Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 105] Moonlight Knights (2) >

Monsternization was a special ability possessed by hair loss. Originally, the most crucial force in approaching the area of immortality was highly advanced genetic engineering.

Emotional Knights have gained a ridiculous lifespan through the power of genetic engineering, and a new lifespan through its ridiculous lifespan has uncovered the possibility of eternal life.

I made a ridiculous attempt to capture the replication dimension for it, and it succeeded. In the process, the power of Emotional Knights continued to grow, and to date, it has become a considerable power in terms of the Great Dimension.

Especially the first Immortals, called ⁄ ⁄ , were almost at the height of the Ascendant, past the height of the Transcendant.

Of course, it was not yet transcended the ascension level, but it seemed that if we continued to build our strength by occupying the replication dimension, we would be able to transcend the ascension level faster than we thought.

After all, the most fundamental ability of all hair loss was "monstrosity."

In fact, dimensional monsters were those that lost their human nature during the monster process and remained monsters forever without being able to return to their human form.

Emotions have been continuously producing emollient knights at this moment, and in the process, many humans have lost their human form and become monsters.

If hair loss occupied the Suhyuk dimension as planned, it was clear that many who survived would be reborn as the limb of the hair loss. In this way, the emollions obtained dimensional monsters that would invade the next dimension at the current occupation.

Creatures that can be monstrous through monstrosity.

They were emollient knights and monsters, of course, were very powerful.


A beast that looks like a giant bison walking on two feet leans forward with three horns on its head and lunges for Soohyuk.

Suhyuk looked at the enemies turning into monsters and said that everything finally made sense. He had never known what the source of the power of emollient knights was, but the moment he saw it, he could clearly see it.

‘Monster...... Eventually, all the hair loss had the power of a monster. ’

Suhyuk nods slightly and raises the daemon slayer in his hand forward.

Guaguava! Glug glug!

Suhyuk lightly stops the beast from rushing in like a bison, rather than bouncing it back.

Then again, the saber of destruction was triggered.

Glitter! Vyriric!

The Blade of Destruction wields a beast that resembles the wart on the right.


At that moment, the beast that resembles the wart roars and splits into 74 pieces again.

A sword that could not be avoided, but could not be stopped.

The remaining three monsters instinctively realized that the situation was very serious.

Monsternizable and humanizable emollient knights made of free materials had reason to be possessed by humans, even if they turned into monsters. That's why they could feel enough about the situation.

But the fact that they felt the situation was so serious didn't make a difference. I had to get rid of the human in front of me somehow, now that I couldn't escape anyway.

No matter how much power they had through the monstrosity, even the Moonlight Knights could not overcome the transcendent succession.

In the beginning, the difference between the Moonlight Knights and Suhyuk was so great that Suhyuk defeated the monsters with little difficulty.

Suhyuk cut down the remaining three monsters with only four strokes of his sword. The moonlight knights were suddenly struck by lightning, but after all, they became a handful of blood without even exerting their abilities.

Soohyuk got rid of the Moonlight Knights very neatly. However, I did not like the expression of static hydrostatic power.

‘... is stronger than I thought. This is too much for the Knights of Earth right now. ’

Soohyuk's expression was dark because the Moonlight Knights were higher than he thought.

‘They were just ordinary emotal knights.... ’

It was good to know the source of power they had, but it seemed objectively lacking a lot of Earth's knights once I learned the source of power they had.

In the meantime, wouldn't it be better if we reduced the gap?

‘No, this is not the kind of gap that's going to narrow down. Rather, it might be worth a try if Mado Engineering were so much more advanced that it would produce seventh generation Titans. But that's impossible. ’

No matter how hard the Eunuch tried, it could never produce the seventh generation of Titan in its current dimension. Even more than seven generations of silver, Titan has only made one Crow Red, which was a very difficult task.

‘Before the ceremony starts, I have to find something to do. ’

Soohyuk felt that he really couldn't stop anything like this.

‘Ah! And this red pillar... We have to stop this too. ’

There was too much to stop. If I didn't stop the red pillar, my diet could open faster.

“Phew, I knew it wouldn't be easy, but it's harder than I thought. ”

Suhyuk mutters a small amount and puts the daemon slayer into the subspace.

“Silver Book, come and collect the bodies of the monsters and this red pillar. ”

[Huh? What, you already finished it?]

“I was in a bit of a hurry. ”

[I knew this would happen.]

Eunhyuk had been anticipating this situation since Suhyuk went out alone. She was the person who knew Soohyuk better than anyone.

