Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 83] Summon the Superhero (1) >

Summon @ superhero.

‘Ice and White Energy Amplification! ’

It's true that he was weakened after the wave wave attack, but even so, his surroundings are hot enough to melt away the external gloves just by being close.

So the method Suhyuk chose was…… Bingback Young-yong. Suhyuk used this to amplify and put a thick layer of ice over Crowe's armor. For at least this moment, glacial backwater became a very good defense technique.


Suhyuk put an ice sheet on Crow using glacial backwater technique, and without hesitation, he narrowed his distance to the Fire Dragon using a shadow move. Until now, if I opened the distance for a number of reasons, I did not narrow it down.

But things are different now. The flame is weakened and the heat emitted by the flame is significantly reduced. At this rate...... I have a quote for the battle.

Tsk, tsk!

When the distance was narrowed, the ice film made of glacial whitewash melted and vaporized at once, but Suhyuk continued to use glacier whitewash over and over and over again and produced ice film.

At the same time, the nine demolition guns were all pointed in one direction, and they were using the Hellfire once again towards the flamethrowers about 20 metres ahead.


Two, two, two!

Guaguava overload!

Like the rotten word Jun Chi, even though the Fire Dragon was weakened, his‘ Flame Coming 'had a great heat that would melt away in no time.

It was only that the impact was significantly reduced.

Is that so? Crowe spills an enormous amount of tantalum at the same time, but most of those tantrums don't reach the flamethrower's body.

Demons that explode in collision with a flare error. However, after seeing the large amount of Satan pouring out, there were a few demons that pierced the flame error and touched the flame dragon's body.

No matter how great the Flame Orcs were, they couldn't completely stop thousands of rounds of artillery coming in like angry waves or Tidal Waves. Fortunately, even after piercing the flame error and reaching the body of the Fire Dragon, it was not normal.

But what was important was that the flamethrowers hit the body. Up until now, I have not even been able to get within 100 meters of him, not to hit the flamethrower's body.

Thinking about it, things have really changed a lot now.

Soohyuk pours out the Gin Hellfire for about a few minutes, forcefully pressuring the Hwaseong. But unfortunately, we have to stop this attack now.

You're running low on Martan. I had plenty of time to prepare, but after I got rid of a lot more firelizards, all of them ran out.

Especially when the last Hellfire was hit to stop a massive lizard rush.

‘Damn, I could have gained more… Too bad. ’

Suhyuk tasted the demolition. As a result, demolition was no longer available. With about 200 rounds left, it was impossible to use demolition. At most, the extent to which HyperFlame was used was limited.

Soohyuk, who had embedded the demolition, did not hesitate to pull out the daemon slayer directly. Damon Slayer is now the most reliable weapon since he fell.


At this moment, he continued to use the Ice Vaccine Ball as well as the Ice White Bath. To withstand the heat…… because it was the first condition to fight the flamethrowers, we had to keep the heat spilled through the Ice Vaccine Ball as low as possible.

The flaming dragon shakes its head as if it were finally going to live once the Gene Hellfire had stopped pouring down on it. Even though the only instinct left to fight was' Furious Flame Dragon ’, this level of spirit was alive.

The dragon clearly realizes, of course, that the opponent is not well. Is that so? He doesn't rush like before. Instead, he joins the few remaining forces together to make his Flame Error stronger.

He instinctively knew that if the Flame Orders were weaker here, it would be the end. By drawing so much strength to strengthen the play error, the inside radius of 5m was surrounded by a much more intense heat than before, at least around him.

It felt almost like a shield of flames burning red.

Will you hold out for a while? Do you know that guy... is running out of time? ’

- I think he's instinctively trying to put the situation at risk, rather than knowing exactly. But it's a little tricky when he comes out like this. That pure flame error is more powerful than any shield.

‘I know. ’

Soohyuk slightly bit his lips and checked the time.

‘22 minutes……. We don't have much time. ’

Time was on the Flame Dragon's side, not Soohyuk's. If it bounced like this, Soohyuk would not only have to prepare again, but also consumed a substantial amount of Manathon.

And crucially, if we couldn't find a way to break the current method of withstanding them, the result would have to be the same.

Can you penetrate by focusing on your strength and shooting at it? ’

- The temperature of that powerful flame error that is currently unfolding around the Fire Dragon body is 7,800 degrees. At that temperature, it's higher than the surface temperature of the sun...... Martan can never penetrate, and even with a glacial vaccinator and glacial backwater trick, Crow won't last more than a few seconds.

Adamantium was a metal with a very high boiling point, but the limit was 5,000 degrees. Here, even if we could protect adamantium with ice cream and ice white water protection, the limit was 6,500 degrees.

‘Are you glad you're so focused on your powers that you have to stand there like that? ’

- When you walk around with a shield like that, it's a technology that's got unparalleled destruction. Of course, it's impossible to move.

