Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 82] Hunting Fire Dragon (2) >

Full moon.

Suhyuk spent exactly ten days searching for skills, with the exception of a little time to eat and a little sleep. Suhyuk not only searched for the skills of 'Northern Sea Ice Blade Interest Yuan’ and ‘Tsmetai Masaru’, but also searched extensively for both himself and those who were unknown to him.

Of course, the most I cared about was interest and Masaru's skill, but Suhyuk had about 1.5 billion current dimensions, so I was able to buy a new skill.

Soohyuk continued to make new combinations with Jan, finding and finding them, and as a result, he was able to get very good results.

Once the most important cold class skill was purchased, there were five in total. In addition to the Ice Vaccine Ball, the main night soul of the series, and the Ice White Dragon Warrior that she had always put on Soohyuk, she was able to save.

In addition, Tsumetay Masaru, famous for his ice-creamer, found and purchased the ice-cream technique and cold Qi restraint. In the case of interest kites, it may have been sticking together for a long time, but almost all of her night souls could be found, but all of Masaru's was only looking for these two. However, the result was very good, as these two were two of the three core night souls of Masaru.

In addition to this, Suhyuk obtained the 'Guryongpo', which can be the final beacon of Shinchang Jujiang. Guryong Po was a night soul powerful enough that he himself had not yet made it into his own.

Unfortunately, the three knights in India did not find anything much use. Indra's electroencephalocharging was barely recovered.

Japan was similar to India, but only one 'terroir's island sprawl' could be obtained except for Masaru's two night souls.

A total of 7 skills were purchased by Soohyuk during the summer.

One of them was a hero skill core and the other six were the only. The heroic skill core was the ‘Guryong Po’ of the new spearhead.

While all the other non-opponents were heroic knights, his night soul was also quite formidable because of the new magnetism of superheroic knights.

The good thing about Guryong Po is that it is not a spear-free weapon, but a spear-free weapon that can be used with anything.

After all, Suhyuk purchased seven new skill cores, consuming approximately 15 million dimensions, again consuming approximately 400 million dimensions, reinforcing all of them more than once. Of course, the heroic skill core, which cost 10 million units, was only reinforced once, but the other six were reinforced twice.

Although the current dimension dropped to a billion in an instant, the reinforcement results themselves were satisfactory enough. After this skill enhancement, Su-hyuk spent about a week focusing on new skill cores and tried to become familiar with them.

In particular, Suhyuk sought and searched for the most powerful way to use Cold Mechanical Heat, a core that would be at the heart of attacking Fireworks, combined with existing skills.

Suhyuk was not satisfied with simply getting a cold class skill core and tried to digest it in his own way, and as a result he was able to find some very good combination of skills.

While Soohyuk was preparing the 'skill’ to deal with Hwang-ryong like this, Eunhyuk had almost finished all of Suhyuk's work.

Crowe's basic armor was replaced with a strong heat-resistant armor, and the interior was also engraved with heat-resistant manages to increase heat resistance as much as possible.

Not only that, he also made the Adamantium steel plate, which increased its heat resistance through simple managing work, so that it could withstand the heat of the fire dragons as much as possible.

Skills and equipment to deal with the Fire Dragon are ready.

And the way to get to him has been somewhat framed after constant decision-making.

This concludes all preparations.

All that was left was to go through it with my own body.

* * * *


This was the first floor of the Awakening Tower, filled with the heat that seemed to melt away the whole world.

He returned to the 1st floor of the Awakening Tower in approximately 4 months, but the Flame Dragon was still there. This was a place where the flow of time had stopped, so of course, the dragons couldn't disappear forever.

Jan, timer. ’

With Suhyuk's words, a 24-hour timer appeared on the top right of Suhyuk's field of view.

‘23 hours and 30 minutes from now will last forever. So let me know as soon as you anticipate the pattern of his attack as possible, like I told you. ’

Suhyuk's way of attacking the Fire Dragon was to endure all of his relentless attacks and pour everything out in the last 30 minutes.

Suhyuk chose this technique because it was considered the most likely to succeed. At least there are almost no gaps during the attack.

That's why Su-hyuk decided to go after him when he was weakened after almost exhausting all his strength.

Of course, it was hard to withstand the mad blast of Fire Dragon attack for 23 hours and 30 minutes. Particularly, it was very painful not to let go of the focus for a single moment for 23 hours and 30 minutes. Nevertheless, Suhyuk chose this method because it was the most certain, even though it was rather difficult.

If we hold out long enough, we have a chance.

Of course, I didn't just have to endure it, I had to endure it very well. If he spent too much power in the process, he could have lost for nothing and nothing in the last 30 minutes that he had to put his countermeasures into.

Especially against a Fire Dragon, you can never survive just by running away and avoiding an attack. You have to eliminate the proper countermeasures and keep him from piling up the summoned lizards.

