Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4003: Vicious female partner's mother 1

  Chapter 4003 Vicious female partner's mother 1

  Zeng Jiu knew that he couldn't beat Li Cui, so he planned to take Han Xiaoxiao away from this cannibalistic place.

  But the night before leaving, Li Cui came to the door. Before Zeng Jiu spoke, Li Cui stabbed her to death. When Zeng Jiu was confused, he seemed to hear Li Cui say ‘mission completed’.

  Zeng Jiu is like all mothers. Even if they die, they still worry about their children most. Zeng Jiu hopes that Jiu Jiu can keep Han Xiaoxiao.

When    Jiujiu opened her eyes, she was sitting on the sofa in the living room looking at her phone.

  A dialog box appeared on the phone, remarking that the person named ‘baby girl’ just sent a voice.

  Jiujiu clicked on, and there was a crying voice of an immature female voice immediately inside.

   "Mom, Gu Cheng, he likes being caught."

  The moment I heard the crying cavity, Jiujiu's forehead began to beat uncontrollably, and his heart was as painful as if he had been pricked by a needle. This was an instinctive reaction left over from this body.

  This "baby girl" should be the daughter Zeng Jiu asked herself to protect, Han Xiaoxiao.

Zeng Jiu didn’t understand what Li Cui’s phrase "task completed" meant, but Jiu Jiu, who performed countless tasks, was unclear. The phrase "task completed" in Li Cui’s mouth was clearly only the task person would say it. if.

  Li Cui, a mountain village woman who graduated from high school and failed to enter university, has no other source of income other than farming and living on the support of her father.

  It is not easy for her to raise her child, let alone improve herself.

  The change in Li Cui's figure and appearance that Zeng Jiu saw was related to Li Cui's last sentence of ‘mission completed’. This Li Cui is also a system executor.

From Li Cui’s actions to kill Zeng Jiu, it can be seen that Li Cui’s mission should be to kill Zeng Jiu, but from her design to let Han Xiaoxiao'take drugs', it can be seen that Li Cui’s wish must be to destroy Zeng Jiu’s family. Lose everything.

  Li Cui wants Zeng Jiu to lose everything, and Jiu Jiu’s task is to protect Han Xiaoxiao. With such a completely different task, Jiu Jiu and Li Cui must only survive one.

   Jiujiu had a decision in his heart, and after returning a message of ‘come back to me’ to Han Xiaoxiao, he asked a private investigator to investigate the news of Li Cui and Han Youyou.

  Jiujiu never believes in the ‘people don’t offend me, I don’t offend people’. Only ‘preparedness’ can start and end well.

  After explaining everything to the private detective, Han Xiaoxiao returned.

  Han Xiaoxiao's face is eighth similar to Zeng Jiu, but her heroic eyebrows resemble Han Chen, adding a bit of heroic spirit to her watery and tender eyebrows.

Han Xiaoxiao's eyes were red, and even the nose was red. After seeing Jiujiu, the swallow pounced towards Jiujiu like returning home, his hands tightly hugged Jiujiu's arms, and his little head kept on Jiujiu. Jiu rubbed and rubbed his shoulders, and his voice was soft and soft, and he complained in a crying voice, "Mom, you have to help me call the shots."

   Jiujiu raised her hand and touched Han Xiaoxiao’s hairy little head, her voice soft and warm like a hot spring, "Say slowly, don’t worry, what’s wrong with Gu Cheng?"

  Although he knew the entanglement between Gu Cheng and Han Xiaoxiao from Zeng Jiu’s memory, Jiu Jiu pretended to know nothing.

  Mom is a safe haven for children. As long as they are in the arms of their mothers, children can sway their willfulness and pampering recklessly.

   Jiujiu’s warm inquiries made Han Xiaoxiao’s heart hurt by Gu Cheng instantly warmed up.

  Han Xiaoxiao hugged Jiujiu’s arm and choked, “Mom, it’s Gu Cheng. Gu Cheng likes other women.”

Han Xiaoxiao raised his hand and wiped the red eye sockets that had been rubbed by her, but tears were still overflowing, and said in a choked voice, "I didn't have class this afternoon, so I wanted to go to the company to give Gu Cheng a surprise, but I didn't expect me. When I arrived at the company, I saw Gu Cheng hooking up with a woman. I was so angry that I scolded the woman a few words, who knows..."

   Thinking of Gu Cheng's next reaction, Han Xiaoxiao came from it and couldn't help crying.

  It is clear that they are the engaged unmarried couple, but in Gu Cheng's heart, she is not as good as a stranger, which made her swallow this breath.

  Seeing Han Xiaoxiao's sadness, Jiujiu didn't worry, she picked up a handkerchief and wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, while softly relieved, "Don't cry, I feel distressed when you cry."

  Han Xiaoxiao was brought up by Zeng Jiu. The mother and daughter are very emotional. Although Han Xiaoxiao likes Gu Cheng, Han Xiaoxiao prefers this mother who has been with her since childhood.

Hearing Jiujiu said that he was distressed, Han Xiaoxiao immediately stopped crying, hurriedly raised his hand to wipe the teardrops hanging from the corner of her eyes, sniffed, and looked at Jiujiu with a strong smile and said, "Mom, I don't Cry, don't feel bad."

  Seeing Han Xiaoxiao so well-behaved, Jiujiu liked this well-behaved and sensible girl more and more.

  Although pampered, but filial and considerate.

  Jiu Jiu smoothly rubbed Han Xiaoxiao's head, and said with a smile, "I'm still considerate of my family, Xiaoxiao, knowing that she loves her mother, let's talk, what's the matter?"

  Zeng Jiu couldn’t help it when he heard that Gu Cheng hooked up with a female employee and made his daughter sad, and went straight to clean up Han Youyou for Han Xiaoxiao.

  But Jiu Jiu understands the truth of ‘knowing oneself, knowing the enemy, and never ending a battle.’ Even if you want to clean up Han Youyou, you still need to know what kind of person the other party is in order to prescribe the right medicine and hit the hit.

Han Xiaoxiao wiped the tears that overflowed from the corner of his eyes, and suppressed the anger in his heart and said, "Gu Cheng likes other people. I just said a few words about that woman, and Gu Cheng slapped me. and……"

  Han Xiaoxiao wiped away the tears of shame from the corner of her eyes, and her face was unwilling. "I heard from the employees of their company that Gu Cheng not only took care of the woman in the company, but also drove the woman home every night."

  Han Xiaoxiao threw herself into Jiujiu’s arms and was very sad, "Obviously I am his fiancee, but he has never treated me like this..."

  Don't talk about being gentle and considerate, even when they got engaged, the only time the two held hands, Gu Cheng both wore a pair of gloves.

  She thought that Gu Cheng was indifferent by nature, but now it seems that Gu Cheng is not indifferent by nature, but just indifferent to her.

  As soon as he thought of this, Han Xiaoxiao felt sorrowful and could hardly stop it. He wished to rush out and hold Gu Cheng by the collar to question him why he was doing this to her.

  Looking at Han Xiaoxiao's sadness because of these few words, Jiujiu rubbed Han Xiaoxiao's head in distress.

   Although only a few words, Jiujiu can tell that Gu Cheng obviously dislikes Han Xiaoxiao.

  I like a person, and I can’t wait to put this person on the cusp of my heart to study love. How could I be willing to be wronged a little by this person, let alone treat my beloved person like this for another woman.

  (End of this chapter)

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