Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 3999: You're just a happy 32

  Chapter 3999 You are just a happy 32

  Jiujiu’s words are like a piece of sweet candy, giving Xiao Chengcheng a bit of sweetness to his bitter heart for a long time.

  Xiao Chengcheng couldn’t help but cocked the corners of her mouth. After humming, she said, “Just your sweet mouth. Are you free tomorrow? I want to see you.”

  The pain of losing a relationship is like a needle. It may not hurt so much when stuck on the body, but it always hurts.

  Xiao Chengcheng is getting better now, and maybe it will be bad in the future, so Jiujiu decided to accompany Xiao Chengcheng to help her relieve her depression.

  After all, she still likes Xiao Chengcheng, the royal sister.

hang up the phone.

As soon as    Jiujiu raised her head, she ran into He Yue's witty eyes.

   Jiujiu blinked, "What are you looking at, haven't you seen a beautiful woman?"

  He Yue chuckled, "I have seen a beautiful woman, I have never seen such a thick-skinned beautiful woman."

  Obviously, the two of them are just a cooperative relationship, and even sleep at night, one person and one bed, except for staying in the same room, there is no ambiguous behavior.

  But by the way, Jiang Jiu’s mouth opened and he uttered so many sweet words. If he were not himself, He Yue would have to doubt whether he was the extremely good husband in Jiang Jiu’s mouth.

  He Yue’s eyes were clearly filled with joking words, as if asking Jiujiu when he was so considerate of her.

   Regarding He Yue’s jokes, Jiujiu turned a blind eye, just saying, “There are tens of thousands of beautiful women in the world, and there can be a few who can be remembered. If you can be remembered with a thick skin, then I am willing to be thick-skinned.”

   Talking nonsense with open eyes, so cheeky, is really rare in the world.

  He Yue couldn't laugh or cry, so he could only raise his hand to admit defeat.

  The next day, Jiujiu went to find Xiao Chengcheng.

  Although he has strong self-adjustment ability, after breaking up, Xiao Chengcheng's condition is still very poor, even with heavy makeup, he can't hide the haggardness under his eyes.

  Looking at Xiao Chengcheng’s red-blooded eyes, Jiu Jiu said angrily, "Sister Xiao, that scumbag hurt you so badly, you can't let him go so easily."

  Xiao Chengcheng's eyes narrowed slightly, a little bit of anger vented in his eyes, but his mouth said, "We have broken up, what can we do if we don't let it go?"

  One night husband and wife Bai Rien, He Ze is still the father of the child in her stomach, He Ze is not good, what good does she have?

   "No way?" Jiujiu exclaimed, "Sister Xiao, are you really going to let him go like this?"

Jiujiu looked at Xiao Chengcheng and said with an injustice, "He took so much advantage of you and made you sad. Now that you know you are pregnant, you still have to break up. This kind of person is inferior to pigs and dogs in our place. Sister Xiao, even if you don't want to retaliate, at least you want him to spit out all the cheapness he swallowed before."

  Jiujiu's words cast a small stone on Xiao Chengcheng's calm heart like a lake, splashing waves of ripples.

  For a long time, Xiao Chengcheng lowered his eyes and said, "I see."

  Jiujiu was right. He Ze was sorry for her and took so much advantage of her. Why should she let it go. Since it won’t matter in the future, she must make He Ze pay the price.

   Let him know, take advantage of the fate of women.

   Perceiving Xiao Chengcheng's changing aura, Jiu Jiu knew that it was useful to instigate countermeasures. He didn't say much about the rest, but just smiled and talked about other things. The atmosphere between the two instantly became cheerful.

  Xiao Chengcheng's uncomfortable depression because of He Ze has also dissipated a lot, and when he returned, there was already a slight smile on his face.

  Xiao Chengcheng's mood improved, and he liked Jiujiu a lot more, so his hatred for He Ze rose to a higher level.

  Xiao Chengcheng is the heir cultivated by the Xiao family. Although she has a love mind when she is in love, when she is not in love, she is a wise woman.

  It couldn’t be easier to deal with someone, someone who has countless handles on him.

  He Ze uses herself to deal with He Yue, so he should make plans that he has a handle in his own hands. Now that the two have torn their faces, this handle will naturally become a weapon for her to attack He Ze.

  An old lover who knew He Ze well came off to clean up He Ze, but He Ze did not have the strength to fight back.

  Xiao Chengcheng understands He Ze’s wish to take charge of the He family. Since he wants revenge, let him lose what he wants most.

  He Ze most wanted to master the He family, so she let him completely miss the He family.

  He Nanshan, the head of the He family, didn’t like He Ze’s son at all. If he knew that He Ze would not hesitate to shoot his brother in order to get the He family, what would He Nanshan look like?

  Xiao Chengcheng directly sent people to He Nanshan who had done tricks to He Yue.

  Xiao Chengcheng touched his slightly convex belly, and smiled and said to He Nanshan, "I take the liberty to come today, and I hope Uncle He will forgive me."

The He family has some business contacts with the Xiao family. If it weren’t for Xiao Chengcheng’s life style to be too harsh and her age to be close to that of Yue’s age, He Nanshan really had the thoughts of bringing the two together. With Xiao Chengcheng's raised belly, He Nanshan's eyes darkened and he smiled lovingly, "Cheng Cheng, you are willing to come to see me as an old man. I'm too happy to be too late. How could I be angry, this one?"

  He Nanshan looked at the man who had been trembling after being thrown in by Xiao Chengcheng's bodyguard, frowning.

  Intuition tells him that this man is not simple.

  Xiao Chengcheng smiled slightly, "Uncle He, don’t you know, I’m pregnant."

  Xiao Chengcheng didn't explain who this man was. Instead, he said that he was pregnant. He Nanshan was taken aback for a while, and he couldn't keep up with Xiao Chengcheng's thinking.

  He Nanshan didn't know what Xiao Chengcheng was going to say, so he didn't follow the accent, waiting for Xiao Chengcheng to continue.

  Xiao Chengcheng touched his belly and said with a smile, “Uncle He may not know that I am carrying He Ze’s child in my belly.”

The calm He Nanshan expression sank instantly, looking at Xiao Chengcheng’s stomach, and then at Xiao Chengcheng. Although Xiao Chengcheng smiled at the corners of his mouth, the corners of his eyes and eyebrows were sharp, obviously not here to tell her about her. The appearance of marrying He Ze.

   He Ze was not happy at first, but at this moment he was even involved with Xiao Chengcheng and even had a child.

  He Nanshan suppressed the unhappiness in his heart, "What on earth do you want to say?"

  Since you are not here to get married, is it possible to come to seek revenge?

  Thinking of this possibility, He Nanshan's anger continued to spread in his eyes.

"He Ze was with me a year ago. When he chased me, he talked sweetly. When he got chased, he told me not to contact him often. Some time ago, after knowing that I was pregnant, he kept asking me to kill this child, even more so. Break up with me because of this." Xiao Chengcheng sighed faintly, and a little bit of resentment and unwilling appeared in his narrow eyes, "I was happy outside when I was young, but I didn't expect to be fooled by He Ze in the end, Uncle He. , I, Xiao Chengcheng, would like to bet and lose, but I can’t stand that hypocrite He Ze stepping on me, so today, even if you resent me, I will expose He Ze’s true face."

  (End of this chapter)

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