Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 106] Moonlight v Destroyer (1) >

@ Moonlight vs. Destroyer.

It was very difficult to put a drop on the cat's neck. It was even harder to secretly drop drops without the cat noticing.

However, Su-hyuk quickly completed this difficult task.

The Moonlight Knights had no idea that Soohyuk had put bubbles on them. They finished the drilling as usual, returned to Moonlight, and in the process, of course, exposed their trail equally.

The silver was relentlessly tracking the faint signals coming from the droplets, and eventually it was able to locate the Moonlight.

We've lowered the signal's intensity as much as possible for stealth, so we've tracked it with as much as 40 perforations as possible to track it.

Moonlight was surprisingly hidden deep in the Pacific Ocean. The current location of the Destroyer was in the Pacific, but they were in the same place and they were nowhere to be found.

Of course, we haven't been able to determine the exact identity of the enemy. Suhyuk was expecting a roughly dimensional warship, but he had to approach it more carefully because he did not confirm it.

“Is that possible?"

“It's theoretically possible...... but I don't think we should try to figure out the right thing. ”

“Hmm, okay. Then let's try it. Instead, we have to eliminate and make all kinds of Mana energy. ”

Suhyuk asked Eun to help him to better understand his enemy's identity, and as always, she received a request to help him find the right answer.

“Just wait a few hours. It takes time to convert a cosmic perforation into a deep-sea perforation, just like you wanted. Especially when you have to put in another power source, except for something like Manastone... It will take at least 4 hours. ”

“Got it.”

The answer from the Silver Book was to explore the deep sea using a perforated castle. The perforations were basically made for space, but they could be used for deep sea use with a few modifications.

Using it, she proposed a deep-sea expedition and Suhyuk accepted it.

“I'm only going to put in two functions. Sound detection and remote projection imaging. These two should be enough, right? ”

“Yeah, I'm pretty sure I know where they're hiding, but if I can figure it out, that's enough. I'm thinking about something... I'm just trying to make sure it's right. ”

“Okay, then I'll make it right away. ”

After finishing the discussion with Soohyuk, the silver book immediately began to build a perforated castle for the deep sea. She captured exactly what Soohyuk wanted, as always.

She turned the cosmic perforation into a deep-sea perforation in just four hours, as she said.

Suhyuk intended to use this deep sea perforation to determine the identity of the enemy. Of course, the simplest thing was to confirm the identity of Suhyuk directly, but if there was a transcendent among the enemies, it could be revealed.

Therefore, at this time, it was safest to use the deep sea perforations made by pure science that do not emit any energy wavelengths.

Suhyuk wanted to make sure that it wasn't a dimensional warship that sank under the deep sea anyway, so a simple machine was enough.


The deep sea perforation where the silver book was completed in 4 hours helped explore the situation much better than I thought.

“A little further down is the point area we're looking to explore. ”

The Eunuch provided direct control of the deep sea perforations and relayed the situation directly to Soohyuk.

“Careful. Even if they don't emit any energy waves, they're unpredictable. So let's just do a rough outline as far away as we can so we can avoid being spotted. ”

Soohyuk stood by the silver book and quietly waited for the search results. As soon as he confirmed that the warship was at the bottom of the deep sea, he was ready to set out.

“Got it.”

Eunhyuk nodded at Suhyuk's words and manipulated the lever very carefully.

“Arrive as far as sonic detection is possible. Widespread Sound Detection on! ”

When the sonic detection function was activated, the screen the Eunuch was watching slowly began to reveal the geography of the region and the contours of 'something' expected to be there.

“Wide range sound detected. This……. ”

After completing the sonic detection, Silver looked surprised at the screen.

The reason she made this face was because of the contours of something that appeared on the screen.

“As expected, the dimensional warship was right. ”

I only checked the approximate contour, but that alone was enough to determine who the other was.

“It's about as big as a Destroyer. If we're going to get something more accurate, we need to do a long-range projection…… What do we do? ”

“Put her on standby for now. I think it's better to wait like this and shoot later than get caught in the crossfire. ”

“Okay, I'll do that. ”

“And open up a network inside the ship and tell everyone to prepare for battle. In two hours, let's finish preparing for battle and attack that battleship immediately. ”

“You're in a hurry, right? ”

“I can't help it. We need to finish this before they get more red pillars in. ”

“Okay. I'll tell them to get ready as soon as they can. ”

Eun-suh nodded and did exactly as Su-hyuk asked.

Meanwhile, Suhyuk returns to the captain's quarters and starts preparing for his own battle.

"Perhaps there is a superior possibility." ’

Suhyuk knew that the dimensional warship sitting at the bottom of the deep sea was a kind of vanguard. And it was very likely that there would be a transcendent among them.

‘The best-case scenario is when I take down the transcendent after a raid has disabled their battleship. ’

No matter how much I thought about it, there was no answer except for this scenario.

