three Adamantium are left to be polished. ”

- It was a natural miscalculation that could occur in practice. This time it's more than 90 percent sure, so you just have to trust it.

“Okay, but if it doesn't come out this time, we're gonna have to make more love. ”

- It's unconditional.

Jan replied with a confident voice.

Suhyuk was fixated on two places marked by Yan. The meaning of compassion, of course, did not mean that it was simply a large pile of adamantium that was cut down.

It meant that the crushing of the cave he had dug deep into the ground with his powerful power in the Adamantium stake meant that he was in love. The seventh-grade monster Suhyuk was hunting was the one called the 'Poisonous Giant.’

The Poisonous Giants were among the finest grade 7 monsters in Hunting difficulty. He himself had powerful power, but what was even more difficult was that when things got bad, he dug into the ground and recovered himself from his cave, like a labyrinth in the ground.

The way to attack the man who dug in the ground was extremely limited, but following a cave like his maze could have created a worse situation, making it very difficult to deal with.

Of course, if I had enough firepower, I could ignore everything with firepower and capture the man on the ground as it is.

But Suhyuk didn't do that. The reason was simple.

To Suhyuk, the giant Poisonous Giant was more of a sparring opponent than a game. In order to test the power of the new Ultrachoracotomy and the Great Sword of Space, he obtained a Grade 7 portal and entered it.

The target was just a giant poisonous beast.

Suhyuk was forced to seal the use of 'firearms' - his specialty - and only dealt with him with his sword. It turned out that we were dealing with the most widely known venomous giant in an attempt to lurk him back underground.

Kwa-kung! Kwa-gwang!

The second ship that plunged further collapsed the last remaining dungeons of the Poisonous Giants.

Yann's conviction is that the giant poisonous giants have not been able to hold out much longer. Even a giant venomous giant was eventually a nest monster, so he had no choice but to endure it once all of his nests were gone.


A giant poisonous beast that sprays poison all over the world.

He stared at Suhyuk like he was going to eat him right away. However, Suhyuk changed his skill settings very casually and pulled out the daemon slayer at the same time.

Suhyuk, who had changed his skill set, rushed forward with the ‘Cosmic Clove' and ‘Cham', the first brother of the thawing sword.


The giant Poisonous Giant breathes his most powerful attack force against Crowe as he hurries towards himself.

Toxic Breath is the most important attack to care about when attacking Toxic Giants, as it contained deadly toxicities and even had acidity that could melt away.

Ordinary knights specialized in inducing poisonous breaths, setting aside evasive tankers. Occasionally, a tank with only extremely high defensive strength was hit, and Bertie had knights to attack, but his chances of success were overwhelming on the evasive tank.

However, I did not avoid Suhyuk or stop him.

I just... split up.

Giddy up! Giddy up!

Suhyuk swings the daemon slayer and splits the poisonous breath in precise halves. A daemon slayer that split raindrops and poisonous breathing simultaneously!

As soon as Suhyuk cut through everything Daemon Slayer stood in his way, he was able to clearly see what a cardiac anomaly was.

‘I still felt it before, but I'm almost sure now. Ultrasound is...... another skill of deception. ’

I didn't know anyone else, but I could tell Soohyuk. Without an echocardiography, he could never have cut this poisonous breath. No, actually, there was an echocardium, so I thought I'd catch my breath.

However, Suhyuk was very desperately realizing what a cardiac anomaly was. Two fraud skills from Gene Kronos and another one that seems to be able to work side by side. That is why Su-hyuk was able to feel once again how much luck he had brought to the auction house.

Crowe clears his breath and buries himself into the venomous giant's body. The Toxic Giants tried to stop Crowe with countless bridges, but Soohyuk began to move faster than the wind, using an extra 'like the wind’ for faster movement due to the cosmic fiber.

Whip, swish, swish!

With every swing of the daemon slayer, Crowe moves so fast, his legs are cut off one by one.

The Poisonous Giant tried to stop Suhyuk by stretching out dozens of legs simultaneously. However, Suhyuk's daemon slayer is too fast and sharp.

Crowe smashes the legs of the giant poisonous beast and pierces its defenses. The Giant Poison Giant tried to stop Crowe using various other skills, but he was lacking in power.

Ridiculously fast and powerful Crow.

The title "Monster Slayer" raised her stats and increased the power of all the shameless skills to the deep air, making her virtually irresistible to the Black Grade 7 Monster.