‘Now, let's... let's hold on! ’

Suhyuk focused his whole mind on fighting and immediately triggered the power of Gene Chronos.

In addition, he activated the icy vaccinator ball of interest and released cold air from Crowe's body.

Tsk, tsk!

Of course, the heat from the outside was so intense that the cold disappeared in an instant, but at least it was so intense that Crowe's gloves melted away that the defensive power was clearly prevented.

‘If only I could have installed a door, I would have dealt with him more easily... Too bad. ’

The door Suhyuk spoke of was the door that could be used. It was true that Shadow Movement and Door and Dropping were infinitely possible, making it much easier to cope with the Fire Dragon. But the problem was that the door was too strong to hold for a few minutes.

Of course, the new doors were doors that made the silver letter especially heat-resistant, but it lasted only 10 minutes.

In this heat, even Crowe could melt for an hour if it escaped the dimensional influence of Suhyuk. For this reason, Suhyuk dared not install the doors in advance.

‘We have no choice but to endure the shadow movement and flashes. ’

Soohyuk's most powerful evasion technique was shadow shifting and the second was flashing. Soohyuk was going to adjust the reuse latency of these two technologies so that he could fight back, avoiding Huanglongs attacks neatly.

If a very urgent situation came up, "Ice cream" could also help. Ice crystals were very long with an hour's cooling time, but once triggered, not only could I create a self-immolation made of ice, but I could be invincible to all attacks for a few seconds by locking myself in ice for an instant.

‘Yes, you can! ’

Soohyuk reaffirmed himself again. He focuses his whole mind on battle and raises all his strength.

* * * *

It was natural for a normal person to concentrate on their whole mind and do something for an hour. If it felt like focusing on every single cell in the body, not just the focus... … it felt like an ordinary person wouldn't last more than an hour, not even 10 minutes.

However, there was someone who kept this immense focus for more than 23 hours. Exactly the person who was holding on like a tight rope for 23 hours and 25 minutes…… Of course he was Suhyuk.

Quaguaguaguava overload!

Did the Fire Dragon feel something ominous too? The creature attempts to inflict damage on Crowe through an unprecedented suicide attack by the lizards.

The lizards rush towards Crowe as if one were a small bomb. Suhyuk was blowing up all the flaming lizards that were swarming around like ants, shooting demolitions.

However, the Fire Dragon continued to produce more Fire Lizards, as if determined. It was like a…… final punch rush.

"This has got to last! ’

Soohyuk felt that this one room rush was inevitable. The situation was the same everywhere, because they were constantly generating fire lizards (suicide bombs) in confined space.

Ghost Gun!! ’

Soohyuk summoned all the ghosts and activated them to the point of no return. Then…… the mighty Gin Hellfire poured out everywhere to wipe out the world.

Guaguava fruit!

Four Demolitions mounted on Crowe's arms and shoulders, and five Ghost Guns that copied them.

A total of nine demolitions simultaneously radiated massive firepower whilst rotating the gun in 360 degrees.

Guava, Guava, Guava, Guava!

Then all the fire lizards that were swarming from all directions toward Crowe disappeared.

Jean Hellfire wiped out everywhere. However, as if the Flame Dragon wasn't finished yet, he concentrated more power and produced more lizards than before.


If it had been a little while ago, it felt like it was now a Great Heat, a great Heat, a great Heat, a great Heat. With this kind of heat, I really felt like I could melt everything in the world.

- External temperature's gone up too much. In this situation, using the Gin Hellfire may cause the demolition to all explode. And if this goes on for just a few more minutes, Crowe's armor will melt off.

We must hold out for now! Amplify the Ice Vaccine Ball with an Amplifier Core! ’

As soon as Suhyuk reached an unbearable level of heat, he pushed the ice ball up to the polarity and injected it into Crowe through the amplification core.

Tsk, tsk, tsk!

For a moment, the cold air gushed from Crowe's entire body cooled the surroundings for a moment. And that gives us a second chance to use the lost Hellfire.

“Fire!! ”

Soohyuk, when he had the chance, did not hesitate to release his full force of Hellfire again.

Two, two, two, two, two, two!

Cuban fruit fruit fruit fruit fruit fruit fruit!

Thousands of lizards made the world a superpyramid were wiped out by the overwhelming firepower of the defeated Hellfire.

It was as if a huge circular tide was spreading around Crowe, extinguishing all the fire in the world.

Soohyuk finally survived the moment he had to endure.

It was a little overwhelming, but it was all about surviving. And…… Su-hyuk's expectations have persisted, and finally an opportunity has come to him.

Tsu tsu tsu tsu tsu tsu!

As the huge inflated flame grows smaller, the heat that was pressing down on all sides decreases rapidly.

After 23 hours and 30 minutes, the wave of the flamethrower finally ended.

< [Chapter 82] Fire Dragon Hunting (2) > End


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