Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 99] Fox Hunting? No, Eagle Hunting! (2) >

“Nice view. ”

The one who came out through the door was, of course, Soohyuk.

Soohyuk slowly walked out the door and then casually wandered around.

Those aboard the Neo Enterprise, of course, recognized Soohyuk. It doesn't make sense that those who go after the AllMaster don't recognize the AllMaster.

“Come on! Battle stations!" Enemy ambush! ”

It was Luke Mitchell, Director of the NSA, who recognized the situation the earliest.

The Jedi immediately begin to prepare for battle as a distress signal sounds, frightening as his words fall.

And Suhyuk continued to leisurely walk around the deck of the Neo Enterprise.

“When you're on a high-speed flight, do you hide the bridge as deeply as possible? Clearly, the aerial helmet fits the theoretical structure. ”

The deck of the Neo Enterprise was empty, but for a high-speed flight, of course, we had to hide everything inside.

- There are multiple energy reactions inside the Neo Enterprise.

“Hehe, what can we do? ”

In fact, it was not impossible for Suhyuk to intercept the Neo Enterprise from the ground. However, I came all the way here to make sure that America, or anyone who still thinks he is a game, understands how stupid that idea is.


After a while, Goliath was the first to appear.

The first of the Jedi are ready to fly the ten goliaths onto the deck at the same time.

[Opponent is All Master Kang Hyuk. We must hold off the opponent as long as possible and buy time until the other Jedi join us.]

Luke Mitchell gives orders in public communication and prepares the other Jedi as soon as possible.

‘It's kind of crazy, but it worked anyway. All we have to do is take him out of here as fast as possible and get the hell out of here. ’

Luke Mitchell thought things weren't so bad now.

The opposing Pokémon considers coming all the way here to help them.

Rather, he thought that Silver Fox, or Old Master Kang Hyuk, had overestimated his skills. The negligence was widespread (34875; 21191;) and felt as a result that he had made a big mistake.

[No need to panic. The opposing Pokémon believes in their full potential, which gives us a huge opportunity. Therefore, all Jedi are to engage and take him down as soon as possible!]

Luke Mitchell didn't want to miss his chance.

He believed that the Jedi, the Goliath and Titans aboard the Neo Enterprise, could conquer the all-master downhill revolution.

Yippee, yippee! Heave-ho!

Goliaths emerged more and more over time.

This new Goliath was several times more advanced than the ones Suhyuk had destroyed in the past.

Although the guide night system has still used an incomplete system, it has also undergone a lot of advancements and has recently increased its stability.

Is that so? The Goliath's movements were much more natural and swift than I expected.

[He's not taking Titan out. What do we do? Attack?]

Goliaths surrounding Suhyuk have been unable to mount a swift attack. However, after Suhyuk was surrounded and Titan didn't even come out, of course he had to make a splash before he got Titan out.

[Cocky bastard. I don't know what confidence you have, but shake it so hard you can't even get Titan out. Attack them all!]

As Luke Mitchell's words drop, the Goliaths rush toward Soohyuk. Goliaths were unable to use firearms at this time for a number of reasons.

This was inevitable because Suhyuk had to be captured alive. But not using firearms never weakens the Goliath.

America's newest Goliath was at least 3.5 generations of Titan in performance. That Goliath is now about 20 years old.

Of course, it wasn't enough power for the Knights not aboard Titan. This was almost knight-to-knight power.

Unfortunately, this seemingly common sense did not apply to Soohyuk. Something out of specification...... His power was terrifying.

Squeak, squeak, squeak!

First, Goliath's head flew off. No, it wasn't the head that flew away, it was the whole upper half that flew away.

What blew his body away was the white1,000 in Soohyuk's hands.

“Shit, now we start broadcasting the All-Master's true education. Record well.”

Soohyuk mutters as he flicks his fingers. This was not necessarily said to anyone. However, it was only because the silver letter was recording this situation in real time using perforated issue 18.

The reason Suhyuk is recording was simple.

He was going to use this to warn all the fools in the world. I was blinded by the greed of the end of the world, so that if I started this meaningless war, I would stand up and punish myself……… and I was going to show everyone this video.

[Don't be afraid! That's one night that Titan can't even ride!!]

Goliaths rush toward Urgh Soohyuk with Luke Mitchell's cry.

Just in time!

Soohyuk is gone.

All the goliaths lost Soohyuk momentarily. Even the ultra-precise radar supporting the goliaths completely missed the existence of Soohyuk.

The place where Suhyuk disappeared was in the air.

Soohyuk was out of everyone's sight through a shadow shift in the air. He holds two flames in his hands, while Soohyuk rotates his body and pulls the trigger of the flame.