Suhyuk, who had blown off all of his blocking legs, immediately turned the universe upside down and stabbed Daemon Slayer directly into Zeyne's body.

Phew! Quack, quack, quack!

Then Crowe jumps with all his might.

At that moment, the venomous giant's body splits in half and a powerful green blood gushes out from everywhere.

Tsk, tsk!

Even the rain from the sky was so toxic that it vaporized for a moment, but not a drop was spilled on Crowe who left the giant giant cube.

To be precise, Crowe had already fallen a long way through the Shadow Movement when blood was spilling out everywhere.

Defeat Poisonous Giants and absorb 7,376,307 of the 7,376,307 dimensions he holds.

Again, Suhyuk gained three times the maximum dimension thanks to the ‘fortune of the tuner’, so he caught only one grade 7 monster, and he gained 7 million dimensions. However, Suhyuk was more interested in other things than that because he had become accustomed to gaining three times more power.

“Not because of your mood...... but because of the sheer shifts, it looks like your power was amplified by the deep air." ”

-Right. Gene Kronos' Shadow Technique is essentially a skill that is classified as Void and is influenced by the deep air.

“Oh, that's great. ”

Suhyuk nods at Yan's words and looks satisfied.

“I think it's a good idea to mount an echocardium in a soul slot, no matter what. ”

- Won't you wait a little longer?

“I've been thinking about it a lot, but I don't think I can get a skill core as good as a cryo-hole. The last time I made 100 random choices in the world, all of the 100 skill cores I picked were rubbish. I used 50 million dimensions of power and realized for sure... … there are more skills cores in the world than I thought. ”

A few days ago, Suhyuk made a random choice in Samran about 100 times because of the feeling of gambling. But the results were literally terrible.

Not a single skill core was useful. All 100 skill cores were rubbish or similar to your current skill cores, but they were much worse.

“And I have four hero grade skill cores I can have anyways…… At this point, I don't think getting a new skill core is the best I can do. Once I have it, I'll make it perfect and then I'll get a new skill core. ”

If I could find out the name of a new skill core of a hero grade, I would be right to find it and buy it on the island right now, but I could not find the skills of the hero class easily.

Hero grade knights only had one skill, based on the Earth's standards. However, there were many skills with only the highest rank of heroes and only the highest level of power.

In that sense, it was a great fortune to save the cardiac anomaly so easily.

“Draw the horn too...... Install the Ultrachoroidal foramen into the soul slot right now. ”

With this Grade 7 dungeon raid, Suhyuk, who confirmed the power of the deep air, did not hesitate to mount the deep air onto the soul slot.

Soul Brand Completed! Skill Core [Free Heart] fused with Soul Slot to become a Soul Unique Skill.

The cardio that became the soul's unique skill evolved and became the 'cardio of precipitation revolution’. Rank has also grown to a level of legend from hero to hero.

The moment Soohyuk branded the cardio with his soul unique skill using 5 million dimensions, the cardio player grew from hero class to legendary. This was an unexpected change, not to mention Soohyuk.


Soohyuk liked the unexpected result with a fierce fist.

This gives Suhyuk more time to use his skills. Hero ratings were limited to four, legendary ratings were limited to two, and finally only one mythological rank, where Suhyuk was filled with two heroes and one legend.

Soohyuk saw a delightfully evolved echocardium. Nothing in particular changed, but the power of the skill itself became stronger.

It was a very pleasant growth for Suhyuk because it meant that the bastards affected by the microcardiac foramen had become stronger.

“I think I can catch a real grade 8 monster now... ”

Of course, it felt like I could face an eight-grade monster more easily than before, even if I had to face it myself.

-Even a monster of the same grade has quite a difference in level, so it's best practice to master your senses.

“I'd like to, but it's not uncommon for a Grade 8 Dimensional Gate...... I'll have to ask Hye Ri later. ”

It may be difficult right now, but leveling up the dimensions could be easier if we could steadily target a Grade 8 dungeon.

‘If we keep attacking the Awakening Tower here…… we may reach our goal much earlier than I thought. ’

Suhyuk's goal was, of course, dimensional level 51.

To be precisely a transcendent person…….

I was running restlessly just for that. Now that I only had a level of 45, I would have to get really great dimensions to reach my goal, but in the end, I was going to continue to try and work hard, as I said, from one natural path.

< [Chapter 78] The Heavenly Cave ( ⁄ 31391;) (1) > End


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