Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 86] While everyone was asleep (2) >

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My heart trembles more than I thought, searching for Rare Dungeon Boss naked without Titan. Especially if an enemy of a grade 5 or higher monster appeared around you, you had to hide. Of course, Suhyuk was able to hunt any grade 5 monster without Titan, but in fact, all monsters present in the dungeon could become the eyes of the dungeon boss, so now was the time to move in secret.

Suhyuk was able to gradually access Dungeon Rare, avoiding all monsters and sorcerers. He urgently enhanced the Darkness Walk and Darkness to its fullest extent in order to make it the only tiered skill, The Dark Walk and the Hiding of the All-Master.

It took 60 million dimensions to do this, but now was not the time to miss that dimension.

After all, this enhanced dark walk and hiding allowed Soohyuk to find Rare much more comfortable than he thought.

Soohyuk searched the area Jan designated, spiraling inward from the outskirts. Over time, he was able to approximate Rare's position just by looking at the level of the roaming monsters.

When the approximate estimate came out, Soohyuk dared to dig in. After a few more hours, Soohyuk was finally able to reach the Rare Shadow Fortress of Darkness.

Unlike normal rocky mountains, the big, tall black rocky mountains…… Soohyuk was convinced that this was the rare dungeon boss.

In fact, the rarity of dungeon bosses was not so easy to penetrate. Rare is the home of the dungeon boss after all, and it can be even weirder to let an intruder in here unharmed.

That's why Soohyuk was most worried about infiltrating Rare in this strategy.

But…… that concern was resolved more easily than I thought.

The Shadow Fortress was literally the Darkness itself because it was a rare thing made of the power of the Shadow. This Shadow Fortress was the best place for Suhyuk, who had already enhanced the Darkness Walk and Hide to its fullest extent with his own skills.

It was so easy to get in.

There were many monsters guarding the Shadow Fortress, but none of them found Soohyuk. On their level, we couldn't find Soohyuk's hideout.

Thanks to this, Soohyuk was able to easily keep going inside the Shadow Fortress. In fact, Suhyuk had to be easier because all the monsters in the Shadow Fortress were Dark Shadow hosts.

I couldn't find Soohyuk any more because they were not thinking and judging themselves, but merely robots that moved according to Dark's orders.

Not knowing this worked in the favour of Soohyuk. Even when I found my way inside the Shadow Fortress, I was able to find my way to the Shadow Tower with the Dark exactly.

‘From here...... I feel different. ’

As soon as Suhyuk stepped on the stairs where the Shadow Tower began, he could feel the enormous presence of the dark.

- Maybe a class nine monster is different.

‘Is that so? It won't be easy... ’

Suhyuk takes a very careful step, continuing to scatter his existence as far as possible, and instead, he hides himself in the presence of the dark.

If Darhk reacts sensitively, this cannot completely hide his existence. But Soohyuk thought there was no reason for Dark to react delicately.

As he expected, Darhk was considering how to deal with himself. That's why Soohyuk thought that his great penetration was likely to succeed.


Through a dark walk, Suhyuk carefully ascends the shadow spire and peers inside the spire. The stacks on each floor of the Shadow Tower were...... his own legion created by the Dark.

There were more than just expeditions that entered the dungeon this time. There were so many shadowy puppets that Darhk had collected so far.

Even the eighth-grade monster who was originally the master of this dungeon was trapped in a spire as a shadow puppet. Dark plans to take over the world by gathering an army of shadows in this spire.

Of course, the two Celestial Dragons, which were at the heart of the plan, were lost in one fell apart, but they remained strong.

"Wow, this is huge. If we bring them all to Base Camp now...... we could be pushed back. ’

- This makes me more and more curious about the identity of the dungeon boss.

What kind of man possesses this much power? No, that's not the problem. Grade 9 monsters are different from normal monsters? This guy... Thinks and behaves like a human... ’

- The only difference between an eight-grade monster and a nine-grade monster is the difference in power in my database. I'm a little bit curious about his behavior patterns.

‘Well, you know what he looks like in person. I think it's almost clear that we're at the top of this spire...... Let's keep going up there. ’

The Shadow Tower was exactly 15 floors, and Soohyuk had now climbed to the 12th floor. Now, I was able to go up to the top floor just a little bit more, but Soohyuk was still feeling numb because of the tremendous force flowing from the top floor.

Darhk's been thinking about it for more than half a day, but no matter how much he thinks about it, he can't think of a better way.

Do I have to do this on my own? I haven't made a move because my body hasn't fully recovered yet... ’

The Dark personality was considered to be the safest way to cross a sturdy stone bridge. Darhk has now grown to a new level based on his realization of making Grade 9 dungeons perfectly his own.