They fly like scattered rocks. The demons protruded in an absurd direction and poured out towards the goliaths below, drawing different curves as if they were guiding bullets.

The curve, which has been reinforced to its extreme extent, now reaches beyond the shooting range and into a mirage.

In normal cases, beings like Goliath or Titan didn't have to worry about the regular Satan that Knight shot.

Fundamentally, the external gloves of Titan and Goliath had a Mana shield applied at all times, so it was impossible for regular Martan to penetrate Titan or Goliath's gloves while Night was riding.

Even if knights specialized in snipers or shooting used force to shoot, they could penetrate the outer gloves. You can't hit Titan through all the interior gloves.

The Jedi all thought the same thing.

To them, ordinary Satan was not something to avoid or stop, but something to ignore.

But that was their fatal mistake.

Wheelik, quack!

Eight rounds of methane poured into the Goliath bodies, each of which was bent at various angles.

Then... it exploded.

Guava light!

Goliath with his head blown off, Goliath with half his torso blown off, Goliath with one leg shattered...

The eight goliaths that were hit by Martan were all shaken with a tremendous blow.



[Wh, what?]

The devil, who they thought was ordinary Satan, contained all the power of Soohyuk. Of course, that power has surpassed the limits of ordinary Satan.

Obviously, I was embarrassed.

Goliath has been completely incapacitated for three generations, and the other five have been able to fight, but it has become difficult to perform properly.


Meanwhile, Suhyuk landed on the ground and simultaneously pulled out the whitewash again.


“What are you so fascinated by? ”


Then, in an instant, I dashed the goliath behind me in half.

Damn it, Guaguava!

There was no mercy. Soohyuk was going to destroy it thoroughly, as long as he decided to attend the training anyway.

The goliaths quickly stopped Suhyuk while throwing an iron net made of Adamantium to prepare for Suhyuk. They wanted to capture Soohyuk alive as if they were hunting a real fox.

However, Suhyuk's whitewash tore apart not only the goliath that was blocking him, but also the Adamantium net that was thrown towards him.


Guaguava overload!

At one time, when Master Xu Xiong of the Dimensional Battlefield (Lee Seo Hui) 's Aerospace Sword was reproduced in Soohyuk's hands, Soohyuk completely destroyed his opponent, demonstrating his movements.

In an instant, more than ten goliaths rolled around on the deck of the Navy Enterprise. There were also five other half-tribe goliaths that were almost impossible to combat, even if they weren't complete.

A total of fifteen goliaths were destroyed in less than ten minutes. Of course, Goliaths are still being put into more work at this moment.

There are 40 Goliaths onboard the Neo Enterprise.

Even if 15 of them were destroyed, there were still 25 others left. And here, Titan, a teenager, was almost ready to go.

[Stand down and wait for the Master Jedi to join us! I knew he wasn't a regular guy, but this is...]

Luke Mitchell gives orders but looks at the large monitor shining across the deck of the Enterprise with a look of nonsense.

Goliaths have only surrounded Siegyuk, who has maintained a certain distance once ordered. No one moves quietly because he knew that if he ran like a goliath, he could be lying on the ground.

“Are you waiting for Titan to take longer to get ready than Goliath? ”

Suhyuk glanced around with a slight smile.

He's already figured out how much power the Neo Enterprise has.

That's why he knew exactly where the Master Jedi were and the fifth generation Titans called T-Raptors were to be boarded.

“But... there's no reason for me to wait for that."

Su-hyuk disappeared once again, terrified of finishing the sentence.


The place where Sarijin Suhyuk reappeared was among the Goliaths.


Soohyuk, who dug between the goliaths using the Shadow Movement again, literally began to run around with a flame in one hand and a whitewash in the other.

The Goliaths tried to evade or defend quickly, but Soohyuk was certainly faster than them.

Guava light!

The siege collapsed quickly.

[Fire in the hole! Stop him at all costs!]

As the situation escalated, Luke Mitchell had no choice but to authorize the shooting. I didn't think a night of that skill would die so easily, and I couldn't help but think it would be dangerous for the Neo Enterprise to catch him if I did.

But authorizing the Goliaths to shoot didn't make a difference.

Dwight, Tadadadang!

Suhyuk stopped the demons that Goliaths poured out by lightly turning a hundred thousand rounds. Then he moves again like a flash and halves the other goliath.

Guava light!

Literally slaughtering Goliaths (23648; 25134;) I discard Soohyuk. He looked like a large lake leaping into a flock.

In an instant, 10 additional goliaths were crushed, but now more goliaths were lying on the ground than were left.

And that's when!

The Master Jedi on the T-Raptor are finally on deck.

< [Chapter 99] Fox Hunting? No, Eagle Hunt! (2) > The End


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