Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 3998: You're just a happy 31

  Chapter 3998 You are just a happy 31

  Hearing Jiujiu’s warm and soft voice, he finally absorbed a hint of warm Xiao Chengcheng, like a drowning man who finally breathed fresh air, his body and soul were redeemed, and he could finally breathe fresh air with big mouthfuls.

   Xiao Chengcheng did not say, Jiujiu was not in a hurry, but waited quietly for Xiao Chengcheng.

for a long time.

  Xiao Chengcheng only spoke.

Xiao Chengcheng's low and hoarse voice became dry and hoarse with the unique metallic magnetic voice, as harsh as fingernails on a blackboard, and the words were obviously sad and helpless, "Jiu Jiu, I broke up with my boyfriend NS."

  Xiao Chengcheng called herself in the middle of the night, and it turned out that He Ze broke up.

  Jiujiu really did not expect that He Ze had already burnt his eyebrows, and even canceled contact with Xiao Chengcheng.

  I just don’t know if He Ze’s head is not working well, or if Xiao Chengcheng forced it too eagerly.

  However, the more He Ze died, the more beneficial it would be for Jiujiu and He Yue. Jiujiu coughed, lowering his voice, and said softly, "Sister Xiao, don't be too sad."

  Xiao Chengcheng gave a chuckle, raised his hand to wipe off the teardrop that fell on his cheek along his cheek, and laughed at himself, "Sad? Why should I be sad?

  What I lose is just a person who doesn't love me, but he is different. What he loses is a woman who truly loves him and can help him. No matter how you look at it, his loss is greater. "

Jiujiu didn't expect that Xiao Chengcheng would comfort herself so much after he came back, and couldn't help but praise, "Sister Xiao, you are right. What you lose is a man who doesn't love you. What he loses is a man who really likes him. Whatever you think of the woman, he has suffered a greater loss, but..."

Jiujiu couldn't help but pause, sighed, and said when Xiao Chengcheng was puzzled, "Sister Xiao, I know I shouldn't say such things, but I can't help seeing you being bullied like this. , Your boyfriend, I'm afraid he is a scumbag."

  Xiao Chengcheng, "..."

  Although I had a hunch in my heart, Xiao Chengcheng's face was still a little ugly when Jiujiu said it straightforwardly. After moving his lips, he said, "What do you mean by this?"

"Sister Xiao, I know you don’t want to think deeply about your previous feelings, but you never thought about it. If a person really likes you, how could you be willing to make you sad? What's more, he still does this. I think of him. I can’t help but feel cold, Sister Xiao, I feel worthless for you."

  Xiao Chengcheng’s original three-point sadness was full of seven points as Jiujiu said, her complexion changed a few times, and finally returned to coldness, her lips moved, and she said, "What do you mean, he didn't like me?"

  He Ze was ruthless when he broke up, Xiao Chengcheng had some speculations in his heart, but these words were directly spoken by Jiujiu, which was a bit too hurtful.

Jiujiu sighed softly, "Sister Xiao, you and I are good sisters. I really treat you as my sister. If ordinary people ask me this, I will say yes, but if it is you, I will Will choose to tell the truth, Sister Xiao, you saw how my husband cared about me when we went out last time, you may not have seen my husband, but he is a very cold person, and he doesn’t laugh at anyone on weekdays. , Even me, it is the same.

  However, after I became pregnant, he seemed to be a different person, he sneered at me and asked me about it, and called me and asked about the state of my child every three to five.

  Before marriage, although he took the initiative to propose to me, I always felt that he didn’t love me very much. After marriage, he often said about me because of some of my minor problems. I also felt that he didn’t love me and just wanted to marry a woman and go home.

  But this time I was pregnant, I finally realized that he did not love me, he liked me too much, so he would do so. "

   Jiujiu’s words made Xiao Chengcheng a little dizzy. Xiao Chengcheng couldn’t help asking, “I like you so much that I would do this?”

  Like a person, shouldn’t you do it all the time?

How can    keep thinking about it and make sense?

Jiujiu said, "Yeah, because I like it so much, I hope you can be better, because I like you so much, so I won’t tolerate your minor problems indefinitely. I want to Take you forward together.

Sister Xiao, how much pressure is in the society nowadays, no matter who it is, even you and me, there is a lot of pressure. Sister Xiao, you may not experience it at work, but I have been a full-time housewife at home since I got married, so I can most appreciate that if I don’t go out for a long time, it is easy to get out of touch with society.

  My husband has been working outside. He keeps pace with the times every day, but I stand still, one is constantly improving, the other is not changing at all. Over time, the two of us have no common language.

  Like this thing, it is just as sweet as honey at the beginning, and then it will become a cup of warm water, which is not tepid, and it is maintained by love.

  But the sentiment is limited. When it is consumed, it is really over. My husband is also so strict with me because he is worried about this. In other words, it is because of my own reasons that my husband treats me like this. "

  Jiu Jiu finished speaking, and said very seriously, "Sister Xiao, I think your boyfriend is a scumbag. It's okay to be separated, but you should carefully consider the child."

  Jiu Jiu's phone call sounded a little messy at first, but after Xiao Chengcheng studied Jiujiu's words carefully, she realized that what Jiu Jiu said was so reasonable.

  If people can’t go hand in hand with each other, then one will inevitably be abandoned one by one.

   Jiujiu’s husband looks a bit unkind, but it is his way of expressing love.

  Retroverted and affectionate.

  He Ze’s love is like a piece of candy wrapped in glass ballast. It is as sweet as honey when you first taste it. When you think about it again, it will be scratched and scarred by the glass ballast wrapped inside.

  In the end, what else can you leave besides endless blood?

  Xiao Chengcheng hummed and said softly, "According to you, do you want me to kill the child?"

  Jiujiu asked Xiao Chengcheng to consider her child carefully because she was afraid that Xiao Chengcheng would dislike the child because of He Ze, but listening to Xiao Chengcheng’s tone, it was obviously not because He Ze disliked the child.

Seeing that Xiao Chengcheng would be wrong, Jiujiu quickly explained, "Sister Xiao, you want something wrong. I didn’t mean that. I didn’t tell you to give up your child. I mean, your child’s father is irresponsible. People, I hope you think about it, whether you yourself have opinions on your children because of those negative emotions.

  If Sister Xiao can handle this well, I still support you in giving birth. "

  Jiujiu finished saying, added, “Sister Xiao, don’t worry, no matter who your child’s father is, for me, the child’s mother is you, and I will be a good aunt for the child.”

  (End of this chapter)

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