Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4021: The vicious female partner's mother 19

  Chapter 4021 Vicious female partner's mother 19

  Cooperating with Han Shen, he might be scammed by him one day.

  I thought it was the Zeng family who was making trouble, but I didn't expect it to be because of myself.

  Han Chen, who was full of resentment at Jiujiu, was silent when he heard the words of his old friend.

  I thought he would take action against his ex-wife, but didn't deal with him. Instead, it was a group of other people because Li Cui felt that he was deeply thinking and not a person to make friends with, and took the initiative to alienate himself.

  For a time, Han Chen didn't know who to resent.

Seeing Han Chen's silence, the other party sighed and left.

  Although he has a good relationship with Han Chen, he is not particularly relieved as far as Han Chen is doing things. It is okay to make friends. It is better to invest.

   Thinking of his current situation, Han Chen returned home with a solemn expression.

  When I got home, I saw Li Cui who was dressed up.

  Thinking of old friends, even if he likes Li Cui’s look like a fox again, Han Chen still responds very well in his heart.

  Seeing Han Chen's return, Li Cui immediately leaned forward and asked with a smile, "I'm back, how is today? Has it been invested?"

In Li Cui’s impression, Han Chen was an omnipotent existence. As long as Han Chen came out, there would be nothing that could not be done in the world. Therefore, Li Cui didn’t even realize that Han Chen had been running around for so long. The investment has not been secured.

  Thinking of the old man, Han Chen knew in his heart that he wanted to get ahead, and there was no second way apart from leaving Beijing, a place full of acquaintances.

  However, after he has been in Beijing for so many years, Han Chen is unwilling to think of leaving Beijing.

  It’s just that his reputation in Beijing has been bad, and his continued staying is only a ridicule. Besides, with the Zeng family, I guess he will never develop.

  Looking at the charming woman in front of him, even now, Han Chen never thought of letting go of Li Cui.

  He has nothing for Li Cui. If he is letting go of Li Cui, then he has lost so much in vain.

  Han Chen just lowered his eyes to obscure the thoughts under his eyes, and said, "I am going to leave Beijing."

  Only when he leaves Beijing, a place full of acquaintances, can he start again.

  When Han Chen said that he was leaving Beijing, Li Cui was stunned for an instant, and said without thinking, "Why are you leaving Beijing?"

  Beijing is the capital and the best place in the country. Why should you leave here?

  What's more, if she leaves Beijing, how can she get revenge on Zeng Jiu, and revenge on the woman who has given her two humiliations.

  Han Chen's heart was already very heavy when he made the decision to leave Beijing, and Li Cui's reaction made Han Chen very unhappy.

  Han Shen looked at Li Cui quietly, and said, "Why, you don't want to leave here?"

  Han Chen's eyes were swarthy, and he pressed heavily on Li Cui, as if looking through Li Cui's appearance and seeing the depths of her soul.

Thinking of his secrets, Li Cui was startled, and quickly lowered his eyes and laughed and said, "Marry a chicken and a chicken, marry a dog and a dog. I will go wherever you go, but you have been in Beijing for so many years. Everyone knows that you are a big red man in Beijing. Now that you suddenly leave Beijing, I am afraid that those people in your hometown will talk nonsense."

  This explanation is quite reasonable.

  Han Shen knew in his heart that if he divorced Zeng Jiu and the news of leaving Beijing spread, he would definitely become a laughing stock among the people in his hometown and talk about it.

  From a Tianjiao to a conversation on the streets, the gap is too great for Han Shen to accept.

  But if he does not leave Beijing, where can he go?

  People in Beijing basically knew about his cheating on Li Cui, and they all felt that he was a deep-scheming person who couldn't be intimate with each other. If he didn't leave, he wouldn't even want to invest in his entire life.

  If there is no investment, the money in his hand will not be able to support the continued development of the project.

  Sit down and eat the sky, and sooner or later you will have nothing.

  It is ashamed to leave Beijing, but nothing is more ashamed than leaving Beijing.

  Han Shen gave Li Cui his thoughts after a little thought.

   But I didn’t think about it. After Li Cui heard what Han Chen said, her eyes rolled and pointed out, “You treat Zeng Jiu like this, and she didn’t take action against you. You said, is she still unhappy with you?”

  Man, no matter how ordinary he is, he is always so confident.

  What's more, Han Chen looks good, so his self-confidence rises just like a function.

  The heart that was already desperate was instantly full of hope because of Li Cui's words.


  I treated Zeng Jiu like that, but Zeng Jiu didn't take action against him. Does it mean that Zeng Jiu has no feelings for him.

  If Zeng Jiu really has no feelings for him, you can make good use of it.

Seeing Han Shen moved, Li Cui quickly persuaded, "You and Zeng Jiu's relationship between husband and wife for more than 20 years, she was angry when she saw it at the time, and afterwards 80% of the fires disappeared. According to me, it must be those two good guys. Make trouble from it, otherwise Zeng Jiu won't file for a divorce with you."

  After Li Cui hugged Han Youyou to find the door, Zeng Jiu’s parents persuaded Zeng Jiu to divorce him more than once, and Han Chen nodded in agreement.

  However, in order to obtain forgiveness from Zeng Jiu last time, he abandoned his dignity and knelt in front of Zeng Jiu and begged.

  Money is on one side, and dignity on the other. Han Chen, who has been pampered for most of his life, made a decision almost instantly.

  If sacrificing his dignity can be exchanged for the rest of his life, he can sacrifice dignity.

  Furthermore, when he gets rich through Zeng Jiu, he must have the Zeng family look good.

  However, if I give Li Cui a positive answer now, it would be too much of a loss. After a moment of thought, Han Shen said to Li Cui, "Think about mine."

  Think about how to apologize very sincerely without hurting your dignity.

   Seeing Han Chen said that he had to think about it, Li Cui was instantly anxious.

  If Han Chen apologized late, and the **** Zeng Jiu wanted to understand what to do, wouldn't she have paid so much in vain.

  Li Cui said without even thinking, "Or, look for Han Xiaoxiao?"

   Regardless of Han Chen’s relationship with Zeng Jiu, the fact that Han Xiaoxiao is Han Chen’s daughter cannot be changed.

  Li Cui’s suggestion made Han Chen, who was thinking hard, instantly lit up and nodded.

  Xiao Xiao has the same temperament as Zeng Jiu, very soft, maybe now because of her divorce with Zeng Jiu, but he finds a few more times and speaks nice things, and she will forgive herself.

  Speaking of Han Xiaoxiao, Han Shen thought of Han Youyou and asked, "How is Youyou?"

   Speaking of Han Youyou, Li Cui's face instantly turned black.

  She wanted to use Han Youyou's temperament to stimulate Han Xiaoxiao, but when Zeng Jiu came out for Han Xiaoxiao, she became more and more clever and sensible.

  (End of this chapter)

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