Other colleagues of the Hell Raid team didn't really know how strong Soohyuk was, but they knew how strong Soohyuk was, roughly as silver.

She also knew why Suhyuk prefers to move alone rather than as a team, so she was able to anticipate this situation well.

* * *

Recognizing that the Moonlight Knights were trying to shake the dimensional framework through the perforations, Soohyuk began to move in earnest to stop their perforations.

Of course, Suhyuk didn't know that this was called a perforation operation and only knew that it was necessary to prevent the red pillar from hitting the ground, but it was the same.

Unfortunately, the only thing that can stop the perforations is Soohyuk. As the knights stepped forward, the red pillars were lodged in columns and the knights were more likely to be eliminated by the knights.

Therefore, Suhyuk was forced to move to prevent the perforation work by himself. Of course, Hel's colleagues did everything they could to help, but the lack of hands was inevitable.

If we find an anomalous energy response by mobilizing all of the perforations, the Destroyer went straight there, and Soohyuk was immediately charged with the movement.

Suhyuk eliminated two more moonlight knights like that.

Of course, all the red pillars they tried to stake were also collected. However, it was harder to stop the perforation than I thought, because it was not easy to find an abnormal energy response by itself.

It wasn't hard to deal with the Moonlight Knights who became monsters to Suhyuk, but it was really hard to find those Moonlight Knights.

After the situation continued, Suhyuk decided that he could never stop them like this. So he started approaching this from a completely different perspective.

“So you're saying we need to find the root and end it, not the branch? ”

Hye, who was listening to Suhyuk's explanation, asked as if to confirm once again.

“Yes, I don't think it means anything to keep getting rid of the only ones left. We need to find their roots... and get rid of them. That way they don't get what they want. ”

“But how do you find those roots? Now you can't even find the branches, so you're wandering around. ”

Jae Gal-hoon, who was sitting next to Hyeri, tilted his head. As he pointed out, even the moonlight knights corresponding to the branches were not finding them right now.

“Of course not in the usual way. But it's not like there's no other way. ”

“Is there a way? ”

“Put a drop on the cat's neck. ”

Suhyuk looked around his colleagues and suggested one of the simplest but surest ways.

“Putting a drop on a cat's neck... Are you sure you want to go after the enemies? Is it possible to track them? ”

She tilted her head and asked with a slight look of understanding.

“The silver letter has decided to solve the technical problem. All that's left is dropping. Of course, I'm going to ring the bell. ”

Suhyuk had already finished talking about the silver letter and this part. The silver had already been working day and night to make the droplets perfect.

“If you don't succeed at once, you'll never try again. ”

“Yes, so you have to succeed at once. ”

“So what do we do? ”

He knew that the most difficult and important thing was that Soohyuk had to do. That's why he was going to put everything he could into it.

“I think I need your help with the roots. As I expected…… they must have a Dimensional Warship. That means we must inevitably attack their battleship with the Destroyer. Then I'll need your help no matter what. ”

To use more than 100% of the power of the Destroyer, I naturally needed the help of colleagues from the Hell Raid team.

Suhyuk expected that there would be more than one dimensional warship, so there would be a battle.

“Okay. Then we'll be ready for anything. ”

An approximate operational skull appears.

Eunuchs make cat droplets and Suhyuk fills the knights' necks with moonlight. And when we find their roots through the moonlight knights, we ambush them directly with the Destroyer.

This was the basic overview of previous operations.

The words seemed very simple, but in reality they were not that simple.

Once a silver letter was made into a perfect cat droplet, it wasn't easy for them to notice, and it wasn't easy for them to hang onto their necks.

Seeking out their roots wasn't that hard, but the important thing was that the raid wasn't a guarantee of victory.

However, even though these processes were difficult, this operation was inevitably a success. Only then could we delay the equation (+34645;) as much as possible, and only then could we gather a little force against the hair loss.

The silver coin completed the cat droplet with all its strength.

She excluded everything else and focused solely on one thing: the "covert signal."

All other functions were not required. It just needed to periodically emit a signal that could be captured weakly. The rest could be filled externally.

Focusing on the ‘secret signal’, one drop smaller than a rice egg was completed. The size was very small, but the money and care that went into it was enough to make a mess of Titan.

Suhyuk picked up the finished drop and waited for the enemy to appear. It was very difficult to drop a drop on the cat's neck so that it wouldn't even notice the cat, but Soohyuk was confident.

If the drops could be perfectly placed, all that was left was a struggle with them.

< [Chapter 105] Moonlight Knights (2) > End


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