Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 105] Moonlight Knights (1) >

Knights of the Moonlight.

“A weak but abnormal energy response has been detected in Indonesia. ”

The Silver Book, which used the perforations to explore the whole world, found a strange reaction. Although it was a mild reaction, I told Soohyuk right away because I noticed an energy pattern that I had never seen before.

“Let's pinpoint the exact location and head straight for it. Oh, and I need you to focus the perforations on that, so I can do a more precise search. ”

As soon as something was discovered, Suhyuk activated the hyper-flight mode and immediately moved the Destroyer.

The destroyer near Alessica arrived in Indonesia in less than 15 minutes.

During that 15 minutes, the galaxy used the perforations to precisely explore the areas where abnormal energy reactions occurred.

“Abnormal energy reactions have been detected, but the precise search for perforations has failed. Something... seems to be interfering with the search for perforated castles. ”

“Does that mean we have to do our own search? ”

“Yeah, I think we should. ”

“Then I'll go down myself. ”

“Go by yourself? ”

“I think it's best if I go there myself because I don't know what's going on. And I can go down easier than anyone else. ”

“Well, that's true. Then this side should be ready for battle. Call for reinforcements anytime. ”

“Got it.”


Soohyuk got up from the captain's seat and went out to the first deck of the Destroyer.

Others had a hard time falling 30,000 feet, but Suhyuk was able to fall 30,000 feet and 40,000 feet without hesitation.

Suhyuk didn't even need falling gear.

“Eunuch, you don't have to get too close. I'll take care of it. ”

[All right. I'll be waiting right here.]

The silver stopped the Destroyer about 10 kilometers from where the anomalous energy reaction was taking place. Since the altitude of the Destroyer was about 35,000 feet, no one could notice the existence of the Destroyer.

Popot, Gooooooooo.

Suhyuk jumped from the Destroyer and jumped straight forward, gliding 30,000 feet.

‘Jan, give me a proper drop point. ’

- Yes, sir.

Yan quickly marked Suhyuk's view with the quickest, safest drop point.

The purpose of Suhyuk was to search, not to surprise, so naturally, the drop point was a secret and safe place.


Soohyuk landed very quietly on the drop point. Since Suhyuk had the ability to control the fall rate at once, it was not that difficult to land lightly like this.

“Hmm... I definitely feel a different power. ”

Soohyuk nods, looking quietly at the unfamiliar power that he feels nearby, landing on the right spot.

- Should I do a thorough analysis?

“No, you don't have to. I guess I'll just have to meet these Power Masters and find out for myself. ”

Soohyuk slowly walked forward. He intended to sneak a peek at what they were up to here.

In the past, all of Suhyuk's secret mobility skills were combined into one transcendent technology called "Shadow Walking."

Soohyuk uses this technique to walk through the shadows and into the target area in a very secret way.

The closer you get to the target point, the greater the unknown power becomes. And it was certainly shaking the energy around it.

Even with Hidden Movement Skills that are excellent at walking the shadow of Suhyuk, getting too close could be dangerous. That's why Suhyuk stopped at a reasonable distance.

‘This should be good. ’

Suhyuk stopped at the right place and clearly soaked in the shadow, then used another transcendent technique, 'Piercing.’

It was a transcendent skill that Su-hyuk's various search skills were combined into one.

It was quite a long way from the target point, but using this piercing, Soohyuk could easily see what he wanted to see.

There was an anomalous energy reaction.

There, too, was Soohyuk as expected.

But their appearance was more unusual than I expected.

There was a large red pillar on the ground and several humans (?) were slowly pushing it into the ground.

However, the creature who was pushing it was surprisingly a monster.

Is that the monster I know? I feel different...... ’

But the monster doesn't seem like a normal monster.

If ordinary dimensional monsters literally just felt like a monster with strong powers, then the monster that was crashing the red pillar into the ground felt surprisingly human.

In fact, other humans and monsters around him were communicating with each other.

Is that really the monster I know? ’

The only monsters Suhyuk knew were monsters with destructive instincts. However, the beast in front of you was never in that mood.

- I don't think he's just an ordinary dimensional monster.

‘So...... something is definitely different. ’

- Energy patterns are different from normal monsters. It's much more stable and calm. It feels like something refined.

"Stable... So they can handle monsters systematically?" ’

- Most likely.

‘I mean, it must have pushed the monsters into a gap in the dimension to shake our dimension. ’

In fact, they could control the beast if they even thought about it.

