Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 100] Retribution (Year 33210; Year 25074;) (1) >

@ Retribution.

Yippee, yippee!

T-Raptor was, of course, the fifth generation of Titan, handcrafted by the United States using the design and key components that Soohyuk handed over. Since Suhyuk only handed over the basic blueprints, the United States filled in various factors that determine Titan's characteristics.

T-Raptors were typical American-style Titans.

External gloves that are as thin and defensive as possible, made with armored and compression technology. It was the American style to keep this balance as much as possible.

China liked to maximize mobility rather than maximizing armor, as much as possible, while increasing armor and thickening armor.

Of course, they all made different versions of Titan, so there were different forms of Titan in each country, but there was always a preferred style.

After all, the T-Raptor was a well-balanced Titan. With the exception of what the Eunuch made, it was powerful enough to fit within three fingers of almost any existing Titan.

And the master Jedi controlling it were all knights of the highest class. Of course, their skills were above a certain level.

The remaining fifteen goliaths seemed to have stabilized as the T-Raptor 10 appeared.

[Opponent is not on board Titan either! Smash him before he pulls Titan out!]

Luke Mitchell was in a different state of excitement.

I had no choice but to be angry and irritated by the destruction of the Goliath boasts of the United States to the Knights who did not board Titan.

But he believed that the situation would be cleaned up as long as the T-Raptors and Master Jedi were on the move.

[Do not ignore the opponent as if he is not on board Titan. I authorize you to use all weapons. Take him down hard!]

Luke Mitchell did not make one mistake or two. He knew how foolish it was to limit the use of weapons against Suhyuk.

[Aircraft 5 through 10, use machine guns to limit his movements, and Aircraft 3 and 4, prepare to capture him alive with an Adamantium electric net. And me and Chopper Two are gonna hit him ourselves!]

Chris Young, America's greatest knight leading master Jedi, was aboard the T-Raptor 1.

Called Captain America, he was a superhero knight, and this team of master Jedi he led was, in fact, the most powerful knights in the United States.


The first and second planes on which Chris Young was riding rushed towards Soohyuk simultaneously, pulling out the high-frequency vibration dimensional dagger.

And as Chris Young instructed, the rest of the T-Raptors fired machine guns and completely blocked Soohyuk's movements.

The attack by the Master Jedi seems impeccable. After blocking the retreat with shell casings and preparing for capture, there seems to be no way for Soohyuk to avoid this attack now that two T-Raptors have run directly to catch Soohyuk.

Even the goliaths who had been defeated here until now seemed to be in even more trouble because they quickly surrounded Suhyuk. But these were all the things I felt when I saw them on the American side.

Suhyuk's expression was so relaxed that he was in the position of being attacked.


He looks up at the two T-Raptors rushing towards him, raising a whitewash.


Suhyuk mutters briefly, rather moving toward two Titans rushing towards him.


Immediately, two T-Raptors and Suhyuk intertwined and flashed. It doesn't make sense to take this attack without boarding Titan, but it doesn't make sense to Suhyuk anyway.

Suhyuk lightly removed the high-frequency pulsation dimensional dagger wielded by two T-Raptors and somehow escaped the siege.

[Hurry! Restrict his movements with the Adamantium electric net!]

Chris Young was greatly perplexed by Suhyuk's tremendous movements, but he gave the best orders under the circumstances.

Aircraft 3 and 4 threw the Adamantium electric net in the direction of Suhyuk's movement, and from aircraft 5 to 10, which were making up the shell, moved the firearm to create a new shell that prevented the escape of Suhyuk.

However, Suhyuk pierced all of this with just three knives.

* gasp, gasp * Too much light!

It was so easy to get out that it looked like a lie.

Suhyuk was not satisfied that he had just broken through the siege. As he made his way through the siege, he changed the umbrella in his hand back into a bracelet and pulled the Inferno out of his four-dimensional bag.

Then, I turned my body lightly and stopped.


Suhyuk, standing in a shooting position with an Inferno, mutters and pulls the trigger.


A single shot from Inferno shot through the waist of the T-Raptor 8, skipping everything in an instant, as if it were a teleportation.

Quadruple! Quadruple!

It was an incredibly short moment to use the word, but Suhyuk put all his strength into this one foot, and the Jedi could not react at all.

One shot penetrated Titan's central nervous system. This was not a coincidence, but a shot by Soohyuk.

Kuku Kung!

Aircraft 8 was destroyed by the central nervous system and became incapable of using both legs.

