Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4015: Vicious Female Matching Mother 13

  Chapter 4015 Vicious female partner's mother 13

  No wonder so many people like to be the girlfriend of the rich, because the joy of being the girlfriend of the rich is unimaginable.

  At this moment, Gu Cheng said that he is not the elder brother of the Gu family. Han Youyou was taken aback and asked, "Gu Cheng, what did you say? How could you not be the Gu family?"

  If Gu Cheng is no longer Gu's family, does that mean that Gu Cheng will no longer be able to lead himself in such a rich life?

  Han Youyou immediately put a question mark in his head.

Seeing Han Youyou puzzled, Gu Cheng immediately said, "My parents want me to apologize to Han Xiaoxiao, and hope that Han Xiaoxiao and I will rehabilitate the old, but I only have you in my heart. I rejected my parents’ proposal. I'm severing the relationship, Youyou, I have only you now, without the identity of the Gu family, would you still be with me?"

  Han Youyou was moved in his heart and hugged Gu Cheng, "Yes, I certainly do. I like your people, not your money."

  She likes Gu Cheng, but she prefers Gu Cheng's money.

  Gu Cheng without money is like a tiger without minions. He has lost his original charm and is vulnerable.

  However, Han Youyou feels that it is impossible for the Gu family to give up Gu Cheng. The so-called giving up is just a threat to separate them. As long as they continue to persist, Gu Cheng's family will believe that they truly love each other and accept that Gu Cheng is with her.

  Gu Cheng is hard-hearted and does not rely on family members, so naturally he can only move to Han Youyou’s house.

  Han Youyou is a rented house with only 70 square meters.

For Han Youyou, who was born poor, the 70-square-meter house is already very big, but for Gu Cheng, who has lived in a villa since childhood and has a toilet larger than 70-square-meter, the 70-square-meter house can be described as a pocket size. , He even felt that he couldn't stretch his legs.

  Without money, Gu Cheng can’t continue to eat the food he used to think was “plain”, drink the expensive red wine, enjoy the top caviar, even a decent Chinese meal.

  Han Youyou was fired by the company, and because Gu Heng greeted someone, both of them could not find a job and could only sit and eat.

  Han Youyou thought that sooner or later, Gu’s family would pick up Gucheng to go back. He endured his grievances, made careful calculations, and wanted to use the money in his hands to survive longer.

  Gu Cheng couldn't bear the normal life, and Han Youyou's careful diet Gu Cheng couldn't accept it. Every time he ate, he couldn't help telling Han Youyou about his previous life.

  Gu Cheng didn't adapt, and Han Youyou didn't adapt either.

  No matter how hard she cooks, Gu Cheng will always say that it tastes bad.

  A few days ago, Gu Cheng wanted to eat steak. She bought the steak and made it for him, but Gu Cheng vomited after only one bite.

  Gu Cheng would vomit because he had never eaten this kind of inferior steak.

  But he feels that the inferior steak is the best that Han Youyou can buy.

   Gu Cheng spit out an insult to Han Youyou.

  Gu Cheng insulted her life and all her efforts.

  Her life is like this, because poverty can only be calculated carefully no matter what she does. She can only provide Gu Cheng with food and clothing, not the romance he wants.

  A person’s birth is innocent, and there is no guilt in what life he lives, but what is guilty is that the person was originally high in the clouds, and you have to let him come to the ground to accompany you.

  He lives in the cloud, and he has seen the beauty of the world, and he will be more critical of your lifestyle.

  And you live under the ground, and the things you see are like this. You think you have given him the best, but the worst he has seen is better than the best you have given.

  You think you have given everything, but in his opinion, it is just something he would never see before.

  It is so sweet when you are in love, but when you are really together, it is all kinds of discomfort.

  This is the price that Yangchun Baixue and the Lower Liba must pay for forcibly fusing together.

  For the results of Gu Cheng and Han Youyou, Jiujiu does not care, nor does the Gu family care. The most important thing now is the cooperation between the Gu family and the Zeng family.

  I hope that the cooperation that has already started has not collapsed because of Gu Cheng.

  If Gu Cheng really caused the family to suffer such a big loss, Gu Cheng’s father would definitely break Gu Cheng's body into pieces.

  No idea that he had been abandoned, Gu Cheng still had the dream of waiting for Gu Xian to manage the company badly, and his father called him back.

  One week after driving Gu Cheng out of Gu’s house, Mrs. Gu specially invited Jiujiu to dinner.

  Gu Heng and Madam Gu have thoroughly understood that the person in charge of the Han family is not the previously rumored Han Chen, but the current Zeng Jiu.

  It’s just that, I didn’t expect that this Zeng Jiu was not exposed to the mountains and water before, and it’s okay if he didn’t make a move.

  Ms. Gu is not clear where she is now, she can push Gu Cheng out with all her heart, because of the foreshadowing Jiujiu has made for her.

  Zeng Jiu calculated her thoughts, step by step, let her disappointed in Gu Cheng and drove Gu Cheng out of Gu's house, but she wanted to apologize like Zeng Jiu and let her forgive her for being unable to discipline her.

  But, no matter how you understand, Gu Cheng has also been driven out by her, and Gu Cheng's confusing temperament is indeed not suitable for becoming a leader.

  Mrs. Gu and Gu Heng can only break their teeth and swallow blood.

   Raised the wine glass and smiled, Tong Jiujiu said, “Today’s banquet is mainly to discuss with Mr. Zeng about the next cooperation between our two companies.”

  Gu Heng immediately pushed out Gu Xian, who had been standing behind him and Mrs. Gu, and smiled and introduced, “This is my youngest son Gu Xian, Gu Xian, this is Mr. Zeng who I have mentioned many times.”

  Gu Xian didn’t care about Gu Heng’s mention of Jiujiu, but he knew clearly that Jiujiu was the one who designed to make his father and mother cruelly drive Gu Cheng out.

  If it weren’t for Jiujiu, he would never hope to be in charge of Gu’s family in his life. For him, Jiujiu is his well-deserved benefactor.


  Seeing that the skin is fat and bright, Gu Xian's eyes straightened.

  Where is the auntie, she is clearly a sister.

Gu Xian stayed first because of Jiujiu's identity, and then because of Jiujiu's face. After regaining his consciousness, Gu Xian smiled awkwardly and said, "Zeng always seems to be too young. I dare not for a while. recognize."

Because Gu Xian really thinks that Jiu Jiu is too young, so his expression is very sincere, as if he really thinks so, he amused Jiu Jiu and covered his lips and laughed, "Xiao Xian's mouth is much sweeter than Gu Cheng. ."

  One is called Xiaoxian, and the other is Gu Cheng. It is clear which one is near and which is far away.

  Gu Heng and Mrs. Gu originally came here to establish a relationship with Gu Xian. Seeing that Jiujiu immediately called Gu Xian Xiaoxian, he knew that Jiujiu agreed with Gu Xian.

  Jiujiu had to clean up and was originally Gu Cheng alone.

  The rest of Gu's family have never been within her consideration.

  (End of this chapter)

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