What's with the red pillar? Why are they hitting the ground? ’

- Let's analyze the energy patterns on the red pillar a little more.

‘Okay. I'm just going to have to take a closer look at them. ’

During Yann's careful analysis of the energy patterns, he took a closer look at the Suhyukdo monster and the humans who are helping him.

How long has it been?

Jan finished a thorough analysis and Soohyuk was able to find a new fact.

- Maybe that red pillar is some kind of tactical weapon that can break the current dimension. There's a very high dimensional density underneath where they're putting the columns. That pillar seems to be responsible for scattering those high-density dimensions.

‘…… these bastards, did you intend to stick them in and shake the frame of the dimension itself? ’

- Yeah, I think so.

How long do we have? ’

- We don't have much time. We should be done in five minutes.

‘Hmm... I can't help it. ’

The only thing Su-hyuk could do in this situation was stop those who were in front of him.

‘And those guys... are all the same. ’

- Yeah, what's that supposed to mean?

‘They're all the same. Humans and monsters feel the same. ’

- Then it can't be...

‘We'll know for sure in a little while. ’

Soohyuk nodded and slowly got up.

Finish with a 'fast bind'. ’

Soohyuk counted the number of enemies in front of him.

Five of them, including one monster.

One of them looks pretty powerful, but at least he didn't have a transcendent, so he should be able to clean up quickly enough on his own.

Soohyuk, who was looking at the front calmly, did not hesitate to move his shadow and dug in quickly.


The moment Soohyuk suddenly appeared. No, the moonlight knights retreated in shock.

If we compare the level of Moonlight Knights here to the dimensional level that Soohyuk possesses, we can say that the level is approximately 47-49 dimensions.

Of course, they were much more powerful than superheroic knights, and if eternal life continued to build up, they could become transcendents.

“What the hell! ”

They quickly became combat-ready and surrounded Suhyuk.

Particularly the fastest response was the unidentified monster. The beast, which was about 1.5 times larger than the average Titan, moved surprisingly fast and blocked Suhyuk's retreat with its enormous size.


He had a big horn that looked like a bear, and it was constantly blazing.

“You can stick this anywhere. With whose permission are you doing this? ”

Suhyuk shook his head as if he didn't care about the reaction of the Moonlight Knights.

“Bellow, I think you're crazy. Just get rid of him." ”

The Moonlight Knights stared at Suhyuk and gave the order to remove the beast right next to him.

They judged Suhyuk as the Knight of the Mad Earth. Of course, those who had to finish work a little early were best to get rid of Soohyuk quickly and finish the job.


As soon as he heard the command, a beast resembling a bear rushed towards Soohyuk. He swings his forefoot ferociously as if he were halving Soohyuk's body right now.

But that's the moment.

A beam of light wraps around the beast's body.

Twinkle, whirlylick!

The light that wrapped around the beast split the beast's body into its final light.

Quadruple, blah, blah!

A beast that resembles a bear called Bellow literally did nothing and collapsed into 74 pieces.

Guava light!

It happened so fast that even the Moonlight Knights could not immediately sense what was happening.

“W-Wait, back off! ”

The first thing to come to my senses was 16 trillion chapters leading the Moonlight Knights here. He shouts out in a loud voice and quickly retreats back, just moments before Bellow explodes.

Guaguava overload!

Specifically, the golden sword shredded Bellow's body was a secondary explosion, but the important thing was that the explosion could become a handful of meat like Bellow.

For the Moonlight Knights, it was fortunate that no one was caught up in the explosion by the three other Moonlight Knights as well as the roar.

“Tsk, that's too bad. ”

Suhyuk felt sorry for trying to wipe out all five of them in one shot using a golden sword, or a saber of destruction. But Soohyuk also knew that it was hard to finish them all in this single shot.

“The opponent is strong! All hands, open your cores! ”

The user notices how powerful the target is with just one single attack.

Is that why?

He does not hesitate to order the core to open.

Opens the core of the Moonlight Knights.

No, this core opening, commonly used by the talents of the Emotional Project called 'Emotional Knight' …… meant this.

Tsuztsu tsu tsu tsu tsu tsu tsu!

With the core opening, all four Moonlight Knights abandoned their original human form and began to change into a completely new one.


Surprisingly, they all became monsters.

Core opening, what it meant was human necrosis.

< [105] Moonlight Knights (1) > End


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