The problem was that the body that grew up in realization had not yet been fully harvested. Darhk may be different, but he never gives in to his body.

It was so thorough because it crawled up from the bottom.

‘I have to take some strong puppets and finish without leaving any room. ’

Darhk eventually chose the most realistic and safe way. I hated to move myself a lot, but no matter how much I thought about it, I was likely to fail in any way if I didn't move myself.

I decided it was better to do something I didn't like because it was the dark one who liked it so much.

"Hmm, but where did he disappear to? I can't see them no matter how far I look.... ’

Another concern of Darhk is that Crowe is suddenly gone. It was almost impossible to avoid the Dark Eye in this dungeon.

In fact, all the monsters and beasts that were present in this dungeon were connected to the dark, so if he wanted to, he could watch all the places in the dungeon at the same time.

However, I couldn't find Crowe even though I was looking hard for him. It disappears in an instant, as if you were escaping the dungeon.

Darhk was still searching for his target, even because the night he was on the Crowe was gone. Once you've located the target, you're ready to take the four most powerful puppets in the Phantom Army with you.

"If we take care of him and eat the rest one at a time... we can easily recover the two best puppets we lost this time." ’

Darhk wanted to make all the superhero knights his best puppeteers. I didn't think there would be anything to be afraid of in the real world. Of course, it was Dark's hope, and no one knew until they tried to see if it was possible.

Especially...... now that Dark has something to worry about. Soohyuk succeeded in infiltrating the Dark's jaw...... Darhk had no idea this was so important.

It was Darhk's biggest mistake that he did not know that there was an intruder in the Shadow Fortress in the first place, and he did not look around because something was so troubling.

Dark was the king of shadows, so no matter how well Soohyuk infiltrated the darkness made of shadows, if he cared about it and looked around, he could only find out.

But Darhk couldn't do that. Ultimately, Jan's prediction that Darhk would be careless was precisely right. And thanks to that prediction, Soohyuk had a very good chance.

This is it, right here? ’

- Yeah, I think he's up here.

‘No matter how much I think about it, I can't go any further up here. But... it's not like you have to be seen to be able to ambush them. ’

Suhyuk thought about how best to save the surprise tomb while climbing the spire. And I finally found a good way. That is…… jumping from top to bottom and ambushing them.

Suhyuk's tactless approach to close proximity was even more dangerous. I liked to jump over at least one floor to induce others' carelessness.

The floor of the spire looked very thick, but Soohyuk had the ability to cross this thick floor. The important thing was to put a powerful punch in him as soon as possible before the dungeon boss dealt with him.

No matter how powerful the Darkness was, it was likely to be a dangerous blow with a powerful blow to Soohyuk.

No mistakes! ’

If I made a mistake at this time, I might actually have to give up fighting the dungeon boss. That's why Suhyuk focused all his mind on one point and tried to succeed in the raid.

Of course, all abilities, including Jean Kronos', were unlocked. How long has it been?

Soohyuk was the moment when he thought everything was perfect!

I got a clear line of sight, moved the shadows, and summoned Crowe almost simultaneously.

Tsu tsu tsu tsu tsu tsu

When these three were used almost simultaneously, Soohyuk was able to board Crow at the same time as summoning Crow.

No matter how brilliant the night may be, Titan needs at least a minute of prep time to move.

But Soohyuk was not a knight, and even more, there was Jan, the best helper. Jan utilizes all of her abilities to move Crowe at the same time as the summoning.

When all of these critical conditions were combined, the ‘opportunity’ of a surprise that Soohyuk wanted so much was created.


Two, two, two, two, two!

Soohyuk pours the Jean Hellfire, which he can unleash the fastest and most strongly momentarily, into a state of panic right in front of the body of the dark who can do nothing.

In Darhk's view, it was a lightning strike in the dry sky.

Of course, we couldn't anticipate anything at all, so we had to endure the enormous amount of Satan pouring out of Titan's body that suddenly appeared in front of us.

The Dark Body was currently in a similar shape to the Sapphire Dragon, and it exploded with thousands of rounds of magazine shoved into it.

Guaguava, fruit and fruits.

It was a perfect surprise success, by the looks of it. At this moment, it seems as though this single blow could defeat the target.

But... Darkness, no, a class 9 monster, wasn't worth it.


Soohyuk, who was pouring out the Hellfire with all his might, quickly took a step back as he felt something eerie. However, a huge black sickle struck the space where Crowe stood, and as a result, seven of the nine demolitions were destroyed.

Even at the moment of the great crisis that Dark had never thought of, he created a ‘Shadow sickle’ and counteracted.

< [Chapter 86] While Everyone Is Sleeping (2) > End


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