Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4016: The vicious female partner's mother 14

  Chapter 4016 Vicious female partner's mother 14

  However, Gu Heng and Mrs. Gu can draw a line with Gu Cheng in order to calm her anger, and she is naturally happy to give Gu family some sweet treats.

Jiujiu looked at Gu Xian and smiled and praised, "Xiao Xian shows talents. If you bring it out earlier, maybe the person my Xiao Xiao likes is Xiao Xian. Unfortunately, Xiao Xiao in my family was hurt last time. Tell me that he will I don't want to fall in love anymore."

  Jiujiu's first sentence affirmed Gu Xian, and then directly expressed that Han Xiaoxiao did not want to fall in love, and prevented the Gu family from having the idea of ​​marriage.

  No matter how good Gu Xian is, but the world is not without men, a girl and two brothers are engaged, so that it will not attract people's suspicion.

  Jiu Jiu's first sentence, the hearts of the Gu family flew up into the sky in an instant, and they were about to propose whether Gu Xian and Han Xiaoxiao should be engaged, and Jiu Jiu sent them to **** in one sentence.

  Mrs. Gu's face turned white and red, which was very exciting.

  Gu Xian knows that a person who can get Gu Cheng down in a few words is definitely not a person who relies on marriage, but the mentality is the most stable in it.

  Jiu Jiu looked at the few people present, originally because he didn't please Gu Cheng, but now he took a higher look at Gu Xian.

  Jiujiu glanced at Gu Xian and said, "I know you are looking for me today because you are worried that the marriage contract between Xiao Xiao and Gu Cheng is invalidated, and the cooperation between our two families, right?"

After being thought by the Jiujiu Guessing Center, both of the Gu family's expressions were a little sullen. Madam Gu smiled awkwardly and said, "Zeng, Gu Cheng's affairs are beyond our control to allow him to do such a confused thing. Don't worry. Now Gu Cheng has been kicked out of Gu's house by us."

  Mrs. Gu was cruel to drive the child out. If Jiu Jiu is unwilling to accept her apology, it would be too unkind.

Jiujiu smiled happily, "What is Mrs. Gu's words? Linglang's business is that his personal virtue is at a loss. The cooperation between our two families is the cooperation between our two families. Although I am a small-minded person, in business affairs, It will never bring personal emotions. Don't worry, I, I will not give up the cooperation between our two families because of Gu Cheng's affairs.?"

   Jiujiu’s guarantee is undoubtedly a reassurance for Gu Heng and Mrs. Gu.

  Mrs. Gu and Gu Heng breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and then echoed with a smile. For a while, the cup was changed in the box, which was so lively.

  After drinking, Jiujiu got in the car and went home.

  After arriving home, Jiujiu asked the nanny to make a cup of sober tea before going upstairs after drinking.

As soon as he arrived upstairs, Han Chen, who knew from Li Cui that Jiujiu had cancelled the marriage contract between Gu Cheng and Han Xiaoxiao, immediately said with a calm face, "Why do you want to cancel the marriage contract between Xiaoxiao and Gu Cheng? You don’t like Gu Cheng the most. ?"

  I have been busy with work for a day and come home drunk. Han Chen’s first concern is not his wife, but Gu Cheng.

  If Gu Cheng was not exactly the same as Gu Hengchang, Jiu Jiu would have doubted whether Gu Cheng was Han Chen’s child, and he was even more concerned than his wife.

   Jiujiu chuckled, sat on the sofa, raised his head, and looked at Han Chen.

Han Chen has been in his forties this year. Because he is willing to spend money on maintenance, he looks much younger than a man in his thirties. At this moment, his two thick eyebrows are tightly locked together, accompanied by the gentleness and gentleness. It looks like, people can't help but feel palpitations.

  Thinking about it, if Han Chen didn't have this face, Zeng Jiu would not continue to pretend to be blind when he knew he had deceived himself.

  It’s a pity that Zeng Jiu thought that his forgiveness would get everything back, but he didn’t know that Jackal would not be softened by your tenderness.

  As long as there is a chance, the jackal will look at the right time, pounce on it, and severely tear off a piece of flesh and blood.

   Jackal is a jackal, no matter how good he is, he will not be moved by it.

  Treat dogs and cats, as long as you give them enough food and water, with proper patience and company, they will become your most loyal friends.

   But when dealing with jackals, no matter how much food and water you give, and how much time you spend with your company, in their opinion, this is not your contribution, but because they are worth the effort.

  They won’t accept your favors, they will only feel that they are worthy of them.

  To treat them, they should slap their faces mercilessly, so that they will have fear from the bottom of their hearts and bow their heads.

   Regardless of whether Li Cui is a tasker or not, Han Chen’s scum is real.

  Jiu Jiu quietly looking at Han Chen's gaze made Han Chen very uncomfortable.

  Han Shen subconsciously lowered his head and glanced at his outfit at the moment.

  Because he returned home, Han Chen did not continue to wear a suit like he did at the company. Instead, he put on a dark blue home outfit with a pair of flat slippers, and he was comfortable with a faint smell of books.

Jiujiu looked at Han Chen's face, stepped to sit next to Han Chen, and asked, "What is my favorite Gu Cheng child? I like him because he is good, he is good, and he is worthy of my liking. If Xiaoxiao is engaged, she dare to look for a mistress outside, but she may not wait until she gets married and will look for a mistress."

  Han Chen’s lips knew that Jiujiu was right, but thinking of his plan with Li Cui, he could only say, “Gu Cheng is a good boy. I believe he is just confused for a while. Why can’t you give him another chance.”

  Mingming Han Xiaoxiao is Han Chen’s biological child, but Han Chen’s words and sentences are more for Gu Cheng to consider than Gu Cheng’s biological parents Gu Heng and Mrs. Gu.

  If you let Gu Cheng know that Han Chen considered him so much, maybe he would treat him as kneeling down and acknowledging his father.

  Jiujiu didn't expect Han Chen to be so disgusting, and even his own daughter was pitted, which shows that he has no intentions.

   Jiujiu sneered, "Give him a chance? Just like I gave you a chance?"

   Jiujiu’s words instantly pulled Han Chen to the scene where Li Cui came to Beijing to find him holding Han Youyou. He knelt on the ground and hugged Zeng Jiu’s thigh in order to get Zeng Jiu’s forgiveness.

  Even though there are not many people who saw this scene, Han Chen has always regarded this scene as a lifelong shame.

At this moment, the story of Jiujiu was brought up again, and Han Chen felt a little anger in his heart, thinking that he had been a cow and horse for the Zeng family for so many years, but he failed to get the slightest gratitude from the Zeng family. There were no shares, and even the management rights of the company. , I would rather give it to an outsider than trust him.

  Han Shen thinks that he has done his best to Zeng Jiuren, and even went to the hospital for a ligation operation because of her difficulty in giving birth.

  She treated Zeng Jiu this way, but the two old and undead members of the Zeng family couldn’t see him sincerely. Instead, they didn’t believe him because of a little thing.

  Even if life is better now, but when I think that the company belongs to the Zeng family, not his Han Shen, and that he has been a cow for the Zeng family for so many years, the Zeng family is not touched at all.

  His own is still just a son-in-law who eats with his father-in-law and his mother-in-law. It is an existence that anyone can ridicule.

  (End of this chapter)

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