Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4020: Vicious Female Matching Mother 18

  Chapter 4020 Vicious female partner's mother 18

  Some people even raised doubts.

  It is said that Li Cui was a classmate of Han Chen back then, even a little older than Han Chen, so now she is at least forty-five. Why does she look so young in the photo?

   Didn’t it mean that she came to see someone else’s eldest lady with her baby?

  I don’t mean to target rural women, but a rural woman with only a high school education wants to live, and there is no other way out except for remarriage. What's more, doesn’t she have a daughter?

  A woman wants to take care of it, not only requires time, but also money. I don’t believe that a rural woman can earn so much money to make her so young. The only explanation now is that the money was given by Han Chen.

  As soon as this idea came out, it was immediately approved by countless people, but at the same time, many people also said that it was too scary.

  Because, if this idea is true, then Han Chen has deceived Zeng Jiu from the very beginning, and the eldest lady is really miserable.

  And Li Cui, the original victim, was transformed into a perpetrator just like Han Chen. People who originally supported her also turned their guns and began to abuse her.

  The wind direction on the Internet changed quickly, but Jiu Jiu and Han Chen quickly received a divorce certificate.

  The evidence of Han Shen's derailment is solid, and he signed a prenuptial agreement in order to show his love for Zeng Jiu, and now he is divorced. Except for his salary, he can't take a dime with him.

  Han Shen also wanted to pretend to fight for Han Xiaoxiao's custody, but Jiujiu choked back.

  "If you really care about Xiaoxiao, you won't play cheating with your ex-wife."

   Jiujiu removed all Han Chen's masks in one sentence, and Han Chen could only leave with a calm face.

  Because of the online exposure, Han Chen and Li Cui could not continue to live in the original house, so they could only find a relatively remote community to live in.

  However, because their faces are so famous online, they have to always wear masks to act.

After the divorce, Jiujiu called Han Xiaoxiao home. "Although I divorced your father, although he is not something, he is still your father in terms of blood source. I don't like your father's personality, but I don't want you to draw a line between your father because of this. ,Can you understand?"

  Han Xiaoxiao was resentful at first when he knew that Han Chen had derailed.

  Resent the father for deceiving his mother, resenting his father for acting and not being able to make a complete set, and why he can’t keep deceiving.

  But after this period of self-treatment, she can already understand, and even began to understand why her mother made such a choice. Since the father is unreliable, it is good to rely on the mother in the future.

However, her mother’s words made a strong stroke in Han Xiaoxiao’s heart, letting her understand the generosity of her mother, and also understand that her father is not worthy of such a good mother, and the two of them do not match, so they are separated. Yes, it's pretty good too.

Seeing that Han Xiaoxiao could understand what she meant, Jiujiu smiled, rubbed Han Xiaoxiao’s head, and said with a chuckle, "I have suffered a lifetime loss. I hope you will do it when you find a boyfriend. Keep your eyes open, don’t think that he is your beloved just because the other person treats you well and everything goes along with you. The true beloved will be good to you, but when you see your shortcomings, you will correct them without hesitation. Because he wants you to be better, can you understand?"

  Han Xiaoxiao nodded without understanding, but he also understood that when looking for a boyfriend, you should not only look at the superficial things, you must look at the person's interior.

  Because, the person who is good to you is not necessarily true to you, and it may be that he has other ideas.

Seeing that Han Xiaoxiao understood what she meant, Jiujiu was very pleased, and said, "The company has been busy recently, and the house has been messy. Please stay at school and study hard. If you want to take over the company in the future, I will teach you. If you take over, you will hand over the company to the manager to manage, and you only pay dividends every year. You are my daughter and you only need to have a strong mentality."

  Others, Zeng Jiu didn't ask too much, and Jiujiu naturally couldn't ask too much.

  Hearing her mother's call, Han Xiaoxiao felt even more sad.

   Raised his arm, wiped the teardrop from the corner of his eye, nodded, "I see."

But after knowing that her mother had suffered so much without her knowledge, but still had a kind heart, Han Xiaoxiao secretly decided in her heart that she must work hard to become a woman like her mother. Strongman, become the guardian of mother.

  Han Xiaoxiao studied art, but after learning about what happened to Jiujiu, Han Xiaoxiao directly transferred to business school.

  If you can’t keep up with your learning progress, you will spend money to find someone to make up lessons for yourself. If you don’t have enough time, you will keep oppressing yourself and squeeze your time.

  She is racing against time to make herself stronger and become an existence that can protect her mother.

  The memory of the Internet is limited.

  Although Han Chen was ridiculed by the crowd at that time, with the continuous emergence of fresh news, Han Chen's affairs were quickly forgotten by the public.

   After avoiding the limelight, Han Chen began to come out to do business.

  At the beginning, Han Chen was willing to hibernate in Zeng’s company because he thought that one day, he would become the person in charge of Zeng’s company.

  Han Shen is confident of his abilities and talents.

   Soon, Han Shen spotted the project and asked his former friends to invest.

  However, the other party had called himself a brother before, but now that he heard that he had a project that needed the other party to invest, the other party did not say a word.

  Several times in a row, Han Shen saw the clue, the other party obviously did not want to invest in his own project.

  It’s just that, now I don’t have money in my hands, and I don’t even have the qualifications to get angry.

  Han Shen felt aggrieved, but he could only let him press down on his dissatisfaction and continue to drive investment.

  But no matter how he runs around, no one wants to invest.

  Finally, someone who had played with Han Shen before told Han Shen.

   "Old Han, don't waste your efforts. No one will invest in you."

   Hearing what the other party said, Han's eyes sank, "Because of the Zeng family?"

  No wonder Zeng Jiu was so swift and neat when she got divorced. It turned out that she had already figured out how to block his back. He didn't expect her to be so sinister and vicious. He really saw her wrong.

  Seeing Han Chen resenting Zeng Jiu suddenly, the old friend quickly clarified, “Old Han, it’s really not the Zeng family’s business.”

Speaking of this, the other party couldn’t help sighing, “Old Han, it’s not that I said you, who is not good with you, why do you have to be with the woman from your mountain village? Saying that you were with Zeng Jiu in the first place, you were taking the money from Zeng’s family and paving the way for you and your wife’s wife. They all felt that you were too scheming. They might be scammed by you someday, so they didn’t dare. invest."

  (End of this chapter)

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