Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4004: Vicious female partner's mother 2

  Chapter 4004 Vicious female partner's mother 2

  Even without Han Youyou, Han Xiaoxiao's marriage to Gu Cheng would not be happy.

  Instead of letting Han Xiaoxiao continue to entangle with Gu Cheng, it's better to just shoot and break up, and have no contact with each other.

   Jiujiu touched Han Xiaoxiao's furry head, and asked in a warm voice, "Do you like Gu Cheng?"

  Although she was engaged to Gu Cheng, she was suddenly asked by her mother whether she liked Gu Cheng or not. Han Xiaoxiao's face still showed a light crimson uncontrollably.

  After graduating from high school, her family arranged a blind date with Gu Cheng, and later she became engaged to Gu Cheng at the urging of her family.

  When someone is in love, she is very confused when she is in love. If she likes it, it must be there. How can she be engaged to Gu Cheng if she doesn’t like it?

  But if you like how much you like, it is false. The two have known each other for less than a year and get together less and more. How many likes can they have?

  At this moment, when asked by her own mother, Han Xiaoxiao's cheeks swished red, and after a while, she squeaked and said, "Alright, okay~"

   Seeing Han Xiaoxiao hesitating, Jiujiu knew that Han Xiaoxiao didn’t like Gu Cheng much.

  Since there are not many likes, the relationship between the two is much simpler.

   Jiujiu sighed softly, and asked, "Like it means you like it, dislike it means you don’t like it. Fortunately, what does it mean?" "

   Jiujiu’s straightforward choking made Han Xiaoxiao’s cheeks even more red, but she did not continue to squeak, she said softly, “I don’t like it very much, or I am a little unwilling.”

She is the sweet girl of the sky. She has been loved by thousands of people since she was a child. She was engaged to Gu Cheng because everyone said that they are good match, and Gu Cheng is indeed good enough to be worthy of herself, she Will agree to this relationship.

   After getting engaged, she regarded Gu Cheng as her future spouse, but what she never expected was that Gu Cheng would hook up with other women and treat her fiancee like this.

  She is Jin Zhi Yuye, or Gu Cheng’s fiancée. The other party is just an ordinary employee of the company. Gu Cheng treated her like this because of this woman. How could she swallow this breath.

  She didn't like Gu Cheng very much, but she was not willing to make trouble.

When Han Xiaoxiao came back, she was crying and sad. Jiujiu thought how much Han Xiaoxiao liked and sincerely treated Gu Cheng. At this moment, when he heard Han Xiaoxiao's words, Jiujiu understood it instantly. Han Xiaoxiao was just unwilling to Gu Cheng. .

  I want to come too. The two people have known each other for only a year. Han Xiaoxiao is busy with school and Gu Cheng is busy with company affairs. The two people get together for a short time, so naturally they will not have too much true feelings.

  Han Xiaoxiao, to Gu Cheng, shouldn't think that he was sad and sad about being taken away like a man, but 80% of it was because his fiance was suddenly taken away and he couldn't live up to it.

  Han Xiaoxiao and Gu Cheng must divorce, but it’s definitely not Han Xiaoxiao because Gu Cheng likes someone else’s reunion, but Gu Cheng’s ruined fame is no longer worthy of Han Xiaoxiao, and Han Xiaoxiao chose to retreat.

   Jiujiu touched Han Xiaoxiao’s crying eyelids that were red and swollen, "Don’t cry, my little princess is almost crying into rabbit eyes."

Han Xiaoxiao didn't feel it when she was crying and venting just now. When Jiujiu was talking, Han Xiaoxiao felt a panic on her face. She quickly covered her face, revealing only a pair of big dark eyes, and said shyly, "Mom. , Don’t talk about it, you will be ashamed."

  Han Xiaoxiao, who was still crying just now, showed her unique shyness in front of Jiujiu, like a green peach, exuding her unique fragrance.

  Looking at Jiujiu's eyes with a smile but not a smile, Han Xiaoxiao wanted to go back in time, thinking that she was crying like that, and she never came back.

   "I'm your mother, why are you embarrassed in front of me." Jiujiu squeezed Han Xiaoxiao's nose, and said softly, "It's okay, everything has me."

Jiujiu's "Everything is with me" made Han Youyou, who was in a moody mood, instantly stabilized, but thinking of Han Youyou and Gu Cheng's way of getting along, Han Xiaoxiao couldn't help but show a trace of her face. The color of worry.

The way Gu Cheng and the woman get along is so close. The two are not lovers, but the atmosphere when they get along is as sweet as honey. Even she often finds it difficult to get in. How can mother handle this matter? ?

Jiujiu rubbed the eyebrows of San Han Xiaoxiao, which was raised because of worry, with his fingers, "Children's family, what are you doing so much, go back to the house and wash yourself, don't worry about it in the future, I have everything, you know? "

  Although she was a little worried about how her mother would deal with this matter, Han Xiaoxiao chose to believe it when she was a newcomer to her mother.

  After Han Xiaoxiao went upstairs, Jiujiu took out his mobile phone, called Mrs. Gu, and had afternoon tea with Mrs. Gu tomorrow.

  Mrs. Gu is Gu Cheng’s mother, a noble lady just like Zeng Jiu.

However, unlike Zeng Jiu, Han Chen was almost married to Zeng’s family, and Mrs. Gu did marry to Gu’s family. Because of their different status, Zeng Jiu had wind and wind but rain and rain in Han’s family. Mrs. Gu looked at people's faces everywhere and proceeded with caution.

After all, she is now over 40 years old. Even though she is well maintained, she still has fine and dense wrinkles on her face. There are a little more yellow on her face, and her eyes are not as clear as when she was young. Hui, his eyes began to dim, and the whites of his eyes were covered with blood, and he was no longer as agile as before.

The husband who once vowed to love him for the rest of his life also began to fall in love with her when she was absent. Today she, apart from Mrs. Gu’s name, and Gu Cheng’s son, there is nothing that she can do well. s things.

  She looks like a lady, but she has only one title.

  Jiujiu called and asked her to have afternoon tea, but she dared not go.

After deciding the time with Mrs. Gu, Jiujiu hung up the phone.

  Han Xiaoxiao finished washing, and the swollen eyelids and red nose tip have been much better. On the contrary, the dark eyes have been washed by tears, and they have a sense of clarity, as clear and clear as the sky washed by rain.

  Han Xiaoxiao leaned against Jiujiu with attachment, rubbing his head, half worried and half curious, and asked Jiujiu, "Mom, how are you going to clean up that woman?"

Although Han Xiaoxiao really hates that woman and wants to deal with that woman fiercely, but after Jiujiu's enlightenment just now, after she calmed down, she also understood that this woman is not the culprit, the culprit. Gu Cheng should be the culprit.

  He knew that he was engaged and had a fiancee, but he insisted on provoke other women. In the final analysis, the wrong person was Gu Cheng.

  Of course, this is not to say that the woman was not wrong, but there were not as many faults as Gu Cheng.

  (End of this chapter)

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