If the opposing Pokémon has a certain transcendent, it must be dealt with this way.

If the battle does not defeat the opponent's Dimensional Warship properly, the situation is most likely to escalate as the battle rages into chaos.

‘You have to break this vanguard to have a little hope. ’

The reason Su-hyuk thinks this battle is so important is that if he doesn't win this battle, he just loses all hope.

If we wanted to save the fire of hope, we had to defeat this vanguard and slow down the ceremony.

- You can do this.

Jan also encouraged Su-hyuk boldly because he was well aware of the situation.

“You can do it, or you can do it. ”

Suhyuk nods and mutters.

A very important precedent. Soohyuk thought that he would die if not defeated.

* * *

“Current altitude 38,000 feet. Deceleration engine stop! Stand by for current position. Soohyuk, the enemy has reached the top of his head. ”

The letter stopped the Destroyer at the desired position and then spoke to Soohyuk.

“Is the enemy still on the move? ”

“It's still crouching deeper into the sea. ”

“Is it possible to hit here with an extinct bomb? ”

“It's possible... … but wouldn't it be better to lower your altitude and then put in a good punch with the Dragon Bress? ”

“The problem is that dragon breeds take time to gather energy, so they can notice. ”

“Oh, there's that. ”

“An ambush through Dragon Bread won't save an ambush tomb... so it would be better to use the Blast to hit as many of them as possible. ”

“Hmm…… Then, should we change the bomb to a torpedo? ”

“Torpedoes? Oh, that's fresh. Is that possible?"

“I've already built a prototype a long time ago. I can have it ready in 30 minutes. ”

“Eight...... Make me eight. ”

“Okay, I'll have it done in an hour. ”

At Suhyuk's words, the silver letter nodded and stood up. The most important thing in this battle was to see the full effect of the surprise.

If they did not benefit from the raid, the battle could flow into turbulence, and then it was almost defeated.

In exactly 47 minutes, the Silver Book produced eight extinct torpedoes. I was able to make it easier than I thought because it wasn't a particularly difficult technology.

After the landmine was completed, Suhyuk slowly dived into the Pacific after moving the Destroyer to its proper location.

The enemy's location was still being confirmed by the deep sea perforations, so all that was left was to get as close as possible to an enemy's unnoticed distance and then insert eight extinct torpedoes into the Moonlight.

Heh heh heh.

After suppressing all the noise as much as possible, the Destroyer approached the area with moonlight through a very quiet silence.

“Hostiles are in range of flare torpedoes. ”

The Eunuch, which was controlling the Destroyer with focus on the mind, reported to Suhyuk in a small voice.

“Come closer until I tell you to stop. ”

Meanwhile, Suhyuk was trying to open up his senses and feel the energy surge of the enemy.

Suhyuk was going to stop the Destroyer as soon as the enemy's energy pulse felt faint.

Suhyuk thought that was the limit of access for the Destroyer.

The Destroyer moves very slowly forward, seemingly motionless. The silver was focused on controlling the entire nerve.

How far ahead do you think he went?

At that moment, Suhyuk was able to detect a slight wave of energy from the enemy.


Suhyuk immediately stopped the Destroyer.


Of course, the silver that was focusing on the seconds stopped the Destroyer immediately because Suhyuk was afraid of the end of his words.

“What do you think? This... will be enough to ambush us?" ”

“No matter how fast you react at this distance, at least half of it will be correct. ”

Thanks to Suhyuk and Eun-suh's efforts, the Destroyer was able to access the Moonlight to a level that was close to the real limit.

This concludes all preparations for the ambush. All that was left was to succeed the raid.

“Charge the Dragon Breach at the same time as the surprise. I'm gonna shake 'em off with a pound of fire. ”

“Okay, I'll do that. ”

“Let everyone know the attack is about to begin. ”

“I've already sent all my messages. ”

“Okay, then... let's get started. ”

Now that you're all set, all you have to do is pull the trigger.

“Countdown initiated. ”

Soohyuk still spoke boldly with his senses open, and Eunhyuk immediately pressed the countdown start button.

10, 9, 8, 7……… 3, 2, 1, 0!

Fire extinct torpedoes! ”

Pow, pow, pow...!

With Suhyuk's cry, eight imminent torpedoes protruded from the front missile exit of the Destroyer.


Eight shellfish torpedoes cutting through the deep sea at extremely fast speeds. They arrived in front of the target, Moonlight, in a flash. Of course, Moonlight did not stay still.

As soon as the immortalized torpedoes were released, Moonlight clearly reacted. However, the distance was so close and it was an unexpected surprise that no matter how fast I reacted, I could not avoid or stop all eight imminent torpedoes.

Guava, fruit, fruit, fruit.

< [Chapter 106] Moonlight vs Destroyer (1) > End


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