In less than a minute, T-Raptor was beaten by Soohyuk. This made Luke Mitchell even more nervous.

[What are you doing! Get him now! No, you can just kill him, so hit him with all your might!]

He thought it might be better to kill him if he couldn't have it. Especially when I tried to have it like now, but when I realized that I could get hurt, I had to think more and more.

In fact, the Jedi began to think that they might be beaten as well.

All Master Kang Hyuk. He was a much more monstrous figure than they thought.

[Unlock all limits! Attack the enemy with all your might from now on. Don't think about catching him alive, just think about taking him down!]

Chris Young gave orders to all the Jedi and cleared his mind of what was left in his head.

He thought that if all the remaining Goliaths, as well as the T-Raptors, could take down the all-master downhill.

But that's when he thought about it.

The creature that will push them into the muck of despair falls down onto the deck of the Neo Enterprise.

Heave-ho, heave-ho!

Soohyuk disappeared from his place as it fell. Normal people needed at least five minutes to get on the night and get it moving.

That's why Luke Mitchell thought he could stop Suhyuk from boarding Titan. But their thoughts were meaningless in front of Soohyuk.

Soohyuk boarded the ‘Crow Zero' lightly through a shadow move and moved Crow Zero at the same time as he boarded.

All of this was possible because of Soohyuk.

Wheeing, quadruck!

The T-Raptor was fairly large in Titan, and Crowe Zero had two heads bigger than the T-Raptor. Then Crowe Zero lightly reached out and smashed the head of a goliath beside him.

- All functions are nominal.

Yan quickly reports Crow Zero's condition, and Soohyuk nods lightly and looks around.

“Now, let's show them what a wall they can't actually cross. ”


As soon as Suhyuk's thoughts were conveyed to Crow Zero, Crowe Zero began to move at such a rapid rate that a huge size did not fit at all.


Immediately, Crowe Zero dug between the goliaths and stretched his arms out to the side. Then two hyperflames appeared in Crowe Zero's hands.


Guaguava overload!

As the HyperFlame breathes fire, goliaths near Crowe Zero explode and collapse. Eight of the fourteen remaining goliaths collapsed without any response.


At that moment, the T-Raptors regained their senses and poured all their firepower into Crowe Zero. In particular, large quantities of small missiles poured from around the shoulders of the T-Raptor were incredibly destructive.

The small missile's name was the 'laser’ and it was literally powerful enough to wipe out its target.

If it was meant to be captured alive, it would never have been a weapon, but now it was not a problem for the Jedi to use the laser openly.

- 36 missiles detected. Enable Multi-Targeting Mode?

“No, I don't need it. ”

Whitrick, Tadada-da-da-da-da-da-da!

Systems such as Multi-Targeted Mode have become meaningless to Suhyuk already. The Suhyuk Eye itself was much better than the multitarget mode.

Suhyuk fired a hyperflame and shot 36 lasers out of the air.

Cuban fruit overload!

Immediately, a violent storm erupted between Crowe Zero and the T-Raptors, and the aftermath shook all the way to the massive Neo Enterprise. Thanks to this, the T-Raptors and Goliaths had to shake their balance slightly.

However, Crowe Zero did not waver at all. Rather, Crowe Zero was moving faster at this moment.


Damon Slayer was captured in Crowe Zero's hands recently. And Crowe Zero flickered like a flash and blew off another T-Raptor's two legs.



Crow Zero, literally severed both legs with a daemon slayer. The Jedi, who were watching, felt like their skulls were falling apart.

They tried to stop Soohyuk at all costs.

But their defenses and evasion were meaningless.

Quadruple, quadruple!

Both legs fly away... and the head and arms are cut off...... and the T-Raptors begin to organize in an instant.

I tried to block the daemon slayer with the high-frequency pulsating dimensional dagger, but the daemon slayer, along with it, severed the body of the T-Raptor.

At least, Suhyuk was enduring a lot.

Normally, I just wanted to cut all the Jedi that were on board, but the Jedi were spared for a number of reasons.

But it literally only saved their lives, and I didn't care about their fatal injuries.

Suhyuk and Crowe Zero, who completely slaughtered 10 T-Raptors and 45 Goliaths.

Everyone who was watching was genuinely bored. No, I was not bored, but I was terrified and couldn't say anything and stood still.

Just one, and one.

Suhyuk was able to completely disable the enormous neo enterprise ship, which alone has almost national power.

< [Chapter 100] Retribution (Year 33210; Year 25074;) (1) > End


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