Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4018: Vicious Female Matching Mother 16

  Chapter 4018 Vicious female partner's mother 16

  Han Xiaoxiao originally had a very good relationship with Zeng Jiu, but after Jiu Jiu came, he even attracted Han Xiaoxiao's heart.

  Under the complaint of Jiujiu’s tears, Han Xiaoxiao immediately stood on Jiujiu’s side, hurriedly helping Jiujiu wipe her tears, and said firmly, "Mom, you divorce."

  It is better to divorce and be well with each other than if the two of you are unhappy together.

  Getting the sentence you want to get, Jiujiu Che broke into a smile, wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes with his hands and feet flustered, laughed and said, "Really, you really are with me? That's great."

   Seeing that her mother was so happy because of her small choice, Han Xiaoxiao became more determined by her choice.

  Divorce, you must divorce.

  The mother and daughter spent a warm but heavy afternoon. Jiujiu drove Han Xiaoxiao to school, and then called her parents to inform her parents that she was going to Han Chen and Li Cui’s ‘Love Nest’ to catch an incident.

  Han Shen because Zeng Jiusheng and Han Xiaoxiao took the initiative to ligate too hard, Han Shen was worried that Zeng Jiu had no sense of security, so he did not accept shares in the company for many years. Han Chen did not accept shares for Zeng Jiu...

  One by one, it is all evidence that Han Chen can tell people that he loves Zeng Jiu.

But in fact, if a person loves you or not, wherever someone else needs to prove it, he treats you well, that can explain everything. Han Chen also needs to use someone else's mouth to prove his thoughts on Zeng Jiu, it is him. The intention is not pure.

  How can a person who is not pure in thinking about falling in love treat you well?

  However, Han Chen has a good reputation. If Jiu Jiu divorces Han Chen straightforwardly, Han Chen will definitely follow his beloved wife to set up a wave of sympathy points, and become the object of everyone's sympathy.

   Jiujiu started, always quick and accurate, Han Chen wanted to leave a good reputation, she made him notorious.

  If you want to have a lover's wife, then she will turn her into a phoenix man who is greedy for vanity.

Last night, Han Chen persuaded Jiujiu not to dissolve the marriage contract between Gu Cheng and Han Xiaoxiao. Instead, Jiujiu turned over his old account. Thinking of his wimps back then, Han Chen felt suffocated, but he did not dare to vent from Jiujiu. Thinking of Li Cui, who was fiercely fighting with him.

  Li Cui meets Han Chen, and the two of them are dry chai and raging fire. They are just a little bit easy, and they want to stick together and never separate.

When   Jiujiu knocked on the door with everyone, Han Chen and Li Cui finished a hearty exercise.

After Han Chen met Li Cui, he was no longer with Zeng Jiu. After Jiu Jiu came, he didn’t like Han Chen even more. Han Chen hadn’t even touched a finger of Jiu Jiu, and Han Chen met Li. Cui, can't wait to vent all the energy.

  Li Cui was so entangled that he naturally did not have time to show his gentleness and virtuousness to prepare dinner for Han Chen.

  The meals for the two are all called takeaways.

  When they heard the door bell, Li Cui and Han Chen didn't think much about it, thinking it was a takeaway.

  Li Chen casually put on a coat, ready to get takeaway.

Seeing Jiujiu, the Zeng family, and the lawyer standing outside the door, Han Chen's head was frozen for a moment. When he recovered, he was about to find a reason to fool everyone. Li Cui dressed up. Yingying hired came over, his waist slenderer than Yang Liuzhi seemed to be twisted randomly by the wind, and his voice said softly, "If you don't come in yet, what should I do if I catch a cold for a while?"

  The next year is bigger than Zeng Jiu, but her voice is as delicate as a girl, waiting to see people.

   Jiu Jiu's eyes are slightly squinted.

The white skin is as white and tender as a shelled egg, the eyes are black, black and white or white, full of innocence like a childish child, and under the bridge of the nose are tender lips that look like rose petals, where they look like a forty. A multi-year-old woman is clearly a pretty young girl.

  When he saw a group of people standing outside the door who were obviously unkind, the smile on Li Cui's face instantly diminished, and a strong hatred burst out of his eyes when he saw Jiujiu.

  This time, Jiujiu didn't understand again.

  If you are a quest person, you will look at you when you see yourself, but you will never have such a strong hatred. This hate is more like Li Cui's feelings for the original owner.

  Jiujiu, for a while, some couldn’t figure out whether Li Cui was the tasker or himself.

  When the enemy meets, they are extremely jealous.

   Before Li Cui could sneer, Jiujiu performed a devilish acting.

   Jiu Jiu's eye circles turned red, and tears fell down her eyes like a faucet. Jiu Jiu raised his hand and slapped Han Chen's face with two slaps, and rushed towards Li Cui with a scream.

  Li Cui wears less for sexiness. She can't protect her chest if she protects her face, and she can't protect her face if she protects her chest. Jiujiu grabbed blood on her body by grabbing her hair.

   And although Jiu Jiu only slapped Han Chen twice, Zeng Jiu's parents grabbed Han Chen by the neckline and just hit him.

  Han Chen was frightened by Jiujiu's sudden behavior. He didn't know how to resist, and his gentle face was beaten into a pig's head.

  Jiujiu and the others beat Han Chen and Li Cui miserably. He brought the recorded evidence and waved his sleeves without taking away a cloud.

   Before leaving, Jiu Jiu was red with tears in his eyes, and said in a choked voice, "Han Chen, I didn’t expect you to be this kind of person, I want to divorce you. Huh huh~"

Zeng Jiu’s parents saw Jiu Jiu crying like this, and instantly thought of the things of the year. While hugging Jiu Jiu softly comforting, while staring at Han Chen viciously, if Han Chen had not been beaten by them miserably enough, they Han Chen will definitely be beaten again violently.

  Jiujiu brought a group of people, coming aggressively, and walking aggressively.

  Han Chen looked at the back of Jiujiu's group of people, and could not comfort Li Cui, who was still affectionate with him just now, and was full of the words ‘finished’.

He and Li Cui planned to divorce Zeng Jiu after acquiring Zeng’s company. But now, he has been found cheating before he has taken a step forward, and the evidence is conclusive. Even if the divorce is a matter of fact, he still has less than one share. Dime.

  Han Shen was very angry, while Li Cui felt like a tornado was set off in his heart.

  It is clear that Zeng Jiu is a stupid woman. When I see you today, I always feel that Zeng Jiu is a little different from before. It seems that he has become smarter.

  Because of thinking about something in his heart, Li Cui also couldn't care about the sloppy face of being caught, and began to think about countermeasures.

  Jiujiu cried all the way down the stairs, and the people who went with Jiujiu to catch the **** saw Jiujiu cry like this, and couldn't help feeling sympathy.

   is obviously the sweet girl of the sky, with love from her parents, caring for her husband, and filial piety for her daughter. However, she did not expect that the husband who seems to be beloved of his wife in all manners turned out to be like this in private, especially when I saw the picture of the woman just now.

Because Li Cui’s face was so tender, no one in the room could tell that the junior was actually an old woman older than Zeng Jiu, thinking that Han Chen was someone who felt that Zeng Jiu was. When he gets older, he empathizes with the big scum man who is not in love.

  (End of this chapter)

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