Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4000: You're just a happy 33

  Chapter 4000 You are just a happy 33

  Hearing Xiao Chengcheng's words, the man who was pushed in just now shuddered more severely. If he could, he could not wait to turn into a plume of smoke to dissipate in the world.

  Xiao Chengcheng pointed to the man brought in by his own men, and said, "This person is the one who hacked He Yue's car that day."

  Xiao Chengcheng said that with her and He Ze, He Nanshan's heart was not very fluctuating.

  Although he is older and has less resentment towards He Ze for everything he used to, this does not mean that he can tolerate He Ze’s attack on He Yue.

  At this moment, if you don’t understand the purpose of Xiao Chengcheng's trip, He Nanshan will have lived in vain for so many years.

   Seeing He Nanshan's sudden murderous aura, Xiao Chengcheng smiled wildly.

  Even if it was killing one thousand enemies and hurting oneself eight hundred today, she recognized it.

  Jiujiu was right. He Ze made her feel bad, and she made He Ze lose what he wanted most forever.

He Nanshan's eagle eyes stared at Xiao Chengcheng deeply. Even though he knew that Xiao Chengcheng's affairs with He Yue were inseparable, the two had cooperated for many years. Now He Yue has nothing to do, and Xiao Chengcheng still belongs to the He family. Sons and grandchildren, even if he is angry, what about Xiao Chengcheng?

  It’s He Ze...

  He Nanshan lowered his eyes to block the violent anger in his eyes, and when he opened his eyes, the eyes were clouded with clouds and the coming storm was brewing.

  He Nanshan Qiang held back his anger and said, "Thank you, I have something else, please go back."

  Seeing that He Nanshan was not angry at himself, Xiao Chengcheng knew that He Nanshan had tried his best to restrain him, and did not push his nose on his face, and quickly left after nodding.

After Xiao Chengcheng left, He Nanshan's eyes instantly vented a strong anger. The man who was still in the house by Xiao Chengcheng felt that He Nanshan was like a demon stepping towards him step by step in the dark night, surrounded by venom. , The fingers are so stiff that even the lifting motion is very difficult.

  The man moved his body very painfully, looked at He Nanshan with a look of fear, and subconsciously backed away until he hit the sofa.

  He Nanshan step by step, constantly approaching the man.

  The leather shoes collided with the smooth marble floor and made a ‘pop’ sound. As the sound approached, a suspicious water stain appeared between the man’s legs, and a heavy fishery spread in the house.

  He Nanshan stopped, looked down at the man, and spoke slowly, "Let’s talk."

  Simply two words, but it scared the man so that his heart almost jumped out. The man no longer dared to hide it, and said all the things he knew.

  He Nanshan looked down and listened.

   What he didn't expect was that there was actually Wang Yu in it.

  He Ze, this son, He Nanshan has always felt that he is an unfamiliar wolf, but Wang Yu.

  Wang Yu has been by his side for more than 20 years, saying that he is a housekeeper. He has always regarded him as a good friend. He did not expect that he would betray him and even attack He Yue.

  Thinking of his trust in Wang Yu, He Nanshan opened his mouth and showed a sneer.

  One hour later, Wang Yu came to the company from his old house.

  When he saw He Nanshan and He Yue, standing in front of him on the side of Rongruo cliff, two words suddenly appeared in Wang Yu's mind.

  It's over.

  The reaction of the body was more loyal than the reaction of the head, and Wang Yu's legs instantly collapsed to the ground.

   Seeing Wang Yu’s reaction, He Yue smiled lightly, “It seems that Steward Wang already knows why we called you over.”

  Wang Yu felt distressed, knowing that begging for mercy was useless, but thinking of his parents and family, he could only kneel on the ground and plead, hoping that He Nanshan would bypass his family for the sake of his many years of service.

   "I know it's useless for me to say anything else, but I have been in He's for many years. I have no credit and hard work. I also hope that the master can see my loyalty for many years and forgive my family."

  Wang Yu’s back collapsed straight, but his eyes were filled with pleading, “Wang Yu is not sorry for his death, but all this is my fault. My parents and family are innocent.”

  Wang Yu's words caused a moment of movement on the face of He Nanshan.

  He Yue’s heart did not fluctuate for a moment. He turned his wheelchair and came to Wang Yu, with a cold tone, as if there were no emotional machinery, "Wang housekeeper’s family is pitiful and innocent, then I should not be pitiful and innocent?

  I, He Yueming, asked myself, for so many years, I have never treated the steward Wang a single cent. Why did the steward Wang treat me like this?

  Could it be that He Ze gave enough money, but I didn’t give enough? "

  He Yue’s rhetorical question made Wang Yu unable to utter a word.

  He Nanshan's heart was moved because of He Yue's push of the wheelchair instantly as hard as iron.

  Yes, Wang Yu’s parents and family members are human, so isn’t He Yue?

  He Nanshan treats Wang Yu as a family member, but Wang Yu does not hesitate to cooperate with He Ze for such a small profit, and wants to murder He Yue’s life.

  If He Yueming had not survived by a fluke, even if he died, Wang Yu would not have a trace of guilt or sadness in his heart.

  History books are all written by the victors. Now that Wang Yu is caught, he will send out such a heart-wrenching awakening. What if he has not been caught?

  Can kill He Yue before, then will he attack himself in the future?

  Thinking of this, He Nanshan's heart was instantly hard as iron.

  He Nanshan looked down and stopped looking at Wang Yu, and said directly, "Let's call the police."

  Wang Yu raised his head abruptly. After seeing He Nanshan's hard and cold face, he was instantly on the ground. He knew that he was finished.

  Wang Yu was arrested, He Ze was naturally confessed by him.

  He Nanshan only discovered how capable He Ze really is.

  He not only planned He Yue's car accident, but he even bought people who wanted to poison himself.

   Killed his brother and then his father, and then took the position as the last person in the He family.

  He Ze's cruelty makes He Nanshan's teeth cold.

  He Nanshan can no longer persuade himself, He Ze is his own child, and he should forgive his mistakes.

  The child made a small mistake, you can teach him to reform, but what if the child made a fatal big mistake?

  He is killing you, and his bones have been distorted. This kind of child cannot be changed well.

  After Wang Yu was taken away by the police in front of him, He Ze knew that his affairs had been exposed.

   At this moment, He Nanshan brought him to the front. He Ze smashed to death without concealing his unwillingness. He looked straight at He Nanshan, his eyes flickered, where is the look in his father's eyes, but clearly the look in the enemy's eyes.

  He Nanshan's heart is chilled by He Ze's eyes.

   "Why are you doing this?"

  Even though he is dead to this child, He Nanshan still wants to know why He Ze treats himself this way.

He Ze sneered, and said sarcastically, "Why? I want to ask you why on earth? He Yue and I are both your sons. Why should he have everything when I want, and I want everything. Relying on your charity and sympathy, can you tell me why?"

  (End of this chapter)

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