Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 99] Fox Hunting? No, Eagle Hunting! (1) >

@ Fox hunting? No, Eagle Hunt!

“Now that you understand the situation in general, let's come to a conclusion. So it's possible to subdue him and get him to work for us? ”

“With all of our external power and all of our special-purpose knights' Jedi 'on top of that, we have come to the conclusion that there is an approximately 90% chance of subjugation. ”

“Why doesn't 100% come out when you're using all that much power? ”

“Maybe it's not just him, but his own Knights, including his own, that can take on his entire country. ”

“Well, if it's a national unit, it's almost at war. ”

“The mobilization of power itself is a level of war. ”

The conversation was mostly about an agent briefing in front of him and a director working for him, but a lot of people were listening.

It was a gathering of twelve members of the United States of America, effectively leading a great nation called the United States of America.

“But isn't the war too much? However, they are our friends... ”

“Friendship is an old story. Friendship is not what it used to be. If you thought we were friends in the first place, you would have made an exclusive deal with us. ”

“But just because we defeat him, does he work for us? Maybe we're trying to cut open a golden goose's stomach. ”

The top members who were listening quietly said one word at a time. Even from their perspective, this project was not easily conceivable.

“That part's already taken care of. ”

“Oh, so that means we can get them to work for us just by suppressing them? ”

“Yes, that's almost certainly possible. ”

“Well, that would make a difference. ”

The 12 top members gathered here consisted of 10 representatives of 10 large colonies in the United States and two heads of the NSA and the CIA, an organization representing the west and east.

Their purpose is one.

It was to reclaim the reputation of the United States of America and complete the world's greatest coalition.

“Silver Fox…… No, we'll have to defeat the All-Master in the end. ”

What they were discussing here was "hunting foxes." Ridiculously, they thought Silver Fox was their original asset.

So the purpose of this meeting was to hunt the fox that escaped us and put him back in the cage.

The top 12 members gathered here, who didn't even think to give bread, were saying that they could drink from Kimchi soup, as if they could defeat Silver Fox at any time.

“Analysis of the technology that Silver Fox has provided us so far suggests that he has at least a few steps ahead of what he has now. So his value is so enormous that money simply can't express it. Even if this hunt escalates to war, we must catch him. ”

The analysis of NSA and the analysis of the CIA were nearly identical. That's why this meeting was also convened.

“The money we've put into him so far is impossible to calculate. But did you really not find the whereabouts of the aerial porter he took? ”

“Yes, sorry. No matter how hard we tried, it just disappeared...... Everything that was passed on to him disappeared, so we couldn't find it. ”

“What kind of abilities are you using? ”

“Most likely. ”

“Hmm, well that's a good variable…… so where should we start? ”

“We can use Neo Enterprises to deploy the Jedi at the same time as we naturally gather troops from the outside towards East Asia. ”

“If there's a real war going on, how much clearer can it be? ”

“Republic of Korea's state-based power is actually insignificant. It might be easier to organize than it is to think that after a major catastrophe, it has only grown in colony units or individual units of power. It's not accurate, but about ten to five days is enough. ”

“We have to end this quickly. We only want one fox anyway, so if we quickly click on the opponent and take what we want and leave, maybe we won't even go to war. Use the Jedi to defeat the Foxes as soon as possible, then proceed with the mission towards retreat. ”

The two NSA and CIA chiefs had already spoken, so it all went to hell.

The greedy Supreme Leaders also agreed to this fox hunt without too much tackle.

While they were plotting nonsense, Soohyuk ran hard to save the world.

Such an ugly human greed...... But this was the reality.

* * * *

There were no secrets in the world.

No, there couldn't have been a covert operation in front of at least 25 perforations and a silver book.

“So the operation called 'Fox Hunting’ has begun, and now America's newest air ports are flying across the Pacific towards South Korea? ”

Soohyuk asked the Eunuch once again.

“Yes, not only that, but all the American dimensional ports that were dispersed are moving towards Northeast Asia. I guess this...... is what we think it is, right? ”

“Crazy. These bastards... ”

Suhyuk shakes his head, making an absurd face.

“I guess I have my old habits, so I check the Silver Fox information first. And then I got this information. ”

“You're really crazy. You want to win the Silver Fox in the middle of a war? What am I supposed to do with a bunch of shit in my head? ”

Soohyuk was genuinely angry.

He was trying like crazy to see the world, but the people who were living in it were doing crazy things to fill their greed.

Of course, it was an angry situation.

