Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 86] While everyone was asleep (1) >

@ while everyone is asleep.

Crowe quickly appears behind the Dragon Warrior No1 in Shadow Movement. Since the two dragons completely lost their sight while swept by the Jin Hellfire, they were unable to properly understand Crowe's movements.

However, he immediately realized that Crowe had appeared behind his back even in this difficult situation, as if he had the ability of a superhero knight.

So, the true name instinctively swings the machete backwards and counteracts. His attacks were very good. The timing was good and the power was very strong. I was even faster without it before. It was a perfect reaction, as if Crowe had expected to show up behind us.


The sword rests precisely on Crowe's body and waist. No, I almost got it stuck. Unfortunately, Crowe's body was not the one with two military swords on it...... but the daemon slayer.


The instant reaction of true drama was excellent, but Soohyuk was one step ahead of him. Suhyuk held the daemon slayer upside down with his left hand and lightly flicked the armored sword with the power of the chamber contained in the painted sword. At the same time, he summoned three demolitions in his free right hand. Then, without pity, he poured out half a Hellfire on the body of Jin Hwang Dragon.


The Hellfire's power, which was poured through all the shields at close range, was naturally powerful enough to blow away all of the hard gloves of the Dragon Warrior.

Immediately, the trunk flew halfway to the top. Of course, the true meaning that was on it flew away by more than half. But even at that moment, the true name held Crowe's body and tried not to die alone.

If true names and true dragons were not just ordinary, they would have been finished with this single stroke, but the true names that had already become monstrosized would have stretched to the ends, even though most of the body was flying away.

And the moment he so relentlessly held Crowe captive! As if the Dragon Warrior No2 had waited, he raised his huge axe high into the sky and ran toward Crow.

It was a number of the Heaven's End, one of the boils of the Dragon Killing Act. Even though half of Jinsung No1's torso flew away, this one seemed to fit because it held Crow tightly.


In fact, the axe wielded by the Dragon Warrior No2 is pinned precisely to Crowe's head.


A giant axe that slices Crowe horizontally!

In this single shot, Crowe was left and right.

Of course, Crowe wasn't really convicted.

It was Crowe's shadow, not Crowe's.

Since Suhyuk was able to use the shadow move again, instead of ‘Again again’, and as a result, he was able to get out of the bosom of the persistent Dragon Warrior No1.

Tsu tsu tsu!

Suhyuk, of course, did not just use the shadow move to simply escape. The shadow shift resurfaces Crow behind the back of Jin Hwang Ryong No2.

One number of terminations was clearly exposed after using the technique because the motion was so big instead of very powerful. Of course, Suhyuk did not see the gap between Jin Hwang Ryong No2 as it was apparent.


After straightening the daemon slayer forward, you injected the power of the islands (38275;) and tubes (36011;) contained in the cosmic current sword and colored sword, and put a powerful stabbing attack on the back of the sulfur Dragon No2.

Werewolf, quadruple!

The large daemon slayer pierces through the body of the Dragon Warrior No2. Of course, the Meishin on the inside was pierced together. However, Suhyuk took care of Jin Hwang Ryong No1 earlier and knew that he could not defeat the monstrous Mayhem and Jin Hwan Ryong, so he used the width of a friction specimen right after stabbing the sword.

Guaguava overload!

The blade does not explode, as the daemon slayer has an indestructible temperament. Instead, the energy contained in the sword exploded and exploded everywhere. As a result, the upper half of the Dragon Warrior No2 was completely shattered and exploded.

No matter how persistent the monster became, it was impossible to move any further.

Suhyuk, who defeated the Dragon Warrior No2, turns around and throws the daemon slayer toward the Dragon Warrior No1, which is crawling towards Crow at this moment.

Quadruple, quadruple, quadruple, quadruple.

Suhyuk finished off Jinhwangryong No2 followed by Jinhwangryong No1 with this one move.

Goooooooo... Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Both of them are crushed and collapsed.

After being smashed like that, the two fallen dragons suddenly melt into a black bubble and start disappearing.

Immediately, two messages rang out in succession in Suhyuk's ears.

We got rid of the Shadow-Contaminated Maychin, who was a Manawak System user, and we got the majority of his epiphanies. It will soon be absorbed into the dimension 212,971,440.

Mason's 6 Night Souls are registered in Samran.

I got the majority of the realizations he had when he got rid of the "Shadow Contaminated True Names," who was a Manawak System user. It will soon shift to 271,221,169 and absorb.

Six Night Souls with True Theatre Names are registered in Samran.

Soohyuk was able to see who they were the moment he defeated the two dragons. In the case of Jingeum and Meishin, Suhyuk had heard of them.

