Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4019: The vicious female partner's mother 17

  Chapter 4019 Vicious female partner's mother 17

The more miserable   Jiujiu’s cry, the more distressed it is, especially the lawyer who has been working in Zeng’s company.

After all, when Han Chen’s daughter-in-law in the mountains came here to find Han Chen, Zeng Jiu’s parents directly ordered Zeng Jiu to divorce him. At that time, even the divorce agreement was drawn up, but Zeng Jiu was because of Han Xiaoxiao’s For this reason, I was still softened.

Over the years, Han Chen has been out there as a beloved wife. The lawyer thought that Han Chen had reformed, but he didn't expect that he was just a superficial beloved wife, and he was still an old scumbag behind the scenes, and even found a better one. The beautiful young girl is really shameless.

  Seeing everyone's righteous indignation, Jiujiu became more excited. After getting in the car, the sadness on his face disappeared instantly, leaving only indifferent and indifferent face.

  Jiujiu looked at his parents and said, “Mom and dad, don’t be angry. I actually knew Han Chen was cheating.”

Hearing Jiujiu said that she had known Han Chen had derailed, the great father and mother were taken aback. Zeng mother took Jiujiu into her arms and said while crying, "My poor Jiujiu, you knew it a long time ago. Why don't you tell me and your dad."

  When Li Cui came to find Zeng Jiu at home with his child, his great father and mother knew that Han Chen was not a good thing.

  Although he kept saying that it was because he loved Zeng Jiu, and even did something for Zeng Jiu, but they had met so many people, and Han Chen didn't appreciate Zeng Jiu's contribution.

  Furthermore, because he likes another person, he can abandon Li Cui, who is like a reinvention of himself, which shows that he is not a good thing in his bones.

  A jackal, no matter how good you are to him, he is only moved for a while.

  They persuaded Zeng Jiu to divorce Han Shen at that time.

  But Han Xiaoxiao, who was born after Zeng Jiu's heart, said that he could not let Xiaoxiao have no father, and forgave Han Shen with a soft heart.

But his great father was cold towards Han Chen. No matter how hard Han Chen tried to please him, he directly sentenced Han Chen to death because of this incident. Still, when Zeng Jiu was unwilling to manage the company, he would rather ask someone to manage it than to hand over the company to Han Shen to manage it.

  Because he knew that Han Chen was not a person to rely on.

as predicted.

  Han Shen disguised for so many years, and finally revealed his true colors.

  Although the great father also felt sorry for her daughter's misbehavior and wasted so many years, but now she has awakened and it is not too late.

  The great father rubbed Jiujiu’s head and said, “Han Chen signed a prenuptial agreement, and he is not allowed to give him any money.”

  The prenuptial agreement signed by Han Chen in order to save face cost him a great price.

  Great father worried that Jiujiu would give Han Chen something because of his soft heart.

   Jiu Jiu nodded obediently, and said with a stubborn voice, "Dad, don't worry, I know."

  She wanted Han Shen to die, how could she give him money?

  The great father nodded suspiciously, but he was still skeptical.

  Jiu Jiu did not defend her great-father’s suspicion. She would tell him with practical actions that not only would she not give Han Chen a dime, but instead would swallow Han Chen's money and let him vomit it all out.

When   Jiujiu returned home, she began to tap in front of the computer, using the posture of an onlooker to tell what happened today.

   Soon, a post appeared on major websites.

  【Broken the news, I met the scene of the arrest today, but I didn't expect that the other party turned out to be a well-known good man. 】

   Jiujiu wrote in the tone of a bystander.

  I am a resident of Community X. When I was going downstairs to take out the garbage, I suddenly heard a noise on the 11th floor. There was a lot of excitement and it was not a Chinese. I watched it closely, but I didn't expect to see the scene of the arrest.

  The following multi-picture early warning.

The photo was taken by a private investigator from the elevator entrance. The picture was vaguely torn by a group of people. Of course, the others in the picture were all made of mosaics. Only Han Chen and Li Cui, the two of them, went out of the country in high definition. .

  The face of Han Chen is unknown to most people, but people who have cooperated with the Zeng family all know, especially the identity of Han Chen, a son-in-law, which is a pastime for them to chat after dinner.

  It’s just that, I didn’t expect to see Han Chen's picture on entertainment news one day, and it was news of Han Chen's derailment.

  Looking at the suit and leather shoes on weekdays, the gentle Han Chen looked embarrassed. Those middle-aged men who continued to grow big muttering because they were middle-aged and did not have self-control were instantly satisfied.

  We don’t grow well, we are not in good shape, and we are not gentle and considerate to our wives, what's the matter?

  At least we didn’t cheat with our wife~

  However, when they saw Li Cui standing on the side, everyone's eyes became wicked.

Xiao San, since ancient times, has been a despised existence, especially when Li Cui and Han Shen are together, they all do **** dresses, deep V suspender nightdress, **** is sexy, but with the word'xiaosan' , It became licentious.

Those people who were dissatisfied because of the comparison between their wife and Han Chen before, after seeing Han Chen’s accident, they worked hard to promote to the public who Han Chen was. Soon everyone knew, Han Shen Shen. For the sake of my son-in-law, I have a good day but I cheat with my wife behind his back.

  Some people posted one of the few photos of Zeng Jiu under Weibo.

  Zeng Jiusheng’s beauty, especially her temperament, is a spoiled little princess at first glance, especially the scene smiling at the camera, she is simply a live-action princess at large.

  One is a rich lady with noble temperament, and the other is a woman who is very slutty just looking at dressing and dressing. It is not a matter of choosing who to choose at a glance.

  In an age when derailment was more sensitive, a Phoenix man like Han Chen who derailed was directly placed on the pillar of shame.

  Han Shen was quickly whiplashed.

And the navy hired by Jiujiu soon used the status of an insider to popularize Han Shen. Before, how Han Chen deceived his original spouse from his hometown, deceived money to go to school outside, and then deceived the simple rich lady at school, knowing the rich lady. The truth of the matter will not be known until the children are there.

  The rich lady couldn’t bear to see that her newly-born child had no father, so she forgave Han Chen with humiliation, but she did not expect that Han Chen’s sloppy personality was a good husband, but she kept cheating behind her back. She was simply a fighter among scumbags.

  When netizens saw it, they immediately turned into melon-eating crowds and kept attacking Han Chen.

  Of course, there are still a large group of people who love Han Chen’s wife in the mountain village. They thought they were married to a beloved man, but they didn’t expect that the other party just loved your money.

  Han Shen used his own power to bring a set of emoticons.

  Married? The kind of money scam?

  Married? Cheating money and cheating sex, oh?

  Although I cheat money, although I cheat, although I cheat, I am a good man!

  Han Shen is called by netizens as the man who can play the best, and he can directly make his debut as a star.

   and very fast.

  After the identity of the woman who had derailed Han Shen came out, it made everyone fall through.

  After knowing that the woman who Han Chen cheated on was the so-called original partner who scammed money back then, all the people who had sympathized with Li Cui were silent.

  (End of this chapter)

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