“I think he's planning to go to war...... Should I contact Hye-Ri first? ”

“Hmm……. ”

Suhyuk listened to the words of the silver and quietly thought about it. I didn't expect there to be people doing this kind of crazy stuff, so I didn't have anything in mind to deal with.

But let's think about it quietly. In the end, there was only one best way to deal with this madness.

“No, wait. We can contact them later...... First we have to make sure they know who they're messing with. ”

“What are you going to do? ”

“I don't know how. We need to put a knife through their hearts. ”

Suhyuk smiled and replied to the question of the silver.

“Are you going alone? ”

“I feel comfortable alone. ”

“Then take at least 'Crow Zero'. ”

“Are all the external arms sets complete? ”

“Yes, I finished the basics. ”

“Okay, then let's make a splendid debut with Crowe Zero. ”

Suhyuk nodded and replied.

Suhyuk, who had everything he needed, concentrated all of the 25 perforations floating in space into one place and checked the U.S. military's movements in real time.

All of this was done by Jan of course, so Su-hyuk only accepted the results in front of him.

The heart of those who are aiming for Soohyuk is……… the newest air port in the United States, the Neo Enterprise.

The United States intended to regain control of the world that had been lost for a while through this air port.

In particular, the 50 ‘Jedi’ who were on board were the core forces of the United States. The Jedi were both Knights beyond Champions and Goliath Knights who could control Goliath at the same time.

Ten Jedi here, called the Master Jedi, were knights of heroic stature or higher.

The air ports contained 40 new goliaths and 10 new fifth generation Titans.

With all the Jedi on the ground, there was enough force to carry out a real state-wide war.

The United States intended to deploy these Jedi at once and take down Silver Fox in an instant.

When the colony entered the colony through an emergency descent from the air ports, the colony had no choice but to use their hands.

This is what the U.S. military was after.

Infiltrating Korean airspace, defeating Silver Fox as quickly as possible with overwhelming force, and then disappearing again. The multi-dimensional flyers that are now gathering in the Republic of Korea were a kind of insurance.

They were the forces that would be put in if things went wrong and there was a real war going on.

As long as the operation was successful, Neo Enterprises and the Jedi were the only ones who could finish it.

America wanted to.

However, the fox moved first, regardless of their will.

- The Neo Enterprise's flight altitude is 40,000 feet, so it's considered to be a high-speed flight.

“Yeah? But isn't it time to come down now? ”

- If their goal is our lab in South Korea, Sunsan, we'll start lowering altitude soon.

“If they lower the altitude to 10,000 feet, then we move. ”

Suhyuk was currently driving a helicopter and was waiting for the New Enterprise by the Incheon Sea.

As Yan said, the New Enterprise, which had just entered Korea's airspace, began its rapid descent into the sea in front of Incheon.

This was inevitable because they had to descend to a minimum altitude of 10,000 feet to carry out the operation.

If the Republic of Korea had existed as a national unit, the fighters would have already left and responded. However, the response could not be achieved because it exists only as a colony unit.

That's why the United States was able to persuade.


Neo Enterprise has descended to a clear line of sight. They intended to descend to approximately 9,000 feet and enter South Korea via your Incheon side.

Neo Enterprise was enormous enough to feel intimidated by what it saw.

This aerial port, which looked about 1.5 times larger than a normal aircraft carrier, was a collection of all the American technology and scientific procedures.

- Showed up.

Suhyuk, who had landed his helicopter on a small uninhabited island near the sea in front of Incheon and was waiting for Nei Enterprises, slowly got up to his feet as he listened to Yann.

“The aerial ports these bastards also gave me were really old legs! You hid something like that and gave it to me. ”

When Suhyuk saw the Neo Enterprise, he could see how insignificant his air ports were.

“Let's go.”

Soon after the Neo Enterprise appeared, Suhyuk started the helicopter and flew into the sky.

- They found you.

“Of course you are. But maybe they'll just judge one little harpoon and take out an aerial shot. ”

Several missiles have appeared from the Enterprise, frightened to the end of Suhyuk's words.

Guaguava overload!

Because Suhyuk had no intention of avoiding or stopping them, of course the helicopter was hit by the missile and exploded.

And in the meantime, a very solid door falls onto the deck of the Neo Enterprise.

Squeak, squeak!

This was thrown by Soohyuk, of course.

Those aboard the Neo Enterprise suddenly turn their heads toward the front door of the deck.

Just in time!

The door began to open slowly.

< [Chapter 99] Fox Hunting? No, Eagle Hunt! (1) > Over


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