Of course, I had only heard of them, but they had nothing to do with Suhyuk. For Soohyuk, they were both people who did not eat one-sided meals, but he still prayed for comfort for a while.

In particular, they gave Suhyuk almost 500 million realizations, so they prayed with more sincerity.

- It seems the monsters in this dungeon possess the ability to subdue other beings and make them hosts.

‘By the way...... you mean all the other knights of the expedition are like this? ’

- 99% probability of that.

Did the structure cross the water? Well, the structure's not the problem now. If he's targeting other superhero knights to turn them into hosts...... that could get worse, too. ’

- If the Black Strait's true name and Meishin...... I'm sure the other superhero knights at Base Camp will be in danger.

‘Yes, in this case it was fortunate that he was careless and sent only Jinhee and Meishin. If he came to me with Jinhee and Meishin himself...... I wouldn't have been able to guarantee the battle. ’

- It's a good thing for us, and he missed his chance to be a genius.

What do you want me to do? Should I tell the other knights about this and get ready in advance...... or should I see a quick battle before he can even defend me? ’

- They both seem to have pros and cons. But if it were me...... I'd pick a quick battle.


- The knights at Base Camp are most likely not listening to you. I would have believed you if you had brought me some remnants of the Dragon Warrior, but in this situation with no remnants at all...... no one would have believed you, even if you said so.

Jan knew how Suhyuk was being treated at base camp. That's why he recommended a quick attack.

“But wouldn't it be a big deal if he was stronger than he thought, and I was subdued, too? ”

- Notifying the other knights won't make a difference if the dungeon bosses here are strong enough to overpower you.

“Well...... that too. ”

Suhyuk listened to Yan and nodded his head.

- Maybe he was sharing the host's senses, so he knew exactly what was going on. That's why he's probably seriously concerned about how to deal with the owner right now. When I think about it, there's a very high chance that I don't think you're going to hit me here at once. This could be an opportunity.

Yan recommended the best strategy based on accurate analysis. But Soohyuk thought there was one flaw in Yan's strategy.

“Definitely a good strategy. But you're missing the point. Are we...... forgetting that we have no idea where the Dungeon Boss is? ”

- I know that. But I don't know where he is, but I think I know where he is.

“Huh? What are you talking about? ”

- Precisely analyzing the routes and speeds of the two Dragon Warriors and identifying their approximate starting point. It may take some time, but with a little effort, I'm sure I can spot the rarity of the dungeon boss.

“Oh, what are the odds? ”

- Over 80% in my analysis.

“Oh, that's higher than I thought. Speed dial... ”

Soohyuk began to think quietly. Jan's strategy wasn't so bad either. I thought if I could find the Dungeon Boss really quickly, I could give him a good punch.

‘Yes...... They won't believe me anyway. ’

The surest way was to persuade the other knights at base camp to march with them quickly to the dungeon boss area, but the problem was that they were very unlikely to believe what Soohyuk had to say.

And even if they believed Suhyuk's words, it was difficult for superheroic knights to unite because they had a strong disposition.

The opponent is a monster with superhero knights powerful enough to turn him into one of his own. Advancing with an ally who is not well breathed into such a monster could result in a situation that increases the number of non-allied enemies.

I just felt so much better being alone.

‘Just in case we get one master door out of the way and challenge him. That way, even if I can't handle it, it won't be hard to run away, right? ’

- I'm not sure what's going on, but I think there's a good chance we can get away.

“Okay, then let's do it. There's no reason why a Grade 9 monster can't surpass him." ”

- But if we want to save as many of the ambush graves as possible, we must never let him find us. So I suggest we leave Titan in there for a bit and bare body to break into his rarity.

"Wow, this is going to be intense. ’

- But you have a great escape technique, Door and Door, which is challenging enough.

‘I know, I'm just trying to believe that. If not, he's the best 36-year-old in the world. ’

Suhyuk was never going to challenge me like this without thinking. Once not reported, retreat and share all information about the dungeon boss you know and Rare's location with the other knights, all together to eliminate the dungeon boss. This was a very simple strategy, but there seemed to be no better one.

- Then I'll let you know exactly where I found a rare projection.

Jan gives Suhyuk the results of tracing the path of Jin Hwang Yong's movement backwards.

Although it was not a narrow range, it was definitely a good area to explore.

If only Rare could find it... … It seems possible to infiltrate the dungeon boss in secret, just like Yan said.

“Let's go, then! ”

I didn't have time to hesitate. Even though it had been a dark night in the dungeon, Soohyuk did not stop and immediately moved.

While everyone was asleep... Soohyuk was running to find the dungeon boss.

< [Chapter 86] While Everyone Is Sleeping (1) > End


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