"So if we can get through that flare error, we can take him down?" ’

- First of all, it doesn't look easy.

‘It wasn't easy in the first place. Whether my spear wins or his shield wins... Let's give it a try. ’

As Suhyuk said, this was just a match of spears and shields.

The strong one wins. However, the shield in front of Suhyuk was never a pleasant one.

* * * *

For approximately 20 minutes, Suhyuk poured out every attack he could try. However, all of Suhyuk's attacks did not pierce the powerful flame error of the Flame Dragon.

Even the simple power of the Hellfire failed. It wasn't just silent rain, it was a silent rain upgraded with recently acquired skills.

By this time, Suhyuk was completely lost in relaxation. Even the silent treatment didn't work...... There were not many cases where Soohyuk could choose from in this situation.

The timer tells you that there are only two minutes left. Even after 20 minutes, the flamethrowers are still crouching, maintaining a powerful flame error.

In fact, if I had enough time, I would just have to wait quietly like this. Even a great spirit could not sustain such a powerful flame error indefinitely.

But the problem was that there was no time.

I didn't know if the Fire Dragon knew about this or just acted on instinct, but at least in this situation, I felt like the Fire Dragon took the best step.

‘The only chance I have left is...... I've done everything I can, so if this doesn't work, I have to try a new attack. ’

The last way Soohyuk was thinking was the last way to try. First, we decided not to use the 'power of Asura'. Using the power of Azura didn't make a difference in the current situation.

Even if the power of Asura was to gain the strength of the unknown oil, there was no guarantee that it would break through the shield, and now it was time for a stronger attack than that.

After all, the only thing that can penetrate the shield is the shield! ’

Soohyuk poured out all the attacks and came to a conclusion. It was that the shield could never be pierced by an equivalent attack.

In reality, the shield side was more advantageous in the fight between the shield and the attack, just as the aqueous side was advantageous over the siege. This was the size of the protective shield, which was created by the Flame Dragon, which was off the shelter and close to transcendent grade.

Therefore, of course, Suhyuk's attack did not work.

That's why the last method Suhyuk chose was to penetrate the protective barrier into the protective barrier.


Heat flowing from the shield of the flame dragons was rising high into the sky and making a red aurora. There was no real time.

20 seconds passed while thinking about it, and the timer was going over a minute and 50 seconds.

Jan, I'm coming! ’

Whatever it was, it was the last moment, so Soohyuk didn't think about it and threw the last move.

‘Extremely amplify the Ice Vaccine Ball and Ice White Dragon Spell! ’

Tsu tsu tsu tsu tsu tsu tsu tsu tsu tsu tsu.

Suhyuk used every amplification technique available to him and used ice cream and ice cream as polarities. Crowe's whole body is covered in white ice gloves.

Tsk, tsk!

There were more newly made ice than hot vaporized ice, and these were ice gloves that could not last more than a minute at most.

“Here we go!! ”

In that state, Suhyuk did not hesitate to use another technique. It was…… a shadow move.


Surprisingly, the place where Crowe who disappeared suddenly resurfaced was right next to the Fire Dragon.

The distance to the Flame Dragon was only about a meter……… with this close proximity, it could melt everything in excess of 8,000 degrees of heat.

Of course Crowe was melting.

Tsk, tsk!

The thick ice gloves vaporized and disappeared in an instant while Crowe's armor was melting. Even Crowe could not endure this heat.

Then, did Su-hyuk jump in here to commit suicide?

Of course it wasn't.

Ice Prison! Ice Prison! ’

What Suhyuk believed was his most powerful shield: an ice prison. Originally, ice prison was an unbeatable technique that prevented all kinds of attacks for five seconds. Soohyuk thought that this technique would cool down the enormous heat from the Flame Dragon.

However, the perfect invincible technology was only theoretically present because the difference in the grade of the technology could have been broken. Especially if the statue is as extreme as it is now, it was more likely to break the invincibility.

Like right now!

Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk!

An ice prison with immense protection begins to melt away in an instant. At this rate, the ice prison seemed to disappear completely before five seconds.

Heat Overwhelms the Cold!

No matter how powerful the protection technology, ice prisons ultimately couldn't withstand the flame shields of higher-grade dragons. This is the last moment I feel like I'm going to fall. Soohyuk, who had to make the most embarrassing face, was making the most comfortable face.

One last move he prepared…… Of course it wasn't all of it.

Ice Prison! ’

Soohyuk once again uses ice prison.

Soohyuk had already anticipated this situation and had prepared one more skill. One more time, one more time!

Suhyuk believed that a total of three ice prisons would unleash the heat emitted by the Fire Dragon.

* Sobbing * * Sobbing *

And really…… by the time the second ice prison was completed, the heat of the Flame Dragon began to decrease gradually. Of course, the ice prison was still melting rapidly, but Suhyuk intuitively noticed that the last adventurer he threw was working.

< [83] Summon Superhero (1) > End


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